Chapter 4
Big Confession Time.
Show Time.
In the picture above is the house, or like I kinda picture it, that they will see in here.
Tense, but also anxious and worried, Zayn, Liam and Niall looked at Louis, who still hadn't said a word. Gradually, they panicked. What would he tell them? Was it that bad? That would have to be, considering that when they came in, Harry completely leaned over a frozen Louis and looked like he was about to ...
"Louis, say something" Niall pleaded worriedly. They definitely weren't prepared for what was coming.
On Louis' side, there was just great fear. He was afraid of what could have happened. Afraid of the memories and afraid of the reaction of his friends. What would they do? Do they leave him alone then? That's what he went for.
"You've seen what Harry....did...." Louis started softly stuttering, the others nodded. "I..Ehm ... was frozen. It brought back memories that I wanted to forget, but it had to happen again" he mumbled.
"What happened back then?" Zayn asked but wasn't sure if that was the best idea.
Louis took a deep breath, looked into the worried faces of his friends and then began to talk.
"You know this is already my fifth move. I grew up in Doncaster, everything was fine, the school was alright and I had my friends. Well, not really, but you often realize that way too late.
The first move to Tennessee came around. That was pretty weird. I never got really settled in. I probably lost the first part of me there.
Then we moved to San Francisco . That was a big difference. We stayed there for something over a year and I even had two schoolmates, but it stayed that way.
Then we moved to Malibu, it was a very rich area, so of course you get noticed when you're normal. Being the new one was never easy, but it was the hardest there.
It was a typical American high school as it was in the movies, with groups and rankings and little games. The cool kids thought it was fun to pick on the new guys, all except one. He was nice to me and talked to me, was interested in me. I had a huge crush on him.
One day he came to me and said he was gay and nobody but me knew about it. He also showed me he had feelings for me and naive as I was I believed him every word. He kissed me and from that on everything was over.
Out of nowhere he changed his behaviour. He wasn't nice and caring any more. He was pushy and demanding. He always came too close. God, I was only 15.
When I still hadn't given in after two weeks, it got even worse.
On that one day, he came to my house and was far too intrusive. He didn't gave me a chance. And before I knew it, he hovered over me and pushed my arms down. I .... I was frozen. Completely defenceless. Weak. I couldn't do anything. If my only "friend" wouldn't happen to come by by accident ......... Fuck,.....he almost raped me.
Since then ..... this topic is difficult for me. Sure, I make jokes about it, but Sarcasm is my only escape.
Back in school, hell broke out over me. He had begun to spread lies and present himself as a victim. Everyone believed him, but it got worse. Later it came out that everything was a lie. He wasn't gay, far from it. He and his friends have had a game going on forever, whoever gets the new ones the fastest. He was the only one who put his disgust aside to get me in bed. Mockery were normal from that day on. And the hunt for me too. Since then you could say I have trust issues.
When we moved again I was happy about it for the first time, but back there I also left a part of my soul.
Back in England, I went through life with my head down. I didn't let anyone get in touch with me. Kept everyone away from me. No talks, when it wasn't necessary. I always had his words in mind as he told me I was ugly, fat and worthless. I believed it all. I tried to be different. I cut down my sarcasm, my sass, my humor. Actually, myself. I was invisible. Until I got to the point where I decided to be strong.
When we moved again I saw this as a new beginning. Due to the fact that I didn't manage to get on with the school stuff by moving two times in one year, I had to repeat the year now. That was like a reset button. Everything should be different, but of course I was wrong. I thought I was strong, but that's not the case. I am weak.
At first, Harry didn't get to me because it wasn't personal. But then he insulted you more and more and me too. Until today .... I don't want to imagine what could have happened".
The tears ran down Louis' face. He had locked them up for far too long. They looked at him speechless, they also had tears in their eyes. It was terrible.
Gently, Liam put his hand on Louis' knee. "Thank you, Louis, for your openness and your trust. I know that was a big step. I'm grateful for your honesty". He smiled shyly at him.
"And I am grateful that you have listened to me and are still here, thankful that you haven't just left and that you cared" Louis admitted.
"We would never just leave, Louis. We are your friends and friends are there for each other. We won't let you down, especially not because of that. You couldn't help it, neither then nor today" Niall assured him.
"He's right" Zayn agreed. "You've done so much for me in such a short time. You're a great person, and certainly not weak" Zayn pointed out.
"But I have to say, no matter how arrogant, self-loving, conceited, cocky, selfish, condescending and intimidating Harry is, he wouldn't have harmed you. No matter how sex obsessed he is, he doesn't do anything she doesn't want. Everything he does she volunteers. And we've got two points: You're not a girl and you don't want to, so don't worry" Zayn had to admit, even if he didn't want to.
"Well, he said that too" sighed Louis.
"What exactly?" Zayn asked.
"That I'm not a girl and he has shown me again what he thinks of us, Zayn" Louis told him.
"Don't listen to him. He has medieval standards, that's not what anyone needs" said Niall.
"Thank you, for everything. And just to make that clear, I said it's just like it was back then, but there's a difference" suggested Louis.
"And that would be?" Liam asked confused.
"I'm not into to Harry for a thousand percent, not in the least. Hell would have to freeze for that to happen" Louis laughed, still tears on his face.
"He can be sarcastic again, that's a good sign" grinned Niall.
"I still can't believe that Harry did that" Liam snorted, still stunned.
"Nothing would have happened, I'm sure" Zayn mumbled, staring at his hands.
"Why are you so sure about that? The way he behaves, nothing would surprise me any more" Niall asked. One by one looked up at Zayn.
"Fine, I think I'm next with the bedtime story" Zayn whispered. Now the attention was on him.
"I've already hinted that we used to be friends, in fact we were the best of friends since kinder garden. He lent my pencils and I stole his food, so probably his food complex will come in there. We did everything together. Sleepovers, birthday parties, first day of school, the first bad grade. His mother always made such delicious cookies, we were inseparable. I know, it's hard to imagine, but we were kids, he wasn't that bad, by his standards. He wasn't the nicest person in the world even then, but he didn't deliberately offend anyone. But even then he was already very taken by himself and was blinded by all his great things and stated it. He always made you feel like he was a little better than anyone else, like as we know him now. His mother always tried to make it up somehow, but apparently it didn't work. You can't save a big ego, I guess.
In year five, Shawn's family moved here. Their families are friends and control a lot together. Shawn and Harry immediately became friends. No wonder, they always saw each other and both considered themselves gods.
From one day to another he had forgotten about me and replaced me with Shawn. I can only imagine how relieved Harry's father must have been. He never liked me. I was never good enough for his precious son. The two became the evil duo and I was left behind. Alone.
But then there was this one day when a boy with big brown teddy bear eyes came to my little corner and offered me his food. From that day he never left my side, right, Liam?" Zayn finished his story and looked to Liam.
"Never" Liam agreed.
"Wow, I never thought you would've ever been such good friends" confessed Louis
"It's hard to imagine. Now I would like to throw him off a bridge, but back then it was different. I'd like to say I told you that so you could see the real Harry, but we've seen him all the time. There is no tragic story behind his behaviour. He is just like that. We aren't in a movie. Although I believe that there is a good side somewhere inside of him. But it is probably as crippled as the heart of the Grinch.
I admit I sometimes missed him, but the hatred has unfortunately increased over the years, especially in the last few weeks. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Shawn hadn't moved here. Would we still be friends? Would I be like him or would I pretend to be cool? Would I be friends with Liam? Would we have met? But I know one thing. Harry's behaviour probably wouldn't have changed. Although I believe that the right friends could show him another life. A better one. Well ... " admitted Zayn thoughtfully.
"We can't know that, but I've thought about it before. Shawn is definitely the more hopeless case" Liam sighed.
"I can't believe I say that, but I see it the same way" admitted Louis.
"He may be a bastard, but is still not a monster" Zayn concluded the topic. The name Harry clearly fell too often today.
"I'm poor" Niall exclaimed unexpectedly. Shocked and confused, they turned to face him.
"What? What do you mean?" Liam asked dumbfounded.
"My mother and I are not very rich. We often have problems at the end of the month. We live in the trailer park. That's why we were never at mine. No one knows about it. I'm too ashamed to tell anyone. So many damn rich people live here and then there's me.
Every time Shawn or Harry makes jokes about you and insult you as poor, it's like a slap in the face. Like a cold shower of Reality. I'll never have the same chances as you. I never wanted to tell anyone..... until today. I feel like I can trust you without you giving me away or changing your behaviour towards me. The last thing I need is pity" Niall confessed sadly. So much honesty in one day was hard to handle.
"Niall, it doesn't change who you are. Do we look like Shawn? Money isn't important to us, you know" Zayn assured him clearly.
"He's right. We're all not rich. I really have no idea how my mother pays the house. She's a damn nurse" Louis said and smiled.
"Why is a nurse transferred so often?" Niall asked confused.
"Why is Shawn such an idiot? For some questions, there is no logical answer" laughed Louis.
"I have a evil twin, his name is Lima Bean" Liam said monotonously.
"Bitch what?" Niall and Louis asked laughing.
"Is that so unlikely?". They just gave him an all-knowing look.
"Well, since all of you made Confessions, I wanted to confess something too, but I have nothing to say. Or maybe ...." Liam trailed off.
"What did you want to say, Liam?" Zayn hooked up curiously.
"It's nothing" he denied.
"That wasn't very believable Liam. What's going on?" Zayn tried again.
"Never mind. It's just lately I'm a little confused" he murmured, avoiding eye contact.
"In which way confused?" Louis inquired.
"Guys ,I think I'm not just into girls" Liam blurred out. "It's... um no idea ... just a feeling".
Strangely, nobody knew what to say. After all they had just said, that was the most unexpected. So weird. It's definitely the most normal.
"And where does this feeling come from?" Louis wanted to know.
"I don't know it myself. I think girls are very pretty and I already had crushes, but somehow I can't imagine anything else with them, I..." Liam tried to explain.
"But with guys you can?" Louis got to the bottom of the matter.
"Since this thing at the party, I'm not so sure any more. I've never thought about it, but since then I did" he confessed sheepishly. Zayn never stopped looking at him for a second. His heart began to beat faster.
"Liam, that's alright. Everybody comes to this point someday. You can also like more than one sex, ever heard of Bi? Or you just love, feel whatever you feel, Liam" Niall reassured him.
"I agree with Niall one hundred percent" Louis said, putting his arm around Liam.
"The two are right. You told me yourself that I'm fine the way I am. Believe your own words" Zayn supported the two.
"But wouldn't I have noticed that sooner? You two have known that for a long time" Liam asked desperately.
"It doesn't matter when you find out. Some people don't realize that until they've been married for 30 years, and I know that for only a year" Zayn assured him.
"And I know that since this thing. It always happens when you don't expect it, just like everything in life" Louis came to a conclusion.
"Yeah, who knows if I won't still fall in love with Louis sometime because of his great butt?" Niall joked to lighten the mood.
"That's what we suspect anyway" Zayn giggled.
"Ey" Niall snorted and punched him in the shoulder.
"Thank you guys, you are the best" Liam thanked.
"Come on, group cuddling" Niall suggested with a grin.
All four fell into each other's arms. Niall was almost crushed by them. Yes, if they were together, nobody could drag them down.
Unfortunately, Monday came way too early. All Sunday they spent watching movies, playing video games and doing all sorts of nonsense. Niall had never had such good friends in his life. He would do anything to never lose them. It was only a few weeks, but he felt like he knew them for a lifetime. As if it were destiny.
The music lesson moved closer and they were all nervous. Not only because they had to sing in front of the class, but rather because Mister Harry never rehearsed with them and they didn't sing the song once all together. So it could only go wrong. That's why they had come up with an idea. That should work.
After their separate classes, they met in the music room. Liam and Zayn were already there when Niall arrived. Louis was still missing. Was to be expected. He had to implement the first step of the plan. That was the hardest part. Maybe not the best idea to have him do this after what happened. They sh..
A moment later they heard voices coming through the door. Gasp and rumble. Apparently it had worked.
"Now take your fingers off me. I don't like you. Fuck, who would have expected you to be that strong" mocked Harry as Louis yanked him into the room.
"As you wish" he just said and gave Harry a push through which he stumbled forward and came to a halt in the middle of the room.
"What's this? The Losers Assembly? If you haven't noticed yet, I don't want to have anything to do with you. Kidnapping me is the lowest level, even for you" Harry mocked.
"Do you even breath?" whined Zayn.
"We brought you here because we have to sing the song once before the performance, whether you like it or not" Liam told him.
"And you couldn't say that to me normally? So Louis had to drag me through half the school?" Harry couldn't believe it.
"Oh, so we could have come to your table and just ask and you would have come with us? In front of Shawn?" Niall challenged him.
Harry couldn't think of that and stayed silent.
"I figured" Niall murmured.
Murring, Harry took a seat opposite Zayn and Liam. Louis sat down next to Niall.
"Alright, from the beginning" Liam said, starting the song.
Harry sang his part flawlessly. Niall wanted to be annoyed by it, but was glad about it, since their chances were good to succeed then. Louis sounded good too, but Niall notices how he tried to ignore Harry, who gave him a dazzling look. At some point Niall would tear his head off if he continued to treat Louis so badly.
For the first time, they all sang the chorus together.
I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah
I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah
I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care
I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah
They looked each other in the eye and it was indescribable. Niall couldn't put that feeling into words. It was like magic. As if it were meant to be that they should sing together. Total nonsense, but that's how it felt to Niall.
Then came Liam's verse and Harry grimaced. Apparently, he didn't like Liam's voice either. A wrong word and Niall would kill him.
Yeah, we were together summer '09
Wanna roll back like press and rewind
You were mine and we never said goodbye
Now came the part that Niall was afraid of. Louis' Bridge with Harry. There was a trembling in Louis's voice. Niall wished so much he could do something for him. Then Harry started to sing and damn, the two sounded great together. It was as if their voices complemented each other and flattered each other. Together they sounded perfect.
And Niall was probably not the only one, who noticed that. Zayn and Liam looked just as surprised. If the two wouldn't hate each other ... unbelievable what they could do together.
Then came the refrain again and the feeling came back. That was so strange. The last part they sang together and finished the song with the chorus. Their voices went out and nobody said a word. Liam got up and packed up all the things. The lesson would begin immediately.
Danielle's group sang right before them and they weren't so bad at all. The boys were next. The nervousness rose in him. But apparently Louis was even worse. Trembling, he sat beside him shaking, staring at the floor. Niall put his hand on Louis' to reassure him.
"Will be fine" he whispered to him. If Louis was so nervous, Niall didn't want to know how Zayn was doing.
"Thank you, that was very good" Miss Flack dismissed the girls group. "The next group, please, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry" she called the boys. Swallowing, they stood up.
"Poor Harry, had to spend a week with that" he heard someone whisper. Sure, that was Nick.
"Their song is certainly a disaster" Aidan joined in.
"I heard Harry wrote it, so it's not all lost yet" Taylor snickered.
"Now, shut up! There are people who want to hear that. So why not move your hate speech to Mars" Eleanor interrupted angrily.
"Uh somebody is scratchy, that's what I stand for".
"Mister Grimshaw, if you aren't silent right now, I'll send you to the Director" interrupted Miss Flack Nick's miserable attempts at flirting.
"Well, now you can start" she turned back to the boys.
"So, our song is called Rock Me" Liam announced. Whistling was heard.
"Oi, I wonder who this cool idea came from. Someone's horny" joked Shawn.
Niall rested his hand on Louis's back reassuringly. They started to sing the song. The reactions to Harry's part were predictable. Biased idiots.
When Louis sang, he avoided any eye contact, but Niall saw the faces of the others. No one looked as if they wanted to say something bad, they looked more surprised. Niall could understand that. That's how he felt.
The only ones who couldn't pull themselves together were Shawn and his people.
During the chorus the feeling from before was back again, but mixed with nervousness and disgust.
When Liam sang they couldn't leave it again. Actually, Niall was a peaceable man, but these idiots woke up murder plans in his brain.
At the end of the song, Niall let out a sigh of relief that he didn't knew he was holding back. The class clapped enthusiastically and Miss Flack looked satisfied.
"Boys, that was awesome. I knew you could work together. A great song. Now sit down" she congratulated.
Ha, work together. Good joke.
When Niall dropped into his chair, he didn't trust his ears.
"I have to say that wasn't all shit. Your brilliance has saved this group, Harry" Nick praised him.
"Yes, without you they would have failed. None of them have any talent. It was so beneficial of you to have mercy on them" said Aidan.
"And the song, Harry. I have to say that was fantastic. Was there anybody having a wild night and was suddenly inspired? So, if I was a girl, I'd rock you after the performance" laughed Shawn, patting Harry on the shoulder.
"Oh yeah, I would love to rock you hard right now" Taylor whispered excitedly.
"Later, babe" said Harry, winking at her. "Let's say I'm a lyric genius, but that shouldn't surprise anyone" Harry boasted.
That was enough. Niall wanted to say something when Louis held him back. "Let him, shall he say so. I don't care" he said.
"But it's your song and most of all, there's more to it than ... well" Niall said.
Louis just shrugged and listened to the other group. Niall couldn't concentrate on that. He heard every word of these idiots. Why did they have to sit right behind them? Liam tried to stop Zayn from listening to them and taking their words to heart. Hopefully that worked.
"How could you stand it? A week with the prudish Liam, who doesn't know anything about life as many books as he reads. Did you have to listen to lectures all the time?" Shawn pitied Harry.
"You have no idea" sighed Harry.
"I bet Zayn devoured every word, as he probably wants to devour his friends, this absurd fagot, although he's too shy for that. Must have been disgusting to watch as he strips them all out with his eyes" laughed Shawn spiteful.
"Not as bad as Niall, who's totally obsessed with Louis's ass. Honestly that's totally sick. He really uses every opportunity, that poor bottle blond bastard" Harry whined theatrically.
"Well, of course he likes the little weirdo with the fat girl's ass and the clown clothes, that's just too gay. You have to be relieved that it's over" Shawn mocked.
"Oh believe me, I've never been more relieved in my entire life" Harry said.
Niall was already planning their deaths. Slow and painful. Hopefully Zayn and Louis hadn't heard that.
His heart was thumping and his pulse was throbbing. No one had ever been here before. All year long he was too shy to tell anyone how he lived. He was afraid they would mock him for what he was. But now he had invited his friends to join him and they sat outside on the bench in front of his house and looked out to the sea. It was peaceful and quiet.
"I thought you might want to drink something" said his mother, smiling at him and his friends as she handed them the drinks.
"Thank you, Mrs. Horan" Liam politely thanked. Niall winced slightly at the name. Oops.
"Please, dear, call me Maura" she offered.
As she left, silence returned. But no unpleasant silence, but a pleasant and calming silence. Niall was happy to have friends with whom he could just sit there and be silent. That was rare.
"It's beautiful here" Liam remarked. "Nice and quiet".
"S'right. We should come here more often" Louis agreed.
"Sure you want that?" Niall asked a bit uncertainly.
"Why shouldn't we want that? It's beautiful out here" Liam said.
"I don't know either" Niall shrugged.
"Niall, you really don't have to worry, we like to be here. In the morning the sunrise has to be very nice from here" Louis assured him and the others agreed wordlessly.
Niall was so thankful for his friends. They didn't judge him, didn't call him names. They loved him the way he was and nobody could change that.
Harry had planed to put his plan into action today. A few little lies would cause misery and mistrust between them and by the end of the week, none of them would talk to each other any more. Then they would be alone and depressed. Perfect.
When Harry came to class in the morning, he was early. If he was early, Shawn wouldn't be able to wet him with anything just because he wasn't paying attention. How much easier it would be if he told Shawn everything. Why didn't he do that? Shawn was his best friend, he wouldn't mock him. If Liam knew it and didn't run away, Shawn wouldn't either, right? He would never abandon him. Why did he suddenly worry about that? He had never thought about friendship. Either one was sympathetic or not.
First he had maths with Shawn. For advanced. He didn't understand a word, but of course there were also people like Liam, the upper clever ones. Urgh. Wisdom didn't bring women into your bed, so what's the point?
Shawn almost made him wet again on the way to nutrition. God, couldn't this guy drink normally?
He sat down in his seat and stared into the void until Zayn and Louis entered. He almost didn't recognize Louis. He wore neither red pants, nor striped T-shirts or suspenders, let alone TOMS. He wore black tight skinny jeans, a black tank top and a leather jacket. He had styled his messy fringe. The people who were already in class eyed him from top to bottom as if he were fresh meat. Shit, he looked good.
He talked to Zayn as he sat down. Zayn didn't look happy, rather worried. Harry could understand that. What was wrong with Louis? Don't get him wrong, Louis looked damn hot, but that wasn't him. He wasn't an ice cold, reckless goth. He was cheerful, insolent and obnoxious.
Louis briefly looked over at him. His bright blue eyes stood out even more now. He immediately avoided his gaze as he saw Harry looking at him. What was that?
When class started, Harry couldn't stop looking at him. Not in an - he is attractive and he would suddenly be gay- way. But rather worried and confused. Did Harry cause that? Was he the reason? Throughout his life, he rubbed his honest and cruel opinion in people's faces, no matter who they were. And often he exaggerated and added things that were wrong or that he found funny. Just for fun.
But he had never seen the effects of it directly before him. Could he make someone change completely? The thought made him conflicted.
On the one hand, this realization made him proud. He was impressed with how much power he could exert on a single person. With a few taunts, he could make someone question his whole being. Very cool.
On the other hand, he felt a strange feeling in his stomach at Louis' sight. It felt bad, as if he didn't like it. Ai, Harry really had to stop it. Where did all these thoughts come from? He never thought anything like that in his whole life.
This change in Louis could Harry now use to his advantage. The plan was in full swing.
On the way to lunch, Harry met Liam. "Are you looking for Niall?" Harry smirked.
Amazed, Liam looked at him. "Um, yes, we wanted to discuss something. Did you see him?" Liam asked uncertainly.
"Normally, I don't betray anyone, but since it's you...... Niall ran down this way and he said he wants to hide from you, because he had no nerve for another atomic talk" said Harry, watching Liam's expression as it changed. From confusion to hurt to something else that Harry couldn't interpret.
"Oh, um, thanks" he stuttered and disappeared.
One done, three left.
Shortly after completing the class the next day, Harry overheard Louis and Zayn talking.
"Changing your style is bad enough, but you killed Fabio" Zayn exclaimed.
What? Louis had killed someone? How did he ha..
"What on earth are you talking about?" Louis asked, obviously confused. Well, maybe he didn't kill anyone.
Zayn grabbed Louis by the wrist and waved it around. Confusion was written on his face. "Damn, Louis, you can't change everything about you" Zayn cursed.
"Can't I?" said Louis, leaving the room.
That was Harry's chance for step two. He took out his cell phone and acted as if he had just received a message. "Liam, what in the world..." he began, but fell silent again as Zayn looked at him.
"Please tell me you didn't hear that?" pleaded Harry played.
"I have to disappoint you. What do you have to do with Liam?" Zayn snorted. Oh perfect. He made it way too easy for him.
"Nothing. A friend just wrote that he and Sophia are probably on their way to the beach and he needs a break from something" Harry said.
He saw Zayn swallow hard and wordlessly left the room too. Great, On to the next.
Today was the perfect day to mock his next victim. Louis. In the last lesson they had drama. Together. They clearly had too much shared lessons. But here Louis was alone. Good Eleanor was there, but she was irrelevant.
Bored, he sat down next to Louis. He never thought he would do that. Louis froze directly. Oh perfect.
"Nice clothes" Harry remarked, but Louis ignored him.
"Did the emo clothes come with a new attitude to life? Don't tell me you always lock yourself up in the bathroom when it gets too much for you. We live in Australia, long sleeves get noticed easily. No wonder Zayn is so annoyed. First you copy him and then you just turn into the Ice Queen. Ai, Boo Bear, you can't buy your own new personality" Harry said emotionless, tracing his fingers over Louis' tigh and then turned to the teacher.
Louis didn't say a word. Somehow, Harry didn't like that. Why didn't he say anything? No objection, no cheeky remark like usual. Had he destroyed Louis?
Shocked, he shook off the thought. He had to stop thinking of something like that. The plan was to silence them, so why was he so disappointed not to hear Louis' voice?
He scribbled annoyed on his pad as Louis slightly moved next to him. Carefully he squinted over at him and saw him take off his leather jacket. And holy shit, where did the guy get those arm muscles from?
Harry had to swallow hard. Somehow it was hard for him to breathe and the air was so hot. It was probably stuffy in the classroom as it always was. Everyone was hot. Yes, that had to be it.
Friday. Last day of school. Last victim. Niall. He really had to think about something for him. He was best off letting Louis seem bad. The two always stuck together.
Just before lunch, he caught Niall in the toilet. "Do you think Louis's clothes are a statement? A kind of warning or revelation" Harry asked casually.
"Bitch what?" Niall exclaimed.
"Well, is he showing the world how he really is? Mean and sneaky?" Harry pointed out.
"This shows that you don't know him. Louis is not sneaky" Niall defended his buddy.
"Oh, then you don't know ... Forget it" said Harry and turned around.
"I don't know what?" Niall checked. A nasty glint came into Harry's eyes.
"Yeah, nothing. Just that Louis told me yesterday in drama how miserable he finds your try to conform and make people foolish. He said there was a reason why he never wanted to visit you, but now you'd always be on his heel" Harry lied.
Niall ran past him, bumping his shoulder and leaving the room.
Oh, Harry was a genius. Now they were all hurt, but no one would speak about it as he knew people, so there was no danger they could sort it out. Now he could watch how they would start to get out of the way. One after the other.
Grinning badly, Harry made his way to the dressing room. Everything went as he wanted. When he opened the door, he was grabbed by the wrist and pressed against the wall.
"I'm always in for sex, but still not gay" he said as he spotted Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam.
"Oh shut up!" Niall snapped at him.
"What gives me the honour?" Harry only rolled his eyes.
"Did you really think you could get away with that?" Liam replied sourly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Harry denied everything.
"Don't make yourself more stupid than you are. We know very well that you have been trying to incite us against each other. Just stupid that it didn't work" Zayn illuminated.
"We're not in the movies, Harry. In reality, people talk about problems with each other and nobody believes those stupid lies" Liam added.
"You know. We had this little moment between us. We know that we can trust each other and know what we think about each other, because we are honest with each other" Louis said.
"So ,nice try, but you failed. Nobody can break us apart. Next time, think about something more believable" Niall grinned in amusement as he let go of him,
"You're totally stupid" Harry said. Why was he so intimidated and impressed at once?
Before he could say anything, the door opened and the other students came in. Harry took a step to the side of the shower. Suddenly he heard water behind him and felt drops on his neck. Great, now he had to run again. Alone.
"And how was the training today?" Liam asked curiously. Exhausted, Louis fell onto the bed beside him.
"Exhausting, but it's a lot of fun to train the kids. They're really good" Louis said.
"That's nice to hear. Did you stay dry?" Liam checked.
"Apart from my sweat" joked Louis.
"Sweat is very sexy" Niall laughed.
"Sometimes you are really crazy" Liam grinned.
In that moment Zayn came through the door. "Only sometimes? How about always".
"The lost son is back" Niall said, hugging him.
"Niall, you're crushing me!" gasped Zayn.
When Niall let him go he also fell on the bed next to Liam.
"Did everything go well? Was the woman back?" Liam attacked him directly.
"Woah, slowly. Everything went well and no, she wasn't back" Zayn replied.
"Man, if I hear you talking like that, I should probably look for a job, too. I wanted to do it anyway" Niall admitted.
"At JuiceNet, they're looking for someone" said Louis.
"We could go straight over tomorrow" Liam suggested.
"You're the best" Niall smiled.
"We know" laughed Zayn.
"I still can't believe what Harry tried to do" Liam suddenly blurted out.
"Me neither. Did he really think we wouldn't talk about it?" Niall agreed.
"His lies were kind of weird. None of it was credible" said Zayn.
"He was right with me. I'm ridiculous" mumbled Louis quietly, all three turning their heads to him.
"Don't say that. That's not true" Liam contradicted him.
"But it is".
"Louis, look at me" Liam demanded. Louis slowly lifted his head facing Liam.
"You're not ridiculous. Harry's words mean nothing. You're fine the way you are. Don't let anything else persuade you" Liam assured him,
"Although we're worried, but you already know that" Zayn added.
"Zayn, just because I'm wearing black doesn't mean I'm not good" Louis tried to convince him but he didn't buy it.
Zayn just looked at him, his eyes said everything. Louis sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes.
"What do you want to hear from me? That I try to stop Harry from making fun of me? To attack me? "Louis admitted finally.
"But that's the perfect way to give him that opportunity" Liam said.
"He's right. Don't change yourself because of him, Louis. You love colours, you adore your TOMS, that's just you" Zayn agreed.
"What does it matter to me if I get insulted for it" Louis voiced concern.
"Sounds stupid, but it's just Harry. Fine, and Shawn, but nobody else. You have us, we all suffer from them, but if we stick together, they can't stop us. Do you think I like what they say about me, or Zayn doesn't take that to heart?" Liam asked him.
"That's not what I meant" Louis mumbled.
"I know Louis. I just wanted to say that we all get nasty things to hear. Harry is mostly after Zayn and you, Shawn is for Niall and me. It fits perfectly" Liam said.
"What he's trying to say, we've got to get through it all together, but together we can handle this well, there are enough people who are against them. We stick together, we're together, what more do we need? And if it's too bad there is always someone to talk to, right?" Zayn explained encouragingly. Louis smiled slightly at him.
"You're right. We have each other. He is not worthy of losing me again. I am stronger than that, together we can do everything. Let him scoff, I don't want to be like him. I have at least something like level and decency. You are the best, my TOMS will thank you" Louis said.
Finally. Niall liked that much better. It was a difficult week, but now they had their best friend back. "Does that mean you finally bring Fabio back to life?" Niall asked and tried not to grin, but he failed immensely.
"Who in the world is Fabio?" Louis asked, still confused. Zayn and Niall started to laugh, Liam just sat there uncomprehendingly.
"Your gay wrist" Niall brought out between laughter.
Louis grabbed a pillow and knocked Niall over his head, then Zayn. "You two are so crazy. Who comes up with something like that?" Louis joined in the laughter and slumped on top of them.
"Hey, that's pure love" defended Niall himself.
Liam still just sat there and didn't understand what was happening. "Come over here, Liam" Niall told him.
"Crazy heads" he sighed, but threw himself on top of them. They were a strange laughing bunch.
"Tell me, are these evening profound talks now a habit?" Niall asked amused.
"I don't hope so. This many feelings and tears are unhealthy and make ugly. Not that it would do anything to you, but I don't want to lose my perfect face just because you're such crabs" laughed Zayn, causing all their bodies to shake.
"You're so in love with yourself, Snow White" Niall rolled his eyes and pinched him in the side.
"No, I'm ticklish" he warned him.
A smirk appeared on his face. "Good to know".
And as soon as he knew it, Niall was tickling Zayn, causing Louis and Liam to fall to the ground.
"Oh, you did not" Louis hissed amused, exchanging a knowing look with Liam, both jumped up, pillows in hand and attacked Zayn and Niall. A lot of Oh's and Ah's were heard between loud laughter.
"Love you guys".
"Love ya, too".
Kind of a boring chapter with a lot of talking and self pity, but here it is. What do you think?
Louis' past ?
Zayn and Harry's Friendship?
Niall's situation?
Liam's confussed feelings? Who caused them?
Harry's brilliant plan, that failed?
Their strong friendship?
Will they ever get along with Harry? Do you even still want this?
Who should Niall fall in love with? It's still open.
What will happen next? Any ideas?
Love you guys <3
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