Chapter 47
We get to the bottom of the Drama now. I'm pretty anxious to write because I have the weird feeling I will mess it up but I will still do it.
Most likely I have to write one part of this chapter in a different point of view because otherwise it wouldn't make sense. I don't how to do it though.
Did you guys listend to or read about that interview with Dan Dickhead? Absolutely ridiculous but hilarious. Nothing made sense and it was all straight up lies which can be proved. Well, he failed and we have a new meme now. I guess we all mutually respect each other now ;)
BUT I'm still not over that song. Two of us is simply beautiful and I'm so proud of him :)
Mako Island lay peacefully in front of them. Hesitantly they entered the Underwater Entrance and swam to the Moon Pool. As they looked around they spotted footprints in the sand and also some handprints. They disturbed their safe place.
"She was here" breathed Niall out.
"Undeniable" agreed Zayn intimidated.
"They disturbed the only place where we don't have to hide" said Louis while looking around.
"Oh no" gasped Harry out.
"What is it, love?" turned Louis around to him immediately.
"They saw it" pointed Harry at something in the sand.
There it was. Still there from the last time they have been here. Harry's drawn heart with the H+L in it. But now fingerprints were all around it that didn't belong to them.
"That's so cheesy guys" snorted Niall.
"Really Niall? Now?" asked Zayn but couldn't hide a tiny smile.
"What kind of sample do you think she found and how?" changed Louis the topic.
"I'm not sure. Probably something that was lying here somewhere" thought Zayn out loud.
"Unbelievable that she really found the Moon Pool" Harry still couldn't believe it.
"We should leave. It's far too risky to be here and when I remember correctly our Tommo has a game in 30 minutes" suggested Zayn.
"Right and I really shouldn't spare the other team" joked Louis.
"Niall, come on. Let's go" addressed Harry Niall, who was kinda absent minded, facing a corner.
"Chill Harry. I'm on my way" rolled Niall his eyes.
Very quick they left the Moon Pool and tried to swim back to the shore as fast as possible. The next game was on and they couldn't miss it. Because they were in such a rush they didn't hear that very quiet clicking sound.
They made it in time to the football game of the school. Louis on the field and the other three boys on the bleachers watching him. It was very difficult to concentrate on the game for all of them. They boys were in constant worry because Liam wasn't there and Louis felt watched from somewhere the whole time. Maybe they were just paranoid.
"Is Liam still not here?" asked Louis during the halftime break.
"No but we got this message from him a few minutes ago" answered Zayn, showing him his phone.
From Daddy Direction:
"Sorry, I can't make it. I'm on my way to Dr. T. She wants something and I thought maybe I can find out what she knows. Wait til I'm back. Don't swim to Mako no matter what happens. Go straight home after the game and stay there. Stay away from Mako".
"Why does this sound like a goodbye text?" scrunched Louis his nose.
"I thought the same. This is very bad" sounded Niall very worried.
"I think someones watching me" blurted Louis out.
"Really? Who?" Harry wanted to know.
"I don't know. Over and over again I saw someone behind the bleachers. Or I thought I saw" told Louis them.
"This is getting more and more scary" commented Zayn on it.
"Very true. Be careful Louis" pleaded Niall scared.
"I will" assured Louis him before he went back to his team.
The second half wasn't any better. Now all of the boys felt watched and they saw black figures or shadows here and there. This wasn't paranoia any more. Someone was watching their every move. To top it all Liam still hasn't texted them. They were scared something went wrong and Liam was hurt. That's why they almost didn't get that their team won thanks to Louis' last goal. Even distracted he was their best player but he couldn't be happy about this.
The rest of the team celebrated and cheered happily before going back to the locker room to change and then celebrate properly in a bar with their friends. Louis went over to Zayn, Niall and Harry. He lost sight of Eleanor and Sophia and for some reason he didn't like that.
The moment he reached them their phones vibrated all at once. Startled and panicked they all looked at them and paled at the spot. Their hearts beat faster and everything around them disappeared.
From Daddy Direction:
"S.O.S. Mako. Now".
Without thinking twice they all started running. Liam needed them right now. Not for a second they thought about the actual weird text. They had a bad feeling about all this. On their way away from the field Niall bumped into Shawn, who just looked confusedly at him. Niall just called to him that he was in a hurry while running away with his friends. They felt like this was about everything.
They run to the beach, jumped into the water and swam as fast as possible to Mako Island. Without taking a look around they entered the Island and swam into the Moon Pool. They broke through the surface and finally took a look around. It was empty. No one was here. No sign of Liam.
"Liam?" called Zayn into the empty distance.
"Look who we have here" sounded a voice from the tunel, followed by heavy footsteps from more than one person.
Out of the shadow appeared Dr. T together with that weird guy from the dinner with Liam's parents. Smugly and evil they looked them up and down as if they just won the lottery. Their gaze fell on the phone in Dr. T's hand. It was Liam's. She sent the message to trick them into coming over here. This was a trap.
"Suprise" grinned Dr. T evilly at them.
Automatically they all dived back down and swam back to the entrance. But they couldn't leave. When they reached the entrance a grid was in front of it, attached to the sides of the stone walls. They shook it and tried to break it but it didn't even move. There was no way out, only the way back in the Moon Pool to Dr. T and her companions. They were trapped.
"How about we talk for a bit?".
"El, did you see the boys?" asked Sophia, looking around in search for the boys.
"No, I thought they would be here. Liam wasn't at the game so I thought I would see him here but now all five are missing. Something's wrong" feared Eleanor.
"Elly, you know I like you a lot and I trust you with my life but I can't help you or the boys if you don't tell me what's really going on. I know there is something" noted Sophia helplessly.
"I know but I can't. It's not my secret. I will....".
The ringing of Sophia's phone cut Eleanor off. Confused she looked at the screen but didn't knew the number. "Hello?" she answered the call.
"Oh Mr. Payne. Hello, what's the matter?" asked Sophia confused. Eleanor gestured her to make it on speaker.
"I'm sorry for calling you but is Liam with you or the boys?" sounded Mr. Payne's worried voice.
"No, we were looking for them but they're not here. Is something wrong?" Sophia had to disappoint him.
"He doesn't answer his phone. I tried calling the boys but their phones are dead. Liam isn't home and I dont know where he is. She knows and won't stop. They could all be in danger right now" panicked Mr. Payne.
"What are you talking about?" Sophia didn't understand a word, but Eleanor did.
"Mr. Wootton and Dr. Teasdale are in on something very wrong and my son and his friends are involved" hinted Mr. Payne.
"As far as I remember you were in it too?" raised Sophia an eyebrow.
"On the hotel thing yes, but there on something way different. They have pictures made with underwater cameras if you know what I mean" was Mr. Payne kinda lost.
"No, I don't know...".
"I know what you mean" cut Eleanor her off. "It's Eleanor by the way. So what happened exactly?".
"You probably know they found out someone lived by the Island. Dr. Teasdale found a cell sample and claimed Liam had an identical one a long time ago. She was determined to talk with him until he told her everything no matter the risk. She showed me the picutres and in that moment I knew I was out. I couldn't do that. This was far off the original plan and far off from okay. She wanted to use Liam as a decoy but I told her off. Of course she didn't like it. Since I'm out she kicked me off her boat and went on with her plan. I wanted to warn them but I couldn't reach one of them. She doesn't stop at anything" explained Mr. Payne in Detial what happened.
"Oh God. Okay. Do you know where she is?" tried Eleanor to stay calm, but was freaking out inside.
"No. She left with her boat for her I'm so scared. Please help me find them. I don't want to loose my son. Not a second time" pleaded Mr. Payne desperately.
"I promise you I'll do everything in my power to find them" promised Eleanor him before ending the call.
"What is this all about? Elly, talk to me" Sophia wanted to know.
"I'll tell you everything as soon as we found them. Just know they're in serious danger" promised Eleanor her deadly serious.
"Okay. Then stop talking. We have to find them" nodded Sophia agreeingly.
"Oh Eleanor. Glad I found you. Do you know where Niall is? Or the other boys?" came Shawn torwards them.
"Sorry, no idea. We're in a hurry, Shawn" walked Eleanor past him.
"How do we find Dr. T now?" asked Sophia Eleanor clueless.
"I know where she is".
Automatically they turned back around to Shawn. He looked kinda unsure of what was going on but Eleanor didn't care. There were more important things now.
"Can you tell us? Please, it's important" begged Eleanor.
"Sure. She went out with her boat to a little lagoon near Mako Island. Very scheduled and kinda secret. It's fishy if you ask me" told Shawn them.
"How are we supposed to get there without her noticing it?" questioned Sophia.
"Or someone else. I have no idea" added Eleanor with a heavy sigh.
"I know a way. I can get you there but why do you want to go there?" asked Shawn curiously.
"Dr. T kidnapped Liam, probably on that boat, because she's crazy. She thinks he knows something to help her with her fantasies but she's wrong. She trapped the other boys to blackmail Liam. Just know they're in danger" summed Eleanor up to not reveal anything. They needed Shawn's help.
"Niall is in danger?" gasped Shawn shocked.
"They all are" grinned Eleanor kinda amused even though there was no time for this.
"We can't loose time. Come on" said Shawn motivated.
The three of them made their way to Shawn's red little boat and jumped in. They drove of to the ocean for a while until Shawn slowed down. He turned the engine off and took one of the paddles. Silently they sneaked up to the lagoon and really spotted the wite boat. But unfortuantely they also spotted two guys on it, who kinda looked like security people. They needed a plan.
"Maybe you need a little bit more of my help" remarked Shawn.
"What do you have in mind?" questioned Eleanor.
"We have to knock them out. I'll do it but not both at once. I'm not that good" told Shawn them his plan.
"We could find a way to distract one of them" mused Sophia.
Secretly they sneaked up to the back of the boat, still on Shawn's little read boat. Carefully Shawn climbed on the boat and hid in the shadows. Eleanor and Sophia paddled away a bit just to start the engine again. Like planned the guys heard the sound and seperated ways to find the source of the sound. Now it was Shawn's turn. The guy didn't saw him coming from behind and got knocked out pretty quickly and fell to the ground. The other one came running over but had no chance. Shawn was pretty proud of himself.
"Good Job. I'm impressed" praised Eleanor him.
"Guys, focus. Take the key. We have to find Liam" brought Sophia them back to the present.
"Right" said Shawn and took the keys from the guy.
They quickly looked around and found some stairs leading down inside. Hesitantly they took the stairs and followed them until they reached some doors. They were sure Liam was here somewhere.
"Liam? Are you here?" called Eleanor into the darkness.
"I'm here" sounded Liam's voice through the last door.
Quckily they unlocked the door and opened it. There was Liam, tied up by the hands, sitting on the floor. "Oh God, Liam" exclaimed Eleanor and kneeled down in front of him to free him.
"How did you find me and what are they doing here?" asked Liam sceptical.
"Your father called and told us what happened as far as he knew. We promised to find you. Sophia was the one getting the call and Shawn helped us with everything else. Without him we would have never found you in time or ever" explained Eleanor to him. She was so gratefull that Shawn was there.
"Thank you guys but it's too late. They already trapped them on Mako Island. I saw it on a camera" sighed Liam defeated.
"Then we have to free them first of all and later make a plan to solve the problem" helped Eleanor him up on his feet.
"You think there is a way?" asked Liam hopeless.
"There is always a way" smiled Eleanor encouragingly at him.
"So, how's the plan?" draw Shawn attention to him.
They left the boat together and drove back. Liam and Shawn picked up some necessary things they needed and then drove back to Mako Island. The girls were looking for Perrie and Jesy at the same time. They needed to find them. During their search Eleanor told Sophia everything. Liam and her agreed on that. It was the best. She didn't ask questions but just listened. She didn't freak out but wanted to find Jesy and Perrie even faster now. Now the only one left was Shawn.
Near the underwater entrance they stopped the boat. Liam dived down with oxygen masks as a cover up and a metal hook for the grip. The told Shawn Dr. T trapped them in a grotto because this way there was no way out with the only entrance blocked and water everywhere. Further he told him he would wait underwater to give the boys the masks and then dive home with them after Shawn left. And to his suprise Shawn didn't ask questions.
So he attached the metal hook firmly on the grip, distroying the underwater cameras while doing so. The hook was connected with a string that was attached to Shawn's boat. Liam pulled on it to send the signal to Shawn. When it reached him he should start the engine and drive off. This way the grip would give in and the boys were free. That was the plan.
At the same time Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry hid as far away as possible from Dr. T and Mr. Wootton. They tried to break the grip with their powers but it didn't work. It just loosend up a bit but that was about it. Until now all those people just builup all their stuff but didn't do anything to them but they knew it was about to happen.
"So, would you please come out of the water now so we can make some simple tests?" asked Mr. Wootton them.
"Definitely not" asnwered Harry defensive.
"You can't stay in there forever" countered Mr. Wootton.
"Try us" shoot Louis back.
"And what now? We need them on land, dry, for the first tests?" turned Mr. Wootton to Dr. Teasdale.
"They will come out sooner or later or I'll make them" was Dr. T sure.
"You're not going to hurt them, right?" checked Mr. Wootton.
"As long as they cooperate they will stay as unharmed as possible but we have to make the test on them, no matter what is costs" answered Dr. T heartlessly.
"In the name of science, I know" sighed Mr. Wootton before he turned back to stone.
"So boys, who will be first?" turned Dr. T to the boys with an evil smile.
They all gulped heavily. This didn't sound good at all. There was no way out and those people were about to do experiments on them even if it would kill them. As long as they could proof their newest discovery. They were scared to death.
Suddenly they heard a rumble behind them underwater and the clicking of metal. Something heavy fell to the ground and they a far away engine. One last look at Dr. T and those sick people and then they were gone. Alarmed they swam out of the Moon Pool and passed Liam on the way. He pointed to the side and they followed him. Zayn took his hand and they swam off in mermaid speed back home, still with fear and worry in their hearts of what was coming next.
"So, what are they supposed to do now?" asked Liam Perrie and Jesy.
They were sitting on a bench the park. The girls had found them after a while and immediately texted them. Now they were all looking for a solution.
"They will never stop hunting us now that they know" said Louis hopelessly.
"They could call so many people at the moment and make them join in. It could be on the news by tomorrow" panicked Zayn.
"Breath Zayn. They will not do that" tried Liam to calm him down.
"He's right. They will keep it a secret until they're through with all the tests and stuff" agreed Eleanor with Liam.
"But what if we die in the process? I don't wanna die" asked Harry sadly.
"You're not going to die, Hazza" pulled Louis him into his arms.
"No you're not. They know about mermaids now so you have to show them it's over. Face them one last time" threw Perrie in.
"What do you mean?" Niall didn't understand a word.
"They will never stop as long as mermaids exists in their eyes so it has to stop" said Perrie misteriously.
"As if this were so easy" snorted Niall.
"It is but it's also the hardest thing to do" sighed Jesy sadly.
"So there is a way?" checked Louis cofused.
"Yes, there is a way. One way and only on Sunday" confirmed Jesy.
"Why only on Sunday?" hooked Zayn.
"The Full Moon is earlier this month and it's a Lunar Eclipse. This means the moon has a special influence on you. This is the only thing you can do if you want a normal life outside of labs, alive" explained Perrie to them.
"And what exactly are we supposed to do?" asked Niall, still a little bit unsure on what she meant.
"You have to give up your powers".
The last furniture and tons of moving boxes were brought into the lovely white house. The moving truck was halfway empty and their backs already hurt a lot. Today was the day of Anne's and Robin's move back to the Gold Coast. Everyone was here to help them. Zayn, Liam and Niall along with Louis and his whole family. All of them were carrying boxes into the house.
It was a normal very beautiful house. It has a large living room connected to a bright open kitchen with big windows, four bedrooms and a big garden. All in all it was lovely and very homey and comfy. Everything Louis knew always wanted but never had but now he finally has it. This thought made him happy and sad at the same time because all of this could be over again in just a blink of an eye or in other words: Tomorrow.
The whole time over the boys tried to cover up their mood by cracking weird jokes and making everyone laugh. They were so absent minded and couldn't hold a smile for a long. During his kid's football game Louis couldn't focus at all. Thank God Steve was by his side and thought he was so tense because of Harry's parents moving back here. That made no sense in his head but like this he didn't have to explain anything.
"This was the last one" wiped Robin the sweat form his forehead.
"Who wants cake?" asked Anne into the room.
"Woah Niall, is everything okay? You didn scream FOOD and ran us all over" joked Lottie.
"Lots, you're hilarious. Really" replied Niall.
They all sat down on the floor and the couch, were sitting against boxes or on the counter. Anne acutally had cake with her for the hard workers. The twins were happily playing in the garden so Fizzy went and brought them their cake outside and just stayed there. Jay, Anne ands Robin were joyfully talking about a lot of stuff while Lottie was busy on her phone. The boys just stayed utterly silent.
"Boys, is everything alright? You seem quiet today" asked Anne worried.
"Just a little nervous before the Gig" waved Liam the matter off, or tried.
"Yeah. We didn't had much time to rehearse the new songs" agreed Zayn thoughtlessly.
"Why? You had two weeks" quirked Jay an eyebrow.
"Due to the next exams" rushed Louis out.
"Yeah. We focused more on our Drama Task or the Art Project than the band. School comes first" added Harry.
"Since when?" snorted Lottie.
"Since Always, my dearest sister".
"Sure that's all? You're really tense" Jay didn't let up.
"M'sure. It's all dandy" gave Louis her a weird thumbs up.
"Speaking of which, don't you have to leave for the Soundcheck?" checked Anne the time on her watch.
"Oh shit. Right. Thanks Mom" cursed Harry.
"That's my Job" winked Anne at him.
"See you there" gave Louis his Mom a quick kiss on the cheek.
Fastly they rushed out of the house and made their way to the JuiceNet. It was true. They were worried because of the Gig. And yes they didn't rehearse as much as usual. But most likely they were scared of what could happen. Dr. T was still out there, knowing about them. Just because they escaped didn't mean she gave up. She could expose them in front of everyone, which would be bad for her too, but still. This irrational fear was in their heads.
The soundcheck went good but quiet tense. Will tried to calm them down as good as possible. It was relieving that someone there knew without them having to say a word. Will also distracted Niall's Mom, who was working today, so she wouldn't notice something was wrong. It was so obviously written in their faces.
Shortly before the Gig the boys took a look around. Everyone was there. Maura and Zayn's Mom, even Liam's Mom for the very first time. Jay and the girls with Anne and Robin. Eleanor, Sophia, Hailee, Camila Danielle, the 5sos boys and Shawn. Literally everyone who was in some way impant to them. If something went wrong today everyone would see and know. This definitely didn't help their beating heart and racing pulse.
They opened the Gig with Niall's song One Thing. It was such a happy song but the boys didn't feel like it at all. They faked happy faces and big smiles and everyone believed it, apart from their parents and close friends. They saw through it.
They continued with Harry and Louis' They Don't Know About Us. It was a very special and intimate moment for them. They let the whole world know they belonged together and didn't care about what people thought about them.
You and I from Ziam and Larry was what followed this moment. They felt like it fit in their situation at the moment perfectly. Nothing could come between them, not even Dr. T no matter what she planned. They would always go strong and be together until the very last second.
Today they only had four songs and ended the Gig with C'mon C'mon, a song they all wrote together somewhere in between. It was the perfect song to light up the mood again and cover up what was really going on inside of them.
Right before the song ended a little incident happened. In front of the stage Will was serving some drinks. One of the guest didnt pay attention and run him over. He lost his balance a bit and one glass crushed down on the stage, spilling the juice everywhere. The boys jumped back all at once but Liam and Harry got a little bit wet. Lightning fast Liam drew all the attention on him, so Louis could help Harry leave the stage and run into the storeroom before it would be too late. No one really seemed to care or notice because they were focused on the guitly guy and Liam cracking a joke. But Louis felt two pairs of eyes on him and he knew who it was and that they were in some deep shit.
On their way back home Anne, Jay and Robin were busy with the girls. Louis and Harry were silently walking next to them. They just knew the adults wanted an explanation for their behaviour but they just couldn't think of anything believable. Only the Truth, but was that an option?
"Boys, can one of you do the washing up while we take care of the girls?" turned Jay to Harry and Louis.
"Um... sure" answered Louis unsure. They had found a way to do it, with some gloves and stuff and when no one was around just in case something went wrong. But how were they supposed to do that now?
Jay went upstair with Robin and the twins and Lottie and Fizzy disappeared into their rooms. Harry and Louis stood in front of the sink full of water and dirty dishes. They took the gloves but still didn't stop staring at the devil or the water.
"Everything alright?" asked Anne out of the livig room, watching them.
"Perfect. Dandy" replied Louis fakely.
"Why the gloves?" raised Anne an eyebrow at them.
"I have an infection on my finger and don't want to make it worse" lied Louis.
"And you, Darling?" addressed Anne her son.
"I um... got infected" cleared Harry his throat.
"Couldn't stay away" added Louis.
Anne didn't say anything, just kept watching them. Harry and Louis started with the dishes carefully and avoided the water touching their skin. They could barely breath and their heartbeats were faster than ever. At one point a single waterdrop made its way on Louis' arm. He immediatley reated by grabing a towel an wiping it away. He still felt that starting tingling and sat down on the floor, rubbing his arm dry. Harry kneeled down with him and moved his hand over the spot, creating heat to dry it even more. They were out of Anne's sight but they knew she was probably proper confused.
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" asked Jay as she entered the kitchen.
"I um.... I er.... accidently hurt my arm on the sink?" answered Louis but it sounded more like a question.
"Then you have to cool it. Here let me..." reached Jay out to him.
"No no no no no. It's okay. I'm fine" flinched Louis away, more into Harry's chest.
"Okay, that's enough. Couch. Now" demanded Jay seriously.
Harry helped Louis up and they went over to the couch, avoiding any eye contact. They sat down on one end and Jay, Anne and Robin on the other with some distance between them. For a few seconds nobody said a word. Silence was all that was heard.
"Okay, boys. We seriously need to talk. Something is wrong and we want to know what it is" broke Jay the silence.
"Don't try to deny it. We're not blind or stupid. Something is going on" shared Anne the same opinion.
"Your mother's are right, boys. We just want to know what's up so we can help you" agreed Robin with the two women.
"What exactly are you talking about?" Louis tried nonetheless to be innocent.
"Oh don't even try, Boobear. We noticed a lot of things. You avoid water at all costs in any way. You were never down at the beach with your sisters and always had a weird excuse. For example the Water Park Weekend?! Every time it was rainy you stayed inside. The first time you five got sick out of nowhere with weird symptoms. And the second time you missed school without even telling me, don't think I don't know that. And the Pool thing on Monday? What even was that? I heard you talking about staying safe and avoiding water because it's too risky. And I know you have some kind of problem and a plan and something about danger, because I heard you talking to Eleanor that day. And still no explanation for yesterday evening. You looked like you've seen a ghost. Totally pale. And what is your connection with Perrie and Jesy? Boys, we need answers" listed Jay everything she noticed about them and made them freeze on the spot. There was no way out.
"I know this all seems weird and strange and you're right. You deserve an explanation" sighed Harry defeated.
"I'm just not sure if you really want to know the truth. It's pretty.... um I don't know... strange?" added Louis scared.
"Whatever it is, we're here for you" assured Anne them.
"We would never judge you" added Robin calmly.
"All young people do stupid things at some point" said Jay in that one voice and Louis just knew she talked about taking drugs and drinking.
"Believe me, Mom. Drugs would be better and probably less dangerous right now" tried Louis to fake a laugh. The three parents just looked more confused now.
"Um well, do you remember when we first moved here and I told you how we accidently stranded on Mako Island?" started Louis right at the beginning of it all with a shaky voice.
"Yes, I remember that. Why?" nodded Jay.
"Zayn, Niall, Harry and I ended up there and tried to find a way back. Our phones had no signal so we moed further into the forest to find a higher spot with more net. As we reached some rocks by the water Harry fell into a cave. I jumped in too to help him and Zayn and Niall followed. There was no way up there so we looked for another exit. We um.... we followed he tunel and found a little grotto under the volcano. Niall was sure there was an underwater exit and he was right. So we all jumpe in and met in the middle. At this moment the Full Moon appeared dircetly over the opening, throwing his light down on us. The water bubbled and lights flew around. It was kinda... um magical. Since that day all our lifes changed" told Louis them what happened that day.
"And what changed?" tried Anne to understand.
"Mom, we don't know how or why it happened but since then every time we touch water we um.... we react differently. We kinda change.... completely" Harry searched for the right words.
"I don't understand what you mean" frowned Anne.
"I know this sounds crazy and I would think the same if I wouldn't see it every day but we um... change into some kind of mermaid" revealed Harry to them.
"He's telling the truth. We were really shocked but couldn't change it. We also can.... umdo things with water. We could show you if you don't believe us" supported Louis his boyfriend.
"It's just a lot to process. I believe you, you're my son" was Jay a little lost but still there for Louis.
"What kind of things?" Robin wanted to know curiously.
Louis and Harry looked at each other. Then Louis moved his hand a bit and focused his gaze on the glass of water on the table. He formed a little bubble and let it float in the air. Harry curled his fingers and let it evaporate so only steam was left. Jay, Anne and Robin stared at the empty spot, wheels moving in their heads. This was a lot.
"So that's why you avoid water. You um turn into a um...".
"Into a fish. Yeah" completed Louis Robin's sentence.
"And it happened on Mako Island with the Full Moon?" checked Jay.
"Correct. We don't know how but there are things you can't explain, I guess. It was hard to live with but we had each other so it worked out" scratched Harry his neck.
"And Liam, of course. He always helped us. And Eleanor and since newest also Sophia. I'm grateful to have them and accept it. I mean it's pretty weird but they still love us" played Louis with his fingers.
"Oh Darling, we still love you too. There's nothing that could change that. You being a mermaid is okay for me. You're still my son. Still my Louis" moved Jay closer to Louis and took his hands in her hands.
"I love you, Mom" smiled Louis overwhelmed at her.
"I love you too, Boobear" hugged Jay her son.
"Harry, we will always love you no matter what, right Anne?".
"Of course. Sweetheart, nothing can change me loving you. It happened and it isn't a bad thing. You're still you". Anne stood up and moved over to her son to hold him close.
"Well maybe it is a bad thing" mused Harry into her shoulder.
"Why do you think that?" frowned Anne.
"It was hard to live with it first and mostly it's funny and pretty damn cool but not everyone just accepts it" turned Harry his gaze on his shoes.
As Louis saw the questioning looks he sighed loudly. "Someone found out. With underwater camerar and everything. They trapped us yesterday because they want to do tests with us and all. We escaped thanks to Eleanor but she is still out there and probably waiting for us. This could end badly".
"Wait you got trapped? By who? Who would do that?" was Anne furious.
"Um... Dr. Teasdale and her crew. They kidnapped Liam and trapped us on Mako Island. That's why we were or are so tense the whole day. It's scary but we have a plan so no need to worry" admitted Harry.
"What kind of plan? How can we help you?" Jay wanted to know.
"It's all settled. We have to hide till tomorrow night. Tomorrow is a Full Moon again but it's a Lunar Eclipse. That means a different power of the Moon. This is he one and only possibilty for us to make things right and after that everything could go back to normal" explained Louis to them.
"How do you know?" frowned Anne.
"Perrie and Jesy know. They went through somehing similar fifty years ago and helped us a lot. It's all safe and settled. Tomorrow is the day. We can do that. We have to do that" said Harry motivated.
"I trust you with that boys. If it doesn't work out come to us. We'll find a way" offered Jay them.
"We will" smiled Louis at her. She didn't need to know about the danger they were really in and what could happen if tomorrow turns out bad.
"So you're like Werwolfs at a Full Moon" smirked Robin at them to lighten the mood.
"Well, we did some pretty weird things" grinned Harry at Louis.
"Is that the reason you closed yourself up so drastically? Because it doesn't add up in my head. It's since Malibu but this happened here. Is there anything else?" asked Jay worried.
"Maybe you should tell her" said Harry softly. Louis looked up at him unsure. "Don't worry. Im here with you".
" Mom, I....I almost got raped..... back when we lived in Malibu.... and here" stuttered Louis out and teared up. It was so hard to actually tell his mother about his past. He worked through it and got better to the point where he was good now but it was still hard for him to talk about it. Especially with your Mother sitting in front of you, tearing up too.
"Oh my baby" sobbed Jay and pulled Louis into her arms, who tried to fight against his own tears. "Why did you never told me? How did I not know that?".
"I kept it a secret. I was ashamed. Nobody knew" hugged Louis his mother back.
"Harry knows" noted Jay.
"Not for long though. I told nobody what happened because I thought nobody would believe me or they would just run away, disgusted. I was alone until I met the boys. I told them after....." trailed Louis off, glancing at Harry. " incident. It was a big step but it was hard for me. I was still so ashamed" let Louis fall down his tears.
"There's no need to be ashamed, Louis. It's not your fault. The only one in the wrong is that guy or girl who did that to you..... Who was it?" stroked Jay down Louis' back.
He looked up at her tearfilled eyes and couldn't stop his own tears. He wasn't able to talk any more. Anne, Robin and Jay looked at him with so much pity in their eyes and worry but also love. It formed a lump in his throat.
"His name is Kyle" said Harry for Louis instead, causing the parents to look at him now. Louis curled into Harry's chest between his legs and Harry stroked up and down Louis' arms. He knew how hard this was for him.
"They were at the same school. This little bastard made him believe he liked him back and was gay but no one knew except for him. After two weeks of constant pressing he forced himself on Louis. It almost went wrong but thankfully he was stopped by a classmate. He came back and suddenly stood at this door out of nowhere. He tried again to get his way but I was there this day. I kicked him out but I didn't knew it back then. I was too stupid to see it and reacted not in the best way to Louis' silence. But I made up for it even though I will never forgive myself for that" told Harry them sadly and guilty.
"Haz, stop blaming yourself. You stopped him. That's important" sniffled Louis into his chest.
"He's right, Harry. You didn't know" agreed Jay with her son, still in a shaky voice.
"Mom, please don't look like that. I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't. It was so difficult for me. I never thought I would tell anyone or get over it but I did" faced Louis his mother.
"Since when.... since when do you know Harry?" asked Jay through a sob.
"I told him two days before we visited Anne. It wasn't planned. Something happened and then I didn't care any more. I was already broken. I couldn't make it worse. And to my suprise since then it got way better" answered Louis for Harry.
"What happened?" Jay almost didn't dare to ask.
"I um... we got into a fight and I ran away. I tried to get my mind off of Harry and everything he said and went to a gay bar. It was School's out night. I wasn't in my right mind and totally lost. Then...." told Louis her but his voice broke away.
"Some guy made a move on him and got them to go outside into that alley behind the bar. Before that Louis sent Zayn a weird message, thank God he did. Zayn called me and I immediately looked for Louis. Right in time I found him before that guy could.. um you know. He tried to... but I stopped him. I beat him up because I was so pissed but let him go to take care of Louis who wasn't able to walk that night. Later he told me everything. Since then I did everything in my power to help him" finished Harry for him, suppressing the memory.
"And you really did, Hazza" smiled Louis up at him with tears in his eyes.
"And I wasn't there. I didn't knew about that. I let you down" realised Jay sadly.
"No Mom, that's not true. You couldn't know. I kept it a secret and hid it as best as possible. I was so broken and didn't wanted you to know" clarified Louis.
"It's the same school where the beating started. Was it because of that?" hit Jay the realisation.
"Yes. Kyle spread horrible lies and everyone believed it. They broke me and my soul. I lost myself there. The name calling was worse than the beating. I believed them every single word. I felt worthless and tried to find a way out. I um... I started cutting myself to feel something again and deal with the pain. It was horrible. Back in England I was so close to ending my life because it just got worse but then I met Brendan, a guy at detention. We told each other everything that day, no idea why. He had a worse life than me and I promised him to stop because I didn't thought I would have to live up to it. The next day he was dead. He killed himself because it was too much. That's when I decided to stop and start anew. And I did. It was long and hard way but I made it out of it. Thanks to the boys, and thanks to Harry" told Louis her everything.
"No thanks to you. If you wouldn't have wanted to get better we wouldn't have been able to change that. It's your own merit, love" contradicted Harry proudly.
"It was a teamwork" countered Louis
With tears on her face and wordlessly Jay pulled Louis back into her arms. She needed to feel him there and know he was okay. Anne hugged Harry close, looking at them tearfully. Now they understood why Louis never knew how special he is and how much he is worth and loved.
"I'm going to find him. I'll kill him. We have to...".
"Mom No. We took care of that. No need to do anything. I just want it to be over" held Louis her back.
"True. Louis stood up for himself and really scared him off. He's good now" agreed Harry with him.
"Really good, to be honest. Never felt better" smiled Louis an honest open smile.
"My Boobear" hugged Jay him again with no words left.
After that they stayed silent for a while before coming back to the mermaid topic. They wanted to know everything. When they first noticed and how it felt. What kind of powers the other boys have. What problems they faced. How they met Perrie and Jesy and what happened during the Full Moon. Harry and Louis told them about their first Full Moon and Niall's behaviour. Also about Zayn's way too honest Full Moon night. The stormy one with the new powers and the one where Harry completely forgot about Louis. They listened and laughed with them. Asked more questions but in the end everything was good.
Later that night Harry and Louis went upstairs to get ready for bed. Anne and Robin stayed too because it was already late. They snuggled up in bed together and enjoyed the silence. Louis listened to Harry's steady heartbeat because for a change he had his head on Harry's chest. He needed that comfort tonight.
"I'm really proud of you for telling your mother" broke Harry the silence.
"I'm glad you were by my side" replied Louis fondly.
"I'll always be by your side, Lou" kissed Harry Louis' hair.
"And I will be by your side" snuggled Louis closer to Harry.
A silence fell over them again and an unanswered question was hanging in the air. Louis drew little circles on Harry's chest with his finger and felt Harry caressing his back.
"You scared?" asked Louis knowingly.
"Yeah, but I have you. That's all I ever need" admitted Harry.
"We will always be together, Haz. No matter what happens tomorrow. Me and you forever" looked Louis up at him and kissed Harry.
A simple soft and gentle kiss as a promise to fight together and stay together no matter what and against their fears. The fear of the upcoming day. The day of all or nothing. Life or death. Winning or losing. They hold each other as close as possible and locked that promise inside their hearts just for them. Two hearts in one home.
Well, this was kinda emotional to write. The Day was supposed to be in here too but I changed it up. More tension for the Drama in the end. It's two chapters left before the end of Term 3.
So Dr. T is back and knows now. She trapped them. Thoughts?
Shawn helped saving them without asking questions or getting answers. What will he do next?
Anne, Robin and Jay know now and Louis told her about Kyle. Did you see that coming? Was it okay?
What will happen "tomorrow"? What's their plan?
Please vote and comment what you think. I love you all so much <3
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