Chapter 29
This will probably be a very boring and annoying chapter....but everything has a reason. Don't forget that events have aftermaths and everybody has a past...
I'm kinda annoyed with my own writing at the moment. I don't know but I have the feeling that I get worse with every chapter. I really need to take a minute and think about what should happen when and in which order...
He stood rooted to the ground in the living room and stared at Stan. For years he had heard nothing of him let alone saw him and now he was suddenly in the middle of his living room. Louis didn't know what he should feel. He was overwhelmed and shocked, but somehow glad to see him again.
"What are you doing here, Stan?" Louis asked drowsily.
"I wanted to see you and thought I'm going to surprise you. I missed you" Stan smiled at him.
Beaming with joy, he approached Louis and pulled him into a bone-breaking hug. He pressed Louis tightly against him. Louis hardly responded. Timidly he returned the hug, but he felt quite strange and uncomfortable and he didn't know why. After all, Stan was no stranger. Back in England before the moves, they were like best friends, well school friends who you think are your best friends until you realize what a good friend really is. Still, it was kind of nice to see Stan and see what had happened to him. But the hug lasted too long for Louis to be comfortable.
Suddenly Louis heard a door slam and winced. Stan let him go confused and Louis turned around. There was no one left where Harry had been. The hall was empty. Louis frowned. Why had Harry gone so abruptly without saying a word, slamming the door as if he were angry? Where did he want to go now? Did he go back to his father? Oh god, that thought sent cold chills down Louis' back.
"Louis, darling, did you have a good trip home? Did everything go well?" Jay asked curiously.
Still confused, he turned to face her. "Yeah, everything was alright. I should get my stuff up. Liam and Niall are waiting for me" he replied slightly absently.
"Do that. I'll go to the beach with your sisters. Stan would be glad to meet Liam and Niall" said his mother.
"Sure, why not. Do you want to?" Louis turned bored to Stan.
"Happily, as long as they aren't all as crazy and disappear like a drama queen" Stan grinned.
"Hey, he's not a drama queen. He has his reasons. Don't say anything bad about him. You don't even know him" defended Louis Harry, although he didn't understand his behaviour.
"Woah, calm down. That wasn't meant to sound bad. You know me" Stan held his hands up defensively.
"I know, you never take anything seriously" Louis sighed softly. He had forgotten what Stan was for a person. It had been over three years since they were friends.
"What did you say?" Stan listened.
"Nothing, let's go" Louis dismissed.
Quickly he brought his bag up, pulled a beanie on the head and ran back down to Stan. Together, they left the house and made their way to JuiceNet. On the way there, Stan told Louis what had happened since he left. How his old friends were, the way the school was and he told him how he had found him. That probably took a lot of time. To hear all this made Louis dizzy. It was so much at once and without a break. Stan talked a lot. Louis realized in this moment that he actually hadn't missed him. He felt terrible about it.
Arriving at the cafe, Louis saw Liam and Niall sitting at one of the tables that stood outside. As he approached, the two noticed him and Niall jumped up immediately and fell into his arms.
"Tommo! I missed you so much. You're finally here again" Niall exclaimed cheerfully.
Louis grinned at Niall's neck and didn't want to let him go. "I missed you too, my little goblin. No one crushes your lungs like you do" Louis chuckled cheekily.
Niall immediately released him and grinned at him. "That's what I missed. Liam just isn't sassy enough".
"I'm sorry that I'm not the Tommo God personally. Now you have him again" Liam rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Payno" rejoiced Louis and hugged his friend tightly. Liam relaxed in the embrace and patted Louis' back.
"Good that you're back Louis, but where is Harry? Didn't you want to come together?" Liam wondered as he let go of Louis.
"He'll be here in a sec. I'm sure" Louis murmured softly.
"Did something happen?" Liam worried.
"No, it's just ....".
"He's gone over dramatically with slamming doors and everything. A real Diva's departure. Good that everyone ignores me, I'm Stan" Stan intervened now.
While Louis tried not to get upset, Liam and Niall looked at him questioningly. He sighed and then pointed to Stan. "As he said before, this is Stan. He's an old friend from England and came to visit me surprisingly. Believe me, I had no idea".
Liam seemed to recognize the undertone in Louis' voice, because he looked at him knowingly. Then he put on a smile and reached for Stan's hand. "I'm Liam" he introduced himself.
Instead of shaking his hand, Stan hugged Liam. Louis could see Liam's cramped expression and hoped Stan wouldn't stay too long. He knew no boundaries, but also no consideration. He did what he wanted, whether it was good or bad. He never took into account other people's feelings, but he never actually went too far.
"And I'm Niall" Niall patted Liam gently on the back after Stan had let him go.
"Your accent sounds funny. Are you Irish?" Stan asked plumb.
"And proud of it" Niall beamed, grinning. He was the next one Stan pulled into a superfluous hug, but Niall had less of a problem with it than Liam.
"Let's have a drink. Will, the usual please. And what do you want, Stan?" Niall gave the order as Will just came over.
"Something typically Australian" Stan answered and sat down at the table. Will looked at him with a raised eyebrow but said nothing before he left.
"So, you're a friend of Louis, yes?" Liam wanted to start a conversation.
"You're not from here, right? You have a decent accent and not something weird like the Australians" Stan stated.
"Um, I'm from England too, but that's been a while" Liam stammered.
"Cool, then you could have met sooner. Louis and I were such good friends years ago. We did so many crazy things" Stan started to tell and Louis wanted to sink into the ground. He remembered it all differently.
"Oh, what for example?" Niall asked with a smirk.
"Once we drove out to this lake with some people, do you remember that Louis? It was so funny. The girls were always worried that something might go wrong, but in the end they had a lot of fun. When I think about it now they were pretty hot. Anyway, at some point Louis and I went a little farther into the woods with another friend. Conclusion of the whole: Never go into a forbidden forest, if you want to come home unscathed" Stan told them.
Louis just sat there and rolled his eyes. Even then Stan had only nonsense in his head and had always believed Louis would be just like him, but he never was. That would have noticed Stan, if he would pay attention to his environment. On that one day, Stan had stepped into a hunter trap and injured his leg. Louis did a lot of stupid things, but Stan was at a different level.
"Oh, look, there's the Drama Queen" Stan chuckled.
Immediately, Louis looked up and his eyes met Harry. His shoulders hung down and he wore pilot's sunglasses. Something was different than before and Louis had a bad feeling directly. Niall jumped up and fell into Harry's arms like he did with Louis. Liam also got up and embraced Harry happily. A faint smile was visible on Harry's lips, but sheer joy was different.
"So, what's the name of the diva?" Stan asked Louis in a whisper as he leaned over to him.
Louis' eyes were still on Harry, who was now looking over at him. Immediately Louis recognized slight wrinkles on Harry's forehead and knew he was frowning. What did Harry think?
"His name is Harry and woe you call him Diva again, then I swear to you, I carry you personally up with an ass kick back to England"growled Louis annoyed. No one was allowed to talk about Harry in that way when he was there.
"Okay, okay. I'm not saying anything any more, man. What's so special about him that you can't joke any more? Is he sensitive or something?" Stan didn't let go.
"Just be quiet" Louis hissed at him.
"Whatever you want, you sweet kitty" Stan chuckled.
"Kitty? Did I miss something?" grinned Niall as he sat down. Harry sat down next to Niall, and despite his sunglasses, Louis knew that Harry was looking at him strangely. Stan really had a talent for saying the wrong things at the wrong time.
"Louis is cute when he tries to be angry, don't you think so?" cooed Stan.
"Call me cute again and I swear I'll turn your neck around, Stan" Louis threatened him annoyed.
"But you're just cute" were the last words Stan could say before Louis had enough of the crap. He punched him lightly in the ribs and pinched his nipples, which caused a stinging gasp from Stan. Satisfied, Louis let go of him and only saw Niall almost fall from his chair with laughter, but Liam just caught him in time. Harry had a slight smile on his face that disappeared as Louis looked over at him. This behaviour made Louis as angry as Stan.
"How was your mother, Harry? Was everything all right?" Liam asked with interest.
"It was great. We had a lot of fun and she is really a great person. She wants to move back here as soon as she finds a house, but that could take a while. To find a house here is really hard. I don't know how long I can stand this" Harry answered thoughtfully.
"Stand what?" Liam didn't understand.
"Oh, nothing. Not to see her, nothing more" Harry waved it off.
"Here are your drinks. Hello Harry, nice to have you back" Will came to the table with the drinks.
"I am also pleased" Harry cleared his throat. Louis didn't believe him. Harry didn't look happy, but rather as if he wanted to run away. He urgently needed to talk to him.
"They're on me. Now only Zayn is missing. Stay positive and remember, everything will turn out well" Will said mysteriously and then went back to work. Niall, Harry, Liam, and Louis looked at each other questioningly. Will was always hinting at things they didn't understand. Kinda reminded them of Perrie.
"What was that? He is really crazy" Stan commented.
"Oh crazy, yeah? Funny, that's what you're saying" Harry mumbled unintelligibly.
"Harry, I need to talk to you. Now" Louis got up and looked at Harry demanding.
"Okay" Harry shrugged and got up too.
Impatiently, Louis took Harry's hand and pulled him away from the cafe. He still heard how Stan said something that sounded like 'this is pretty gay' and just shook his head in horror. When the two had arrived at a tree out of sight, Louis stopped and let go of Harry. Waiting, Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"Did you drag me all the way here to stare at me from behind a tree?" Harry raised an eyebrow.
"Save your jokes, Harold. So what's wrong with you?" Louis came straight to the point.
"I don't know what you mean" Harry lied to him.
"Nice try, but I know when you're lying. You just left and not exactly silent. Then you're up here, overly cool, with a terrible temper, getting out of my way. Harry, did I do something wrong?" Louis came closer to him.
"Oh god no. You can't even think that. You didn't do anything Lou. I just wanted to give you and Stan the time to talk alone without listeners" Harry panicked.
"Thanks, but that wasn't necessary. I wanted to have you there. When we were with your mother, even though I wanted to give you the space alone, you didn't let me leave. Why is that different now?" Louis didn't really understand his reason.
"I don't know. When I saw him hugging you I felt out of place and didn't want to disturb you" played Harry nervously with his fingers.
"Harry, you will never be out of place" Louis assured him. Harry smiled slightly at him, but Louis sensed that there was more.
"Were you at home? Was your father there?" he let his mind run free.
"Um, yeah ... I had to go somewhere ... he was there ... I ..." stuttered Harry and looked at the floor.
This sight broke Louis' heart. He had a very bad feeling about it. Cautiously, he came even closer and put his hands on Harry's sunglasses. He swallowed hard and then took them off slowly. Harry was still looking down, causing his hair to fall on his face. Gently, Louis lifted Harry's chin and then looked him in the face. A black eye graced Harry's face along with a few shreds and red marks. Sharply, Louis drew in his breath and tried to control his anger.
"We had a fight. He said I was a disappointment and a shame for him. I told him that I didn't want to see him and move in with Mom. Then he lost it. After that I left as fast as I could with all things I could take with me" Harry stammered with tears in his eyes.
"You never go back there, do you hear me? Never again. I will not let that happen" said Louis in a firm voice.
Harry looked at him in surprise. "But I have to go back. I live there. I can not ...".
"Harry, I promised you something. I assured you that you have a safe place with me and I keep my promises" Louis reminded him.
"But Stan is here and I don't want to be a burden. You don't have that much space" Harry said.
"Forget Stan. He's sleeping in the guest room. You stay with me. I'm not going to leave you alone and watch someone hurt you" Louis clarified.
"But Stan ...".
"Stan doesn't matter. He's just here for a short while and nobody wanted him here. Stan is never more important to me than you, Haz. If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive myself" Louis assured him, trying not to cry.
Harry nodded sobbing and Louis pulled him into his arms. He tightly wrapped his arms around his baby and tried to calm him down. He would never let anything happen to Harry. As long as Louis was around Harry wouldn't get hurt. He made sure, no matter what he had to do for it. No one would violate his baby with impunity as long as Louis still had a spark of energy in him.
Cheerful and carefree Niall, Liam and Harry strolled with the girls through the city. They led Stan around while Louis was at the training with Steve. There was a lot to see, but Stan wasn't really interested in the history or the culture .... luckily. He found the people interesting and wanted to see all the cool places. Niall had a lot of fun with him. Again and again they made themselves laugh and made silly jokes. Stan was really nice and very funny, but seriously you couldn't talk to him, but that didn't have to be. Today it was about having fun, that's what holidays were there for.
The girls seemed to get along great with him, even though some of the stupid comments he made didn't always go well. He didn't take anything seriously and made fun of everything. This wasn't a thing anybody could handle, but Niall had no problem with it.
But he knew who had a problem with it. Harry was totally grumpy all day and hardly said a word. He kept his sunglasses on and shuffled beside them. Niall knew what had happened with his father, but he could also see that he wore the glasses not only because of that. Presumably, Stan and Harry wouldn't become friends any more in this life. No matter what Stan said, Harry grimaced. Stan completely ignored Harry's presence.
Again and again Harry grumbled beside Niall to himself. Niall knew Harry well and knew that this behaviour indicated that he wanted to throw Stan off a bridge. Well, Stan wasn't the most sociable person in the world and didn't make it easy for Harry to like him, but neither did he, but Niall knew that Harry was acting like this for a different reason. Harry was fucking totally jealous. No matter how often Harry would deny it, if Niall would ask him, it was obvious. Harry was green with envy and the jealousy were seething inside him. Maybe it was better that he wore the sunglasses, otherwise Harry could kill Stan with his eyes.
Niall just didn't understand why he was so jealous. Yes, Stan knew Louis, but there it stopped already. They used to be friends. That was over. In addition, Niall had noticed how annoyed Louis was by Stan. He really didn't want to have him here. Harry really didn't need to worry. The big question for Niall or rather Harry was then, why did he worry and about what? That Stan would steal his best friend? Probably not.
Niall decided to irritate Harry even more, if he could. Harry would never do anything or say anything on his own. That's why Niall had to do something. Jealousy seemed the only way to get a reaction from Harry. That had to use Niall somehow, he just didn't know how.
After they parted ways with Eleanor, Sophia and Danielle, the boys made their way to the football field to pick up Louis. Louis just came running from the field with the last things while the kids went home with their parents. Steve was still talking to a few parents and Louis came to them with joy.
"Louis, Buddy. You look really awful" Stan laughed, throwing his arm around Louis' shoulders.
"He looks great" Harry mumbled grudgingly beside Niall, who was just grinning.
"Always so nice. Let me breathe. I'm totally sweaty" took Louis Stan's hand off him.
"You're right" chuckled Stan.
"See you tomorrow, Steve" Louis called at Steve, completely ignoring Stan.
"Bye, Louis" Steve called back and waved to him.
Stan went ahead with Liam and talked him over. Harry followed them and Niall and Louis followed too.
"Finally back. Grumpy here missed you a lot" Niall threw an arm around Louis' shoulders. This time Louis had no problem with that.
"Grumpy?" Louis raised an eyebrow.
Niall nodded at Harry in front of them and grinned. "All the time he barely said a word and was just grumbling around. Well, not everyone likes Stan".
"I understand that. Did he annoy you a lot?" Louis frowned.
"It was okay. He's very funny, just something special" Niall said.
"I didn't invite him. How am I supposed to endure until Sunday?" Louis sighed helplessly.
"With our support and lots of sweet boys. He's not a monster. He's just very peculiar, right Harry?" Niall tapped Harry on the shoulder when they caught up with him.
"What?" Harry turned to Niall.
"I said we need a lot of cute boys, or girls, this week. It's holiday time for fuck's sake" Niall laughed, but none of them reacted the way he wanted it.
"Steve likes you very much" smirked Niall.
"Niall, you're crazy" Louis said amused.
"What? Steve would be an alternative for you" Niall pouted.
"Steve is straight and too old" Harry remarked.
"Says who?" Niall checked. It went exactly as planned.
"Me" Harry said for sure.
"And you know that from where exactly? Do you have a radar for it?" Niall retorted.
"Everyone sees that" Harry replied.
"That's a great reason. What do typical straight people look like?" Niall challenged him. "Like you?".
"What? No" Harry exclaimed.
"Are you saying Steve is not straight or more about you?" Niall bravely confronted him.
"Can you stop talking about Steve's sexuality. It's none of our business. Talk about your own" intervened Louis.
"What? Why should we?" Harry panicked.
"Because, my friend, our own sexuality is unfathomable. There is so much to discover and it takes a lot of time to accept yourself when you discover something you never thought was possible" Niall philosophized. Louis and Harry looked at him suspiciously.
"Are you coming? You're slower than slimy slugs" Stan called to them.
"The only slimy one here is you" Harry grumbled to himself, but this time Louis seemed to have heard it.
"Told you so" sing-songed Niall next to Louis.
Without further incidents they arrived at Louis' home. His mother had made pizza for everyone and with that they sat on Louis' bed a little later and started the DVD. Fast and Furious. Stan was an action movie fan.
Liam had sat down on the floor and leaned against the bed, just like Stan. Harry, Louis and Niall sat on the bed. Sitting between the two was probably not the best idea Niall had in his life. He was more focused on the two than the movie. Harry kept glancing over at Louis, who always looked at him when Harry didn't notice. It was to tear out your hair.
"Vin Diesel is so cool. No one is cooler than him" Stan commented on the movie.
"Is he your type or rather Paul Walker?" Niall whispered to Louis.
"Neither" Louis replied curtly.
"Now I would be interested in what your type is" Niall hooked.
Louis seemed to vanish in his thoughts at the question and smiled slightly. Niall knew this smile, so he knew what Louis was thinking about. He also felt Harry waiting anxiously for Louis' answer. Purely for friendly reasons, of course.
"Um, I don't have a type. Just don't be a big asshole. That's enough" Louis cleared his throat.
"So Luke still has a chance, yes?" Niall might spark a fire.
"No idea, can be" stammered Louis nervously.
"And what about you, Harry? Something specific?" Niall turned to Harry, who just glared at Niall.
"No" Harry mumbled and looked back at the movie. Niall grinned satisfied.
"Well, this Michelle is pretty hot. I'd like to get to know her, don't you think Louis?" Stan turned to Louis.
"No idea, can be. I don't really like girls" Louis shrugged. Liam, Harry and Niall now looked all three at Stan and waited for hisr eaction.
"That's cool with me. More for me then. Everyone is coming into this phase" Stan turned back to the film.
The answer left them all shocked. He really didn't take anything seriously. Louis rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, but said nothing.
"Maybe more than a phase" sing-songed Niall quietly, but so that certain people heard.
"And you, Harry?" Stan asked Harry without looking at him.
"What? I'm not gay" Harry said way too fast.
"Good to know, but I meant if you think she's hot too" Stan chuckled.
"Oh" Harry said, almost sinking into bed. "I don't know, can be".
Niall really wanted to punch Harry. Saying that was really stupid. Niall still didn't believe him anyway. As ashamed as Harry sat next to him, he was certainly not very happy about his impulsive response. Louis next to him looked like seven days of rainy weather. The two made Niall really crazy. Whatever was there, it couldn't go on like this. Harry needed a cold shower to wake up. Maybe Niall could arrange that.
"Louis, let me write to him" Liam whined suddenly.
"That is very intrusive. Besides, you're with me now" Louis grinned mischievously.
"Did I miss something?" Niall asked.
"Look at your phone" Liam grumbled.
Niall pulled out his cell phone and saw a message in the group chat. Harry looked over his shoulder.
From Tommo @Fishy Freaks:
"Stop writing Zayn or I'll send your ass to the sharks right away".
"Are you writing to him all the time?" wondered Niall. How could he not notice that?
"Yes, he does. Where have you been all evening, Niall" laughed Louis, amused.
"In his dream world" chuckled Harry.
"Oh believe me. YOU don't want to know that" smirked Niall, emphasizing the you very loudly.
"Who are we talking about?" Stan asked.
"My boyfriend" Liam smiled shyly.
"Oh another one, how cool. And in what phase are you Niall?" replied Stan.
"I just love without labels" Niall announced proudly.
"That's cool" he gave a thumbs up and turned back to the movie.
Liam and Louis just shook their heads in amusement and talked about Zayn or rather Liam gushing over him and Louis mocking him while Niall leaned over to Harry with a grin.
"And in which phase are you?" he asked Harry in a whisper.
Harry stiffened beside him, avoiding any eye contact. "In no phase at all" he spat, trying to sound indifferent, but didn't sound convincing.
"Whatever lets you sleep at night" Niall shrugged.
There was no answer from Harry and Niall let the topic rest. For the night. His silence was answer enough and said everything Niall wanted to know, that he already knew.
Together with Stan and Eleanor, Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall sat on a bench near the water. Rather, Liam, Louis and Eleanor were sitting on the bench and Niall, Stan and Harry were sitting on the ground around them. It was a wonderful day. Until ten minutes ago they were in the Marine Park because Stan wanted to go. The attractions he has done with Eleanor and Liam and he has never questioned one of the excuses. Stan's disinterest in people was very practical for that. But without Zayn in the Marine Park, it was kind of lonely. After all, he worked there and it was strange not to see him.
"Guys, I heard that the exchange students are back from America" Eleanor told them the news.
"I totally forgot that we had any. It was so nice and quiet without the two" said Niall.
"Harry, are you alright?" Louis asked when he saw Harry's blank expression. He looked so pale.
"Yeah, all right. I was just friends with them before and didn't even think they'd come back" Harry replied.
"Oh right. They were your friends. Don't you think Shawn told them everything?" Liam asked.
"Rather not. We didn't really have any contact. It can be funny when they see what happened" Harry sighed.
"Do you think that could be a problem?" Niall asked anxiously.
"Not more than we already have. They're not worse than Shawn" Harry shrugged.
"I'm curious what their faces will look like when they realize that the number one heartthrob is retired" Nialllaughed.
"Hey, I'm not retired" punched Harry Niall in the shoulder.
"Oh, no? When did you meet somebody the last time? Girl or boy?" Niall pressed.
"It doesn't have anything to do with that. Not to be retired doesn't mean to be still a slut" Harry replied.
"Nobody here thinks you're a slut" Liam intervened.
"But I was. None of you can deny that. But that's over. Now I enjoy and wait" Harry wanted to finish the topic.
"Waiting for what?" Niall asked, grinning.
Harry avoided all their piercing eyes, for everyone looked at him curiously now, and looked past them all at the only person who didn't look at him. "The right one" he sighed and looked down.
"Doesn't exist. If it suits then it suits. As long as you can talk to her, but she doesn't talk you over that is enough and of course it has to be good, if you know what I mean" destroyed Stan the moment and relaxed the resulting seriousness.
"Oh man, Stan. That came unexpectedly" Niall chuckled.
Stan and Niall fell into a strange conversation that no one really could follow. Every now and then Liam commented something, but it made no sense.
"Hey, is everything alright with you?" Eleanor asked Louis, who looked very depressed and didn't say a word.
"I'm fine" he answered curtly.
"You know if you want to talk about him or whatever, then I'm here for you" she smiled at him.
"I know, but I'm fine. No need to talk about anything" Louis replied.
"I like ice cream. Does anyone want ice cream?" Stan asked the others.
"I know where to get it fast" Eleanor stood up. "Should we bring you something?".
All denied this and Eleanor and Stan set out to buy their ice cream. Silence returned and Louis took a deep breath.
"Wow, how quiet it is suddenly" Liam stated.
"Stan is gone though" Harry remarked.
"He really talks a lot" Liam shook his head.
"It's funny. You can have a lot of fun with him" said Niall.
"Maybe. Sometimes you want to talk seriously, but you can't do that with him" said Louis.
"But Louis, he's your friend. Wouldn't you have to defend him?" wondered Niall.
"He was my friend, but nothing compared to you. That's over three years ago. Superficial school friendship, that's all it was. He doesn't know anything about me" Louis said, sighing deeply.
"You look so depressed. Is he the only reason or is there anything else? Are you alright?" Liam wanted to know.
"I'm fine" said Louis with his teeth pressed together.
"Are you sure? You know you can talk to us about everything. Are you really feeling well?" Niall didn't let go and squinted at Harry, who was just watching them.
"Stop asking me if I'm fine. I'm fine" Louis almost yelled at them and jumped off the bench.
"Louis, we're just worried" Liam wanted to explain.
"After everything that has happened and what you feel we want ...".
"Just stop. I'm not a baby. I'm fine" Louis said harshly and loudly.
With a quick step he moved away from them and ran down the dock. With a jump he had disappeared into the water. Liam, Harry and Niall watched in horror, hoping no one had seen that. What did they do to upset Louis like this? They couldn't explain it.
At that moment, Eleanor and Stan came back with their ice cream. Confused, they looked around as they sat down.
"Where is Louis?".
Louis was sitting on the edge of the Moon Pool with his legs pulled to his chest. Thoughtfully he looked up through the volcano opening and wondered when his life had become so complicated. A faint splash of water and a blubber caught his attention. As he turned to the Moon Pool, he almost scared himself to death.
"Harry, what are you doing here?" he asked in alarm.
"What does it look like? I'm swimming" Harry replied.
"How funny you are" Louis pointed pointedly.
"Louis, what's up?" Harry put his head to one side and braced himself.
"Not you too. I'm fine" Louis sighed annoyed.
"I didn't ask how you're doing, but what's wrong" Harry clarified.
"And where is the difference now?" Louis asked.
"I want to know why. I don't have to ask you if you're feeling well. I can see it in your face that you're not. And the constant questioning doesn't make it any better. So Lou, what's wrong?" Harry listened and looked up at him.
The fact that Harry was still in the Moon Pool in front of him and he had to look down on him, Louis found rather oblique. In addition, Harry looked wet so freaking good that it was hard to think clearly.
"I just can't do it any more. It's too much and it just makes it worse" Louis sighed desperately.
"What can't you do any more?" Harry hooked.
"Everything. This. Pretending that everything is fine. Suppressing my feelings. It's just too hard. I just want to scream. Constant inquiry and unnecessary pity doesn't make it any better. It just keeps reminding me" Louis went a bit further into detail.
"Nobody pities you. We're just worried" Harry said tentatively.
"Oh but you do. Liam, Niall, Zayn, El, Gemma, your mother. Everybody pities me and gives me that understanding look because of any crap. Do you know how this feels like? Like shit. As if you'd think I couldn't handle anything. As if you expect me to burst into tears for unrequited feelings every second. Or I would break as soon as someone mentions girls, my butt or sex because of all that happened. Should I tell you something? That's not the case" Louis got worked up.
"Unrequited feelings?" Harry asked in an indefinable tone.
Louis' eyes grew big. Did he really say that? Was that all that Harry had heard? It's about so much more than that.
"It doesn't matter now. It's about something else. I want you to treat me normally. I want to be myself again, but I can't do that if you keep treating me like glass" ignored Louis Harry's actual question.
"We just want to know what's going on inside of you. Always asking is really annoying, that's why I don't do it. But I still want to know how you're doing. You can't tell me that it left no mark. Louis, talk to me" Harry hauled himself out of the moon pool and sat on the edge next to Louis without getting him wet.
"It destroyed me, okay?! I admit it. I've had some issues with that before, but now it's just worse. It's everywhere. It's in my dreams, it just pops up in my head at random moments. It has taken over my thoughts and I can't do anything about it. I feel dirty and ashamed of myself sometimes, but mostly it's okay. But that's not the worst part. It just feels like everybody is just reducing me on my body and only see me as an object to their satisfaction and their enjoyment. When we joke about it, it's not a bad thing. But it happens all over the place. You know what Shawn has already said. Everybody just sees my body, my butt and not me. I have feelings, damn it. But that doesn't matter to them. They all just want Sex. That's the way our world works. Sex is the only thing that matters to them. Stan was right. It must be good or it will not lead to anything. That's all they're interested in. Who needs feelings or love and affection if you can fuck yourself senseless. I am a pleasure pad, not more. I finally have to accept that, then you can stop worrying about my fragile heart and ego. Nobody will ever love me. Love doesn't exist" Louis revealed everything to Harry completely and swallowed his tears.
"Maybe I just shouldn't say I'm gay, but asexual. Then I'm forever alone, because nobody wants that, but I wouldn't destroy any more expectations and nobody would have to waste their time with me" added Louis jokingly.
"If you want that. I'd just take you and live with it, because there's more to it than sex" Harry finally said. By then he had dried himself and his legs were back.
"Until you're fed up with me and your instincts are stronger. Then you leave me and have every right to do so. At some point everyone wants it, it's also great. Even me maybe. I just don't know if I can" Louis remarked.
"Louis, look at me" Harry told him.
Slowly, Louis raised his head and rested his chin on his knees. He looked into Harry's sparkling green eyes. Carefully, Harry took Louis' hand and sat cross-legged in front of him.
"It's understandable that you think that way and you can't do it for a long, long time. That would happen to anyone like this. Anyone who doesn't understand that and wants to force you into something just doesn't deserve you. In time it will become clear if the events have made you asexual or not. I believe that isn't the case. And if you're honest with yourself, you know that I'm right. But if it is the case, then it's the same. The right person will accept that and will not try to change you. He will see what a wonderful, kind hearted and beautiful person you are. And it doesn't matter if you're gay, asexual or whatever. If he is the right one, he will only love your heart. Sex may be nice, but nothing is more important than the person behind it. The soul and the heart bring two people together, not sex. And I am sure you will find love. And not just some temporary love, but a unique love that is peerless. True Unconditional Love" Harry assured him with all he had.
With tears of emotion in his eyes, Louis looked at Harry." Do you really think so?".
"I don't just think that, I know it. Anyone who doesn't appreciate you must be either blind or stupid. Louis, you have always been there for me and have shown me what is important in life. You gave meaning to my life. Let me help you now, no matter how. You deserve to be happy" Harry looked intensely into his eyes and lightly squeezed his hand.
"Thank you, Harry. Something like that, nobody ever said to me" Louis smiled overwhelmed.
"You know that Zayn, Liam and Niall think the same" Harry said humble.
"And yet you're here right now and have said all that. You've really changed. Never would I have thought you would think like that at the beginning of the year" replied Louis.
"Me neither. But people change" Harry grinned happily.
"Not always for the better, but in your case it was. Harry, I want to be myself again" confessed Louis.
"You mean a sassy, sarcastic and obnoxious ass that drives me insane?" Harry smirked.
"Exactly. Somebody has to tell you how shit you are" Louis chuckled.
"Whatever you want" Harry shook his head in amusement.
"I want you" blurted Louis out and wanted to hang himself. Great Job, Tomlinson.
"What?" Harry asked in astonishment.
"Well, I want you to be my best friend by my side. So that you kick my ass when I have my self-pity phase again. That's a phase, Stan. Not being gay" Louis saved his ass and ended up laughing so hard that it almost hurt.
"That was really so stupid of him. This is not a phase. A phase would be the path to that realization" remarked Harry.
"Though I wouldn't call that a phase, but rather a path of self-discovery or something" Louis grinned.
"Very poetic, Louis" chuckled Harry.
"You don't like Stan very much, am I right?" asked Louis.
"Is that so noticeable?" sighed Harry.
"Not at all. You completely ignore him and constantly make a grumpy face. That's what I call pure love. Maybe I should start shipping Starry" Louis replied sarcastically.
"Ewww, don't. This is inhumane" Harry grimaced disgustedly.
"He may not be the prettiest girl in the world, but he certainly has his advantages" joked Louis amused.
"That he's not a girl isn't the problem. Would you kiss him voluntarily?" Harry choked.
"Probably not, but who knows what can cause desperate times. But he would first have to come into this phase" cackled Louis.
"I'll never forget that again. Promise me that you take everyone into account except him" Harry suddenly became more serious.
"Even Shawn?" Louis smirked.
"Just promise me" urged Harry.
Louis looked suspiciously at him. Why was that so important to him and what did he mean with everyone? There was only one person Louis wanted, for whom he would consider sex, but that someone didn't want him that way. So there was no need to think about it any more.
"I promise" Louis smiled at him, which made Harry beam.
"We should go. Stan has been alone with Niall far too long" Harry said and jumped into the water.
Shaking his head, Louis followed him and together they swam back to their friends. Louis will never forget that moment at the Moon Pool again in his life.
"I knew it! I fucking knew it!!!" exclaimed Niall triumphantly.
"Just scream it out into the world so everyone knows" Harry hissed at him.
"Now don't bitch me like that. That's a great thing. Finally you admitted it" Niall bounced over excitedly up and down the bed.
"First, that's not great, it's terrible. And secondly, I said, I think that's the way it is" Harry corrected him.
"You say you think so, but I know you're sure" Niall countered knowingly.
"Whatever" Harry grumbled. "And stop jumping around or I'll fall down".
"Don't be so mean. You have feelings. That's great" Niall nudged him.
"That's not great, Niall. That's awful. That's the last thing they need" Harry buried his face in his hands.
"A little love has never hurt anyone" Niall giggled.
"I'm serious, Niall. They're in a difficult situation right now. The most important thing now is that they're fine and they're recovering from all the crap. I can't suddenly show up, tell them that and destroy everything" Harry groaned in despair.
"Sorry Harry. I stop. I understand what you mean. It's really a tough time, but why do you think you'd destroy everything with it?" Niall became more serious.
"Because we're a friends and they just need their best friends. Not a madman who comes with feelings and puts pressure on them. And I have no chance anyway" Harry explained sadly.
"You can't know for sure" Niall objected.
"Oh I can. They have no feelings for me. That would be madness of them. They deserve so much more than me. And I have broken their heart before. Who is so stupid and gives such an idiot a second chance? Anyway, they still assume that I ...." trailed Harry off.
"That you what?" Niall checked, but Harry didn't answer. He was just playing with his hands. Niall sighed loudly and turned around completely so he was facing Harry.
"Harry, what are you?" he asked directly. It might not have been the best idea to raid him with it, but Niall had had enough of the crap. Harry raised his head and looked at him blankly. For a while he said nothing at all. Niall feared that Harry hadn't understood the question or was overwhelmed and he had gone too far.
"I came to the conclusion that I don't want to label myself, much like you. Love is love and everything else doesn't matter" Harry finally cleared his throat.
"That's beautiful, Harry" Niall smiled proudly.
"Maybe, but that doesn't change the situation. I will not tell them and break it all down. There's no sign that old feelings are back" Harry clouded the mood again.
"God, Damn. Stop saying them, theirs or them. Just fucking say h ....".
"Niall! Language! Stop cursing!" Harry interrupted, chuckling.
"Are you going to say that before you come too?" smirked Niall dirty.
"Niall" shouted Harry and threw a pillow in his face.
"You really shouldn't say my name. It could lead to confusion" Nial ljoked.
"Shut up. I don't even think about it. I don't want to think about it" Harry shoved him to the side.
"Why not? I thought you had come to your terms" Niall frowned.
"What does that have to do with it?" Harry didn't understand.
"Haven't you thought about it yet?" Niall wondered seriously.
"What exactly are you talking about?" Harry hooked in confusion.
"Sex with a boy! I mean you already had sex with girls and so you know how you like it. But how do you know if you really don't just like girls if you've never thought about it?" Niall wanted to try to understand.
"It's about more than just sex" Harry rolled his eyes.
"I know that too. But at some point in every relationship it comes to that point. Well, almost every. Haven't you really thought about it or watched something when you found out for yourself?" Niall tried to fathom the story.
"Not really. The... thing with Louis and this weird sex scene in the movie with my Mom were the only things related to that I ever saw. Oh and the Full Moon Night" Harry stammered embarrassed.
"How on earth did you realize then that you're not just straight?" Niall became sceptical.
"Why do I have to imagine sex for that?" Harry countered.
"Because you have to be somehow sexually attracted to your partner or not? Sure, it's about more, but that's part of it. What if you find it disgusting after all?" Niall questioned everything.
"It's about the person. Doesn't that come naturally? Doesn't that have to happen?" Harry became restless.
"It doesn't have to. You can find someone nice and can't feel anything sexually at the same time. That's why I'm asking. Thinking guys are nice is not all" Niall said.
He could see how it worked in Harry's mind. He didn't want to confuse him, but he should be sure in every way before anything happens. Niall sighed and looked at him.
"Look at me. Can you imagine hypothetically kissing a boy? Really full on snogging, with tongue and everything. Holding hands with a boy, saying or doing cute things, cuddling, dancing. Can you imagine doing other things with him? Can you imagine ... okay that's weird. Urgh, I hate you. Can you imagine a boy touching you like never before and that you like it? To give yourself in completely? As a top or bottom is completely unimportant at the moment. Do you think a boy can turn you on just like a girl? Does the thought of a certain person make you hard?" Niall asked all the embarrassing questions and felt a bit stupid, but towards the end he nearly forgot that Harry was still there. His brain suddenly asked so many questions.
"Um... " was the only thing that brought Harry out before Niall continued to philosophize.
"Can you like someone but not be sexually attracted? Is that important at all? Can one ...".
"God Niall. Stop it! Sexual attraction is there, okay?!" Harry exclaimed.
Immediately Niall stopped and looked at Harry with a smug grin. He was waiting for Harry to continue talking. It finally got interesting
"I've um...had some dreams about it, but we never got to the end. But the top or bottom question was more than clarified clearly. Apparently, my dreams knew more than me" Harry confessed totally embarrassed.
"Do I want to know? Oh, wait... you answered the question a while ago, right? I never expected that, but it fits. Wait,...If your dreams knew more than you did, then when did you have your first?" Niall got quite excited.
"A while ago. I was completely shocked" Harry reminded himself.
"I can imagine. How many did you have?" Niall wiggled his eyebrows.
"You are disgusting, but if you really want to know ... every day since the beginning of the holidays. Except for two days" Harry confessed.
"You naughty bastard" Niall laughed. "Wait, isn't it weird to dream something like this while sleeping with Louis in one bed?".
"Weird isn't even close at all. I wake up with a boner almost every day. Luckily he hasn't noticed it yet, otherwise he would think it's because of him" Harry said.
"Well, ..." Niall grinned.
"Niall" exclaimed Harry and threw himself on top of him.
"Hey, don't live your fantasies out with me. You could have someone else for that" laughed Niall.
"Very funny, Niall. I couldn't do that and I don't want to" snorted Harry.
"Sure? Your dreams say something else" Niall shoved him off of him.
"If only I hadn't told you" Harry shook his head in amusement.
"Maybe you should read some gay smutty fanfiction from your favourite movies or stars. They are better than any porn and a lot more realistic. I bet our fans are writing some about us. About Larry, for example" Niall winked at Harry.
"I don't want to know how you know that" sighed Harry.
"What did he do again? I told him not to throw gourds on rooftops" Liam came into the room.
"Hey, that was once and you helped" Niall pouted.
"Anyway, Louis wrote. Stan and he are on the way back from training" Liam sat down on the bed.
"So if anyone wants to confess or flee, he should do it now" Niall grinned.
"Where have you been for so long?" Harry asked Liam.
"Zayn called and it got a bit longer" Liam scratched the back of his neck.
"Aww, young love. Two lovestruck boys" cooed Niall.
"I hate you, Niall. Did I mention that?" Liam glared at him.
"You're not the only one" Harry shook his head.
"Just because you are unable to love this isn't my fault" Niall claimed.
"I'm writing on a new song right now. Do you want to see it?" Harry asked Liam.
"Gladly" Liam smiled at him.
"Keep ignoring me" Niall pouted as Harry pulled out the song's lyrics.
"Just come over here" Harry said, handing the text to Liam. Niall leaned over his shoulder to read.
Counted all my mistakes and there's only one
Standing out from the list of the things I've done
All the rest of my crimes don't come close
To the look on your face when I let you go
So I built you a house from a broken home
And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down
Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?
Yeah, the a taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue
Is at the top of the list of the things I want
Mind is running in circles of you and me
Anyone in between is the enemy
Shadows come with the pain that you're running from
Love was something you've never heard enough
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down
Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Are you sleeping, baby by yourself?
Or are you giving it to someone else?
Try to find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Where dobroken hearts go?
Tell me now, tell me now,
Tell me where you go when you feel afraid?
Tell me now, tell me now,
Tell me will you ever love me again, love me again?
"Wow, Harry, that's awesome. What inspired you?" amazed Liam.
"I know" Niall mumbled, chuckling.
"There is someone whose heart I broke and I would do anything to reverse it" Harry admitted ashamed.
"And you like that person now?" Liam concluded. Harry nodded slightly.
"What's this?" Niall asked curiously.
"What?". But before Harry could react, Niall already had the second text in his hand and read it through. Liam also squinted curiously at the written words and both frowned. When they were done, they just looked at him.
"Can it be that liking isn't entirely true?" Liam asked suspiciously.
"It's just a song" Harry snorted defensively.
"If you say so" Liam shrugged. "I think Louis and Stan are downstairs".
There were footsteps heard on the stairs and then the door opened. Laughing, Louis and Stan came in. Stan had his arm around Louis and Louis beamed fully.
"I suppose the training was good" said Liam instead of greeting them like normally.
"Fantastic" both answered at the same time.
"Sit down and tell us" Liam patted on the spot next to him.
Stan pulled Louis with him to the bed and threw himself on it. Louis sat cross-legged and Stan put his head on his lap, exhausted. Niall didn't hear what the two were talking about or what Liam answered. He just saw how well the two could get along if they just had fun. One could almost forget that Louis didn't want Stan to be here. They seemed for a moment like good friends who had a lot of fun. Friends. Though Stan seemed to be saying some strange things that made Louis grimace. It seemed to go unnoticed by a person sitting next to him, frowning. Niall leaned over so he could whisper something unheard in his ear.
"You could be more than this".
Niall watched from the sidelines as Louis and Steve played a final game together with the children of the holiday program. The two were in opposing teams and left the other few opportunities to score a goal. The kids thought it was super funny and it was nice to see Louis so exuberant. When one of the girls scored a goal she was so happy that she knocked over Louis and both fell to the ground. The girl was now sitting on top of him and both laughed heartfelt.
Niall actually wanted to say something, but he knew nobody was listening to him right now. Steve and Louis were busy and Harry was in his own world. He was standing next to him all the time, but it was as if he weren't there. The only thing he did was staring at the field. At the beginning, Niall had grinned at him provocatively, but when he realized that Harry didn't notice, he had given it up and busied himself with himself.
Stan was swimming with Liam and Eleanor at the beach. Actually, Stan wanted to go with them all, but Eleanor had found a way to convince him to go alone. Niall was grateful to have her. After all, it was Stan's last day here. Tomorrow morning he flew back to England. Niall liked Stan. You could have a lot of fun with him. They would never be best friends, but they didn't have to.
At the end of the training, the children were picked up by their parents and Steve and Louis cleared the balls and gates. Niall went with Harry to their bags and packed everything together.
"Harry, could you ..." Niall started, but stopped when he saw that Harry wasn't looking at him.
Niall followed his gaze and sighed when he saw that Louis had just said goodbye from a little girl. Harry smiled like a maniac. Just as Niall was about to turn away, he realized how Harry's breathing got faster and his gaze changed. Niall glanced over at Louis and put his hand over his forehead.
There he stood directly in the sunlight and just pulled off his shirt because he was sweaty. The muscles in his arms tensed and you could see his biceps well. Boy, Niall should play more football. Louis could easily carry three people at the same time.
To make matters worse, Louis also drank from his bottle and the sweat beaded from his chest. On a neutral note, Niall had to admit that Louis was really handsome and rather hot, just not his type. He was probably not the only one who thought that right now. Harry looked at him in awe, or rather stared, and his mouth was wide open. Amused Niall raised his hand and closed Harry's mouth.
"Close your mouth, darling. You're drooling" Niall chuckled.
Harry shook himself and looked at him perplexed. "I don't know what you mean".
"The All you can eat buffet is now unfortunately closed. Calm your dick. Here are children around" Niall laughed and already had tears in his eyes.
"Why is he laughing so hard again?" Steve came up to them.
"He's an idiot as always" Harry replied.
"Hey, Louis, your friend here has a laugh. Come on over" shouted Steve to Louis.
Grinning and shirtless, Louis came running up to them. "Has anyone breathed again, Niall?".
"No, but someone was hungry or should I say thirsty" Niall found himself incredibly funny.
"I don't want to know what he means" Steve shook his head.
"We'll never know that anyway" Louis said and patted his shoulder.
"Please put something on, Tommo. There are people who could be distracted by that" Niall begged him, still laughing.
"Right, Tommo. Get dressed before little kids get a wrong picture of you, you braggart" grinned Steve.
"Shut up" Louis hissed at him, pulling on his regular shirt.
"Now that everyone can think straight again, let's get started. Liam will be back with Stan soon" Niall suggested.
"Greet him from me. Unfortunately I couldn't say goodbye. Funny guy and very touchy, right Tommo?" smirked Steve at Louis.
"No more touchy than you" he shot back.
"I can't help it. You're just sexy" laughed Steve.
"He's right. What are we suppose to do?" Niall agreed.
"Buying a little decency for you would be a start" said Louis cheekily.
"Or dignity" Harry added.
"Look who's talking" Niall cackled for what Harry punched in the ribs.
"We should go or the two will be beating each other. Bye bye Steve" Louis said goodbye.
"Maybe better. Bye Louis" Steve waved goodbye.
The three of them made their way to Louis and talked about this and that. Halfway, Liam and Stan came across them.
"And what are we going to do this evening? It's Saturday. Clubbing Time" Stan asked excited.
Louis visibly became nervous and stared at the floor. Clubbing might not be the best idea at first. Or ever. Unfortunately, Niall didn't come up with a sensible answer fast enough.
"Rather not. It's boring. Anyway, you can't get into the clubs until the age of 18 and everything else is pretty lame. And it's your last day. We should spend it together and not half drunk between strangers" Harry came to the rescue.
"Then it's a movie night. Popcorn, action, explosions and friends. Perfect last night" Stan suggested.
"Sound sgood" Niall said relieved.
They quickly went to Louis' home. Niall and Harry prepared the popcorn while Liam, Stan and Louis did the rest. Probably only Liam, but doesn't matter. A short time later they all found each other on Louis' bed and watched Transformers. Stan's suggestion. In fact, they all had a lot of fun. They laughed a lot and made silly jokes. Unfortunately, when they started the second part, Liam had to leave. He had received a message and said he must go, but he said nothing more.
Stan and Niall lounged on the floor, throwing popcorn at each other while Harry and Louis lay on the bed and didn't hear anything. Neither the movie nor the two. When Niall glanced up at them, he saw how Harry had snuggled up to Louis' side and was drawing small circles on his chest with his finger. Louis had his arm around Harry and stroked his back. Both looked about satisfied. Niall sighed softly and adored the picture that presented itself to him. The two were made for each other. They only had to realise that now.
As Niall didn't throw back the popcorn, Stan looked up at them and smiled. The two looked at each other and then back to Louis and Harry, who looked just so adorable together.
"How cute. He looks so happy. Maybe love does exist" whispered Stan extremely softly.
Niall squinted at them again and then looked at Stan. "Yes, it does".
Liam was sitting on a rock near the sea. The waves clashed easily against it. The moon was bright in the sky of the black night. He watched him for a while and then softly approached him. Carefully, he hugged Liam from behind and rested his head on Liam's shoulder. Slightly scared Liam turned his head so he could see him. Immediately his eyes began to shine brighter than the stars that stood in the sky.
"You're back" Liam couldn't believe it.
"Yeah, that's me. I missed you" Zayn let go of him so he could really hug him.
"Why so early? Shouldn't you come back tomorrow?" Liam wondered.
"We came back a little earlier. Aren't you happy to see me?" fake pouted Zayn.
"Oh god, of course. I'm glad. You don't know how much I've missed you" Liam hugged him again.
"All three wrote to me that you whined at them because of longing all the time" grinned Zayn.
"These three wankers exaggerate" Liam snorted.
"I missed you all so much. Without you it was so quiet. I heard this Stan is visiting" Zayn changed the subject and sat down next to Liam.
"Yeah he is. Right now they're with Louis and watching a movie, but tomorrow he's flying back. He's quite funny, if a bit difficult" Liam told him.
"I've heard that. Harry doesn't seem to like him very much" Zayn said.
"Not really, but today it was okay. Some people just don't get along" Liam said.
"True tough. And he's sleeping at Louis' right now?" Zayn checked.
"Yeah. I'm sure, Louis has certainly told you what happened with Harry's dad" Liam said and Zayn nodded affirmatively.
"Actually, we agreed Harry could take turns sleeping with each of us until his mother finds a house, but I think he will not sleep with anyone other than Louis" Liam added thoughtfully.
"Were you so terrible?" grinned Zayn dirtily because it sounded so wrong in his head. Poor innocent Liam.
"Louis was so amazing. The week alone has brought them even closer" Liam commented.
"Li, something is bothering you. What are you thinking of?" Zayn asked worriedly.
"Nothing...It's just, Niall hinted something like that a while ago and last week I noticed some things that I didn't notice before" Liam replied.
"What exactly are you talking about?" Zayn checked.
"The Harry and Louis thing. Niall is the firm assumption they are more than friends, but both have denied that more than once. But I've noticed Harry's behaviour. He's doing everything for Louis' happiness and he's almost jealous of Stan, God knows why. And Louis almost simply adores Harry and he'll do anything for him. Oh what do I know. I have no clue about feelings" Liam mused, overwhelmed.
"Don't be so hard on yourself. In the end the two have to know that, but ask them if it bothers you so much. They are our friends and we wouldn't be deprived of anything" Zayn suggested.
"You're right" Liam sighed.
"I'm always right" Zayn boasted.
"I missed that" Liam smiled at him.
"What exactly?" came Zayn closer to him.
"This. You. Us" Liam quietly counted.
"Us. That sounds nice" whispered Zayn, coming even closer.
Liam said nothing, so Zayn pressed his lips lightly on Liam's. Two weeks without this feeling was clearly too long. Longing, Liam returned the kiss. Their lips molted together perfectly. The longing in Zayn grew bigger with each passing second, but he didn't want to scare Liam away. A little anxious and very hesitant, Zayn wiped his tongue over Liam's bottom lip and asked for entrance. To his surprise, Liam opened his mouth slightly and let Zayn in. The feeling was overwhelming. With his tongue, he explored Liam's mouth, every nook, and Liam did the same. For a while they fought for dominance and Liam won. Zayn liked how Liam unexpectedly took control of the kiss. That was so untypical for him and he would never have thought he would do that.
For a while they sat there and kissed. More snogging like crazy. Their hands roamed up and down on each other's body. Liam placed his hands on Zayn's waist and Zayn had his hands around Liam's neck. At some point Zayn sat on Liam's lap and kissed him senseless. As they both run out of breath they broke away from each other for a moment.
Gasping heavily and with bright eyes, the two looked at each other. Lips swollen and red in the face. For Zayn, Liam was just beautiful at this moment and there was nothing else around him. Nobody said a word. Their big grins and gasps said it all. Zayn squinted at Liam's lips and bit his lower lip. Liam noticed that and kissed Zayn again greedily.
And like this they sat there for a while. They had their first real kiss at this wonderful spot, where Zayn wanted to kiss Liam for the first time at their last vacation, but never thought it would happen. And now they sat here and kissed. For the first time, they were snogging and making out, being so close to each other. And that under the magical glow of the moon and the twinkling stars.
I'm so sorry that it's so bad. Stan wasn't supposed to be that annoying, same goes for Niall at the moment. But then it suddenly made idea if it still makes sense tomorrow. It will get better again, I promise :)
Is Larry driving you crazy?
After the last scene I have a big Question in my head again: Ziam Smut? If then who tops? I never even read Ziam smut....Oops...
Please vote and comment what you think :)
Love you all, loves <3
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