Chapter 30
Sorry it took me so long but here is the new chapter :)
Please don't hate me because of the amount of arguing in this one....and we also will get to know two new people.....I'm not really happy with it but yeah here it is
To say Monday morning was weird would still be nicely said. Somehow it felt weird to go back to school. Everything felt so different. Louis felt countless eyes on him since they'd entered the school. He still hadn't got used to the band's attention, he had tolerated it but hadn't accepted it yet. He felt watched. The first two lessons passed without any problems. English was as boring as always and in drama they only talked about the holidays to get back into the rhythm of the school day. Eleanor next to him looked so excited and over active. He guessed it was because of her birthday, but something told him it wasn't.
On the way to the cafeteria and at their table, Louis looked around. Today the students should be back from the exchange, but so far Louis hadn't seen anyone. He was worried because Harry said they had once been his friends. That couldn't mean anything good.
"Only one day and I'm tired of it" Niall groaned as he sat down.
"Why? Did a rabbit steal your golf ball?" cackled Zayn amused.
"Did you have a clown for breakfast this morning?" Niall shot back, a little irritated.
"Maybe more of a lousy pecker" Zayn rolled his eyes.
"A real comedian. Why aren't you silent and annoying your boyfriend instead?" Niall hissed at him.
"Psst Niall. Be quiet" shushed Liam Niall.
"What did I do? " Niall didn't understand.
"Do you have to say that so loud ?!" Liam looked at him crookedly.
"Oh, I totally forgot. Sorry" Niall apologized honestly.
"No problem, nobody heard" Liam smiled at him.
Louis studied Liam, Niall, and Zayn. In English, Zayn had told them that Liam and he first wanted to keep their relationship a secret. At school, but also everywhere else. Supposedly because the two hadn't a complete day as a couple and everything was so new. They didn't know where their relationship leads and don't want observers. On the one hand Louis could understand that, since the two were really fresh together, but on the other hand he couldn't understand it. Why didn't they want to show their love after everything that had happened?
As Louis sat there staring at Liam and Zayn, he knew that it was Liam's idea, not Zayn's. Zayn would probably like to scream it out into the world, but Liam didn't want that. And understanding how Zayn was, he did everything that made Liam happy. But Louis could also see fear in Zayn's eyes. Fear of failure, afraid of losing their friendship when something happened. Louis hoped that everything would be fine.
Niall also worried him. He had never reacted so irritably to such a harmless remark. He seemed lifeless, powerless and somehow tense. Maybe he just hated school, but it looked like more.
"There you are, El. Couldn't save yourself from congratulations, huh?" Harry grinned as Eleanor and Sophia joined them.
"I'm in great demand" she boasted.
"Where is Danielle?" wondered Liam.
"She's with Christopher somewhere. It seems like something's going on between them" Sophia wiggled her eyebrows.
"And that's why she lets us down" fake cried Eleanor.
"It's so typical. Friends are always neglected for lovers" Niall said.
"I feel with you" Sophia put her hand on his shoulder.
"Somehow I feel addressed, can that be?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know how you get that. Why should I mean you?" grinned Niall.
"How is it going?" Sophia asked curiously.
"Okay. We take it slow" Liam replied reluctantly.
"Very slow" added Zayn.
"Mega slow" Niall remarked. "Slower than slug sex".
Niall's stupid remark made everyone laugh. Such a comparison could only come from Niall.
"Niall, you're really something" Harry laughed breathlessly.
"Hey guys" Ashton and Luke came to them.
"Hello you lovebirds, all right?" Niall greeted the two.
"Everything's fine" Luke beamed happily.
"Did you hear what people are talking about?" Ashton asked.
"No, why?" Liam looked at him funny.
"Apparently somebody told everyone that your dad kicked you out. The theories are getting wilder. They're in desperate need of a hobby" Ashton told them.
"Wow, Hardly here and I'm already talking topic number one" sighed Harry.
"They'll stop that" Louis said tentatively.
"Who said that?" Niall asked Ashton.
"Nobody knows, but it must be someone who knows your family otherwise they wouldn't believe them" Ashton guessed.
"Shawn" Harry hissed sourly.
"I think so too" Niall agreed.
"We don't know that at all" Liam remarked.
"Our fathers are buddies, so who else should know?" Harry said.
"So it's true?" Luke wanted to know.
"Yes and No. I don't live at home any more, but my dad didn't kick me out. I left because it didn't work any more" Harry confessed.
"Oh, I'm sorry" Luke pitied him.
"It's okay. It's better that way" Harry shrugged.
"And where do you live now?" Ashton asked confused.
"With me" Louis spoke up.
"Oh really?" smirked Luke and gave him a funny look.
"Really. We have enough space" Louis replied shortly.
"Until yesterday Stan was there. There wasn't much space there" Niall grinned.
"It was fine" Louis mumbled.
"Uh, who is Stan?" cooed Ashton.
"Oh no. Don't even start with it. Forget it" Louis was immediately listening.
"So there is something?" he didn't let up.
"I hate you so much" sighed Louis.
"Forget about Stan, he's crazy. And besides there's somebody else" Eleanor intervened.
Louis looked at her, startled. "What are you doing? Shut up".
"Just because you weren't at the party with Luke, for whatever reason, and he was away on vacation, that doesn't mean there's nothing left" El continued.
On the one hand, Louis was relieved. He was afraid she would suggest something to Harry, but on the other hand he felt bad about Luke. Everyone always thought there was something, but that wasn't the case. Besides, he felt weird talking about it when Harry sat next to him.
"So you couldn't throw him against a wall yet, Master Toplinson?"chuckled Luke.
"Who should throw that against walls?" a voice came from behind them.
Groaning in annoyance, they turned to see Aidan and two other boys behind him, but it wasn't Nick and Shawn. Somehow they haven't really seen the two today.
"That's none of your business" Harry growled at him.
"Unbelievable that you are still taking off this good guy number. How long are you going to go through this without puking?" Aidan taunted him.
"I just need to puke when I see you" Harry shot back.
"Very creative. You see what happened to him. You aren't any better" Aidan said to the boys behind him.
"That's Ben and Xander, but you all have to know that except this fat loser here" Aidan pointed to the boys and glared at Louis afterwards.
"Excuse me?" Harry got upset.
"Naww, did that little faggot sucked you off so you're defending him? Was it so good? For something his mouth must be good, if there's so much crap coming out. Can he at least swallow a lot or is it embarrassing?".
"Aidan, let it be. That will not do anything. Let's go" the dark-haired boy intervened. Ben was his name. Louis looked him up and down. Louis didn't buy the fake grin on his face.
"America has changed you. You are way too nice. Have you become such cocksuckers now?" Aidan glared at Ben annoyed, but finally went back to the table with him.
"All good?" Harry asked as he sat back down.
"Yes, thank you. I'm not listening to Aidan when he opens his mouth" Louis reassured Harry.
"That's a good thing" said the other guy, who was still at their table. His name was Xander. He smiled and said nothing nasty, but everything about him screamed asshole. He didn't trust him.
"Shouldn't you run after him?" Ashton studied him.
"Just think what you want, but just because I'm talking to him, I'm not exactly like him" Xander replied.
"We'll see" Ash said suspiciously.
"Now I can do it right. Happy Birthday, Ely" Xander turned to El.
"Thanks" Eleanor smiled at him.
"Alright, I'll go. See you" he said goodbye and left.
"What was that?" wondered Niall.
"Where do you know him from?" Harry wanted to know.
"Um, he went to our school before?" she returned.
"I mean, since when do you talk to each other?" Harry didn't let up.
"Since Saturday. He talked to me at the JuiceNet" she said.
"You shouldn't talk to him. He's not a good person" Harry advised her.
"People change. You ought to know that best" she shot back and stood up. Sophia just shrugged and followed her friend.
"Harry, she's right. Just because he used to be an ass, he doesn't have to be one now" Liam said.
"You don't know him like I do. He ...".
"Harry, let's go. We should go to class" Zayn interrupted hesitantly.
Disappointed, Harry followed his friends to music class. Louis just hoped Eleanor knew what she was doing. He had a bad feeling about it. Xander reminded him too much of Kyle to not to be on the watch and question everything. Better safe than sorry.
Actually, the boys should rehearse right now. It wasn't yet clear who this Saturday would perform because of that 5sos had the rehearsal room yesterday and today 1D. But instead of rehearsing they only argued. Well, actually only Liam and Harry. Ever since Louis got this message from Eleanor, that said she was with Xander, nobody thought about rehearsing. Harry immediately asked Louis to warn her, and Liam suddenly went nuts. While Niall kept trying to settle the dispute, Zayn just sat in the corner and didn't know what to do.
"I just said he should warn her. What's on it?" Harry just didn't understand Liam.
"It's her decision with whom she meets, not ours. We don't interfere" Liam moaned.
"But I'm just trying to help her. He's one of the worst people in the world" Harry countered.
"You can't know that. Just don't judge him like that" Liam shot back.
"You forget that I know him very well. We were friends. I know how he is" Harry reminded him.
"It was months ago. He was in America and Aidan said he was too nice for him, people change. Especially you have to know that" Liam said sternly.
"Oh, I know that, but I also see when something is played and when not. He hasn't changed. He's the same ass as before. It's just a trick. Nice people you trust faster" Harry got really angry.
"How do we know then that there is no trick for you? You seem to know this trick well" Liam glared at him.
"That goes too far, Liam. I don't know what your problem is, but you shouldn't even think of that" Louis intervened now.
"Sure, you came to his aid. How about if you think for yourself and don't defend him blindly" Liam spat.
"Oh, I'm thinking for myself. And right now you're really annoying me. Imposing that on Harry is the worst" Louis growled at him.
"He's right. Just because you disagree, you don't have to be personal" Niall agreed.
"Oh look who's talking. I thought you were the neutral Switzerland" Liam snapped at Niall angrily.
"I stay out of your pointless fight, but I can still defend my friends" Niall crossed his arms over his chest.
"So we aren't friends?" Liam checked.
"Of course, but Harry hasn't become personal. He's just trying to make something clear for you. That works without assumptions" Niall clarified.
"I just asked if he fooled us. He seemed to know this trick" Liam turned back to Harry.
"I know Xander just too well. I know what he's capable of" Harry replied.
"You knew him months ago. You're not the only one who can undergo a magical change and suddenly become a saint" Liam scoffed.
"Liam, it's enough. Are you even listening to yourself?" exclaimed Louis.
"Do you believe him?" Liam asked incredulously.
"It's now minor. It's not about Xander any more. It's about you" Louis said firmly.
"About me, huh?".
"Why are you so upset, Liam? What's the problem? He just tries to warn us of potential problems" Louis sighed annoyed.
Now Zayn finally stood up and joined them. Carefully, he put a hand on Liam's back, but he just jerked away and grumbled to himself. Hurt, Zayn looked at him.
"Calm down, Liam. There's no need to get upset" he whispered softly.
"Oh, you think so?" Liam snapped at him, causing Zayn to retreat.
Zayn looked at Louis, who had a worried expression on his face. Zayn knew that Louis was worried about him and wordlessly asked if everything was alright. He nodded timidly to Louis and then looked down at the floor. He wasn't feeling very well, but he could do nothing. He understood why Harry reacted to Xander that way. Zayn knew him too. He didn't trust him a bit. But he remained silent. He couldn't stand on Harry's side. He didn't want to give Liam any more reason to get upset and maybe lose him. So he remained silent like a fish.
"How about if we just rehearse?" Niall suggested.
"I'm definitely not going to rehearse with him. If you're normal again, let me know" Liam refused and left the room. Harry just glanced to the ground as Louis glared after Liam.
"Then it's probably over for today" said Niall and left.
Zayn stood there for a moment, looking at Louis, who looked at him blankly, then shrugged and followed Liam. He left the two alone and felt terrible. But he couldn't and didn't want to contradict Liam because he was afraid to lose him. He was on Liam's side regardless of whether he was right and treated him badly or not. He just couldn't help it.
"Unbelievable that he ignored you all day" Callum marvelled.
"I can hardly believe it myself" Louis shook his head.
"That's my fault alone" sighed Harry.
"Harry, it's not ... Liam, ..I have no idea what's wrong with him" trailed Louis off.
"It's not just him. Zayn and Niall didn't talk to us, either" Harry noted on.
"Zayn is Liam's boyfriend and Niall may think he's right" mused Michael.
"Yesterday, it looked different".
"Yesterday they didn't ignore us all day" Louis said disappointed.
"You should do that, too" Harry blurted out.
"What?" Louis turned to him in horror.
"They just don't talk to you because you helped me, so ...".
"Don't finish this sentence. I will not justify him if he talks shit" Louis interrupted him.
"So you believe me?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Hey guys, where to?" Eleanor crossed their path.
"To JuiceNet. Xander wants to discuss something with us there" Louis replied.
"Probably because of the party" Eleanor supposed.
"I still think that's a bad idea. Why don't you celebrate the party at your home as planned?" Harry expressed concern.
"Why should I? He offered to do it. Why should I refuse?" Eleanor shrugged.
"Because the whole thing is pretty weird, don't you think? Out of niceness he suddenly throws a party for you at his house and with whose friends?" Harry doubted Xander's honesty.
"Obviously not with mine, because it looks like I don't have any ... Where's the problem? It's just a party?" Eleanor got angry.
"Believe me, it's not just a party" Harry remarked.
"You are pretending that I have fallen head over heels and he is the devil! It's just a party, we're just friends. What's so bad about it?" she almost yelled at him.
"No reason to get loud. He just means well" Callum intervened.
"Exactly. Xander has always been a jerk. Why should he suddenly be nice?" Michael agreed.
"But Harry could just change that way? Why is he the only one who is believable? You can leave your paranoia at home or you don't need to come at all" Eleanor hissed at them and left.
"A good idea. We're leaving. Sorry guys, but that's too stupid for me" Callum said goodbye.
"Same here" Michael said and left as well.
Silently, Harry and Louis went to JuiceNet as planned. When they arrived there was no sign of Liam, Zayn or Niall. Xander sat at a table outside and waited. Reluctantly, the two sat down to him.
"There you are finally. Where are the others?" asked Xander.
"I guess they're not coming. Liam isn't good at talking to us right now" Louis replied.
"Oh and Niall?" he checked.
"I don't know" sighed Louis.
"Nevermind, as long as you're coming to the party everything is fine. You're here after all. I want it to be perfect" Xander said.
"We want that too" Louis agreed.
"Good. Well, I wanted to know your opinion. The party will take place at mine on Saturday afternoon. Everyone will come. There's music and a pool. Eleanor will love it. My mother will take care of the catering, do you have special wishes? She can do it all" Xander told them.
"How about some mini sandwiches with cheese, ham, salad, tomatoes and a mint leaf on top?" Harry suggested sarcastically.
"Sure, why not?" Xander didn't give in.
"Oookay, what else?" Louis wanted to release the tension.
"Music, we need good music" Xander replied.
"Well, I just make a playlist" Harry said bored.
"That's not meant to be mean, but you don't have a normal taste in music and El should like it" Xander noted.
"If you knew her as well as you claim, you would know that she's listening to the same music as me" Harry replied.
"That's over. Not any more. I just make a list and you say yes or no" Xander suggested.
"Just say you want to do it all on your own. Why are we even here? For your amusement?" Harry lost his patience.
"For your honest opinion" Xander grinned at him mischievously.
"Do you want to hear my honest opinion?".
"No need to argue. We're here for Eleanor. It should be good for her" Louis intervened.
"Louis?" a boy asked behind him. He turned and looked into Luke's face.
"Oh hi Luke, how are you?" he asked gently.
"Good. I don't want to bother, but I wanted to talk to you shortly. We can do that later" he said nervously.
"Go ahead. We will not fight each other" laughed Xander.
Louis still saw how Harry made a face before he got up and followed Luke. "So what is it?".
"I was worried and wanted to make sure everything was fine, also between us" Luke admitted.
"What exactly do you mean?" Louis frowned.
"Since you cancelled for the party I haven't heard from you. I was wondering why, because I thought we were friends" Luke said sadly.
"We are. I'm so sorry I just dropped you. I still feel terrible about the party and somehow couldn't muster the courage to write to you" confessed Louis ashamed.
"You don't have to feel bad about it. We didn't have a date or anything. You had your reasons" chuckled Luke.
"But no good ones, believe me. I didn't want to dump you, but there was no other way. It was more fair for you this way" said Louis meekly.
"That's over now, but don't ignore me that long again" Luke smirked.
"I won't" Louis smiled happily.
"You're going to El's party, aren't you?" Luke wanted to know.
"Of course, she's my best friend" he clarified.
"And it really takes place at Xander's?" Luke grimaced.
"Yeah, just don't ask. That's enough trouble for me already" sighed Louis.
"Okay. Well, what I wanted to ask .... um ... if you go there and I'll be there too ... well, then maybe we could go together. ..also that doesn't have to be, we could do something else together sometime, so, um... " Luke rambled nervously.
"You mean like a date?" Louis asked in shock. Immediately Luke fellsilent.
"I really like you, but we're just friends. A date would be a bad idea. I don't want to give you false hopes and ...".
"Oh god, Louis, no. I didn't mean to say that. This isn't about a date" Luke interrupted him.
"Oh" made Louis and was relieved.
"I'm glad to have you as a friend and I don't want to destroy that. I'll admit that a few weeks ago I would have been honoured to get a chance and invite you on a date, but I know that I have no chance. I'm simply not Harry" Luke let him know.
"I'm really sorry, Luke. I really don't understand why I can't give you a fair chance. I can't control my feelings and ..... wait, how do you know ... just how?" stammered Louis.
"Is that a serious question? How can you not see that? From the beginning I knew I had no chance against him. At first I tried to convince myself I could change that, but I know that's impossible. And I don't want that. I know my place and it's okay for me. I even met someone. Being your friend is all I want, because you're special. Harry is very lucky. Nobody should stand in between you. If that does one I'll kill him" Luke clarified.
"Wow Luke, I don't know what to say" Louis was speechless.
"Just tell me if I see you at the party" Luke nudged him on the shoulder.
"We can even go together" Louis beamed at him.
"And Harry?" Luke wondered.
"We're just friends and apparently I'm not able to hide my feelings, but luckily he doesn't notice anything" Louis said disappointedly.
"It's only obvious when someone knows you. I want somebody to look at me like that" Luke reassured him.
"You'll find that someone. I'm sure" Louis intervened.
"Thanks. Harry will notice what's right in front of him" Luke smiled at him.
"Not really, but thanks. See you on Saturday, will I?" Louis wanted to know.
"Of course. Oh, and if Harry doesn't feel anything for you why does he look over here as if he wants to kill me?" smirked Luke before leaving.
Confused, Louis turned around and saw Harry turning his head away quickly. Xander said something to him that seemed to make Harry angry. He quickly went back to the table.
"Louis, there you are. You've been away way too long" Xander rejoiced exaggerated.
"You're such a hypocritical asshole" Harry growled at him.
"Well, Harry. Language. We all want to be peaceful and make Eleanor happy, or am I wrong?" Xander looked challengingly at him.
"You call that peaceful? I don't know what you're up to, but forget it" Harry snapped.
"We should calm down and stick with it" Louis intervened.
"How can you sit here and talk to him? Don't trust him. Come with me" Harry asked him.
"Harry, I can't. It's about Eleanor's birthday and I ..".
"You don't believe me, right?" he interrupted angrily and stood up aloud. His chair crashed to the floor and Louis looked desperately after Harry.
"Harry" he called after him, but he was already gone.
"What a drama queen" Xander pointed out.
"Let's just keep going" Louis grumbled.
For a whole hour Xander chatted with him and in the end he did everything alone. It was all too stupid to Louis, but he did that for Eleanor. On the way home, he ran into Steve. The two talked for a while until Louis really had to go. He tried again and again to reach Liam or Niall, but no one answered the phone.
At home, he was attacked by Phoebe and Daisy and thrown to the ground. Lottie stood there laughing instead of helping him. Jay had made dinner, but also told him that Harry had come home angry and said he wasn't hungry. Sighing, Louis sat down at the table and couldn't really explain what had happened. Once finished, she sent him upstairs to talk to Harry.
When Louis opened the door, it was dark in his room. In bed, he recognized Harry's curls. Apparently he had already gone to sleep. That made Louis realize how angry Harry was. He never went to bed so early, but that was the easiest way to avoid talking to Louis. That thought made Louis sad.
He kept the room dark and padded to the bed. He switched on the bedside lamp and took out his notebook. For a while he was still working on the song he was writing until he finally got tired. He closed the notebook and put it aside. Then he changed and lay down under the covers at the very edge of his side of the bed. It was hard for him to fall asleep with so much cold between them. But shortly before midnight his eyes closed and he fell into a dreamless sleep.
Exhausted, Louis dropped to his chair. Thursdays were corrosive. Chemistry and biology in one day was pure torture. It was usually bad, but today it was really bad. Not only did Liam act as if he wasn't there, even Harry avoided him and Louis just didn't know why. Niall and Zayn also stayed with each other and Louis felt as lonely as he hasn't in a long time. Strangely, they still sat at one table in the cafeteria. Only Harry was missing.
"Niall, is everything okay?" Louis asked his friend.
"Yes, just a headache" he answered as he grabbed his head.
"This is more common lately" Zayn noted.
"Due to school" Niall waves the matter off.
"Hey guys" Ashton approached him hesitantly.
"Hey, Ash, what's wrong?" Niall greeted him.
"Well, I don't know how to say it ...." he said sheepishly.
"Just spit it out" Niall said.
"Louis, didn't you say Harry would live with you?" Luke joined them.
"Yes why?" Louis frowned.
"Ben tells everyone Harry would stay with him in the attic until his father calms down" Luke told him.
"What?" exclaimed Louis in horror.
"Is that what you wanted to say, Ash?" Niall prompted.
"Yes, too. But it gets worse" Ash said.
"Worse?" Louis looked at him crookedly.
"He claims Harry has a different girl in bed every day, too. Yesterday, Taylor was probably naked in the kitchen when he came downstairs" Ash told them.
"What a little jerk" swore Louis.
"I don't understand why he does that" Luke mused.
"For attention. Anyway, he doesn't care for anything else" Ash said.
"Why do you always know all the rumours in school?" Zayn raised aneyebrow.
"I'd like to know that too" sighed Luke.
"This little damned bastard. He pretends he's nice, but fucks the whole school. I knew you couldn't trust him" Louis got really angry.
"I don't like the look. What is your plan now, Tommo?" Niall got nervous.
Before Louis could answer, he heard Ben talking to two girls at the other end of the cafeteria, boasting about Harry and a story about Taylor. Without thinking about it, Louis stood up abruptly and walked over to him, anger seething in him.
"She just stood there. Completely naked. I knew that he had a lot of sex, but that surprised even me" Ben's voice echoed across the room.
"I thought he had become so prudish now?" wondered one girl.
"All sham. That's how you get even the most stubborn girls" Ben winked at her.
"Because Taylor is so hard to get, isn't she?" interposed Louis.
"She may not, but others are" swallowed Ben hard.
"And you say that would have been yesterday? She just stood there and was with Harry before?" Louis inquired. Niall, Liam and Zayn were now behind him.
"I didn't invite her. He has always had a weakness for her. After all, she should be good" he grinned dirty.
"Very interesting, but somehow your time can't quite be correct" Louis came slowly to the point.
"Can't you annoy someone else, Lewis?" Ben rolled his eyes.
"Annoying are you, you underexposed bastard. First it is called Louis. And second, Harry was with me yesterday. The whole time. No idea who slept with Taylor at yours then, but he wasn't" Louis got louder.
"Can you prove that? Why should they believe you, you loser?" Ben challenged him.
"Oh I can, can you?" Louis didn't get intimidated.
"I don't have to prove anything at all" Ben snorted because he couldn't think of anything.
"If you do keep telling your lies make sure they're believable and have no mistakes, just a little tip" Louis advised condescendingly.
"You call me a liar? Just see that Harry is a heartbreaker who fucks women as often as possible. Everyone knows that. Nobody will believe you just because you say it would be different" Ben came closer.
"But maybe me. After all, it's about me, am I right?" Harry came to them.
"Oh Harry, my friend. How's it going?" Ben said with slight panic.
"Good, my friend, but even better if you stopped insulting my Louis and telling lies about me" Harry glared at him.
"Come on, Harry. You can't be serious" Ben looked at him uncomprehendingly.
"You're more likely to talk about yourself" Harry replied.
"If I'm so wrong, where have you been until then? Nice stopover on the toilet?" Ben challenged him.
"Actually, I've discussed something with my Mandarin teacher. In what world are you living?" Harry couldn't believe it.
"In a world where you fuck on the toilet and live in his attic" Ashton chuckled.
"He lives in my attic. It's a nice gesture from me" Ben just didn't stop even though he had already lost. Every single student listened to them.
"So you tell me that he lives in your world in your attic .... with you?" Louis, visibly angrily, hooked.
"Louis please .." Harry almost begged.
"Who am I living with for two weeks then, huh? Tell me!" Louis asked Ben loudly.
"Lou" Harry wanted to reassure him.
"With his evil twin Harold? Edward? Marcel? Tell me, Ben!" Louis shouted at him, unable to hold himself back. "And Taylor was there too? Naked? What's wrong with you?".
Speechless and overwhelmed, Ben stared at him. He probably hadn't expected that.
"Easy, Louis. He's not worth it" Harry rubbed his hands slowly over Louis' arms to calm him down.
"He's a little, shitty head liar who spreads terrible lies about you. He should just admit it and get what he deserves, the wanker" Louis grumbled, but was a little calmer already.
"Don't get upset, you prickly character. You have great defenders, Harry. Really dangerous. Do you really need that faggot to speak for you? Nobody will believe you one word and I win" spat Ben pejoratively.
"Sure? Take a look around. Everyone heard that. On top of that, these guys are pretty popular here and are just encouraging other students to stand up for themselves by such things. But you couldn't know that, because you were so long gone and living in another world, right?" Luke mocked him.
"You'll pay me for that. Nobody just exposes me like that. You will all pay for it. Especially you Harry. You and your little fat ass faggot lover here" Ben threatened him and vanished angrily from the cafeteria.
"Don't you have anything better to do? Take care of your own life" Ashton turned to all the students who had followed everything like the vultures.
"Well done Louis" Luke patted him on the shoulder and then went over to Michael and Callum with Ashton.
"Wow, that was...radically" Niall marvelled.
"And that was just Ben" Harry sighed. Louis and Harry looked at Liam, who immediately looked at them reproachfully.
"Don't say it, Liam" Zayn mumbled.
"Just because Ben does shit like this that doesn't mean that Xander pretends the niceness" noted Liam.
"You can't be serious. Didn't you see that?" Harry stared at him in horror.
"That doesn't mean or prove anything. Leave me alone with your paranoia" Liam remained stubborn.
"But Liam ... ".
"No, Harry" Liam interrupted him.
"Leave the kids stuff. That's why I will not come to the party, none of us. Right?" Liam looked at Zayn and Niall. Zayn just looked meekly to the floor while Niall pretended to be busy with something important.
"Come on, Harry. We're leaving. We have to go to drama, even if that is probably much more relaxed" Louis hissed, pulling Harry with him to the classroom.
Smiling, Louis watched his kids during the training. He tried to clear his mind and sort out his thoughts. The last few days were a mess and the first week wasn't even over yet. Steve, who had just come over, was a great help to him. Soon the training was over and Louis hoped that when he got home he would have a chance to talk to Harry normally again. Yesterday evening he hadn't given him a chance, but after the matter with Ben and the drama class Louis hoped this would change now. He actually wanted to talk to Harry after school, but for some reason he wanted to go to the library at school. All this Louis tried to forget for a moment.
Behind him he heard rapid steps and a ringing cell phone. The ringtone sounded familiar to him. As it got closer, he realized it was his. Quickly he turned around and saw Steve walking towards him with his phone in his hand. He looked at him questioningly.
"Your phone is ringing all the time. Maybe it's important" gasped Steve for air, panting.
Louis picked up his phone and frowned. The number was unknown and he had over five missed calls. Confused, he accepted the call. "Hello?".
He didn't know the voice, but the urgency behind it scared him. "Yes, that's me, what happened?".
In terror, Louis almost dropped his phone. He stumbled back a few steps and everything around him began to spin. "I'll be right there".
He hung up and pressed the phone firmly to his chest as he tried to regulate his breathing.
"Louis, what's wrong? You look very pale" Steve worried.
"Can you finish training for me? There's an emergency. I need to go to the hospital right now" was Louis still trying to calm himself down.
"Of course. No problem. What happened, who is in the hospital?" Steve asked worriedly.
Louis started to walk to his clothes and shouted to Steve in a trembling voice. "Harry."
Louis made his way to the hospital as fast as he could. He imagined the worst scenarios in his mind that might have happened. He was almost run over by car over a few times on the way but Louis didn't care. Breathless and with a beating heart, he arrived at the hospital and stumbled to the reception.
A nice-looking young woman looked at him kindly. "Hi, how may I help you?".
"My name is Louis Tomlinson. I was called um, Harry Styles is said to have been admitted. I mean, he is here. How is he? What happened?" stammered Louis confused stuff.
"Do you belong to the family?" she asked.
"He lives with me and they called me" he answered in panic.
"So, is he you room mate?" she understood slowly.
"Yes, exactly. Can I see him?" urged Louis.
"Sure. He is on the second floor, room 228. But be as calm as possible and no fuss, he has a mild concussion. And we contacted his father because he is still a minor" she instructed.
Louis swallowed hard at these words. He nodded to her and then searched the room. Hospitals drove him crazy. Pure irony that his mother was a nurse. Probably she was here somewhere. Outside the room, Louis stopped nervously. What if Harry didn't want to see him?
He took the handle with a trembling hand and carefully opened the door. The sight made him shudder. Harry was lying on a bed with a bandage on his head. As he approached, Harry seemed to awaken from his trance and looked at him.
"Louis, you are here" he said in surprise.
"Of course I am. Where else should I be? Tell me, how are you?" Louis walked around the bed and sat down in the chair beside the bed.
"I'm okay. My head hurts and I probably shouldn't laugh for a while, but otherwise I'm fine" Harry replied, holding a hand to his ribs.
"I was told you had a concussion" Louis said worriedly.
"Yes and bruised ribs. I was lucky I didn't break anything" Harry replied weakly.
"How did that happen? What ... who ...?" stammered Louis lost.
"Um, I fell down a staircase" Harry cleared his throat.
"What? All by yourself?" Louis wondered.
"Yeah, I'm a dork. You know that better than anyone. Clumsy me" Harry said too fast.
"Oh, um, Sunday is a stupid event with my dad and um the band is supposed to come too. Are you coming?" Harry changed the subject.
"Sure, I ... wait, how do you know that? Did you talk to your dad?" Louis became sceptical.
"For a second. He just wanted to make sure I come" Harry got nervous.
"He was here, wasn't he? She said they called him" Louis realized. Harry just nodded and didn't meet his eyes.
"Was it very bad?" Louis wanted to know.
"No, all right" Harry said unconvincingly.
"Harry" said Louis sternly with a firm voice.
"What do you want to hear from me? That he's been taking advantage of the situation to get what he wants? Then here, please. There you go" exploded Harry.
"What did he do, Harry?" Louis was a little bit taken back.
"Um, he blackmailed and threatened me. Mom, the band ... you. I had to give in and it's not that bad" Harry revealed to him.
"What did he say exactly?" Louis clenched his fists. Harry tried to remember every word.
"Well, who have we got there? So we see each other again" Harry's father grinned evilly.
"What are you doing here?" Harry got scared.
"I'm your dad. You may have deleted me as an emergency contact, but I'm still responsible for you. Of course they're calling me. And I see the new one isn't here" he mocked Harry.
"What do you want?" Harry grumbled at him.
"See how you feel, what else?"
"Save your lies. I know you want something. Spit it out" Harry said annoyed.
"You think so bad of me, but okay. We'll get down to business" he sat down next to the bed.
"Sunday is an important event with all the big business people. You will come and play the nice son so the rumours will disappear. I will not let you destroy my image just because you've suddenly gone soft" he came to the point.
"You can forget that. I'm not playing your games any more. You've been using me long enough. Look for someone else" spat Harry.
"I've laid the world at your feet and you're trampling on it all. And for what? Friendship and this ridiculous band full of losers and faggots?"
"Say that again and I swear I'll kill you" Harry glared at him.
"Ha, I want to see that. Weren't you too stupid to go down some stairs? How do you want to kill me? I always told you hide your ridiculous clumsiness better. Nobody likes that, it makes you unlovable" he mocked Harry.
"That's not true. My friends have no problem with it. Louis ...".
"Will someday leave you and then you are all alone, because something like that was more important to you. Then don't come back begging me. You had your chance" he interrupted Harry.
"And you really think I come to your stupid event? Forget it ... Go to hell" Harry growled at him.
"I thought I was already there? And you will come, no argument" he became serious now.
"Oh, and what makes you so sure?" Harry didn't take him seriously.
"Your friends are important to you. And so is your mother or Gemma. If I were you, I'd come. For them" he glared at Harry.
"What do they have to do with it?" Harry got nervous.
"In my position, I can ruin anybody's life without batting an eyelash. Gemma gets kicked out from college. Your mother loses her job and your friends never get a chance to be more than a bunch of losers. Either you come or your life is over" he threatened Harry.
"You're cruel" gasped Harry.
"No, I'm a businessman. Come this once and you're going to get rid of me forever. You'll never hear from me again. If not, I'll make your life hell for you" he offered.
"Only on one condition" Harry remarked.
"I didn't know that you can set conditions, but well, what do you want?".
"My band will come too. They will accompany me so I don't do anything stupid".
"These failures? What's the use in that?" he grimaced in disgust.
"That or not at all" Harry remained stubborn.
"Well Zayn, he looks good at least. But leave this spoilsport Liam at home. And you really want to drag this gnome and dwarf into the open?"
"It's up to you. Do you want to save your image or not?" Harry demanded.
"Okay. Deal. Apparently you've learned something. But you'll be the perfect son, otherwise it's over" he agreed.
"One more thing. Hands off Louis. Don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't breathe next to him or I forget myself" Harry added seriously.
"I don't want to see him anyway. Why do you care so much about this little faggot? Did that disgusting twink infected you with his gay? That are cocksuckers, nothing more. They're worthless. I expected more from you son. You disgust me. Did he already rammed his cock in your ass? Did you find that pleasuring?" he came closer and looked very angry.
"Just shut up. I know you fucked guys too. I saw it" he hissed at him.
"One wrong word and you're dead" he pushed down Harry's arm, which was full of scratches, making him hiss in pain.
"Harry, that's cruel! I could strangle him. He can't do that" Louis said in a rage.
"Don't get upset. I'm fine. He's gone. Your mother came in and kicked him out" Harry tried to reassure him.
"At least something" Louis sighed and sat down again.
"Are you really feeling well?" Louis inquired.
"Yes, as long as you really come" Harry answered shyly.
"Of course. I'll never let you go there alone. I can't believe he said that" Louis shook his head.
"Do you not believe me?" Harry asked, hurt.
"Oh god, of course I believe you. Why should I not believe you?" Louis asked in panic.
"Hardly anyone believes me lately" Harry muttered.
"Oh Haz, don't take this to heart. Liam is a bit weird right now" Louis grabbed Harry's hand.
"It's not just Liam" Harry said sadly.
"There is one thing I don't believe you" confessed Louis. Harry looked at him with big hurtful eyes.
"You never in a million years just fell down those stairs and injured yourself so much. It was never an accident. What did really happen?" Louis wanted to know seriously.
"Nothing. I just stumbled. I'm just clumsy and annoying" Harry denied everything.
"That's not true and you know that. Forget what your dad said. To be clumsy is not bad. It makes you who you are and I think it's adorable. Harry, look at me and tell me what happened" Louis asked him.
"Okay, but you will not believe me anyway" retorted Harry and looked Louis in the eyes.
"We'll see" he smiled at him.
"I was in the library looking for a book and when I was standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor, I suddenly felt two strong hands on my back, out of nowhere. They pushed me and I lost my balance, causing me to fell down the stairs. When I hit the floor it hurt so much and I could barely see anything. I heard the two of them still laughing and saw them grinning down at me before I lost my consciousness. Then I woke up here. I have no idea how I got here" Harry told him honestly.
"Luckily someone found you. I should have been here much earlier. I shouldn't have left you alone in the first place then it would never have happened" Louis accused himself.
"Don' tsay that. You can't help it. Nobody could have known that something like this would happen" Harry stroked over Louis' hand.
"I should have known. I had such a strange feeling, but you haven't talked to me since yesterday and I thought it would be better to leave you alone. I should have skipped the training. I would have .." rambled Louis.
"Louis, listen to me. It's not your fault. I pushed you away from me for no reason. It was stupid of me. You had to go to training and I just wanted to have a book. No one could know" Harry stopped Louis' rambling.
"You're right. I'm sorry. It just makes me so sad to see you like that. You don't deserve it" Louis sighed in despair.
"I'm fine. I'm allowed to go home Saturday" Harry assured him.
"Who did that?" Louis wanted to know.
"You don't believe me anyway" Harry looked out the window.
"Stop saying that. Who did that?" said Louis firmly.
"Aidan..." Harry told him uncertainly.
"And why shouldn't I believe you? Aidan is an idiot. He ...".
"And Xander" Harry added, pulling his hand back to play with his fingers.
"If I see him, he'll wish he was never born" growled Louis angrily.
"It's not worth it. He's a bastard like Aidan" Harry waved it off.
"Not worth it? You're in the hospital, for god's sake! That's going too far" exclaimed Louis.
"No matter what you do, it doesn't matter. Wouldn't change a thing, just cause trouble. Especially for you. Promise me you're not doing anything stupid that gets you in trouble" Harry implored him.
"Well, I promise. Promise me not to tell Eleanor" Louis agreed.
"Why?" Harry frowned.
"She has her party the day after tomorrow and there was already enough stress. I don't want to destroy her day" Louis let him know.
"But shouldn't she especially know that? The party is at Xander's and he's pining after her to get her in bed" Harry didn't understand.
"I know and that doesn't make any sense, but I want to keep an eye on him. It all looks like he has a plan and I want to know what that is. That only works if he doesn't know that we know it. And Eleanor doesn't want anything from him, don't worry. She keeps saying that and I believe her. Friendship, not more is in there for her" Louis told him.
"Xander will not like that. He certainly doesn't want friendship. You have to go to this party" Harry said in panic.
"I didn't plan on missing, unlike other people" Louis said.
"You mean Liam?" Harry hooked.
"And Zayn, Niall, Ashton. The list is long. All have some reason" Louis buried his face in his hands.
"That's not good" Harry said worriedly.
"Oh and just to make that clear. I've believed you all the time" Louis grabbed Harry's hand again.
"Really?" Harry looked at him in surprise.
"I would trust you with my life. Why shouldn't I believe you?" Louis held the eye contact.
"I thought because somehow um they all didn't contradict Liam or Eleanor..." Harry stuttered.
"In Eleanor's presence, I try not to say anything that upsets her even more. She seems restless and confused lately and I don't know why. But when Liam accused you, I was there. We just were interrupted always when it came to the question of believe. But I assure you, I didn't doubt for one second that you were telling the truth. I always believe you, no matter how stupid that may be" Louis looked him in the eye. Harry had tears of emotion in his eyes and smiled at Louis, relieved and touched.
"That reminds me, I still have something for you" Louis reminded himself and reached for his bag.
Confused and curious, Harry watched as Louis crumpled through his bag, searching for something. When he found it, he sat back upright and looked at Harry. He held a small black box in his hand.
"You're not proposing to me, right? Take me on a date first" Harry joked in confusion.
"Shush it, you comedian. Open it!" Louis handed him the box.
Carefully, Harry took the box in his big hands and looked at it. He hesitantly opened it and made big eyes when he saw what was inside.
"You don't like it, do you? I knew it. I just got it wrong. I'm sure you liked something else. I'm so stupid. I just ...".
"Louis, I love it" Harry interrupted in awe Louis' nervous rambling.
"Really?" Louis asked in shock.
"I've never been given anything nicer, but how did you know I wanted that?" Harry wondered.
"I saw the way your eyes were shining when you saw it and I knew I had to buy it for you" Louis blushed.
"But when did you have the time to do it without me noticing? Oh, was that when I had this stupid date?" Harry asked meekly.
"No, please don't mention that ever again. Before I went to the park I went back to the store. I actually wanted to give it to you before the dinner with your Mom, but that went different than planned. And when Stan was here, there wasn't a moment for that" Louis told him, still blushing.
"What have I done to deserve you?" Harry wondered fondly. Super careful, Harry put the ring on and admired it. Louis lost himself in Harry's happy smile.
"So you like it?" Louis again checked for uncertainty.
"You're amazing" Harry beamed, pulling Louis into his arms. That was so surprisingly that Louis almost fell on Harry. He happily hugged him and never wanted to let him go again. Silently, Harry yawned against Louis's shoulder.
"Is there a tired one?" Louis chuckled.
"Ey, it was a long day" Harry pouted, letting go of Louis.
"You should sleep" Louis smiled at him and was completely in front of his face.
"I can sleep so bad without you" Harry confessed tiredly.
"Make room" grinned Louis. Harry shifted slightly and Louis squeezed himself onto the bed next to him. He put an arm around Harry, who rested his head on Louis's chest.
"Better?" Louis looked down at him.
Harry nodded sleepily and closed his eyes. Louis stroked his hair and watched as Harry fell asleep in his arms. He sat there like that for a while and just looked at Harry.
"I'm so in love with you that it's no longer healthy" Louis sighed, shaking his head.
After a while the door opened and Louis' mother came in. When she saw both of them, she smiled satisfied.
"Louis, it's late, you have to go home. The visit time has been over for a long time" she whispered, not wanting to wake Harry.
"Why could I stay then?" Louis wondered.
"Being my son has its advantages" she grinned.
Louis shook his head in amusement. Carefully, he pushed Harry's head off his chest and laid it on the pillow. He got to his feet hesitantly and put the blanket right over Harry again. He leaned forward and kissed his forehead in farewell. Then he followed his mother outside.
"He'll be allowed to leave on Saturday. Don't worry" Jay said when she saw Louis' face.
"I'm not worried. Well, maybe, but there's something I don't understand" Louis frowned.
"And what would that be?" Jay asked.
"Harry said his dad wouldn't be his emergency contact any more, but nobody else was here. Who's the new one and why did they call me?" Louis simply didn't understand.
"Oh Louis" Jay chuckled to herself and went down the hall.
"What's so funny?" he ran after her.
"You are his new emergency contact".
"It's all a whole fucking mess" Zayn sighed and dropped into the pillow.
"I couldn't have said it better" Louis agreed.
"I can't believe that Xander and Aidan really go that far - insulting is one thing, but getting violent is something else - I knew youcouldn't trust him – he pretends to be overly nice and then sticks a knife in your back with the widest fake grin ever in the face. That's disgusting. How can you just push someone down the stairs? What was their plan? That he ends up in a wheelchair?" Zayn got totally upset.
"That doesn't sound like you agree with Liam, which surprises me now. But I was also overwhelmed that you called me and wanted me to come over" confessed Louis meekly.
"Uh... no, I ... Oh god, I'm a terrible friend. I treated you terribly all week and just let you down and for no reason at all. And Harry too. I'm so stupid" Zayn said in panic by his guilty conscience.
"Zayn, it's all good. Yeah, it wasn't that nice to be ignored for nothing, but you had your reasons. We're here now" Louis tried to reassure him.
"No, I didn't. I was just stupid. I hurt you without thinking about it. I'm a bad person" Zayn moaned and his breathing got faster and faster. He became dizzy and he felt like he was suffocating.
"Easy, Zayn, try to breathe calmly. You didn't do anything wrong" Louis sat down next to him.
"But I did. I let you down and just didn't say anything. Now Harry is in the hospital. Oh god, that's all so horrible" hyperventilated Zayn.
"Look at me, Zayn. Breathe in and out. Think about what we've been discussing, think of something positive, nice thoughts. It's just in your head. You're not really going to suffocate. In and out" repeated Louis his words over and over again.
Zayn looked him in the eye and listened to his voice. This mantra that they had developed helped every time. Zayn was grateful to have Louis by his side. Slowly he calmed down and his breathing became more regular again. His hands also stopped trembling so much.
"Thank you Louis" Zayn smiled at Louis gratefully.
"No problem. What are friends for" he smiled back.
"Friends, whom I have treated like dirt for a whole week" looked Zayn ashamed to the ground.
"You didn't do anything" Louis put a hand on Zayn's shoulder.
"Exactly. Nothing at all. I should have done something instead of ignoring you two as if you had done something bad" regretted Zayn his actions.
"I understand Zayn. It wasn't my favourite week, but it was okay" Louis said encouragingly.
"You're just too nice. You should be mad at me" Zayn frowned.
"I'm not, but tell me, why did you call me today?" Louis wanted to know.
"Well, now that Harry is in the hospital and you're home alone and it's Friday night ... I thought you might need company and we wanted to do a Zouis night anyway ... I um ... yeah" Zayn explained sheepishly.
"Thank you, Zayn. I really needed that. Being alone wouldn't be the best idea" Louis replied.
Both smiled at each other, but there was something else in the air. Something unexplained.
"Was it because of Liam?" Louis asked tentatively.
"I um ... yes, somehow, in some way" Zayn confessed meekly.
"How so?" Louis put his head to one side.
"I don't know exactly. It's hard on us. I have no idea why he reacted to the whole thing like this and I don't get it. We've known Xander for a while and he's an asshole. No idea why Liam treated Harry like that. There's no reason for that - he was ultimately right all the time. Why doesn't Liam just see that?" Zayn revealed himself to Louis.
"Did you say that to Liam?" Louis inquired.
"No, I didn't say anything" looked Zayn at his shaky hands.
"Why not? He can't hate you for your opinion" Louis frowned.
"I don't know myself. He was so upset and angry and I didn't want to upset him any more. I saw how he treated you because you didn't agree with him and I was just so scared. We just got together so briefly but before that we were friends for ages. I'm scared to lose him now and then destroy our friendship as well" Zayn explained what he really thought.
"I understand that well. Destroying such a strong friendship because of feelings is the last thing you want. But Zayn, this is a part of yourself. You can be considerate, but you should never be afraid of your opinion" said Louis honestly and determinedly.
"I know it's just so hard" Zayn sighed desperately.
"I know that and I understand you. So early in a relationship, you are often extra careful with what you say or do. But you two have such a strong past and it took forever to get here. This over-caution might destroy it more than honest words. Zayn, you have always been someone who has said his opinion no matter what others thought and Liam likes you the way you are. You shouldn't stop being yourself when it gets difficult. You are together because you are who you are. You have to be honest with yourself and with Liam. Only then can this relationship work" Louis advised him understandingly.
"You're right. I shouldn't be afraid and toddle around like it's all dark. I've known Liam for ages. No matter how weird he is right now I have to be honest and if he doesn't like that he has to live with it and see how important it is to him" Zayn agreed with Louis.
" Well done. I wanted to hear that. I'm proud of you" fake cried Louis exaggeratedly.
"You're such an idiot" Zayn laughed happily.
"It got too emotional for a Friday night" chuckled Louis.
"Sorry I have problems with my boyfriend, Your Majesty" rolled Zayn amused with his eyes.
"You just wanted to say boyfriend" Louis pushed him aside.
"I have one and I like to say it. I scream it into the world" exaggerated Zayn.
"Now I'm deaf" Louis flopped into the pillow.
Zayn lay down next to him and stared at the ceiling. "And how are you with Harry?".
"How am I supposed to be? He's in the hospital, but he's fine, so I'm fine" Louis shrugged.
"How noble of you, but I didn't mean that" Zayn looked at him from the side.
"Everything like before. I like my straight best friend who lives with me and sleeps in my bed and is currently in the hospital. I guess I'll help find the perfect girlfriend for him in the future and then die alone" Louis tried to sound as funny and indifferent as possible.
"That sounds like a bad movie, but I think you didn't put the plot right together" Zayn giggled.
"Oh no, what did I forget?" Louis raised an eyebrow.
"That you are very close and don't behave like friends. And that oh-so-straight-best friend may not be that straight, don't you think?" grinned Zayn.
"You watch the wrong movies. Yours is Disney, mine realism" snorted Louis.
"How do you handle that? You're sleeping in one bed for weeks. How can you haven't accidentally kissed him?" Zayn wanted to know.
"Self-restraint and much pain" Louis answered bitterly.
"Wow, that had a bitter aftertaste. We should start the fun part of the Zouis evening" Zayn suggested.
"Good idea. Get the popcorn, throw the movies" cheered Louis and jumped around on the bed.
"And handkerchiefs" Zayn shouted, running to and fro in front of the DVD shelf to get several movies out.
"Go faster, Zaddy, otherwise I'll call Niall. He'll be faster than you" Louis cackled.
"He has super important plans this evening, top secret. He will not come. You have to settle for me" Zayn returned to bed.
"Does he have a secret date?" Louis wiggled his eyebrows.
"Rather not. He had headache quiet a lot this week and felt sick. Hopefully he'll take it easy" Zayn frowned.
"I hope so too. We should talk to him" Louis suggested.
"Everything in its time. He wants to do his plans, we do ours. So make room, fat ass" shooed Zayn Louis aside.
"Why do you have a boyfriend and I don't? I'm a lot nicer than you" pouted Louis, reaching for the popcorn.
"Shut up, kiss Harry, and then you're done with the crap" Zayn grinned amused.
"Start the movie, you cunt" Louis told him.
"As you wish. Let's go and watch cheesy lovestory movies and sob like crazy."
My writing still annoys me. I hope it's not that bad.
So what do you think?
What is the plan? Do they have a plan?
What about Larry and Ziam?
Please tell me what you think :)
Love you all <3
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