Chapter 3
Here's the next chapter.
Thank you for reading my story. This means a lot to me. I try to update very often, but I still have to figure out what to do with the story.
By the way, the picture shows how the necklace looks like.
Completely free he flew through the ocean. Hundreds of colourful fish accompanied him on his way. But the best part was that he could share it with his best friends. Niall swam left next to him, Zayn right. What could be better than the reef in the morning. When they swam to the surface, the sunlight fell on his face.
"That was good" Niall whispered.
"Oh yeah, incredible that I missed a whole week and sat in my room instead" laughed Zayn.
Louis turned his eyes to Mako. Would they ever find out why this happened? Did Harry ever came back?
Zayn snapped his fingers in front of Louis's face. "Earth to Louis, what's going on?"
"Nothing, I'm just still not really awake" he lied.
"There were times your lies were more believable. Oh, wait, no, it's not true. You're a terrible liar, so what's up?" Niall asked again.
"I only think a lot, especially after the party" Louis reported.
"I understand, that was a disaster. I still can't believe Harry just left in the morning. I mean he didn't even say thank you, nothing" Zayn said.
"Well, Zayn, some people are just not socially compatible" Niall said and shrugged.
"Do you think it's getting worse at school now?" Zayn asked nervously.
"I have no idea" sighed Louis.
"As long as we stay out of their way, it won't be so bad. We won't have to work with them all of a sudden" Niall added.
"Oh, that reminds me, here Zayn" Niall said, handing Zayn the necklace.
"Niall, that's your necklace" he marveled.
"Not really. But it doesn't matter. Take it, it'll be better off with you".
"But why me?" Zayn did not understand.
Niall just smiled. "First of all, I know you like it, and besides, I think you deserve it. After all, you've overcome your fears and convinced us not to live in fear".
Zayn took the necklace and put it on. "Besides, I've lost it at least twenty times in the last few days."
"Niall" Louis and Zayn both called after their friend, who swam back to shore.
Arriving at the shore, they dried themselves and made their way to school. New week new luck.
In English, all four sat together again. Zayn and Liam line up ahead of Niall and Louis. Louis heard giggles from the back rows and didn't need long guessing to know that it was Shawn and his friends. They clearly had too many classes together for Louis's liking. But he noticed that Harry was missing. Where was he? Why did he even notice that?
Just before the lesson began, Harry stumbled breathlessly into the room. As Harry walked past, he just heard Harry mumbling "twat" but what interested Louis more was the fact that you could feel how hot Harry was. He must have used his powers a few seconds ago. Did he get wet? Ai, Louis really had to stop thinking about it.
Throughout the hour, Louis felt a gaze on himself and he knew exactly who that was. Harry.
Even in the drama class, Harry didn't take his eyes off him, but not in a romantic or charming way. No, it was more creepy and scary. The relief was big when he finally got to lunch.
They sat down at their usual table and talked, but even then Louis felt that look. It was unbearable.
"Louis, are you alright?" Liam asked worriedly.
"Harry's not letting me out of his sight all day, it's scary. I just want to know what he's up to" Louis said.
"Maybe you'll find out sooner than you'd like" Niall whispered, and before Louis could ask what he meant, he heard footsteps approaching them. Well bravo.
"Who do we have here? Are you enjoying your meal, fags?" Shawn mocked them. Nobody answered him. They acted as if he wasn't there. He didn't seem to like that.
"It was really uncool to kick me out, Louis. Words spread around. Well, at least I had a drunken, relaxing fuck, but what you did to Harry. You're going to pay for that" he threatened.
Now Louis turned around. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Don't be stupider than you are, Shorty" Harry spat. Urgh. One Day he will kill him for that.
"Just disgusting, having him to sleep with you in the same room. Lucky he wasn't infected with your gaiety. Right after he had to go to the doctor, the poor boy" Shawn teased.
"Aww, but I see he couldn't fix your face anyway" Louis replied cheekily, staring Harry down.
"You little fagot ..." Harry started but was interrupted.
"Guys, what's the problem? Just leave them alone, how do you even know if any of them is gay?" Ashton asked.
"They're all gay, I bet" Shawn hissed.
"I know because he said it himself or am I wrong?" Harry asked bluntly, addressing Zayn.
"Ehm... I ... have ... not .." stammered Zayn.
"You what? Declare us, you baby" laughed Shawn.
"Is it so obvious, is it so wrong?" Harry mocked Zayn's uncertainties. Immediately he turned red and looked down.
"Who do you think you are?" Louis snapped at him now.
"I'm Harry Styles" he said flatly.
"And that gives you the right to talk to someone like that?".
"That's giving me the right to do anything I want, BooBear" Harry laughed, putting a special emphasis on the BooBear. Shawn immediately started laughing, as did Nick and Aiden. Harry's temper gradually got on his nerves.
"It's really the worst to out somebody against their will, Harry. No matter whether you like him or not, or it's true or not, that's the lowest level" Ashton intervened.
"But that's where he's at home" said Louis.
At this moment, it rang for the next lesson. Time to breath again.
"I'll See you again" threatened Shawn as he left. They took their things and started leaving when Louis heard Harry calling.
"Oh and BooBear? Make sure next time Niall leaves your butt unharmed. As obsessed as he is, you certainly couldn't walk the next morning and I know how much your ass means to you even if I don'tunderstand why". His nasty laugh could even be heard when he was long gone. He will pay for that.
Totally annoyed Louis sat next to Niall in the music room. Couldn't the school be finally over? 5 more minutes.
"Because we want to strengthen the sense of community at this school, the next task will be a group work" announced Ms. Flack.
Immediately, Louis' head shot up. Niall had the same shocked reaction on his face.
"The groups consist of at least four people and I will split you up".
A loud groan wrestled through the room. "I know awful. I'm evil" Mrs. Flack joked.
Panicked, Louis made eye contact with Liam and Zayn, who were sitting on the other side of the room. He had crossed his fingers. Ms. Flack began to organize the groups. He let out a sigh of relief as Shawn was put into a group without him or his friends.
"Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson" she said, and he started grinning widely, but that grin faded as he heard the last name. "and Harry Styles".
What? She couldn't be serious. Apparently Harry thought the same way for once. When the bell rang, he went straight to Mrs. Flack.
"Mrs., I can't work with them. Is there a way to swoop?" Harry asked her.
"I'm afraid not, Harry. The task is for leaving problems behind and working in a team" she told him. At the time they were all behind Harry.
"But you can certainly make an exception .... For me" Harry tried to beg and looked at her innocently.
"I have to disappoint you. No exceptions. For No one. You have to work with them" she said sternly and sent them out of the class.
And so the school was over. That went different than expected.
"I'd say we'll meet at mine or Louis' " Liam suggested.
"We could also go to Niall" Zayn said.
"Um, that's not possible. My mother has a visit, we couldn't concentrate" Niall declined far too quickly. "Why can't we go to yours?".
"My sister would just be annoying and my parents don't know privacy" Zayn explained.
While Niall told Liam why they should go to Louis, Zayn held back Louis. "Did you find that weird too?" he asked in a whisper.
"Yeah, almost like he's hiding something. What's so bad about going to him?" Louis didn't understand.
"Mh, have you ever been at his?". Louis just shook his head.
"Strange, me neither" Zayn mused.
"Hey, Lovebirds, you can flirt later, we want to go" Harry interrupted them. He simply ignored him and together they made their way to Louis' House.
"Okay, to make it clear, I will not work with you, I will not compromise, I will not sing anything that one of you losers wrote and of course I'll perform on my own" Harry pointed out.
"Oh, and why should you perform all by yourself?" Niall asked annoyed.
"Pfft, isn't it obvious? I'm the only one with pure talent" said Harry as if it were the most obvious in the world.
"Is that so?".
"Let him have the faith, Niall. And what does the master want to sing? Surely your high-born has the perfect song, too?" Louis mocked him, which caused the giggling of his friends. Harry gave him a scowl.
"However, shorty" he said, showing them his song. And as expected, the song was about him. Specifically, how great he was, how great it was to be rich and how many girls he had in bed. In short, horrible.
"Harry , I won't recite that. We'll fail with that" Zayn said.
"And who asked you?".
"That is supposed to be a group work. If you don't know what that means, that means we all decide that together. We're four and you're one, so you're outvoted" Liam came to the rescue. Wow, that was new.
"And what do you suggest should I sing then? I hardly think any of you have anything better" snapped Harry.
"Actually, I know something" Niall cleared his throat. Now Louis became sceptical. Everyone looked at Niall intently.
"We could sing one of Louis' Song". Louis's eyes grew big with shock. How did he?
"What?" Harry and Louis cried at the same time.
"Forget it".
"How do you even know that?" Louis asked horrified.
"You left your notebook open. Don't worry, I didn't look through it, but the exposed text was awesome" Niall explained.
"It wasn't finished yet" whispered Louis, nervously shifting his foot.
"If you think I'm singing a song of that then you're wrong" Harry protested.
"Louis, may we see it? Everything is better than Mister Rush Egos Fuck Song" Zayn ignored Harry.
Reluctantly, Louis took out his notebook and gave it to the boys. Harry stood beside them uninterestedly.
"What is a lonely loser supposed to write about?" he snapped.
Even though Louis didn't want to, his brain sided with Harry. What did he have to say? Who was he?
"Louis, they are great" Liam was pleased.
"Great, are you crazy? They're awesome" Zayn exclaimed. Louis didn't know what to say.
"Pff, they can't be that good, let me see" said Harry and and tore the notebook out of Niall's hand. Coarse, he slipped through it. His face emotionless.
"This is a joke, right? None of this is completed" laughed Harry meanly.
"If you have a better idea" Zayn challenged him.
"Actually, one is finished. I just finished it yesterday" Louis murmured uncertainly and opened the last used page. Harry raised an eyebrow.
"Rock Me? Really? Do you need to get laid so bad that you have to beg for it in a song?" Harry asked mockingly.
"What? No, that's not the point here" Louis defended himself.
"Of course".
"So I say that's the song" Liam said. Harry only rolled his eyes.
"Well, then we have to think about who sings what" Niall thought outloud. "Before you say something Harry, no, you won't sing alone".
"I can't do that, not when everyone looks at me, but I can work on the music when I'm at home" Zayn suggested.
"Liam, what about you?" Niall asks.
"I'm not sure" he muttered.
"Oh, don't be so modest, he has a great voice. And what about you Niall?" Zayn let them know.
"Forget it. I can't sing, but I can play the guitar for the first rehearsal" Niall declined.
"Oh man, all insecure idiots. Well, so Liam and me" Harry summed up in disbelief.
"And Louis" added Zayn.
"What?" both asked at the same time.
"It's really cute when you always answer at the same time, but we don't have time for this. It's your song, Lou. Of course you're singing" said Niall.
"And how do you know he can sing at all? Maybe he sounds like a runaway cat" Harry asked.
"Save your comments, it's decided" Niall clarified.
"Louis, I'm sure you sound great" Niall interrupted.
"Oh how fantastic" Harry mumbled under his breath.
"Well, I would suggest we always meet here after school, it's the easiest. We only have one week to make it perfect" Liam suggested, clapping his hands.
"Woah, slow down. I'm not going to spend my afternoons with you losers. I have a life unlike you" Harry contradicted.
"If you want to pass this you have to" Zayn shrugged.
"You will survive this one week , but the loser's stupidity is transferable through the air, so I would advise you to wear asurgical mask" Niall taunted him.
With a twisted face, Harry dropped to the floor. The boys looked at each other, shaking their heads. That could be funny.
Again they sat in Louis' room. If you could see tension you would probably go blind at this moment. Nothing had been achieved so far. Harry didn't agree with anything. You wanted to tear out your hair.
"We're not going to start it all over again, we've got to get started. Yesterday, we didn't do anything. We didn't even hear you sing. Who knows if you're really as good as you say" Liam said
"No reason to lash out, and besides, the whole school has already heard me singing. Everyone knows how great I am" Harry boasted.
"Not me" Louis corrected. Harry just waved him off.
"You know I'm awesome" Harry predicted.
"You know, usually my brain shuts off when you talk. It must have been sleeping when you were singing" Zayn told him.
"Your problem, sleeping beauty" Harry shrugged.
"Did you all hear that? Harry Styles finds me pretty, but no homo, bro" laughed Zayn and the others joined in. Harry was seething with anger.
"Say that again and my fist will beautify your face a bit, Bro" Harry threatened.
"My God, Harry, calm down" Niall grinned, trying to look serious.
For a while it was quiet, as they all went through the text and developed ideas for the arrangement. Niall, Liam and Zayn were lying on the bed with their tummy while Harry and Louis were sitting on the floor.
"So, where were you todayß Your girlfriend missed you at lunch" Louis asked casually.
"That's none of your business" Harry snapped. His tone made Louis flinch. Harry obviously didn't care.
"I'm going to the bathroom" Harry announced and disappeared.
Immediately the other four came together in a circle on the bed and put their heads together.
"What was that?" Niall asked perplexed.
"A strange reaction even for him" Zayn said.
"Did I say something wrong?" Louis inquired.
"I don't think so, he's just like that. Maybe you should have omitted the word girlfriend, but I'm not sure it was because of this" Zayn wondered.
"I don't understand" Louis frowned.
"The girl that's always with him, this Taylor, is not his girlfriend" Liam started.
"But what was that at his party, or mine, or at school?" Louis wanted to know.
"I can explain that to you. Harry always has more than just one girl at the same time, but none of them is his girlfriend. He's having fun with them for as long as it suits him and then he drops them. It's that simple" Zayn told him.
"And they're okay with that?".
"That's the difference to Shawn and his One Night Stands. Harry has his fuck girlfriends, as he likes to call them, usually for a few weeks sometimes months, depending on how good they are and how fast it gets boring. Sure, he also has one time things but mostly he expands it. And the girls know that. He's not making a secret out of it. They agree, but mostly they end up with broken hearts, but satisfied.
Shawn, however, fucks everything that moves without being interested in whether the person is aware of it or not. Nevertheless, everyone drools after them. Well not all, but even a few guys. Oh God, if they knew that, they would make their life hell. But yes, that's the great Harry and Shawn mystery, so don't be surprised if he's already snogging another slut tomorrow. There's a lot of gossip, but there are rumors that he is supposed to be really good and pretty big, but whatever "Zayn continued.
Wow, that's got to be digested first. And they had a hard time tryig to pretend they overheard Zayns last sentence, but it didn't work. Now there were images in their heads they never wanted.
"I don't know what's worse. Harry's tactics or Shawns. And thanks for the head cinema Zayn, now I know things I never wanted to know" Niall complained.
"How do you know all that? " Louis asked when he could think clearly again.
"You don't like him too?" Niall added shocked.
"Oh God, no. Good joke. No, Gossip goes around at every school and we've been here for some time, of course you know about that someday. Everyone knows that. These are the Kings and the whores of the school at the same time. Pure irony" Zayn answered with horror in his eye.
"And maybe we were friends once" he confessed sheepishly.
"What?" They all exclaimed, staring at him, and before he could get any further, Harry came back in. The relief clearly written on Zayns face.
"I have about 30 minutes left, then I have to go" Harry told them arrogantly.
"Okay, then I would say just show us what you can do" Liam suggested. Harry shrugged while Niall grabbed the guitar.
"And remember. Only the first verse" Liam reminded him.
"Yes, yes" Harry waved him off and started singing.
Do you remember summer '09?
Wanna go back there every night
Just can't lie, it was the best time of my life
Lying on the beach as the sun blew out
Playing this guitar by the fire too loud
Oh my my, they could never shut us down
Damn it. He was not only good, he was really fantastic. It's just stupid that he knew that. He had a raspy voice. Very deep. To melt away. Oh God, did he really think that? Focus, Louis. You hate him. Urgh, but that didn't stop him from enjoying any sound and imagining what his voice was capable of. Okay, that sounded very wrong.
When he had sung the last sound, it was quiet. Nobody dared to say anything.
"Your faces say it all. I told you so, I'm the best" Harry boasted. And gone was that feeling.
Niall cleared his throat. "Well, then I'll say Louis takes the bridge, then the refrain all together and then Liam sings the second verse" offered Niall.
"And further?" Harry hounded him.
"Well, you know, again Louis the Bridge, where I think by the way you could bring in good harmonies in there and then the rest together".
"Harmonies? With that? Forget it!" Harry declined ruefully.
Niall ignored his outburst and turned to Louis. "Now comes your part".
Louis looked at him scared. He should sing now? After Harry? No way. His voice sounded awful. Way too high pitched for a guy. He wanted to spare himself the ridicule. Why did Niall really want him to sing? He would have no problem with just standing in the corner and going unnoticed.
"Me?" breathed Louis out and pointed at himself.
"Yeah, you. Come on" Niall told him.
Niall played the first chords and Louis' breathing got faster and faster. His throat was dry. He cleared his throat and then hesitantly began to sing. It felt weird to sing in front of someone. He didn't do that. He wasn't like Harry.
I used to think that I was better alone
Why did I ever wanna let you go?
Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea
The words you whispered I will always believe
Louis didn't dare to open his eyes. He hadn't even noticed that he had closed them. He heard Harry's giggles softly. Great.
"Nice little voice, Boobear. Did you never had your voice change? Or are you secretly a girl? Pretty high pitched that voice. Forget it. I'm not going to perform with him. I don't need that embarrassment. I...".
"Give it a break, Harry, stop putting him down like that. Shut up once in your life. I think he's singing great. His voice is extraordinary" Niall interrupted.
"Extraordinaryly shit. My cat sounds better when she falls off the sofa" Harry insulted him further.
Louis couldn't look at Harry. Slowly he felt the tears building up. It was enough that he himself was so insecure when it came to his voice, but that Harry pointed with a finger on him, laughed at him and refused to sing with him, was humiliating and damn hurt.
"Harry, it's enough!" Liam yelled at him.
"Chill" Harry chuckled.
"God, you're such an ass. Just admit, if somebody's good. Be objective and give Louis the respect he deserves" Zayn snapped.
"I would, if he were good. His voice is ridiculous" Harry just shrugged.
"Who has shit in your brain? His voice is great. Stop bothering him. Just....".
"Niall, just leave it. Thank you, but he's right" Louis interrupted softly and left the room.
He still heard Harry laugh, Niall screaming, but he didn't care any more. He shut himself in the bathroom and finally let the tears fall, trying not to give in the need. He hadn't cried for a long time. He was so strong, but apparently he just fooled himself. Thanks to Harry. And that was the end of this rehearsal.
Louis spent the following days in the school toilet during lunch. The rest of the time, he avoided Harry. He didn't need that any more. In the last two days no rehearsal has taken place. Everyone was mad at Harry and didn't care if they would fail, but they decided to work without Harry. Louis felt bad about it. Only because of him they would not succeed in the task. Because of him and his unbearable voice. Maybe he should just disappear. He just wanted to be invisible.
On the way to the toilet, he avoided any eye contact. In a few secs he had his rest. But when he opened the door, he didn't trust his ears. The room was filled with moans and heavy breathing. Ai, who fucks at school? The question should be answered.
When he wanted to leave, he heard a female voice. "Oh yeah. Harder, Harry, faster" she groaned. Well, could have guessed that.
He heard someone being pressed against the door again and again. "Come on, baby, scream louder for me" he heard Harry gasping. Okay, that was enough.
He left the room and went, still shocked, to the cafeteria. He found it so disgusting that it didn't even turned him on. Maybe Louis was just jammed or prude or weird.
"Louis, there you are. We thought you'd spend that break in the bathroom again" Zayn said as Louis sat down next to them.
"I wanted to, but guess who's having fun there" Louis sighed.
"Really? "Niall gasped.
"Oh yes. It was easy to hear" Louis rolled his eyes still shocked.
"That's actually his low point. Normally it's just Shawn" Niall groaned.
"Let's not talk about it" Louis said, staring at the table. He hadn't been hungry for days. Food seemed unnecessary in the last days.
"Louis, you have to eat something" Liam implored him.
"M'not hungry" Louis shrugged.
"I don't care. Here's something from me" Niall ordered.
"Today I make three red crosses. Niall shares his food. I'm shocked" laughed Zayn.
For a while they sat and talked as Harry entered the room. He looked pretty flustered.
"Look who's back from his fuck trip" Niall mumbled. Louis punched him in the shoulder. He really didn't want to be reminded. That was traumatic.
"Oh God, he's coming over" Liam warned them quietly. Louis sensed a presence behind him, but kept trying to eat.
"Are you back, Boobear? Cried enough and finally accepted that you're worthless, just like your friends? You couldn't hide forever. I almost forgot that you existed" Harry mocked him.
Every word was like a stab in the heart. Where was his sassiness when he needed it? He was just a shadow of himself. Again.
"Harry, go screw yourself. Go to your friends or fuck somebody in the toilet" Niall growled at him.
"Just because nobody wants you, you don't have to piss at me! Hey, Zayn, how does it feel to know that you'll dying unfucked, because you have disgusting preferences? Or Niall, how does it feel that nobody wants you because you're not good enough and just strange? Oh, Liam, you are just too innocent and stupid for this world, nobody wants this. And Louis here should burry himself. Don't eat so much. Without the necessary action, it'll make fat quickly" Harry mocked them all.
"You're ready with your bucketlist now?" groaned Niall annoyed.
Harry looked all of them up and down with a pure look of disgust. "I could say so much more, but wasting my time on that will not change the fact that you're a bunch of ugly disgusting losers. So what".
That was enough. Louis had heard enough. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Louis suddenly stood up, causing Zayn and Niall to leap. "Now listen to me, Harry. Go and offend someone else. You're wasting your time here, nobody cares what you think."
"That seemed a bit different a few days ago when you disappeared into the bathroom, crying, because I told you how shit you're singing is" Harry replied.
"I don't know what complex you're trying to dub and I'm not interested in it. Just leave us alone, you could become a freak faster than you'd like" Zayn snapped at him warningly. Harry's eyes darkened.
"Oh, is that so?" He just grinned and before he knew it, Harry dumped his drink over Louis and Zayn. "Oops, that was not my intention... or maybe it was".
"Are you crazy?" Niall shouted at him and Liam stood up immediately.
"What? It's just water" Harry shrugged.
"If I were you I would sleep with my eyes open, Harry" threatened Liam.
At the same time, Louis and Zayn ran out of the cafeteria and sprinted into the store room. Just in time they closed the door as their tails popped up.
"He's insane" Zayn snorted sourly.
"That's understated" sighed Louis.
Outside, they heard Liam and Niall calling for them. "Here" Zayn called back. Immediately the door opened and both came in.
"Here, let us help you" Liam offered and knelt down to them.
Today was his first day at his new job. Zayn was incredibly nervous. Not only because it was his first job, but also because there was water everywhere. The self-assurance he once had disappeared the moment he passsed the entrance. His work was at the dolphin pool and the ice cream stall.
First he took the buckets with the food and put on his protective clothing. Well, he may have looked a bit ridiculous with the protective gloves and the smock, but safety comes first. This way he could get less wet. A hair cap would have been an idea as well, but no one is destroying his hair. Not him, no other person and no stupid protective clothing. The hair was sacred.
With the buckets he walked to the edge of the pool. Tongs in hand, he fed the dolphins with the fish. It was easier than expected. Then he took his place at the ice cream stall. For a while, everything went well and he sold one ice cream after another. But then he saw two faces he didn't want to see.
"Look at that. Do you have to work here? You have to be depressed, if you don't have any money" Shawn laughed.
"You won't believe it, but there are actually people who work voluntarily" Zayn said.
"That's an illusion, there's no such thing. You either have money or you don't. Why should you get your hands dirty if you can use them to have fun" Shawn said.
"Nobody would even dare to think you were going to dirty your hands" hissed Zayn.
"Now don't be naughty" Shawn growled.
"If you don't want anything, I have to tell you to leave. You stop the running" fake smiled Zayn.
Shawn just turned and left, but Harry stopped.
"What else?" Zayn asked impatiently.
"You're dry, must be unfamiliar to you. Have fun" said Harry and left. Just unbelievable.
A few hours passed and Zayn's working hours were almost over. Three hours doesn't sound like much, but it can seem like forever.
Out of the sudden an elderly woman came up to him. She wore completely blue clothes and looked very special.
"You found it!" She exclaimed.
Zayn didn't understand a word. She came closer and he realized that she was staring at his necklace.
"You found it, didn't you? In the Moon Pool on Mako Island" she said a little more calmly this time. "That's where Leigh lost it, 50 years ago."
Zayn tried to understand all this. Did she mean to imply that she knew what had happened?
"Are you saying ... you are ... a" Zayn stammered to himself.
"I am now 65 years old, yes" she said first.
"I didn't mean that" he sighed.
"I know what you meant, even if you don't know it yourself. You still have so much to learn, but I'll tell you, enjoy it, enjoy it for a slong as you can, you and your friends, then I guess all will be fine..... in the end" she said.
Now Zayn was totally confused. "What do you mean by that?" he checked, but she left again.
As Zayn looked down defeated she stopped abruptly and turned around again.
"Staying dry is probably the hardest thing to do" she said, pointing her head slightly to the left.
Zayn followed her gaze and saw Harry standing near one of the waterways. He watched him. In the next second he was sprayed wet from top to bottom of the track. Reflexively, he looked around and immediately Harry ran away.
"How did you know ..?" Zayn broke off immediately. The woman was gone. That was very strange.
Sighing, Zayn flopped down next to Liam on the bed. He was totally exhausted from the day. It just didn't want to end.
"How was your first day? Did everything go well? Did you get wet?"Liam asked curiously.
"No, I'm not. I said I can handle it, but Harry and Shawn were there" Zayn replied.
"Really? What happened?" Now Liam sounded worried.
"Just the usual insults and empty threats, nothing important, but something strange happened" Zayn reported.
"Well, there was such a woman" Zayn began.
"Zayn, half the world is women, that's nothing weird" Liam laughed. Zayn pushed Liam aside.
"I'm serious here, she was really strange. She is 65 years old and well, I think she knows something" Zayn confessed.
"What do you mean by she knows something?" Liam didn't understand.
"I think she knows something about the mermaids thing, she's hinted at that."
"But how is that possible? What did you do?" Liam checked.
"Nothing. She came up to me and recognized the necklace and said it was lost on Mako Island and that we should enjoy it" Zayn explained.
Liam frowned. Oh god, that was his thinking face.
"What if she's the one you hoped to find, and if she's a mermaid and knows how it happened" Liam thought aloud.
"I thought about that, especially because she knew how hard it was to stay dry" Zayn mused.
"So you got wet" Liam exclaimed.
"What? No, but Harry" Zayn grinned.
"Oh" Liam said, staring at the ceiling.
"What are you thinking about? "Zayn asked, resting his head on Liam'schest.
"Well, you won't like it, but I thought about how all this is like to Harry, the whole thing. I mean, he's all alone. Nobody is there to help him, if something happens or if he wants to talk" Liam pointed out.
"I don't like him very much, but it's not our fault he's marginalizing himself. We wanted to help him, we already have, but he doesn't want help. What should we do if he doesn't let us help?" Zayn said.
"I know Zayn. I just had to think of it" Liam finished the topic and for a while Zayn listened to Liam's regular heartbeat.
"We should tell Niall and Louis about the woman, don't you think? "Liam suddenly said.
"Yes, but tomorrow. Now it's too late anyway" Zayn yawned.
"I'm worried about Louis" admitted Liam.
"Me too. Harry doesn't make it easy for him. I mean, yeah, he bullies us all but I have the feeling that has torn up old wounds with him" Zayn shared his thougths with Liam.
"You think that's not the first time he's going through this?" Liam checked.
"I don't know, it's just a feeling" Zayn mused.
"Maybe we should just ask him" Liam suggested.
"But tomorrow. I can't do anything more today" Zayn yawned again.
"Hehe, alright" Liam chuckled.
And a short time later, Zayn fell asleep in Liam's arm. For a while Liam just looked at Zayn, then he fell asleep with the sweetest grin ever.
"Louis, there is someone for you!" shouted his little sister Phoebe.
Murring, he got up and ran his fingers through his hair. He pulled on sweatpants and ran downstairs. He couldn't go only in boxers, though he wanted to. It was a damn Saturday noon. It was fucking hot and some idiot had to disturb his thoughts of self-pity. When he reached the bottom, Louis thought he was hallucinating in the heat. There sat Harry laughing with his sister. A really weird sight.
"Daisy" Louis said, and immediately the little girl looked up and ran to him. Louis picked her up and she started to laugh. He loved his sisters more than anything in the world.
"Why don't you go up and watch something with Pheebs while I take care of him, maybe you'll get some ice cream?" Louis suggested.
"Did I tell you that you are the best brother in the world?" she grinned.
"Just one or two times". Carefully, he set her down and she took out the ice cream.
"Where are Fizzy and Lottie?" Louis asked.
"With friends" she summed up briefly.
"So soon you are replaced" lamented Louis dramatically.
"You still have me" chuckled Daisy.
Louis bent down to her. "And that's really enough for me" he whispered and kissed her forehead. Then she disappeared upstairs. Inwardly, Louis prepared himself for what was coming.
He turned to Harry and leaned against the kitchen counter. The fact that he was shirtless he tried to forget. Louis was very insecure when it came to his body.
"Tell me, what do you want here?" he came straight to the point.
"Wow, very straigth forward. Are you always like that?" Harry smirked.
"Come to the point" he grumbled.
"Unfortunately, since we can't change groups and I don't want to fail, I think we should go through the song at least once, no matter what I think" Harry explained.
Good, he hadn't expected that. But he just couldn't blindly trust him. Why did he come to him? He'd rather die than hear Louis's voice. He could have gone to Liam.
"Alright, come on then" Louis just said and went upstairs.
All the way he felt Harry's gaze on his arse. That was very uncomfortable. As he opened his door, Harry whispered while passing "I have to admit, your ass is really huge, very inviting".
A cold shiver ran down Louis' back and his breath caught in his throat. What on earth was that? Caution was appropriate.
Louis sat down on his bed and Harry was sitting on his desk chair. "Let's just do the "duo"part. I don't have to waste any more time than necessary" said Harry and Louis nodded, still speechless, opened his laptop and searched Zayn's music file, then looked for the spot and nodded to Harry and they started to sing.
I used to think that I was better alone (better alone)
Why did I ever wanna let you go? (Let you go)
Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea (stared at the sea)
The words you whispered I will always believe
They kept eye contact the whole time, as if they were singing for each other, which was completely absurd. Never had Louis noticed how beautiful eyes Harry had when they weren't darkened due to anger or hate. A mesmerizing green. You could get lost in them.
When the music stopped, they still looked at each other. Embarrassed, Louis looked at the laptop screen and pretended to be busy.
"Well, that wasn't complete shit. Not that good, but no puking, I mean your part" Harry cleared his throat.
"Oh wow, really? Thanks for the approval" Louis sarcastically replied. Both couldn't resist a slight smile.
"What do we have here?" Harry exclaimed suddenly and Louis turned very pale. He had forgotten to close his notebook. His new song was open there. Well fine.
She takes your hand, I die a little, I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?
When you walk by, I try to say it, but then I freeze and never do it
My tongue gets tied, the words get trapped
I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I'm near you
But I see you, with her, slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss her, I'm breaking
Oh how I wish that was me
She looks at you the way that I would, does all the things I know that I could
If only time could just turn back
'Cause I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you
But I see you, with her, slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss her, I'm breaking
Oh how I wish that was me
With my hands on your waist, while we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me, that you'll call later on 'cause you wanna say goodnight
('CauseI see you, with her, slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see)
But I see you, with her, slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss her, I'm breaking
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish that was me
Oh how I wish that was me
"Cute text, so heartbreaking, so girly. Is our little Boobear unhappily in love?" Harry mocked him.
"I don't know why that concerns you" Louis grumbled.
"Well" Harry started, approaching him. "Maybe it's somebody I know and I can destroy your hopes right away. No one who has just any self respect would go out with you. What can you offer a girl? Have you had any sex?" Harry continued.
Louis felt Harry's finger on his thigh as he stroked up and down. "You're definitely wild in bed and we all underestimate you" Harry whispered, coming even closer.
Meanwhile, Harry almost leaned over him. His hand was moving higher and higher. "Harry, what are you doing?" Louis breathed out heavily.
"Relax, I'm not doing anything. I just want to find out what's going on" Harry mumbled ominously.
Downstairs, a door opened in the meantime, but neither of them paid attention.
"I'm pretty sure Zayn is not the only gay one. As much as you defend him and the gay honour and how you move and what you wear, always those colourful pants, the striped shirts and the suspenders. That's pretty gay. Admit it, you've probably already imagined how I look naked and then wanked off to it" Harry breathed against his ear. Harry's fingertips now glided straight over his clothed crotch.
"Don't be so sure of yourself" Louis contradicted him.
"Very convincing. C'mon. We'll have a little fun. Well, you at least. I will not fuck your ass, but at least I'll give you a taste of what it would be like if you had a chance as a girl. I know you want this" growled Harry, and no matter how sexy he sounded, Louis was just scared. Flashbacks ran through his mind and he fought against his tears.
"Harry, stop" he whispered.
"Don't be so boring, I find gays rather disgusting, but this is really too easy" said Harry menacingly.
Suddenly the door opened and Niall, Liam and Zayn stood in the doorway. Immediately, Harry jumped up and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Harry?" all three exclaimed simultaneously.
"Great you know my name, don't expect me to know yours" scoffed Harry. Louis was still petrified, staring into the void.
"What have you done?" Zayn asked him angrily when he noticed Louis' condition.
"Nothing. We just had a little fun, right faggot?" laughed Harry. At the word, Louis visibly flinched and pulled his knees to his face.
"Get out Harry!" Liam ordered threateningly.
Harry just shrugged and left the room. Everyone waited in silence until the door of the apartment fell shut. Helpless, the three stood beside him as Louis buried his face in his pillow sobbing.
"Louis?" Liam asked carefully. The sobs grew stronger.
"Why me? Why does it have to happen to me again?" they heard through the sobs.
At a loss, the three looked at each other. Niall sat to his right next to Louis, Liam to the left and Zayn sitting across from him.
"Louis talk to us. We want to help you, but we can't, if you don't tell us what's going on" Liam tried again.
Slowly, Louis sat up and pulled his knees up. Everyone smiled at him encouragingly. It was probably time to tell a story he never wanted to tell again.
Harry sauntered through the streets. He was on his way to JuiceNet. There was a triumphant grin on his face. He would never forget Louis' reaction ever again. That was just too funny. Too bad that the other three idiots had to disturb them. He wanted to know how far he could have gone with him. Not that he really would've fucked Louis. Urgh what a disgusting idea. His precious cock would never be in the ass of a man. Never would he even think about touching another cock or letting one close to his butt. Absolutely disgusting.
But it was fun to annoy Louis and the others. He was obviously gay and desperate and Harry took advantage of that. He was already making plans to embarrass them all.
When he arrived at the cafe, he immediately found a familiar face. "Hey, sugar doll, are you looking for something to snack on?" Harry flirted with her directly.
"Nothing here is nearly as tasty as you" she flirted back.
"What would you say, meet me in 10 minutes and get a bite, Camille?" he asked seductively.
"I find that inspiring" she giggled. How much girl giggling annoyed him. They always had to giggle. Anyway, she was hot and Harry was horny.
"See you soon" he said, winking at her.
He ordered a drink and sat down. Shawn would have to come in three hours. Then they will party like there is no tomorrow. Maybe he even finds a second hook up today.
The owner of the cafe was cleaning tables, with some water dripping on Harry's hand.
"Can't you be careful" he cursed and immediately ran to the bathroom. Why did it always happento him? That was the second time today, he realized when his green tail appeared.
Annoyed, he held his hand over it and the water began to boil. He really needed to find a solution. He wasn't a freak like the other three.
The other three ..... how did they manage not to get into such situations all the time? How could Zayn work in the marine park? How could one of them always be there to help each other? That wasn't fair. Harry had no one. That gave him an idea.
When his tail disappeared, he got up and made his way to Camille. He really needed sex right now. Making Louis feel uncomfortable and flustered made Harry realise how hony he was since his last fuck yesterday night.
He would make sure that the four separate once and for all.
What do you think of it?
Who is that woman? What does she know?
Why is Harry acting like that? Will he be able to seperate them?
Poor Louis?
What do you think happened that Louis is afraid to talk about?
Will he be the only one to confess something?
I hope you all are still with me and excited. Comments on what you think would mean the world to me.
Love Y'all.
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