Chapter 34
This chapter is dedicated to someone who started reading my story a little while ago. I wanted to dedicate the two last chapters to her or him but I now this time I will not forget it. Maybe it's even more perfect now.
sassi5398 it's dedicated to you :) <3
It's my longes chapter so far. 14385 words. But it's also one of the mot important ones so this makes sense :)
"Louis?" The voice of Jay came through the door, but Louis didn't answer.
Jay knocked on the door again, but again Louis said nothing. Slowly the door opened and Louis pulled himself together even more. Gingerly, she walked around the bed and crouched down to look at him. Reluctantly, Louis looked at her with red puffy eyes. He had tear strains on his face and lay huddled in the middle of the bed with his back to the door hugging a pillow.
"Oh Louis, wouldn't you like to come down and eat something?" she sighed and brushed some hair from his face.
Louis barely shook his head. He wasn't hungry. He had hardly slept the night and just lain there and asked himself thousands of questions. He was paralysed. Dazed. Numb.
"Alright, but are you at least coming down to say goodbye to Anne?" Jay cocked his head. Louis nodded hesitantly and Jay got up and left the room.
He was grateful to her that she didn't ask how he was doing because it was totally obvious. He felt distressed. Everything was so empty without Harry and it was only yesterday evening. All night he had seen the gig in front of his eyes and tried again and again to understand what had happened. It was obvious that the lyric change of Harry wasn't intended and he was shocked by himself. But Louis didn't understand why it was enough reason to leave him without saying a word and let him hanging in the air. Louis wouldn't have said anything if Harry wanted it while Harry was still here. But Harry had not given him that chance. Louis felt abandoned.
Moody he got up and waddled over to the wardrobe. He pulled out sweatpants and pulled them over quickly. Then he pulled Harry's sweater straight and ruffled his messy hair. He didn't want to scare Anne completely.
From the living room he heard soft voices as he walked into the kitchen. He got himself something to drink and leaned against the kitchen counter. Quietly he heard soft footsteps behind him and turned reluctantly around. Anne gave him a friendly smile, but Louis could tell she was just trying to maintain a positive façade for him. Actually, she didn't feel like smiling.
"Louis dear, nice to see you. You were great yesterday" she said in greeting. Melancholy was in her voice and Louis could feel the tears behind his eyes again.
"Thanks, we did our best" croaked Louis, his eyes watery.
Anne's smile dropped at the sight and she hugged him without a word. Actually, Louis didn't want to be pitied, but that comfort did him good. It was Harry's mother who was trying to cheer him up because he was down because of her son. It was so bizarre that Louis had to smile a little. A few tears still ran down his cheeks.
"Oh Louis, I'm so sorry. I would like to apologize for my son. I really don't know why he did that. You care so much about him and it doesn't make sense for him to just hurt you like this and leave without a word" said Anne upset but sad at the same time, rubbing her hand over Louis' back.
"It's okay. He has his reasons. You can't help it. Don't worry. I'm fine" Louis wanted to reassure her.
"Don't say that. You're not fine and that's totally understandable. He can't just do that" she let go of him, putting her hands on his arms and giving him a sympathetic look.
"He can and he has. He probably finally understood that I'm not worth staying. It's okay" Louis lowered his head sadly.
"Louis, look at me. There is no one who is more worthy to stay than you. Never think you are not worthy. You are very special. Harry did something really stupid and nobody knows why. It's not your fault" she looked deep into his eyes. Louis just nodded and gave her a weak smile.
"I just don't understand him. Why does he do that? He cares so much about you. He never wanted to hurt you. I thought he had ..." Anne said more to herself, but then fell silent. Louis studied her face and saw that she wanted to say something, but held it back. Louis wondered what that was. What did she know?
"I don't want to disturb you, but you have to go if you want to be on time" Jay joined them in the kitchen and addressed Anne.
"That's okay. I wanted to do something anyway" Louis said.
"Okay, I'll leave then. Harry's waiting for me. See you soon, Louis" Anne said goodbye to Louis and gave him another hug.
"Goodbye, Anne" Louis said and then Anne and Jay went to the door.
Louis looked around the kitchen and sighed heavily. Even here everything reminded him of Harry. He felt as if he had the worst break up of all time, although they were not even together.
Shuffling he dragged himself into the hall and to the stairs. He saw Anne and Jay hugging each other and whispering something. Why did everyone around him feel the need to whisper? Nobody needed secrets.
"I'll try to make Harry understand. He can't do that to Louis" he heard Anne say before leaving the house.
Jay closed the door and then spotted Louis in front of the stairs. "Oh Louis, would you like to watch a movie or do something else?".
"No thanks. I'll go upstairs" Louis declined.
"Do you want to invite Zayn?" Jay suggested.
Louis just shook his head and went upstairs. Depressed, he flopped onto the bed. He didn't want to disturb Zayn now. He had enough of his own problems with Liam. That's why he also couldn't disturb Liam. And Niall, well, he didn't want to call him. He could talk to Eleanor, but she would talk to him only about Harry and he didn't want that now. Louis didn't feel like lying around sad and crying his eyes out. Harry was gone and he couldn't change that.
He felt for his cell phone and turned it on. He hadn't looked at it since last night. He had several messages and missed calls. None of Harry.
From Zaynie:
"What happened? Where are you two? Did Harry explain it?"
From Zaynie:
"Eleanor told me that Harry ran away. How are you? Could you talk?"
From Tommo:
"How am I supposed to be? I'm lying around without motivation. Harry is gone and I wonder what I did wrong, but hey, I'm great."
From Zaynie:
"You didn't do anything wrong. I don't understand what it's all about, and what do you mean with gone?".
From Tommo:
"Just gone. Everything's gone. He gone. Me alone. Reality. That's what I told you".
From Zaynie:
"Louis, don't even think about blaming yourself. Should I come over?"
From Tommo:
"You don't need to. I'm fine. What about Liam?".
From Zaynie:
"Ha, guess what? He's not there. I wanted to do something with him, but he didn't want to."
From Tommo:
"I don't understand him. He should be glad to have you".
From Zaynie:
"But he is not. I'm going to play FIFA now. We'll talk tomorrow."
From Lima:
"Is everything okay?".
From Tommo:
"Yes, all right. Better talk to Zayn".
From Lima:
"What? Why?".
From Tommo:
"Because he thinks you're not happy to have him. Do something".
From Lima:
"Nonsense. He doesn't think so, he has no reason to ".
From Tommo:
"If you thinks o".
From Eleanor:
"If I get my hands on him, he'll wish to have never been born. How can he pull that off? He'll change that lyric and then he runs away? - Did he at least explain it?"
From Tommo:
"No need to get worked up. Let him live. But no, he hasn't. He is not here. I am fine. We'll talk tomorrow".
From Nialler:
"Tommo, how are you? Can I do something?"
From Tommo:
"I'm fine. Couldn't be better. You can not do anything. Why don't you go and fix Harry like last night ?!".
Louis locked his phone and tossed it aside. Though he was glad his friends were there for him, but right now he didn't want to talk to anyone. Especially not Niall. Louis was sure that Niall had helped Harry yesterday. Harry could never have packed all his things so fast and Niall immediately ran after him to fix it. It was obvious. And then Niall asked brazenly if he could do something even though he helped leaving Louis? Ha, yeah. He could go die somewhere.
Slightly irritated and quite done with the situation, Louis searched for his notebook. Instead of blubbering he could use his emotions for a song. The feeling that Harry had just faked everything and didn't want to be here at all. The feeling of having been replaced. The feeling of being abandoned. Again.
If you're pretending from the start like this
With a tight grip, then my kiss can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me
And I can lend your broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again
Again can we take the same road two days in the same clothes?
And I know just what he'll say if I can make all this pain go
Can we stop this for aminute?
You know, I can tell that your heart isn't in it or with it
Tell me with your mind, body and spirit
I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British
Whether we're together or apart
We can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start
The whole Monday was uncomfortable and awkward. Since Zayn was disappointed with Liam, he didn't sit down next to him as usual, but next to Louis. He was very happy because he was able to distract himself in class. When Harry and Niall entered the classroom, Harry didn't even look at Louis. He sat down right next to Niall completely outward. Niall glanced over at Louis, but he didn't want to see Niall. Surprisingly, Liam came in last and sat right in the middle. The tension was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife.
During the whole school lesson stole Louis small glances at Harry. He seemed tired and drained. Niall next to him didn't look much better either. What did the two do? Celebrated a party?
Louis was really scared of drama. There he was alone with Harry. Good and dozens of other students, but still. As always, he sat down next to Eleanor and talked to her. Again and again he looked to the door until Harry finally came in. Much to Louis' disappointment, Harry sat down on the other side of the room. That was like a stab in the heart. Eleanor put a hand gently on Louis' shoulder, but he was frozen. He saw how Harry did nothing except playing with his ring on his finger. Louis recognized this ring immediately. Why was he wearing it when he didn't want to have anything to do with Louis? And why did he look at it as if it was the only good thing he had left? Harry made no sense and Louis really questioned everything. This behaviour began to annoy him. They were not three years old any more.
With food in hand, Louis sat down at Zayn's table in the cafeteria. Liam sat across from them, engrossed in a book. Niall and Harry were nowhere to be seen. But Danielle and Callum came over to them.
"Hey guys, great gig" Danielle greeted them.
"Right, wait, where are Harry and Niall?" Callum wondered.
"Not here, as you see" Louis grumbled.
"What even was that Saturday?" Callum retorted.
"I don't know what you mean" Zayn wanted to finish the topic.
"The lyric change, more than Stan! Harry has feelings. This is an exclusive message" exaggerated Callum.
"Is he maybe into Niall? Both aren't here. I always thought he likes Louis, but you can be wrong" Danielle thought.
"Into Niall? How do you even come up with that? He likes Louis ... um, if anything" Liam intervened now.
"Niall and Stan got along great, but when he was here, Niall and Harry barely saw each other. That makes sense" Callum explained excitedly.
"Since when do you expect Harry would like boys?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.
"A serious question?" Callum looked at him funny.
"Fact is, he may well be into Niall. So apparently he's not as straight as we all thought" Danielle added.
"Can you all fucking stop! That's none of your damn business. Get a life. No matter if straight or gay, no one but Harry should decide that" Louis hit on the table with his hands, which made everyone startle, and got up abruptly.
"Well done" Zayn threw the two a disappointed look and followed Louis.
Without a word, the two walked down the hall to the music room. No words were needed. Both knew what the other one wanted to say. Shortly before the room Shawn came towards them. The two really didn't feel like it right now.
"Louis, here you are. Harry has ...." Shawn started, but both just passed him by.
"Save it, Shawn. Nobody wants to know that" Zayn harshly cut him off.
Arriving at the room, Louis slid his back against the wall and sat down against it. Zayn joined him. Louis put his head on Zayn's shoulder and Zayn his on Louis' head. That could be a long week.
Tuesday wasn't much better. The only advantage was that Louis had only one lesson with Harry, in which he had to endure his strange behaviour. During the break, Niall and Harry were nowhere to be seen again and Louis gradually asked himself what the two were doing alone.
After school, Louis went home with Zayn. Just one more day lying in his room and thinking alone he didn't need. Pretty annoyed and emotionally overwhelmed, Zayn and Louis flopped onto the bed and turned on music. Random songs were playing in the background while the two just didn't feel like it any more and just talked about everything they thought about without thinking about it, because they knew the other one wouldn't judge or laugh at him. Both had a pretty broken hearts.
"I'm so done. I never thought Liam would be like this. I don't know how much longer I can stand it" sighed Zayn defeated.
"Maybe you should talk to him about it" Louis suggested.
"I've tried that, but whenever I want to talk he blocks it. Sometimes I think I'm not important enough to him" Zayn said sadly.
"There is no one more important to Liam than you" Louis reminded him.
"It may have been that way, but that relationship ruined everything. I should've just shut up when I still could. Sometimes you shouldn't risk it" Zayn complained.
"Maybe, but you've been brave enough to say something. You have to talk to him, talk seriously. Force him if you have to" Louis insisted.
"I don't know why I should. He doesn't see the problem. You saw it at the weekend. Liam was totally different, but once we got back, everything was the same. I feel like a weekend fling" Zayn told him honestly.
"I'd like to say you're wrong, but after this weekend I don't know what to think any more" sighed Louis helpless.
"No wonder. First this weird full moon, then this gig and then Harry pulls off such a thing. I don't know if I should strangle him or put him to talk" Zayn changed the subject from Liam to Harry.
"Neither. That would lead to nothing. He is doing anything to not talk about it and Niall protects him" said Louis bitterly.
"Please tell me you don't believe Harry would like Niall?" Zayn implored Louis.
"I don't know what to think" Louis confessed and scratched his neck embarrassed.
"Harry is NOT into Niall" Zayn pointed out.
"Actually, I don't think so, too but there's something weird about it. Niall always thought between Harry and me would be more ... Everyone has. Even me at some moments, even though I didn't want it. On the weekend, for example. I don't think that Harry meant Niall. That doesn't make any sense. If that were the case, he wouldn't avoid me but him, or at least it wouldn't be what it is now.... Everything that happened on Friday and Saturday and before and after would be for any normal human suggest that Harry likes me, but that can't be. And not because I don't deserve him, because God, I deserve to be happy. But he knows I'm gay and had a crush on him. Wouldn't he have to behave differently? Wouldn't he have to try to be close to me instead of pushing me away from him and hurting me? I don't do that, even though it always tears me apart inside" Louis poured out his heart to Zayn.
"So, first of all I'm proud that you realized that you deserve to be happy" Zayn said impressed.
"Shut up" chuckled Louis.
"And second, Harry is not you. You're one of the strongest people I know. Hardly anyone could do what you're doing. But Harry is different. Let's assume that he likes you, which is very likely. Just think about it. He had never feelings for someone else, on top of it for a boy. You're also best friends and yes he knows you liked him, but you said that was over. What if he thinks he can't heal a broken heart again?" Zayn madehim think.
"Are you referring on his song?" Louis smirked.
"Maybe. It's clearly about you and the other one as well. Only in relation with you the thing with Stan makes sense" Zayn replied.
"Okay, I admit it. I'm afraid. Afraid that he might really likes me. What if that destroys everything or it doesn't work out? If I simply can't do it? I don't want to lose him. I miss him already too much" confessed Louis.
"I can understand that. Look at me and Liam. It's only gotten worse, but no one knows if it's the same with you. I don't know what's going on inside his head, but you have to talk" Zayn encouraged him.
"You're right. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and try to get everything back to normal and then I'll take a closer look and use it if possible to find out what's going on with Harry" Louis said confidently.
"Good plan and I'll talk to Liam" Zayn said a little less determined.
At that moment, both phones beeped. With a witty face, both took their phones out and saw a message from Liam in the group chat.
From Daddy Direction @FishyFreaks:
"I expect you all at the skate hall tomorrow after school - no excuses".
"Daddy Direction in Action" Louis laughed, reading the text.
"What do you think Niall and Harry are doing right now?" Zayn asked out of a sudden.
Louis looked at him funny and then threw himself on a pillow. "Probably the opposite of us".
"That can't go on like that" Niall shook his hair.
"Niall, please not now" Harry begged, lying on the bed and writing in his notebook.
"Right now! You can't push it away forever. Not now that Liam is forcing us to go skating tomorrow. The last two days have been cruel. No one's talking to anyone. Louis is mad at me because of you and I don't want that. I said you could sleep here, but I thought for one night. Stop listening to When I Was Your Man non-stop while crying over him. Man up and talk to him! It's bad enough that things are going so badly between Liam and Zayn" Niall got upset.
"And that's why I'm not going to do it. Look at the two of them. Everyone thought it would be perfect once they got together, but the opposite happened. I will not risk my friendship with Louis" Harry pointed out.
"But that's exactly what you're doing. You're going out of his way, ignore him. You ran away and disappeared without saying a word. I know why you did that, but honestly, that's no reason. Do you know how shitty he is doing? No, of course not. For that you have to talk to him" Niall snapped.
"I thought you were on my side" was Harry taken back.
"I'm on Larry's side in whatever way. I texted Louis to ask how he's doing and you don't want to read the answer. Because you're avoiding him, he's mad at me. I don't want to know what he thinks we do when we're not in the cafeteria" Niall clarified.
"That sounds like he thinks we have something going on" Harry stated incredulously.
"Well, with your great plan to avoid him, there are people who think that" Niall told him.
"But Louis knows that's not true, right?" Harry asked in panic.
"I'm sure of that, but that's not the point. Your great plan not to lose him will make you lose him" came Niall to the point.
"He looked quite happy with Zayn today" Harry muttered.
"Ai, God, Harry, you're so stubborn! Open your eyes! He's doing real bad. He spent the whole Sunday in his room in your sweater, in which he sleeps by the way. He misses you terribly. With that you only hurt him more than you could have done with the truth" Niall told him.
"And please don't ask me how I know that" Niall added.
"I didn't want that, but I can not and will not tell him. I'll wait until he forgot" Harry said meekly.
"You are driving me crazy, Haz" Niall lost his patience and called him that on purpose. Harry immediately looked at him angrily.
"Oh, shouldn't I have said that? What shall I call you then? Hazza, Harold, Babycakes?" Niall challenged him.
"Only Louis is allowed to call me that" Harry clarified.
"Soon nobody will call you that, sunshine. Open your eyes and for fuck's sake, stop writing" Niall shook his shoulders so Harry dropped his pen.
"I just want him not to ask me why I did that" Harry sat down.
"He has a right to ask, you know that" Niall remarked.
"I know" sighed Harry defeated.
"It's gonna be alright, trust me" Niall squeezed Harry briefly.
"I hope you're right" Harry looked doubtfully at him.
"I'm always right" Niall claimed.
"Yeah sure" Harry rolled his eyes.
"I'll go to the bathroom" Harry said after that and disappeared into the bathroom.
Niall looked sceptically after him. He hoped so much that the two will soon clarify everything and everything will be fine. Harry just had to start acting logically.
His eyes fell on the notebook. Curious, he turned it around and read what Harry had just written. Looked like a new song.
So your friend's been telling me
You've been sleeping with my sweater
And that you can't stop missing me
Bet my friend's been telling you
I'm not doing much better
'Cause I'm missing half of me
And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you
Forget all we said that night
No, it doesn't even matter
'Cause we both got split in two
If you could spare an hour or so
We'll go for lunch down by the river
We can really talk it through
And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
'Cause I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you
Half a heart without you
I'm half a heart without you
Though I try to get you out of my head
The truth is I got lost without you
And since then I've been waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you
Without you, without you, half a heart without you
Without you, without you, I'm half a heart without you
Wow, that was honest. Niall could feel every word and could confirm that Harry was only half a heart without Louis. Louis didn't seem much better. Hopefully, Louis will see the text and notice what Harry is unable to say.
As Harry wasn't back yet, Niall kept flipping through the notebook. At an unfinished text he stopped and his jaw dropped. The words that stood there fit perfectly together with something Louis had written. It was like one and the same song only from the other's point of view. The two were so in love.
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
You never love yourself half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to
If I let you know, I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you oh
A loud rumble startled Niall and he closed the notebook. It came from the bathroom. Immediately he jumped up and went over.
"Sorry, Niall. That wasn't intentional" Harry shouted through the door and Niall heard him put things back in a cupboard.
Niall didn't want to know how Harry had done that again. Shaking his head, he opened the bathroom door and looked inside. Harry knelt on the floor in front of a few fallen out things of the cupboard. Apparently a board had fallen out. The sight would be super funny if Niall hadn't seen what Harry was holding in his hand. Niall's breath caught and he froze in place. Harry looked up at him with the pills in his hand.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Harry asked hesitantly.
"I didn't want to worry anyone. I don't take them any more" Niall found his voice again.
"Are the headaches, the irritability and the nausea coming from that?" Harry checked, knowingly.
Niall nodded. "These are the side effects because I dropped them off, but it's already better. In a few weeks everything will be fine."
"But why Niall? You could have told us. We would have helped you, we ...".
"I know Harry, but other things were more important. I'm fine. The dark times are over" he interrupted Harry.
"What was the reason?" Harry wanted to know.
"This is a story for another day when I tell all of you. For now all you have to know is that I haven't taken them for a few weeks and I am mostly fine. Promise me you will not tell anyone" Niall asked him pleadingly.
"I will not say anything. It's not my story to tell. You can count on me" Harry promised Niall honestly.
"Thanks" Niall smiled gratefully.
Harry got up and hugged Niall tightly. Immediately he relaxed and all worries fell away from him. This wasn't the way anybody should know but that Harry was first was more than okay for Niall. Now someone could help him when things got difficult.
On Wednesday afternoon, Louis was waiting at a corner near the skate hall. Niall and Harry didn't disappear during the break today, but Harry still ignored him. Louis had decided to talk to Harry today, and now just before they went skating was the perfect moment. He knew that Harry had still talked to a teacher and thus Niall had gone ahead. Accordingly, Harry came alone. Hopefully he listened to him.
After waiting for a few minutes, Louis spotted a very familiar curly head coming up to him. Now he was getting nervous. He straightened his denim jacket and beanie and took a deep breath. When Harry arrived at the corner, Louis grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him. Startled, Harry stumbled and crashed into a wall. Ai, this boy really had no sense of balance.
"Hey, what the hell! I... Louis" Harry began to complain, but fell silent when he spotted Louis.
"Sorry, that wasn't planned so rough" Louis scratched his neck.
"What do you want? We're late" Harry asked tense, rubbing his wrist.
"I wanted to talk to you" Louis answered uncertainly.
"I don't know what about" Harry stared at the floor.
"Don't play stupid now. You know exactly what about!" Louis was indignant.
"Does this have to be now? Liam goes nuts when we're late" Harry wanted to get away.
"Harry stop! That has to be now. Liam will go even more nuts if this continues" Louis stopped Harry.
"I have nothing to say" asserted Harry, leaning against the wall in insult.
"Oh, yeah? But I have and you will listen to me" Louis approached intimidatingly.
Harry looked at him and swallowed hard. Louis didn't want to scare him but was fed up with Harry pretending that everything was alright. How he would like to kiss him now and put everything on a map, but it was just too early for that.
"Harry, I will not talk about it and forget it, if that's what you want, but please stop that. I can't stand this distance and cold between us. Whatever it is you are afraid of it will not happen as long as you talk to me. Not being able to talk to you is absolute hell for me. I need you, Hazza.I ..." Louis told Harry what he felt and with each word Louis' voice broke more away. The first tears formed in his eyes and he cursed to be so emotional.
"Shit Harry, I miss you. Why did you do that? We could've just talked or just not talk, but just leaving without a word and then ignoring me?! You just left me like that and I came back into a cold and empty bedroom. Do you know how that feels like? You never wanted to do that to me. Harry, why? I just don't understand what I did wrong. Please talk to me again before I do something stupid" Louis poured his heart out and a few tears ran down his cheek. Nervously, he scratched his wrist.
When Harry saw this he got big eyes and panic filled his face. He reached for Louis' wrist unexpectedly, so Louis didn't pull it back. "Oh God, Lou. Please tell me you didn't ...".
"That's my last problem" Louis murmured, pulling his hand away from Harry.
"I'm so sorry, Louis. I shouldn't have done that. I should have known you would never force me to talk about it, but I was stupid. I was so afraid of your reaction and of losing you, so I panicked and ran away. But through this I could have lost you. I didn't realize how much I hurt you. I should have listened to Niall. He knew that it was stupid. Please forgive me. I need you too Lou and miss you terribly" Harry apologized tearfully.
To see him like that broke Louis' heart. Of course he was disappointed and sad, but Harry didn't seem to be doing any better. That's why Louis didn't say anything any more and just hugged Harry. At first Harry was startled because it was so sudden, but then he relaxed into the hug and Louis hoped that everything would be all right now.
When they let go, the two just smiled at each other and then made their way to the hall. In front of it, Zayn and Niall were already waiting. When the two saw Harry and Louis coming together, they frowned.
"Did I miss something?" Niall asked, confused.
"Everything is all right again?" Zayn wanted to know.
Harry and Louis looked at each other and both had to grin. "Yes, everything's alright" they replied.
"Then the fun can start" Liam said when he came to them. "But we will not be alone".
"Oh no?" Zayn looked at him in surprise.
"The girls are coming too. Danielle has no time, but Hailee comes instead. They have to be here every second. Let's go inside" Liam told them.
Together they entered the hall, paid and borrowed some skates. They were available in many bright colours and also the lockers were all colourful. Quickly, the boys put on the roller skates. The girls finally arrived shortly after and put on their roller skates too. Then they made their way to the roller skating track. There were bright colourful lights everywhere and music playing in the background.
While Liam, Harry, Niall and Hailee were still standing on the railing and watched the other people sceptically, Louis and Eleanor happily entered the track. Zayn and Sophia dared to do so and took the first tentative steps.
Louis and Eleanor, however, drove off directly. The two have been here before and Louis has already skated in the USA. He really liked it and wasn't that bad. First, the two made a few rounds together and then they even began to incorporate some tricks. Louis had one arm around Eleanor's waist and she leaned back and stretched out her arms. Then they put their arms on each other's shoulders and one drove backwards while the other drove forward. This changed as they turned in circles. He then took her hand and she turned three times while skating. She released him and drove on while doing some more tricks. He followed her, made a jump with a twist and made a slide to her feet. As he accelerated she made a circle around him and made a pirouette. They drove towards each other and when she was in front of him, he quickly put his hands on her waist and picked her up. She sat on his shoulder, arms outstretched. In the position they turned and drove on. In the turn, he took her by the hips again, picked her up and set her down in front of him. They slowed down and stood face to face with huge smiles on their faces.
Suddenly they heard the clapping of their friends and they turned over to them. Louis had completely forgotten that they were still there. As Zayn and Sophia approached, the other four were still standing at the railing, cheering.
"That was pretty impressive" Zayn praised the two.
"He's right, that was crazy" Sophia agreed with a beaming smile.
"I can help you if you want" offered Eleanor to Sophia, who happily agreed and then the two left Zayn and Louis alone.
"I'm telling you this just because you probably didn't notice, but Harry was just staring at you. You pretty much impressed him. I think he forgot how to breathe and even now he's still looking over" Zayn leaned closerto Louis' ear.
Louis then looked over at Harry. Their eyes met and Louis smiled at him. "I'll lure our little dork out of reserve" Louis said, pulling over to Harry.
"Great and what do I do? Liam is sticking to Niall' ass" Zayn jokingly called after him.
"Screw some on here. Let's see what Liam does then" Louis called back and stopped in front of Harry.
"Ai, the two should be talking and Liam should let go of Niall's ass" Louis grinned at Harry.
"You're amazing. Um, I mean that was amazing. You and Eleanor on the track. Well ... I can't do that" Harry stammered embarrassed.
Louis chuckled and held out his hand to Harry. "Come on, I'll help you. You can't stand there all the time".
"But I'm way too clumsy for that. I just fall down" Harry pointed out.
"Falling is part of it. Getting up is the key" Louis advised him.
Harry looked uncertainly between Louis, his hand and the track. Finally he sighed defeated and took Louis' hand. Everywhere it tingled with Louis.
"Fine, but if I break something you're to blame" Harry gave in and stepped on the track.
"So, you have to pull your legs a bit farther apart and bend your knees, but keep your back straight and your head up. And don't always look at the floor, just look at me. You have to feel it, like with other things too. Don't think too much" Louis ordered.
Harry immediately followed every order and kept eye contact with Louis. Slowly he took the first steps. Still a bit shaky, but he didn't fall. Louis held both of his hands and drove backward in front of him. From time to time, Harry lost his balance, but Louis caught him every time, so he didn't fall. For about ten minutes, they skated over the track like this until Louis decided Harry could try it alone. Of course, he always stayed next to him. Half of the track Harry had done alone, Louis started circling around him.
"Very funny, Louis. I don't feel like a snail at all" snorted Harry.
"Awww is little Hazza sulking?!" cooed Louis.
"Little Hazza grabs tiny Louis now" Harry countered.
When he wanted to grab Louis, however, he forgot that he was on roles and immediately lost his balance. He fell backwards, grabbing Louis' arm in the fall and dragging him down with him. Harry fell on his back and Louis crashed into Harry's chest. Breathing heavily but laughing, Louis supported himself with his hands beside Harry's head and looked down at him. It took Louis such a moment.
"You really are the clumsiest man I know. Do you always have to drag me down with you?!" Louis laughed amused.
"Maybe I like the view from down here" Harry countered.
"Oh really? I have to say the view from up here isn't so bad either. Very tasty" Louis smirked, bringing his face closer to Harry as he pushed his thighs closer to Harry.
Harry had not expected that, because he drew in a sharp breath and seemed to hold his breath. Nervously he licked his bottom lip and just looked at Louis.
"Some Larry fans would kill to see that happening. Such moments should happen on stage. So we could end the top or bottom war, don't you think?" Louis asked with big innocent eyes.
"There is war because of that?" Harry asked quietly.
"Oh yeah and what a war. They're having real discussions about it with examples and write fanfictions with a lot of smut. You should read one. Are very detailed" replied Louis challengingly.
"And what does the majority say?" Harry asked almost in a whisper.
"Well, what do you think?" Louis asked seductively.
"Um" Harry just managed to bring out, then swallowed hard and fell silent.
"I think it's pretty obvious, very obvious how it would be" Louis breathed directly into Harry's face and grinned his hips lightly down directly over Harry's dick.
Harry hissed slightly, then bit down on his bottom lip. Louis thought he felt exactly the reaction he had hoped for. Why didn't he know himself. However, he hadn't thought of his own reaction. That was all so new. He felt his blood move farther south and he became slightly hard.
"We'll probably never know" Louis whispered in Harry's ear before he got up from him.
He tapped his clothes clean and tried to think of something boring or disgusting. Niall naked for example. Slightly distracted, he handed Harry a hand that he grabbed and pulled him up.
"Good, don't fall again" Louis cleared his throat.
"Tommo, are you going to join me on a round?" Niall came to them and grabbed Louis by the arm.
"Don't worry, I'll watch him not fall" Zayn assured him.
Louis reluctantly let Niall drag him with him until they arrived at the other side. Louis looked questioningly at Niall.
"What was that, please?" Niall asked him upset.
"I just wanted to find out something" Louis shrugged.
"I've seen that. Been successful?" grinded Niall at him.
"I think so" smirked Louis.
Then they skated for a while until everyone got hungry. They ordered something to eat there and sat in a semicircle on a few benches. There were hot dogs and fries.
"That's too hot. I can't eat that" Harry moaned.
Louis had to suppress a grin and couldn't resist saying something dirty. "You're too hot too. Does that mean I shouldn't eat you?".
Nobody said a word. Harry choked on the air and the rest looked like they all wanted to laugh. Liam dropped his food and looked at Louis in horror.
"Just one meal. I just want one meal in peace" he exclaimed, which really made everyone laugh except Harry, who just stared at Louis.
After that everyone started eating and talking. Niall and Hailee seemed to have forgotten that there were other people, because they ignored the others. Zayn was talking to Eleanor and Sophia while Liam was lost in thought. Louis wondered what he was thinking. When Harry still looked at him from the side, Louis decided to get to him. He took his water bottle, opened it slowly, and brought it even more slowly to his mouth. Seducingly he wrapped his lips around it and sucked on it. Harry watched his every movement, but Louis pretended not to notice.
"Yes, we were thinking of building something like that for the garden" Louis heard Eleanor say and put down the bottle.
"It's a lot of wood work,but that'll be fine" said Sophia.
"Harry, are you good with your hands?" Liam suddenly asked out of nowhere and put a hand on his shoulder. He was sitting between Harry and Louis.
Louis started to grin nasty while Harry stammered an answer. "I used to be quiet good at wood tech in school".
His head told him he shouldn't say it, but he said it anyway. "Really Good" grinned Louis nasty.
Harry paled slightly, but Liam turned to him and grinned at him. "Aww" he made, cooked his head to the side and had to laugh.
"Yeah, you have pretty nice hands, Harold" Louis now addressed Harry directly.
"Um, thanks" Harr ycleared his throat in confusion.
"They would look even more nicely wrapped around my ..." Louis started grinning evilly.
"My Bible! Wrapped around the bible. Let's go to church" Liam exclaimed, laughing.
Everyone had to start laughing loudly and almost fell off the bench. Louis' stomach hurt with laughter. He didn't know Liam like that. Louis liked this loose side pretty well. They would have to see that more often.
"What did you do to Liam?" Zayn tapped him laughing.
"God only knows that" cackled Louis.
"My cheeks hurt from so much laughter" Sophia breathed heavily.
"You should have been there yesterday" Eleanor added.
"Yeah, what did you do yesterday?" Hailee wanted to know.
"Um, what were we doing yesterday?" Niall turned to Harry, who was completely lost.
Zayn, Louis and Liam glanced at each other. They simply couldn't leave it.
"Trying to walk" threw Louis in dryly as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Now Liam couldn't hold it back any longer. He snorted with laughter, which made Zayn and Louis laugh. The girls just shook their heads in amusement, while Niall and Harry needed a second to understand the joke.
"You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm" Liam smirked, still laughing.
"Oh yeah, the early bird gets the wood on" Louis straightened his pants and looked at Harry.
"Oh, that's why you always get up so early. That makes sense" Liam pushed him aside jokingly.
"Guilty" Louis raised his hands.
"So that was your plan! You wanted to blow my world this morning" Zayn chuckled, emphasizing the blow.
"That was my plan, but unfortunately it didn't work out" countered Louis skilfully.
"Then I hope for Harry that he always wakes up before you do, otherwise he might wake up with something wrapped around him" Liam winked at Harry.
"Oh does he now?" Zayn mumbled, grinning.
"Stop the dirty talk now. Some people here have their period and can't enjoy it at all" Sophia intervened, laughing.
"Aww do you want chocolate?" Niall mocked her.
"I hate you so much" she shook her head and stood up.
Slowly it was time to go home. They cleared the rubbish and took off the roller skates. Louis held Harry back as the others left the room.
"I can help you get your things from Niall" Louis offered.
"Um, I can't go back today. I can't pack my things so fast and besides, I've promised Niall something else to do. But Friday I can come back" Harry nervously declined the offer.
Louis wondered if they had gone too far with the jokes, but then it occurred to him that they had always done that before. Well, if it was, there was another reason and there could only be one. So it had worked to get a possible revealing reaction even if it was different than he had wanted.
"Okay, then Friday" Louis swallowed the rejection and left the room with Harry.
Outside, the others were already waiting. The two quickly returned the skates and then all of them went home together.
During the half time break of the school football game Zayn tried not to stare at Liam without stopping. He was standing at the edge of the pitch with Louis, talking to him. Zayn was glad to see Liam so balanced and liberated but also that Louis and Liam were as close as before. Liam had been pulling himself back a lot lately, doing a lot of solo stuff like doing some research, but now he made friends again and seemed happy. Maybe that meant he would get more comfortable with their relationship. One could still hope.
Next to Zayn was Harry, staring at the field as if obsessed, next to him was Niall, who was just looking at his phone all the time, and next to Niall was Luke, who was one of the only ones to really catch the game. He and Liam, because Zayn himself was too focused on Liam. They should really change that for the second half.
When Zayn saw Liam and Louis walking over to them, he stood up and Luke and Harry did the same.
"Great game, Tommo. I really don't understand why you're not the captain. You dominate the game" Luke praised him.
"Not only that" Liam remarked surprisingly.
"He would be captain if he wasn't a coach at the same time, which takes away a lot of time for him to train here. At least that's what the coach said" explained Zayn to Luke.
"That's not really fair" Luke said.
"It doesn't matter. I'm on the team and I'm having fun. That's enough and we'll probably win" grinned Louis satisfied.
"Because you're doing it all on your ow. You should be really tired" Harry wondered.
"I'm not tired. I have a third leg" Louis winked at him.
"That's the spirit" Luke gave him a high five.
"However, there is this bastard from the other team who played in any case not fair" Louis let them know and pointed to a big black-haired boy.
"Oh, you mean that very handsome attractive guy?" Zayn chuckled.
"That's beside the point, Zayn. He plays unfair and too rough" Louis tried not to grin.
"Too rough for our Tommo?" Zayn looked at him crookedly.
"Zayn, you definitely need something I can't give to you" Louis replied.
"And that would be?" Zayn didn't let up.
Louis sighed exaggerated and put a hand on his shoulder. "Professional help".
"I hate you. You better take care of your attractive bastard" Zayn shot back.
"He could definitely use a few tips for certain things" Luke added.
"Why do I even come over to you if you just distract me? How should I play normal now?" Louis shook his head in amusement.
"Oh, is somebody excited now?" cooed Zayn amused.
"You'll never know. Bye you losers, I have to go back" Louis playfully saluted.
"Good luck, even if you don't need it" Harry spoke up.
"Thanks, Haz" Louis smiled at him.
"I hope you nail that bastard" laughed Zayn.
"So does he" Louis winked at them and ran back to the field.
"He's totally checking you out" Luke called after him with a chuckle.
"Well, everyone falls in love with Louis. It's just inevitable" Liam joked as he sat down.
"You can say that aloud" snorted Harry.
For Harry's well-being, Zayn pretended he hadn't heard anything because Harry looked like he had only been thinking aloud. Of course, Harry's blush hadn't escaped him or his grumbling when Luke had said something. Jealousy was written thick and fat on his forehead and he was sure that Louis had noticed it too. If not, Zayn would push Louis against a wall with his own hands.
As the game progressed, Zayn noticed that Harry seemed somehow restless beside him. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.
"Are you alright, Harry?" Zayn asked carefully.
"Since when is Louis so... so um so dirty? When did that happen?" Harry asked, searching for the right words.
To Zayn's surprise, Harry actually looked worried as if it was a bad thing. Where, under other circumstances and considering everything that happened, you could say it was bad, but it really wasn't this time.
"He has always been like that. That's exactly the Louis I first met. Sure he was shy and insecure at the time too, but as soon as he really knows someone, this side comes out. A mix of kind hearted and sassy" Zayn finally replied.
"But in the time I know him, he was hardly like that. Does that mean I hardly know him?" Harry tried to understand.
"Oh god no, that's not what I meant to say. You know he's been through a hard time, losing himself ever so often. Being like that again just means he's feeling better and he's going to be himself again. So it's a good thing" Zayn told him.
"I noticed that too and I am very happy to see him happy again, but that happened so suddenly. And that is such an unpleasant subject for him" Harry frowned.
"Just because he makes these jokes with us again doesn't mean there are no more scars left. They stay forever. They only get better, but that takes time. Still, he demands too much of himself, I admit that. I try to relax him. Maybe you can do it. All the innuendos and jokes we make are just that. Jokes. No more. Especially both of us like to make fun of some people thinking that we were such a good couple just because we are both gay. But I have to admit we are a damn hot power couple. I mean, look at him. Look at me. We would be hot" Zayn laughingly commented, making Harry smile by losing the topic.
"That's true. I admit that" he confessed.
"Louis is our sarcastic sassy little tease with a heart of gold, you just have to love. I'm glad to see him like that again, but believe me he still thinks way too much about things and ponders what can go wrong. So everything is the same. Humour and sarcasm are also sometimes just some kind of protective mechanism to deal with problems or to hint things that you are afraid to say out loud because it could destroy everything. Do you understand?" Zayn became more serious again and tried to make something clear to Harry, apparently unsuccessful.
"Yes, I understand. Jokes are often a good way out" Harry nodded absently.
"As if you're trying to cover that you don't like Luke?" Zayn whispered to him.
"I like Luke. I just think he's not the right one and I know Louis sees it the same way" Harry clarified.
"If you know that, why are you still jealous?" Zayn didn't relent.
"I'm not jealous. Why should I be jealous? We are just friends. Louis can do whatever he wants and with whom he wants" rambled Harry nervously.
"That sounded way too dirty and as if you had just allowed him to have fun with Luke" wiggled Zayn his eyebrows.
"You're awful. Go, Suck an egg" Harry grimaced.
"Or I could suck you" Zayn countered jokingly.
"No need" Harry declined.
"Because I'm not Louis" Zayn nudged him.
"Zayn no!" Harry exclaimed.
"Zayn Yes!" Zayn laughed amused.
"Could you two stop talking about who would most likely suck Harry? The game is almost over" Niall intervened now.
"That's what you're saying. Who's just staring at his phone all the time?" Zayn shot back, chuckling.
"Exactly. Who has to endure you all the time?" Harry prompted.
"Nobody, because she had to endure you. By the way, she said the discussion is pointless, as it is clear that the answer for all is Louis anyway" Niall countered provocatively.
Harry blushed as Zayn stared at Niall open-mouthed. "She?".
"Zayn, your boyfriend is sitting next to you and stares at Louis. Do something" wanted Niall to distract them.
"Nice try. Everyone is staring at Louis. Did you see his face? So, who is she? Is it Hailee?" Zayn barked.
"Nobody said that" Niall replied.
"So it's Hailee. I knew it" exclaimed Zayn.
"I need new friends" Niall sighed, laughing.
"Oh me too" Harry agreed.
Shortly after the game was over, they won 4:0 thanks to Louis, the whole crowd was chanting Louis' name and cheered with joy. The team had him on their shoulders and celebrated him. Zayn ran to the field with the others to congratulate him and the team. Before Zayn even arrived near Louis, Harry was already running towards him. Louis did the same and jumped into his arms full of joy. Louis had his legs around Harry's waist and Harry hugged Louis tightly. Zayn paused to admire the picture and Niall and Luke did the same.
After that they all went out to eat pizza. They laughed a lot and talked about everything and nothing. Liam even let Zayn hold his hand under the table. For a moment everything seemed to be perfect. Zayn hoped it was a good sign and no dark clouds would rise any more.
"You've really missed something, I tell you. It was so funny" Louis told Danielle and Camila as they waited for the 5sos performance on JuiceNet.
"Especially funny were Harry's falls" laughed Zayn.
"I thought it was rather intoxicating" said Louis smugly.
"You lay on top of him and weren't run over" countered Zayn.
"Being me has its advantages" smirked Louis.
"We really missed something" realised Danielle.
"It's not funny to see me fall. It was pretty hurting and hard" Harry snorted offended.
"Pretty damn hard" Louis chuckled under his breath.
"Maybe, little Harold. You may have fallen hard on the butt but that was definitely not your hardest fall" Niall winked at him.
"You have to know that. Who was almost crushing... oops I mean crashing on Hailee all the time?" Harry countered provocatively.
"You mean while Liam was hanging on her or me trying not to fall?" Niall returned.
"Hey, the floor was very smooth and not everyone can be as master as Eleanor or Louis" Liam pouted.
"I wanted to help you, but the dickhead wanted to do it alone" Zayn shrugged.
"So alone means now sticking to my ass?" Niall checked.
"After all, it wasn't mine" commented Louis.
"No, because it stuck somewhere else" Niall winked at him.
"Niall, your ass obsession is getting worse" Zayn stated.
"Everyone has their kinks" Niall grinned dirty.
"Nobody wanted to know that" choked Liam.
"There comes Eleanor, Sophia and Hailee, so stop with the ass gossiping" Louis silenced his friends.
"Niall, I've been trying to call you all day" Hailee sat down next to him.
"Sorry, I had to get rid of Harry's garbage of the last days. We had a lot of fun, but it got dirty" he told her.
"What kind of fun leaves so much dirt behind?" She raised an eyebrow.
"It involved lots of crawling and floor work" grinned Niall.
"Oh yeah, hands and knees for two days straight" Harry said dryly.
"You and Zayn surely know that too, right Lou?" Harry now turned smugly to Louis.
"Yeah..we d...did. .we d..did um." Louis stumbled over his words. That hit him unprepared just like the mental pictures he had now, but without Niall.
"Yes, we know and did that too" Zayn came to the rescue.
"What on earth are you talking about?" Sophia asked aimlessly.
"Blowjobs. They talk about fucking imaginary Blowjobs" Liam bluntly explained. This bluntness made everyone laugh at the table. Liam was barely recognizable.
"You've been waiting long enough. Here they are now: 5 Seconds Of Summer" Will announced the boys' friends with a loud voice.
Cheering and clapping, they all jumped off their chairs as the boys entered the stage. After introducing themselves, Louis and the others sat back down normally. The gig started with the song Youngblood. Louis loved this song. The text, the beat, the way they performed it. Just everything. After that they sang a relatively new song called Ghost Of You. The text was pretty sad and profound. Something completely different than Louis was used to from the previous songs and he liked it.
Towards the end of the song, Harry leaned closer to him. "The song really surprised me. It was much more meaningful and a lot deeper than the other stuff" Harry whispered to him.
"Is it as deep as your voice? Just checking" Louis couldn't resist asking and looking at him with his head tilted.
"Probably not" Harry cleared his throat in a lower voice.
"Yeah, but it's true, really profounder" Louis agreed and then drank from his drink.
He should stop that urgently. It affected not only Harry but also himself. However, Louis suspected, no, he was sure that this reactions could no longer be explained as friendly. He could totally distract Harry and make him lose his train of thoughts. This doesn't happen to best friends, right?
As he thought about it, he didn't hear anything from the next song. He sucked and bit his straw because his thoughts made him somehow nervous. He didn't know what to do if Harry really liked him, he wasn't good at it. He was scared to screw it up directly.
Suddenly, Harry put his hand on Louis' thigh to stop his tapping leg. This touch made Louis freeze and he just stared at Harry.
"Can you stop it? You're driving me crazy" he pleaded desperately.
The way Harry looked, red and flustered, he probably didn't only mean the leg. As the last song Amnesia was played, Louis stopped his leg and pushed his glass away. He focused hard on the band, but that was really difficult.
For the rest of the evening, Harry's hand rested on his thigh and Louis didn't know if he should hope Harry moved his hand further up or not. The burning tingling on this spot drove him crazy. His reaction confused Louis a lot and he was completely overwhelmed. This confusion in his head made him dizzy. Oh, what Harry did to him.
Louis was lying on the bed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, scribbling in his notebook. It was getting dark outside and the lights were off in the room as well. Only the lamp on his bedside table threw some light into the room. The door to his room opened and Harry came in. To Louis' surprise, Harry had nothing in his hand even though he had gone down to get a drink.
"There you are finally. I thought the fridge would have swallowed you. Don't tell me you've met monsters who stole your glass" said Louis with a cheeky grin.
"No, but your mother. I apologised to her and thanked her. I haven't done that yet" Harry answered and closed the door behind him.
"For what?" Louis frowned.
"You know that" Harry merely replied and threw himself on the bed next to him.
"What are you doing right now? Are you writing our next masterpiece?" Harry pointed to the notebook.
"Not really. I just wrote down a few sentences and improved things that weren't good. You were gone long enough. I could have written an opera in that time" Louis grinned.
"Hey, I had some serious business to do" Harry nudged him with his shoulder.
"With my mother, wonderful" snorted Louis, flipping a page.
He scanned the page, wondering if he could ever make a song out of the incoherent stuff. Harry next to him stared at the side, petrified. Louis frowned and waved a hand in front of Harry's face.
"Everything alright, Hazza?" Louis asked confused.
"Yeah, I was just a little distracted. I had to think about the moment I first read this by accident" Harry cleared his throat and pointed to a few sentences in Louis' notebook.
When he saw what they were, the blood froze in his veins. When had Harry read this?
I've got scars even though they can't always be seen. And pain gets hard but now you're here and I don't feel a thing.
"I know I shouldn't have just read that, but back then your book fell off the couch and the page was open. I didn't want to read it, but those sentences literally stuck out, but the last part wasn't there. When I read that a while ago again suddenly it was there. Since then I can't get it out of my head. This one question" confessed Harry honestly to Louis.
"Which question?" Louis wanted to know anxiously.
"Who do you mean?" Harry asked curiously and looked at him questioningly.
That was the question. That was the moment. Louis knew now everything could change. If he answered honestly, anything from the last few days could pay off or everything could be destroyed in less than a second. He took a deep breath and looked deep into Harry's eyes.
"You" Louis revealed to him. His voice was nothing more than a whisper.
Harry paled. Without a word he looked at Louis and didn't move. An uneasy feeling spread through Louis and his anxiety grew, but he just had to know for sure. That's why he leaned in slightly forward to Harry. At that moment, Harry tore himself away from Louis' eyes and turned his head away. He focused back on the notebook and passed his hand over some words.
"Cool" he murmured barely audible.
This one word shattered Louis' whole world. Stunned, he stared at him from the side. So much that actually holes would have to arise in Harry's head. One word was needed to crush any hope he had built up over the last few days. Hurt, confused and slightly angry, Louis got up from the bed.
"Cool? That's it?" he snapped at Harry.
Harry was completely taken back by his sudden outburst. Shocked, he looked at Louis. "I um ... what should I say to that?".
Louis shook his head in disbelief. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing" he replied bitterly, took his notebook from Harry's hand, closed it and put it on the bedside table.
"What's that about?" Harry stood up too.
"Nothing. It's all amazing. Fluffy Puffy fine" Louis snorted sarcastically.
"What's the crap? I just...".
"Just what, Harry? You're such an idiot" Louis cut him off.
"Yes. An absolute idiot. Couldn't be worse. It's great that that's clear. Let's get to the point" Niall suddenly popped up out of nowhere. Both were almost scared to death.
"Niall what? What are you doing ...?" Louis wanted to ask perplexed but Niall interrupted him again.
"I end this crap now because no one can take it any more and you two are incapable, but actually only Harry, because you just ruined the perfect chance. Very brave Louis, respect".
"What on earth are you talking about?" Harry looked at him aimlessly.
"No questions. Take that" Niall handed them a paper.
Even more confused, Louis took the paper and discovered a song on it. But not any song. It was his. At least partly. "I don't understand anything any more".
"Oh My God! You wrote one song, but separate from each other. Little Things, you lovebirds" Niall moaned as Louis handed Harry absently the text. What was Niall trying to say? Louis feared that he knew it.
"Great, we had the same idea. What exactly is your point?" Louis tried to sound indifferent.
"You know that very well, Louis. You like him, he likes you. Talk and end it" exclaimed Niall impatiently.
To hear it said out loud made Louis stiffen. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a paper falling to the ground. To distract himself, he searched the ground with his eyes until he found it right at his feet. When he looked up, Niall had disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
"Did he just? ... Where did he come from?" Louis blinked.
"You like me?" Harry asked frozen.
Louis didn't dare to look at him. He didn't want to see the rejection too brutal. That's why he laughed dryly and tried to joke about it. "Of course not, I hate you, that's why we're best friends. Niall is now the mysterious one, yeah? Is he suddenly a magician and can emerge from nowhere? How did he do that?". Good, his jokes have been better.
Harry looked at him completely unchanged. There was no emotion in his face. "You like me?" he asked again.
Louis screamed inwardly, cursing everyone and everything. There was no way out of this situation except with the truth or run away. He chose the truth.
"Damn it, yes. I admit it. I like you Harry. Very much to be honest. I tried to tell you a few seconds ago, but you just thought it was cool. I was trying to prevent it because I didn't want to lose you, but I didn't make it. I like you for ages and it kills me, but that's okay with me. How could you not like you? Look at you, it's impossible. You have awakened feelings inside me that I didn't think I could ever have, but now there is no way out. I tried. And I know it's pointless, but yes, Harry. I like you "Louis handed his heart out to Harry naked without a mask, without protection, without safety net.
Harry didn't say a word. Shocked and frozen, he stared at Louis as if he had three heads. Confusion, overpowering and a thousand question marks were visible in his face. That's exactly what Louis never wanted to see. He felt his heart fall with no hope of salvation.
He took a step back and lowered his head to the ground. "I'm sorry, Haz. I didn't meant for you to know it like this or for you to ever know. I know my place. I'm not going to bother you any more. I know that's probably disgusting you and you can't treat me normally now any longer, but let me tell you. I never lied to you. I never tried to make you like me, because I know we're just friends. I um ... I'll go now and leave you alone. I'm sorry".
Slowly, Louis made his way to the door and let his tears fall down. He didn't want that to happen. He felt his heart getting heavier and aching. It was in a free fall and was about to hit the ground and burst into thousand small pieces.
Just before he could open the door he felt a hand on his wrist, which stopped him and pulled him back. Louis stumbled a bit and was met with Harry's hurtful eyes, which looked at him hopefully. His heart started beating faster and Louis couldn't feel his pulse.
"Please, don't go. I um ... I like you too" Harry wrestled for the right words.
Louis tried desperately not to drop his jaw completely to the floor. For a second he forgot to breathe and time froze. Did Harry really just say that? Louis must have imagined that because he wanted so much to hear it, but those words had really come out of that wonderful mouth. He had said it. Louis didn't know what he should feel.
"What?" Louis asked breathless, barely audible.
"I like you too, Lou. Fuck, and how much I like you, but I'm so scared. I've never had any feelings for anyone and certainly not as strong as for you. It scares me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do" Harry revealed his true feelings to him.
Completely overwhelmed because he had not expected that, he smiled at Harry. "Do you think I know what to do? Hell no. I have not the slightest idea. My head whispers to me so many reasons to run away or tell me what could go wrong, but my heart is screaming so loud, yes, that I can't hear anything else" Louis took a step closer and Harry didn't back away.
"I want to listen to my heart as well, but then I see Zayn and Liam and get scared. They've listened to their hearts and what happened? I can not and don't want to lose you just because we were both stupid. You're too important to me" Harry expressed his thoughts and doubts.
Louis took another step closer, took both of Harry's hands and looked up at him, confidently. "We are not Liam and Zayn. We have our fate in our own hands. Don't let the doubts and fears drown in. Look at me, Hazza" Louis said softly.
Harry and Louis' eyes met and through all the fear and doubt Louis saw only bare hope. Courageously, he took one step closer to Harry, so that he was merely an inch away from him now.
"What does your heart say?" Louis asked softly but firmly.
Harry looked deeply and intensely into his eyes as if he were looking straight into his soul. He seemed to have found his answers, as Harry's face softened and seemed surer than ever.
"It says yes" Harry replied, smiling gently, warming Louis' whole heart. It was just about to hit the ground, but now Harry had caught it and held it in his big protective hands. Where it always was and always belonged.
Both just smiled overjoyed. Louis never thought that would be possible. And now he stood here with Harry, who returned his feelings. Sometimes life can be quite surprising.
Gently, Louis put a hand on Harry's cheek and lightly stroked it with his thumb. "Can I kiss you?" Louis asked shyly in an uncertain voice because they just stood there.
Immediately, panic ran through Harry's face and his eyes went wide. "There's nothing I want more, but I'm scared" Harry admitted ashamed.
"Scared of what?" Louis responded sympathetically.
"It's all so new to me. I know how to suck somebody's face off, but not how to kiss somebody properly. No matter with who, it was just careless, numb, emotionless, cold, bored and pure lust controlled. I don't know how I can kiss with feeling. I um ... so I um" rambled Harry nervously.
Louis had to suppress a grin. He put a finger over Harry's lips and silenced him. "Stop overthinking it. Wow, who would've thought that I would say that. Relax. Do you think I have the best memories of it? No excuses any more".
"Okay, you're right" Harry whispered against Louis' finger.
Satisfied, Louis smiled and took his finger away from Harry's lips. "So, I'll ask you again. Can I kiss you?" Louis repeated his question a little more confidently this time. Harry just nodded silently and seemed to stop breathing.
Louis mustered his courage and stood lightly on his tiptoes. Just before Harry's face, after he had looked him in the eye again, his and Harry's eyes fluttered shut and he finally felt Harry's lips on his. At that moment, all the burdens, fears and worries of Harry seemed to fall off and he fell into the kiss. Louis felt a firework explode inside him. Butterflies, unicorns, rainbows. All at once. It was magical.
At first, their lips were just slightly above each other and Louis' heart beat faster than ever. Timidly Louis began to move his lips and waited for a reaction from Harry. He just seemed to understand that this was happening, because after a short moment of standstill he kissed him back. This fact made Louis' heart die of joy. Their lips fit together perfectly and molted together. There was no better feeling.
When the two were barely able to breathe, they broke apart. Immediately Louis missed the feeling of Harry lips on his. But it felt good to know that maybe that wasn't the last time this thing happened. At the same time they opened their eyes and blue met green with a sparkling sparkle in their eyes. In Harry's eyes, Louis saw pure honesty, happiness and love and at that moment Louis knew for sure that Harry really felt the same way he did.
Shortly thereafter, the two lay together on the bed. Harry lay with his head on Louis' chest and had his arm wrapped around his stomach so he could stroke Louis' side while Louis had his hand in Harry's hair and caressed it. Both simply enjoyed the pleasant silence between them and tried to realize what had just happened.
"Since Liam was a jerk" Louis spoke up after a while.
"What?" Harry asked confused and looked up at him.
"In the time when Liam was an ass there was a moment since I couldn't deny that my previous crush was back, worse than before. I cursed it and wanted to scream and asked Zayn to help me because this time I wanted those feelings even less than before, but it didn't work out" Louis told him honestly.
"For that long? Now I'm feeling really stupid. How could I not notice that for so long?" Harry asked more to himself.
"At first I was better at not letting it show in your presence. You can control a simple crush if you try. At least partly. It just got more difficult the closer we got to each other and the more time we spent together" Louis continued.
"What was that moment with you that made you realize it?" Harry asked interested.
"Um, I had a dream of you the day we wanted to steal the DNA sample. From there on, denying was impossible. Zayn thought that was pretty funny" Louis tried not to mention what that dream was about.
"That's funny. On the same day I had a dream of you in the evening" Harry blurted out.
"Oh really?" Louis looked at him in surprise.
"Yeah, well, since then I just wanted to know more about what you are hiding from me because that was in the dream" stammered Harry embarrassed.
"Oh, that's why you've always annoyed me so much and invented wild theories" joked Louis.
"Ai, I wasn't that bad" pouted Harry.
"No, worse" chuckled Louis amused.
"I hate you" snorted Harry
"That sounded just different" grinned Louis mischievously.
"Our first real hug when I stole the DNA sample" said Harry suddenly.
"What's with that?" Louis asked in surprise.
"There it has begun at the latest I think. I told you earlier that I read your text accidentally. Since that day, I couldn't deny that I care about you, even more than for the others. It shocked me to read that and I was afraid to be a reason for it. This was just after the first vacation when we practiced for the farewell performance" Harry admitted.
"You mean the gig on full moon where Zayn was so honest and there was this altercation and well ... " Louis hooked. Harry just nodded ashamed.
"That's an interesting way to show that" murmured Louis quietly.
"I was completely overwhelmed and didn't want that either. I never cared for any one and I now know that it frightened me. Since you were there my whole life has changed. And at the time, I wasn't sure if I was a bad person trying to play the good to not lose you or if I could really be different. But since I had no pejorative thoughts when I said something nice I knew at some point the answer. I lost myself in the process but also found myself" Harry gave away everything he felt.
"I noticed that and I'm very proud of you as you have mastered all this" Louis stroked his back.
"Thanks, that is nice to hear" Harry said with relief.
"Did I tell you what brought my memories of you back at the full moon?" Harry looked questioningly up at him. Louis looked him in the eye and shook his head.
"It was your eyes" Harry revealed to him.
"What?" Louis was completely taken by surprise.
"We looked at each other that day. It was the first time for me because I forgot you, but I immediately recognized your eyes. They were also the first thing I saw when the moon showed all our memories. It was always your eyes. From the beginning they made me feel something that I couldn't explain,but I only realized it then. Much I was only aware of since then, but I already knew my feelings for you. Just not the dimensions of it" Harry continued.
"When did you ... so... I mean umm" Louis stumbled over his words because he didn't know what to say.
"Do you remember the drama exam?" Harry asked smiling and Louis just nodded.
"When I kissed you so suddenly, my subconscious mind knew everything, but I wasn't aware of that. Only since the full moon, I know that was the moment that changed everything. It was there before but since then there was no way out. Now it only had to penetrate from my subconscious into my consciousness. It didn't take that long. Somewhere between our conversation when you told me everything and the conversation with Perrie I became aware of it. Her story just made it clearer and I wondered why you didn't look at me. Now I know why. When Perrie told me to rethink the bullshit and I should open my eyes faster than she did, I realized that she didn't expect me to understand it directly. But I have. I knew exactly what she meant and it was okay for me. But I couldn't tell you. On the one hand because I thought I would have no chance because I have broken your heart before. And on the other hand because I knew that you needed everything at the time but no relationship. Other things were more important. You had to be fine first. That was my priority".
"But then Stan was there and Luke. And then Ben and Xander came and Liam was a jerk again. Suddenly Kyle was back, but you were fine. Then came the stupid full moon and I had all the feelings flow through me at once. It was all clear to me, but it scared me. The emotions under the influence of the moon were so intense and so much at once that I was completely overwhelmed. Niall was overly happy. Liam was shocked, but I didn't know what to do with myself. Still I thought you could never love me like that again and my feelings were just too much for me. Then this stupid slip up during More Than This happened and I saw my whole world collapse. I panicked and ran away like a coward. I was more afraid of your reaction than anything else. I just didn't want to lose you just because of my stupidity" Harry poured out his heart to Louis with a tremor in his voice.
"But you haven't lost me" was the only thing Louis could say. Harry's honest words had touched his heart and had made every moment between them more intense and more important.
"But almost and only because I was afraid of my own feelings. I never thought anyone could be so important to me. Never would I have thought that I could have feelings for ..." trailed Harry off.
"A guy?" Louis swallowed heavily.
"That was never my problem. I was surprised by my feelings for you. Why did I have to have a crush on someone who is too good for me? I still don't understand it, but I'm probably just lucky to have you. And I'll do anything to keep you smiling" Harry clarified.
"We should both stop thinking that we don't deserve each other. We need each other and that's it" stated Louis. This insight was badly needed.
"Deal. But Lou, there is still one thing that I want to tell you" Harry got visibly nervous.
"Okay, and what is that? You can tell me everything" Louis inquired anxiously.
"When I was under the influence of the moon, I suddenly was aware of the extent of my crush and that was what I was mostly afraid of. I never expected that, but I'm not scared any more when I look at you now" Harry started and then took a deep breath. Louis waited spellbound for what was coming.
"I'm in love with you, Lou" Harry confessed to him honestly.
Louis was totally overwhelmed. That Harry really was crushing on him was hard to believe for Louis, but he really had not expected that. Right now he was the happiest person on this planet. He just didn't know what to say.
He was sitting up from his still-lying position, causing Harry to pull his head off his chest and lean on his elbow. Louis looked down at him, stunned.
"I'm sorry. Oh, God Louis. You don't have to ... I didn't mean to ... Louis I ... " Harry stammered helplessly.
But Louis was flushed with happiness and he stopped Harry's rambling by simply kissing him. It was only a very short kiss and the only purpose was to shut Harry up. Louis smiled brightly into Harry's eyes.
"I'm in love with you too, Haz" he told him happily.
When Harry heard that, he started grinning broadly and was really beaming. He put a hand on Louis' neck and kissed him happily. Louis grinned into the kiss and returned it immediately. Louis was leaning over Harry with his hands next to his head while Harry had his hands on his neck and back. After a few seconds Louis deepened the kiss and became more consensual. He loved that feeling, it was addictive.
Bravely, Louis licked his tongue over Harry's bottom lip and asked for entrance. Hesitantly Harry opened his mouth, who probably hadn't expected that. Their Tongues touched and a tingling sensation ran through Louis' entire body and he got goose bumps everywhere. He has never really had such a kiss. Louis felt with his tongue Harry's mouth and Harry did the same. Their tongues danced with each other and fought for dominance, that Louis won. Harry's plump lips and the intensity of the kiss drove Louis crazy. He never wanted to stop again.
When they both ran out of air, they broke apart again. Breathing heavily, but beaming brightly, the two looked deep into each other's eyes. Their lips were swollen and their cheeks red, but they were never happier. Louis leaned his forehead against Harry's and Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' back and hugged him tightly chest to chest. All of a sudden Louis had to start laughing.
"What's so funny?" Harry asked, confused.
"Niall" brought Louis out between laughter.
"You kiss me and think of Niall? Wow, I feel honoured" pouted Harry.
"Now don't pout even though it's cute. I just had to remember that this is all thanks to Niall. It wouldn't have happened without him" Louis chuckled.
"This little sly goblin" Harry had to laugh now.
Next to them, both phones beeped. They glanced at each other and then both looked at their phone. Louis raised an eyebrow, perplexed.
"Wow, now I feel watched" Louis wondered.
"Then we'd better turn off the lights, sweetcheeks" Harry grinned and put his cell phone aside.
"Your best Idea so far, babycakes" Louis agreed with him and also put away his phone.
He climbed down from Harry and lay down under the covers. Harry turned off the lamp and then lay down next to him. Happy and satisfied, the two cuddled together. Harry with his head on Louis' chest and in each others arms. Shortly after, both had fallen asleep with a huge smile on their faces.
From Nialler @Fishy Freaks:
"Mission accomplished"
Read by Daddy Direction, Zaddy, Harold, Tommo.
Holy Fucking Shit! Finally. They freaking kissed! I'm so happy right now. Took them long enough ;) :)
Are you happy with it?
Still a more sad Question: Will Zayn and Liam work things out?
And what did we find out about Niall?
Nothing left to say, just love you all <3 Please vote and comment what you think :)
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