Chapter 40
I wanted to have this up earlier but Im happy I could update soon after all. I am so happy you still stay with me :*
I freaking love that song. It's just purely beautiful. But in real life, do you guys ship Shawn and Niall?
Perrie and Jesy are my favourite friendship out of Little Mix. I just love their connection so much <3
Surrounded by thousand and thousand of books, okay maybe just ten, Liam and Louis were sitting cross legged on the living room floor at Louis' house. They had just started working on their project again. In school they did a lot but they still weren't finished. But they were one of the only pairs that actually were almost done. Most people have barely started or didn't do anything. The teacher wasn't very happy but if they all have it done on Presenting Day he would be happy.
"Do you think we should present our project as a play?" asked Liam suprisingly.
"Are you feelling okay, Liam?" lay Louis a hand on Liam's forehead.
"Ey. I'm serious" snorted Liam but couldn't suppress his grin.
"And how do you want to do that?" raised Louis an eyebrow.
"Well, maybde I could be the IRA and could attack you and tackle you to the ground until you die" answered Liam dryly.
"Let me guess, I am the INLA then?" grinned Louis amused.
"You sure are" gave Liam him a thumbs up.
"But I don't want to be rolling over that dirty school floor. That's gross" grimaced Louis disgusted.
"Should I give you a taste?" smirked Liam evilly
"What? Liam, what are you......HEY!" asked Louis confused but then got attacked by a jumping Liam.
Louis fell backwards on the floor and almost hit his head on the couch. Liam was hovering over him and laughing like a maniac. They were wrestling with each othernd rolling around. Louis turned them over so Liam was lying underneath him and started tickling his stomach. But that didn't last long. Over and over again they switched positions and tackled and tickled each other to death. From all the laughing they got hiccups on wich they almost choked because they didn't stop.
"Can you stop that immature behaviour? Some people are trying to get work done here?" sounded Taylor's voice out of the distance.
"Oh really? Doesn't look like it" brought Louis out through his laughter.
"Liam, stop it please" begged Louis as Liam tickled him without a break.
"Never. I'm winning The Troubles over here" laughed Liam over the top evilly.
"But that's not fair. You're cheating" complained Louis as he wiggled underneath Liam's touch.
"Life is not fair, Tommo" shrugged Liam and didn't stop.
"Oh really?" smirked Louis up at him.
The next moment Louis pulled his legs closer to him, lifted them up and kicked Liam lightly against his chest so that he fell backwards on the floor and Louis was free. He let out a triumphantly scream and jumped on top of Liam who was chuckling to himself and clutching his chest. Louis sat down on Liam's tummy, crossed his arms and smiled smulgy down at him.
"You're evil" gasped Liam happily.
"I'm The Sassmaster, Tommo the tease. How could you think you would win?" boasted Louis.
Liam wiggled his eyebrows at Louis and before he could react he got caught between Liam's legs and was crashing to the floor again. Now both them were lying next to each other on the floor, panting heavily like they just came out of a war.
"Come on guys. Grow up. How can you live with that?" groaned Taylor annoyed and turned to face Harry who was just watching Lilo with an amused smile on his face.
"How could I not? That called having fun. So please just shut your mouth and finally give in on the topic. We have to start working" snapped Harry at her.
"I almost forgot they were here" stated Liam still out of breath.
"Me too and I wish she wasn't here" sighed Louis.
"Sooo, are we repeating that fight in school?" grinned Liam at him.
"Oh yeah definitely and this time I win" snickered Louis.
"In your dreams" pushed Liam him aside and sat up.
"You don't want to know what happens in my dreams" winked Louis at him.
"Eww. Go away, Satan" held Liam his hands in front of his face.
"Come here, Lima Bean" cooed Louis seductively and made a kissy face at Liam.
"No. I'm too young to die" exclaimed Liam dramatically and fell backwards on the floor again.
"Can you shut up? We're working" shouted Taylor over to them from the dinning table.
"Are we? As far as I know I'm telling you what we could do and you just sit there and focus on fashion" said Harry visibly pissed.
"Fashion is very interesting" stated Taylor stubbornly.
"This might be but not for this project. Just accept one of the other possibilities" lost Harry his patience.
"No, we're doing fashion" decided Taylor firmly and Harry hit his face on the table.
"And what exactly? How unimportant that is there?" intervened Liam now sarcastically.
"Or what kind of clothes the leprechauns wear for St. Patrick's day?" threw Louis sassily in.
Both Liam and Louis almost died out of laugther over their own funny comments. Harry also couldn't hold it back. Taylor just frowned, slammed a hand on the table and stood up. She gathered her things together, took her jacket and threw her hair back dramatically.
"You are so fucking immature. Why the hell did I fuck with you? Have fun doing this alone. I'm leaving. Have fun with your fuckbuddy and his nerdy hipster" snapped Taylor angrily and stormed out of the house.
"Uhh Harry. She regrets fucking you. That's hard" snickered Liam, rolling over the floor.
"And I am your fuckbuddy now but hey, Liam is a nerdy hipster. Whatever that is" joined Louis Liam's laughter.
"But all in all...." grinned Liam and looked expectingly at Louis.
"We're immature" chorused both of them. Now they were totally lost.
"Did you smoke something? What happened to you?" questioned Harry his friends behaviour.
"We smoked that much" giggled Louis cutely and made a big hand movement.
"Yes and do you know what it's called?" made Liam big eyes. Harry just shook his head.
"Fun pills" bursted Liam into laughter again.
"I thought this were friendshio crackers" said Louis deadly sious.
"Same thing" threw Liam him an amused look.
"You are incredible" shook Harry his head entertained.
"I'm incredily hot. Liam is incredibly annyoing" wiggled Louis with his eyebrows.
"You're not hot. You're cute" contradicted Liam like he was drunk.
"Did you just call me cute?" crocked Louis his head aside.
"And if I did?" countered Liam skillfully.
Liam graped Louis' waist and pulled him on top of himself. As Louis was sitting on Liam's tummy again Louis leaned further down over Liam's head and put his hands on each side of it. Both wiggled their eyebrows at each other and couldn't stop grinning like total idiots. Liam let his hands wander furhter down and slapped Louis playfully on the bum.
"Hey! That's mine" exclaimed Louis but fell into laugther again.
"I understand now why Niall is so obsessed with it" stated Liam and kept his hands on Louis' bum.
"Are you saying you like my ass, Lima Bean?" smirked Louis down at him.
"Who doesn't?!" countered Liam grinningly.
"Good point. My ass is fabulous" flattered Louis with his eyelashes.
"Oh it is. Now stand upor Loverboy is going to kill me" slapped Liam Louis' bum again and Louis didn't even flinch.
"He already will. You touched the butt" qouted Louis Finding Nemo.
"But you let me, you slut" pushed Liam Louis down.
"You abused me. That's different" pointed Louis his finger at him.
"I didn't...."
"Guys. Are you quiet finished yet?" interupted Harry the two of them.
"See, loverboy is jealous now" chuckledLiam under his breath.
"Naww, Harry. Love, Darling, Gorgeous. You know there is only you" stood Louis up and went over to Harry.
"Go away. You have the nerdy Hipster now" crossed Harry his arms and tried to be mad at Louis.
"Are you jealous because he touched my bum, Harold?" smirked Louis at his boyfriend but got no answer. Harry just pouted cutely.
He didn't know what came over him in that moment but Louis stepped even closer to Harry now so that there was barely space left between them. With one finger Louis caressed Harry's cheek and then went down over his arm. His other hand was placed firmly on Harry's waist. Very slowly Louis moved both of his hands on Harry's back and every so slowly he moved furhter down until his hands were resting on Harry's bum. This caused Harry to sharply take in a breath and uncross his arms. He let his arms fall down to sides and stared at Louis breathlessly.
"Why aren't you touching me, baby? Don't you dare?" whispered Louis hotly.
As Harry still didn't react Louis moved his face even closer to Harry's face and was practically breathing against his lips. Slightly Louis moved his hands over Harry's bum and he could directly see the reaction in Harry's face. For a moment Louis got brave and in the heat the moment he squeezed Harry's bum.
This caused Harry let out an embarrassing yelp and place his hands finally on Louis' waist. He pulled Louis even closer now and closed the last little gap between them. Harry crased his lips onto Louis' lips harder than ever before and Louis kissed him back eagerly. Louis suqeezed Harry's bum again a littel harder this time wich caused Harry to gasp into Louis' mouth. He used that opportunity to let his tongue slide into Harry's mouth. Immediately he was met with Harry's tongue. Like always Louis won the battle over dominance. As Louis squeezed Harry's bum for the third time Harry kinda moaned into his mouth and let his hands wander down onto Louis' perfect bum.
Louis didn't know why he was doing all this or why he wanted Harry to touch his ass right now. He didn't know why he was happy when he finally felt Harry's hands on his ass gently. No matter how heated the kiss was and that Louis squeezed Harry's bum three times, Harry was still gentle when it came to touching Louis' bum. This almost made him cry out of love for his boyfriend. He still didn't know why he wanted that so much. Maybe because Liam touched him there and he didn't flinch away and was wandering if he could take it now?
But this felt so difffernt. A good different. As Liam slapped his bum playfully he felt nothing. Nothing bad but also nothing good. With Harry right now it was different. Having Harry's hand actually there, just laying there not moving a bit, felt amazing. It kind of was Louis' weakest point and he was finally able to let Harry touch it and more importantly enjoy it. He also loved touching Harry's bum. It was soft and just absolutely lovely. As he was kissing him, feeling Harry's hand still on his ass and his own still on Harry's Louis realised that he felt the need to slide his hands inside of Harry's pants and touch his bare ass. He also wanted Harry to move his hands a bit. And for the very first time those thoughts didn't scare him at all.
"Guys, it's great to see you all loved up but I'm still in the room you know" coughed Liam amused and made them break apart.
"Way to kill the mood" mumbled Louis against Harry's lips.
"I should um... keep working now that I'm....alone" stuttered Harry in a deep voice.
"You could work with us. We help you" offered Louis and his voice also sounded deeper than ever before.
"So that I get inbetween your war over Ireland? No thanks. I want to survive this day" declined Harry the offer laughingly.
"Your loss" shrugged Louis and turned around to go back to Liam.
While walking away Harry slapped him playfully on the bum and then turned away innocently and whistled to himself. Louis turned around to face him and tried to hide his big grin.
"Ey Harold. Keep your hands to yourself. There are kids in the room" exclaimed Louis and was talking about Liam.
Harry just laughed out loud while Liam slapped him against the head. From this point on it was almost impossible to work on their projects. While Harry was working alone at the table but seemed to be deep in thoughts Liam and Louis tried focusing on their work but ended up pushind and hiting each other all the time, making nasty comments and play fighting over everything until Harry had to get inbetween and stop them from painting their faces with waterproof pens. All in all it was an successfully unsuccessfull day.
Zayn and Niall were walking down the docks near the JuiceNet Café. Today they wouldn't meet up with Sophia or Shawn because they had band rehearsal in 30 Minutes. Niall was very happy he didn't have to see Shawn today. Since the project started they spent too much time together for his liking. Literally three times they met up and it was horrible. Not in a Shawn was insulting him all the time way. More in a Shawn was acting nice and tried desperately to make Niall believe him way. It was pathetic. There was no way in hell Niall would believe Shawn his poor act.
"Hey, isn't that Perrie over there?" pointed Zayn askingly down the docks.
Niall tried to look for her and actually found her at the end of one of the docks near an old boat. But she wasn't alone. Next to her was a brunette woman with beautiful curves and an open laugh. In front of them was someone else shouting like crazy and it didn't suprise Niall at all. Fate hated him.
"Let's go. Maybe they need help" asked Niall Zayn to follow him.
"Oh keep laughing but we'll see who laughs the last" they heard Shawn snap at them.
"Ay Mendes, what's the problem? Did they wet your ugly trousers?" mocked Niall Shawn as he stopped next to Perrie and her friend.
"Probably they were just in his way of breathing" commented Zayn.
"Oh you two are so funny. A round of applause" clapped Shawn into his hands.
"Can you just leave and stop annoying nice people?" rolled Niall with his eyes.
"I'll leave when she pays" pointed Shawn at Perrie's friend.
"Don't you have enough money already?" became Zayn annoyed.
"This crazy woman ruined my new JetSkit with her crappy boat. She shouldn't be allowed to still use it" hissed Shawn at them and pointed at his JetSki near her boat. Niall took a closer look and discovered a very tiny scratch in the paint.
"Come on, Shawn. That's nothing. You have enough money to overpaint that. Don't be such a Drama Queen" turned Niall now to Shawn.
"It was an accident. I'm so sorry, my boy" apologised Perrie's friend honestly.
"I don't care how sorry you are. You gonna pay for this. It's not over" threathend Shawn her and then stomped away angrily. Yeah, he really didn't change.
"Is everything okay?" asked Zayn Perrie worriedly.
"Everything is good. Thanks boys. You're always there for me" thanked Perrie both of them.
"No problem. You help us a lot too" smiled Zayn at her.
"Zayn, Niall. This is my friend Jesy. I told you about her a while ago" introduced Perrie her friend to them.
In this moment Niall rememered the evening Perrie told them about their past, how they turned into mermaids and how their friendship was almost lost due to a fight between Jesy and her other friend. Something happened that she never told them. Right in this moment he wondered what this was.
"Nice to meet you" shook Zayn her hand friendly.
"It's a pleasure. How do you know my Pezza?" Jesy wanted to know.
"Well, she kind of fell into our lifes" answered Niall honestly.
"That's true. I'm sure they thought I'm a crazy stalker" laughed Perrie amused.
"No! Never" chuckled both of them.
"Jes, they're like us. It happened again" Perrie let her know.
"Wow really? That's impressing. Isn't it wonderful?" looked Jesy kinda speechless.
"It's something. Has good and bad parts" said Zayn truthfully.
"That's true but it's also really amazing. You have to enjoy it" adviced Jesy them.
"We do, really" made Niall clear.
"And it's just the two of you?" checked Jesy.
"No. Niall, me and two of our best friends" corrected Zayn her guess.
"So four as we were" realised Jesy.
"It's creepy how similar their situation is, Jes. Believe me. But not too much" said Perrie to her.
"What about that mean guy? Is he involved? He reminds me of Jake" asked Jesy visibly worried.
"Shawn? Oh God. No. We can't stand him. He is an arrogant asshole. We're just attending the same school but that's about it" intervened Niall now.
"And you have to work with him, Nialler. Don't forget that" added Zayn smugly.
"How could I when you always remind me it" glared Niall at him.
"So no need to worry?" heard Niall Jesy asking Perrie in a whisper.
"I'm not sure. Maybe we should tell them" mused Perrie unsure.
"Could be helpful" agreed Jesy silently.
"You know what we forgot?" pushed Zayn Niall against the shoulder.
"Don't slap me all the time, you cunt" slapped Niall Zayn's hand away.
"We have rehearsal in three minutes" tapped Zayn against Niall's forehead.
"Oh shit" grew Niall's eyes bigger with the second.
"Then you have to run, boys. We see each other again" assured Perrie them softly.
"Right okay. Bye. Come on, Zayn" graped Niall Zayn's hand and pulled him along.
When they arrived at the JuiceNet the other boys were already there. They were setting everything up but distracted each other every few seconds. Liam and Louis were constantly laughing like the two idiots they were and Harry was watching them amused until Liam pulled him into a bundle on the ground and Louis crashed onto them. This was a very strange sight.
"Guys, what the hell are you doing?" looked Zayn weirdly at them.
"Liam started it. I'm innocent" held Harry his hands up.
"Ha, as innocent as you two were when you almost fucked in the living room while I was still there" snorted Liam delighted.
"That's not true. You're a liar" gasped Louis and jumped up.
"Liar Liar, pants on fire" sang Harry laughingly.
"I know what I saw. I have eyes you know" smirked Liam at them.
"Beautiful eyes at that" wiggled Louis his eyes brows at Liam.
"Oh no. Stop it. Harry's jealousy started your make out session" panicked Liam.
"I wasn't jealous" claimed Harry firmly.
"No? So I can do that again?" challenged Louis his boyfriend.
"Oh hell no" pulled Harry Louis inot his arms possesively.
"Do I even want to know what I missed?" chuckled Zayn fondly.
"Better not. It will destroy your life" shook Liam his head.
"Shall we star then?" suggested Zayn to his friends.
"Good idea. Saturday we should play songs we absolutely love especially after that last Gig. We don't have much time thanks to the great project and as far as I know nobody has something new, am I right?" addressed Niall the others.
"Nothing finished yet" confirmed Harry Niall's statement.
"Me neither" agreed Zayn shortly.
"Great, then let's start to discuss" rubbed Louis his hands togehter like a villian in a disney movie.
It turned out it wasn't that hard to acutally choose five or six songs for the Gig. They decided on fast and happy songs after their last performance was so sad and....weird. For an hour they played Best Song Ever, Midnight Memories, Better Than Words, Alive, Why Don't We Go There and Diana over and over again to make it perfect for Saturday.
Something was different today. The mood had changed and the air wasn't filled with thick tension. It was light hearted and kinda felt like a long time ago. It felt normal again. Maybe because Liam was acting normal again. Seeing him that carefree was relieving. Zayn and Liam didn't avoid each other. More the opposite. They actually talked normally again and shared the same kind of joy on stage. And in this moment Niall had the small glimmer of hope that everything could be turning back to normal.
But over and over again his thoughts drifted away. Back to Perrie and Jesy and their whispering. What was so bad that they didn't tell then? But mostly he thought about Shawn. He was so angry at him and didn't even know why exactly Of course he shouted at Jesy and wanted money from her even though it was an accident but that wasnt unusual for him. Why did that piss him off so much? Sure, Shawn was acting nice in the last weeks especially during their project work and it annoyed the hell out of him. But maybe he wanted to believe him, wanted to believe he wasn't that coldhearted and arrongant but he still was the same. And maybe, but only maybe Niall rather disappointed than angry ath Shawn..... and at himself.
After the rehearsal they cleaned everything up and went outside. The wind was getting fresher by the minute and it seemed like a storm was coming their way. Automatically worry was written on their faces.
"Guys, let's go to mine. My parents are gone so nobody can ask" offered Liam like his old self.
"I have no better idea. Let's go then" hushed Niall his friends into the direction of Liam's house.
On their way there as they almost reached Liam's door Perrie and Jesy came torwards them. Niall didn't even want to know how they knew where they were going.
"Hey boys. Can we come along? We would love to talk to you about something" greeted Perrie the boys shyly.
"Sure, Come in" smiled Liam politely at them.
They all entered the house, took off their shoes and coates and walked into the living room. While Liam was getting them something to drink the rest sat down on the two couches. Perrie and Jesy on one of them and the five boys on the other one.
"You can sit here too if it doesn't fit" offered Perrie amused as she saw the boys sitting there.
"No thanks" declined Zayn.
Louis was sitting in the one corner of the couch with Harry on his lap and his phone in his hand. Liam was sitting very closely next to them with one of Niall's leg layed over his knees. Zayn was sitting in the other corner in Niall's arms. All kind of on top of each other squeezed together.
"I'm just texting my Mom that we're staying over at your house" let Louis Liam know.
"I should probably do that too"thought Zayn out loud.
"But you can't move to get your phone, Cowboy" snickered Niall in Zayn's arms.
"Well, I let her think I died. Maybe I will anyway" shrugged Zayn and pulled Niall even closer causing Liam to grumble quietly next to Louis.
"What's the matter?" asked Louis in a whisper.
"Just sitting weird" waved Liam the matter off.
"I see you're wearing Perrie' necklace" noticed Jesy the necklace around Harry's neck.
"Yeah she gave it to me a long time ago" smiled Harry at her.
"Feels like forever, babe" looked Louis up at Harry.
"I don't want to be rude but do I know you?" addressed Liam Jesy confused.
"Oh God Liam. You're unable to live" laughed Niall out loud and almost fell down from the couch but Zayn caught him and pull him back up.
"Socially incompatible" snickered Louis and hid his face in Harry's back.
"I hate you all so much" grumbled Liam and crossed his arms over his chest.
"You love us" pushed Niall him against the shoulder.
"Well, My name is Jesy and I'm Perrie's best friend" introduced Jesy herself with a grin.
"Makes sense, huh?" elbowed Niall Liam as his eyes grew big.
"Guys, don't be so mean. Give him a break" came Zayn to the rescue.
"You're boring" pouted Niall.
"Maybe we should shut up and listen to what they wanted to say" intervened Harry now.
"Thank you, Harry. We don't want to disturb you for long but we thought now that she is here we should tell you the whole story about what happened back then and why we lost contact with Leigh" explained Perrie to them.
"You don't have to tell us" clarified Liam right away.
"I know but we want to because you remind me so much of us that we want to prevent you from doing the same mistakes" opened Perrie up to them. All five were completely silent now.
"Well, I think it's my turn now. I was involved the most so I should tell you what happened" sighed Jesy sadly.
"It's okay Jesminda. I'm here with you" assured Perrie her friend.
"Thanks Pez" smiled Jesy at her lovingly.
"Well, where do I start. I guess Perrie told you how we all ended up on Mako Island and after that became friends, right?" turned Jesy to the boys. They nodded agreeingly.
"Yes. She said something happened and after that you got each other the necklaces as a promis for your friendship but in the end it didn't work out the way you wanted it" Liam let her know carefully.
"That's right. But what you don't know is that I am the reason Leigh Anne left" came Jesy guiltily to the point.
"That's not true and you know that" contradicted Perrie outraged.
"Almost after a year of that night on Mako Island, everything was still perfect, I got involved with that guy. His name was Jake. Popular, arrogant, cool, charming, good looking and an asshole But when he was with me he was different. Nice and caring. Like a totally different person. At some point we got together but didn't tell anyone especially not my friends because I knew how they would react. They hated Jake. He bullied us before that and was so proud of being overly rich that it annoyed us a lot. But I was in love and he wanted me. Or so I thought" told Jesy them her story.
"And Shawn reminded you of him?" Niall wanted to know.
"Yeah kind of. He seemed more harmless but still. It was the same attitude" nodded Jesy her head.
"The description fits" spat Zayn causing Niall to flinch lightly.
"Anyways, at some point my lovely friends found out about us and were pretty disappointed. Not only that I lied more that it was him. They couldn't understand it and didn't tried to. Well, Leigh didn't. From that day on Leigh and I were fighting nonstop about everything not just Jake. Her relationship with André was perfect to her and nothing could compare with that. It was horrible. But Perrie and Jade were always by my side through everything even if they didn't like him one bit".
"With time it got more and more difficult to hide my secret from him. I felt horrible lying to him. I told the girls about it wich turned out to be the worst idea ever. Leigh Anne screamed at me without understanding. She said it was too dangerous to trust him and that he was evil and would leave me but I didn't listen. She made me choose between them and him. I told her real friends wouldn't make you choose and left. Blinded by love I decided to tell him everything. At first he freaked out and said he needed time to think about it. I thought he left me but then he contacted me and wanted to meet up at the docks. Happily I swam to the docks as a mermaid and waited for him. As he saw me in the water he took out a camera and started making pictures of me like I was se kind of strange animal. I had no idea what to do. I was trapped".
"That's horrible" gasped Niall shocked.
"How did you get out of there? What happened to the picutres?" Liam wanted to know thrilled.
"Thankfully Jade and Perrie followed me that day. They distracted him, took the camera and destroyed the pictures. He tried to tell everyone about us but they just laughed at him and the thing was over. But it had its aftermath. Leigh Anne never wanted to talk to me again and I closed myself off and felt utterly guilty. Since that day I trusted nobody. I turned to ice while Leigh Anne distanced herself and André from us. As a last try Jade and Perrie had the idea with the necklaces but it didn't helped for long. Leigh's and my friendship was never the same and we noticed that she wasn't happy with the situation. She wanted to be normal again and have a future with her boyfriend. All this ruined our friendship in the end and it started with me" finished Jesy her story with a heavy sigh.
"It's not your fault, Jes. She would have done it anyway. She would be gone no matter what" lifted Perrie Jesy's chin up and looked her in the eye.
"She is right. This was no reason to drop you like that" agreed Niall with Perrie.
"Yeah. Love makes you do stupid things but that's normal. No reason to cancel a friendship" added Liam firmly.
"Thank you, guys. You're too kind" smiled Jesy thankfully at them.
"I would never leave these idiots even if Liam decides to marry the devil or worse....Shawn" joked Louis to ease up the sad tension.
"Eww... why Shawn? I stick with the devil" grimaced Liam.
"You know, Zayn has been pretty bad boyish lately. Almost like the devil" smirked Niall smugly. Zayn elbowed him into the ribs.
"Anygays.... These bubble heads helped me a lot. I wouldn't drop them" said Louis causing Harry to giggle in his hands.
"True. Their friendship is very strong. Stronger than ours. Believe me. I saw it. And they listend to every hint I gave them even if it took them a while to understand" assured Perrie Jesy.
"Urgh. I get it. I was very slow. Can we leave it behind please?" groaned Harry embarrassed.
"Don't blush, love. It's all good as it is" kissed Louis Harry's cheek causing Harry to blush even more.
"Awwww" cooed Liam, Zayn and Niall overly dramtic at that sight.
"Get yourself some girlfriends or boyfriends" threw Louis a pillow at them.
"Been there done that" shrugged Zayn indifferent causing Liam to look at him.
"I'm on my way" grinned Niall smugly.
"That's.... what? Niall, why didn't you tell me?" exclaimed Liam fakely hurt.
"Because you were busy with your fuckbuddy?" countered Niall unsure.
"She isn't.... I'm not... Well, doesn't matter" fell Liam silent.
"As long as it's not Shawn I don't care" patted Louis Liam's shoulder.
"His name was definitely said too many times today" remarked Zayn.
"Sure he isn't involved with you? checked Jesy worriedly.
"I can assure you that. Never in a million years is one of us even thinking about telling Shawn about it. I would rather die" cleared Liam the matter up. The others nodded agreeingly.
"It makes me happy to see you with our necklaces. Mine is still on my boat. I could pick it up for you, Niall" offered Jesy friendly.
"Me?" pointed Niall suprised at himself.
"Yes you. You're the only one without and besides you remind me of myself" grinned Jesy at him.
"Oh Niall watch out. Maybe you will think about marrying Shawn tonight" joked Liam suprisingly.
"Shut up and fuck Cheryl, Lima. You're mean" snorted Niall.
"Wouldn't be the best idea to leave the house right now. It's pouring and there is a storm" stated Louis and nodded with his head to the window. It looked like the world was going down.
"Oh shit. I have to go home. You have to sleep at some point" cursed Perrie.
"You can stay here and take the guest room if you want to" offered Liam heartly.
"I don't know how to thank you, Liam".
"You don't have to, Perrie. We're friends and friends help each other" smiled Liam at her warmly.
"We should go upstairs too. It's late and we have school tomorrow" said Zayn and made everyone groan annoyed.
"I'm not walking all those stairs" shook Louis his head stubbornly.
"Come on, babe. Jump up" patted Harry his back. Louis grinned exciteldy and jumped on Harry's back so that he carried him up the stairs piggypack style.
Zayn, Liam and Naill just laughed amused at them while they were walking up the stairs. It felt like everything was okay again.
"They are so much like us" realised Jesy while they followed the boys.
"No they're stronger than us" smiled Perrie sadly.
"Hopefully they are. Those two boys are exactly like you and Jade. I miss her so much" commented Jesy as they arrived at the guest room.
"Me too. Every day of my life. But believe me when I tell you they are not like us. They're even more" said Perrie and closed the door for the night.
The next morning the storm wasn't over. The wind howled around the houses, rain pattered against the windows, thunder crashed in the distance, and lightning lit up the darkness. With a shitty weather like this the boys couldn't go to school and Perrie and Jesy weren't able to leave.
While Liam was in the kitchen downstairs with Niall, Jesy and Perrie, Zayn was still sleeping soundly. At the same time Louis was hiding underneath the covers and Harry held him close to his heart with a protective arm around his scared boyfriend.
"Everything will be okay, sweet cheeks" whispered Harry sweet nothings in Louis' ear to calm him down. He was shaking violently.
"Hazza" whimpered Louis into Harry's chest miserably.
"Shh. I'm here" assured Harry him.
Gently he stroked Louis' back up and down and drew small patterns on it with his finger. He run his finger down Louis' spine alongside his waist until he reached the curve of Louis' bum. The moment Harry stopped there Louis fell silent. His heart beat a thousand times fast inside his chest. Harry's hand lingered a little too long there so Louis knew he was pondering very hard what to do next.
Louis took matters into his own tiny hands. He let go of Harry's shirt that he was clutching tightly out of fear moved them over his chest. One hand stayed there and kept doing this movement while his other hand wandered further down onto Harry's waist. Slowly Louis lifted his head up and pressed a short kiss on Harry's clothed chest right over his racing heart. Then he left a breathy kiss on his collarbone causing Harry's breathing to quicken up. Harry's grip on the back of Louis' waist tightened and his hand slipped down onto Louis' bum. Satisfied Louis smirked to himself.
Feeling kinda brave lifted himself up, sat down on top of Harry and crashed his lips on Harry's lips. Utterly suprised Harry let out a sound of shock and suprise while his eyes grew big nonetheless he kissed Louis back immediately. Harry moved his other hand over Louis' sides down his waist and onto his ass where his other hand was still resting gently. Louis had one of his hands in Harry's hair and his other hand curled around Harry's neck deepening the kiss.
Greedily Louis bit down on Harry's bottom lip causing Harry to suqeeze Louis' ass hard. Harry let out a suprised gasp that gave Louis the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue into Harry's mouth. Their tongues danced together and Louis already felt the effect down in his pants but he didn't care. Louis tightend his grip in Harry'hair as he broke away from the kiss to leave open-mouthed kisses down his jawline. Harry had his eyes closed and shyly started actually massaging Louis' ass. The moment he realised what he was doing he abruptly stopped and searched for Louis' eyes. Intensively they looked at each other both panting and a little bit red in the face. Louis nodded approvingly at Harry and then attached his lips to Harry's neck.
While licking and sucking on his neck Harry continued to massage Louis' ass. Never did Louis think he could actually enjoy it but he loved it. Way too much. Harry turned his head a little bit aside so Louis could have better access to his neck. As Louis sucked harder on Harry's neck Harry let out a quiet moan and squeezed Louis' ass tightly. Immediately Louis' dick hardened at the sound of Harry's beautiful moan. Louis got a little bit lost in the feeling of making Harry feel good that he shifted a little bit up and down right above Harry's dick and for sure he felt Harry's little bulge rubbing against him through the pants. Instead of freaking out like he expected himself to react Louis felt a tingling and twitching in his dick and the need to slide his hand down from Harry's nipple that he was squeezing right now donw inside Harry's pants and jerk him off.
But he didn't give into the feeling. Maybe in this very moment he really wanted to but Louis never knew what would happen if he actually did it. He was already proud himself that he started this moment with Harry without freaking out like he thought he would. He didn't want to overdo it. He knew his reactions and reflexes if his memories would ruin the moment and Louis didn't want that right now. This moment was special to them because they never actually gone this far especially not without Louis tensing up or feeling dirty. He was doing okay and for second he thought maybe everything will be okay after all.
That's why he wasn't mad when Liam and Niall came back into the room talking loudly to each other waking up Zayn in the process. Very quick Louis stopped everything he was doing and sat up straight on top of Harry. But not without admiring his masterpiece on his baby's neck.
"Maybe this would be it. We should try that and...... what are you doing? Did we interupt something?" became Liam's eyes big as he noticed Harry and Louis on the bed.
"Nope. Just a little bit scared of the thunder but I found a way to distract myself" said Louis casually and winked at Harry before he stood up, trying to cover up his little bulge in his pants.
"Harry?" checked Niall smugly.
"I'm awake. I'm on my way" replied Harry breathlessly. He looked totally lost and his face was as red as a tomato.
"Oh My God! Zayn, how could you be asleep while they were during.... that?" gasped Niall disbelievingly.
"Seeing Harry's... condition I'm pretty happy I was asleep" snickered Zayn still half asleep.
"Guys, keep your boners down and get ready. Breakfast is waiting" Liam told them amused and left the room.
"Hey, I don't have a boner. I hadn't a private show of Larry" called Niall after Liam and run after him as he didn't get an answer.
"Well, the bathroom is waiting for me, losers" flipped Louis his harid back and left the room with swinging hips.
Before he entered the bathroom he tapsed back and put his ear to the room door. As he was thinking Zayn actually questioned Harry like the best friend he was for Louis.
"You okay? You look......done" searched Zayn for the right word.
"I think I'm okay. Just a little breathless" coughed Harry awkwardly.
"Do I want to know what happened?" questioned Zayn and Louis just knew he was raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing" lied Harry way too fast and not convincing at all.
"Really? That doesn't look like nothing" Louis could hear the grind in Zayn's voice and was sure he pointed at the big Hickey on Harry's neck.
"Well, okay that. But I didn't pressure him, I swear. One moment he was scared of the thunder. The next moment he kissed me" Harry panicked and Louis felt kinda sorry for him. Zayn could be scary when it came to protecting Louis.
"Easy Harry. I never thoguth you did something wrong. I was just checking if everything was okay. If both of you are okay" calmed Zayn him down.
"Everything's perfect. Nothing bad happened" clarified Harry.
"Well except your boner. That must be bad now" joked Zayn to easen up the mood.
"Very funny, Zayn. You want to have one too?" shot Harry back.
"I swear, don't even think about it. I call for Louis" warned Zayn him.
"You have my boner in your face if you don't shut up" laughed Harry.
"I should go down and use the bathroom after Louis. I'll leave you with that" chuckeld Zayn and Louis just heard a slap.
Grinning to himself he finally entered the bathroom and locked the door. He changed his shirt and fixed his hair but his freaking boner didn't want to go away. It was begging to be touched so he gave in. He pulled down his pants and boxers and carefully touched his halfhard dick. Slowly he stroked over it and smeared the pre-cum all over it with his movements. A little firmer he picked up the pace and started palming himself while cupping his balls with his other hand. His eyes were closed and he bit down on his bottom lip to keep the moans in. The picture in his head of Harry doing the same thing in the bedroom mixed with the memory of his cute little moan sent Louis over the edge and he came into his hand. After riding out his high he put on his nex boxers and his pants. After his pants were normal again he opened the door and went back into the room to put his things back there.
"Great, you're ready. We can finally eat" came Harry torwards him. The thought of what he had just done made Louis blush looking at Harry.
"Well, then let's go" said Louis way too forced.
"Lou, wait" took Harry a hold of Louis' wrist and faced him.
"Just to clear that up right away. I'm in love with you, Louis. I'm absolutely crazy for you and everything is more than perfect" pulled Harry him closer by the waist.
"I'm in love with you too, Haz" was the only thing Louis was able to say as an answer.
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and pulled his face closer to him. Their lips met in a short lovely kiss. After that they just looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly Harry firmly graped Louis' ass wich caused Louis to let out a suprised yelp and he slapped Harry's hand away.
"Ey, just because I like this doesn't give you permission to do that all the time" glared Louis playfully at him.
"I can't help it. I just can't resist. It's so big and wonderful" grinned Harry innocently.
"It's not bi...".
"Come on, King Louis. Breakfast is waiting" cut Harry Louis' protest off. He took Louis suprise as he lifted him up ans carried him through the door and down the staris bridal style. As they reached the living room where the others were waiting Harry carried him to his chair and then finally set him down.
"Naw this is too much for my poor Larry heart" cooed Niall and pretend to faint on Zayn's lap.
"Please tell me you didn't fuck in my bed. You had enough time but still, please" begged Liam jokingly with a bread in his mouth.
"I would change the sheets" winked Louis at him as he sat down.
Zayn snorted loudly while Niall's laugh was barely audible in Zayn's lap. Liam almost choked on his food because he started laughing so badly. Even Perrie and Jesy joined their laughter.
"Nialler, stop laughing on my dick" slapped Zayn Niall's head.
"Why? Does this makes you hard?" flattered Niall his eyelashes cutely at Zayn.
"No, but wet because you're drooling" countered Zayn dryly.
"I hate you" grumbled Niall as he turned away from him.
"Awww poor Baby. Doesn't Zayn like your wetness?" mocked Liam him.
"Just eat your bread, dick" hissed Niall poutingly.
"He said the bad word. Oh God. Guys get ready. It's over" exclaimed Liam dramatically.
"Oh No Niall. Why?" played Louis along.
"The world is crashing down. Liam, watch out or the evil D will get you" cackled Zayn and clutched his stomach tightly.
"Too late. I can already see the evil D" bursted Harry into laughter.
"Why am I friends with you?" slammed Niall his head on the table.
"And the evil D destroyed the world" gave Zayn Liam a High Five.
"At least it weren't the nasty Munginas. That would be the end of the universe" joked Louis with tears of laughter in his eyes.
"We should run away as fast as we could if we see nasty Munginas" adviced Liam them.
"You think we could hide on Mard with the Aliens if we feed them Pizza?" checked Zayn way t seriously.
"Who could resist Pizza?" replied Liam smilingly.
"Then it's settled. Get the Pizza against the nasty Munginas" exclaimed Zayn like he would go to war.
"Munginas are not only nasty. They are scary. I would prefer the evil D" shuddered Harry.
"You heard the man. Give him some evil D" yelled Liam at the top of his lungs making everyone laugh.
"Is being worked on" said Louis quietly.
After that they kind of normally finished breakfast, cleared everything up and decided to work on their parts of their english projects if they couldn't go to school. Liam stayed ouf of good measure or more likely because he didn't want to go without his friends. After half an hour they realised they didn't get work done because they kept distracting each other constantly so they decided to watch a movie with Jesy and Perrie who were just watching them since the breakfast with amsued smiles on their faces.
Like in old times they argued over the movie for a while but this time all five of them. In the end they watched a Disney Movie to thank Liam, but also because they wanted to be little kids again. They watched The Incredibles. Great Movie by the way. Jesy and Perrie loved it and made jokes throughout the whole movie. Niall joined them here and there or stuffed popcorn into his mouth. Liam and Zayn were commenting on some parts and were almost cuddling like nothing ever happened and both of them looked as happy as ever. At the same time Harry and Louis were cuddling on the couch and occasionally kissing when a thunder was heard somewhere. It seemed to be the best way to distract Louis from it and heloved Harry's lips.
When the raid stopped for a while Perrie and Jesy left to have some time on their own. School still wasn't over so the boys stayed with Liam. They watched another movie and after that they randomly listened to music and sang along like they used to do. The mess they made was cleaned up shortly before they left even if none of them really wanted to go. They were afraid as soon as they left the house everything would be weird again.
But it wasn't weird again. The next days were almost the same. No rain was in sight but the boys were as close as never before. Liam was spending as much time as before with them and didn't even look at Cheryl any more wich left her sulking in the back and Zayn smirking evilly. Niall was fed up with Shawn and his tries to make people believe he changed when obvioulsy hadn't changed at all. And Louis helped Harry with his project because Taylor really never showed up again and he had to do it all alone. But like this he could get a good grate while Taylor would fail. He wouldn't save her ass. Like this the week went on. Ever day was kinda the same: School, project or rehearsal, sleep. It was okay because like this the project was almost over and nothing really bad happened.
Well, that was planned differently.....
BIG QUESTION: Do you still want Niall with Hailee or do you want him with Shawn? Right now I could still change it. I'm not sure to be honest.
Well, how did you like Jesy and her story? Do they know everything now?
Why is Niall so disappointed in Shawn?
That sexual part of Larry wasn't planned at all but I loved it and it felt right. Did you like it?
Are Zayn and Liam on a good way to be friends again?
Please vote and comment what you think.
I don't say that enough but I love you who read this story very much. You mean a lot to me. <3 <3 <3
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