Chapter 26
This Chapter is just a Filler for me. Personally I think it's shit but this is the best I could do with it. I don't know. I needed something in between and this came out. So maybe some talks are bullshit...
I also kinda decided to finally put a picture of Mako Island on here because I totally forget that at the beginning...oops...
Waking up next to Harry in the morning was one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Mostly the other three were in the room when that happened, but today the two were all alone. Louis just watched Harry sleep. How he breathed evenly. How cute his nose looked when he wrinkles it in his sleep. Louis was hopelessly lost.
Harry had his hair open and it was light in his face. The longer hair was something Louis loved abysmally. It caressed his face with the fine features that Louis clearly stared at too long. Gently he stroked a few strands of hair from Harry's face. The hair was so fluffy and smooth that Louis wanted to just never take his hands out again. But that was pathological, so he took his hand back slightly and just looked at Harry. He looked so peaceful.
If you saw him lying there you could easily forget what happened yesterday. Yesterday was a single emotional roller coaster ride. Now Harry knew everything and he had seen Louis at his personal low. He had fought for him, expelled this guy and thus prevented the worst. Yes, he had done one thrust and Louis still felt it and it would probably haunt him all his life, but Harry was there at that moment. Although they had argued before Harry had come to look for him when he found out that Louis was in trouble and he wanted to apologize for the before. For his thoughtless words. He said so wonderful things that Louis wouldn't have believed if it hadn't been Harry. Louis was immensely grateful for his presence this night.
Slightly Harry moved next to him and his face changed. Louis knew that Harry was about to wake up. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Why he didn't know himself, but maybe it was better that way. Otherwise, Harry would realize he was watching him sleep. That would scare him off.
Louis heard Harry shift slightly and then lie quietly. He felt his eyes on him, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. He heard Harry sigh softly and then felt a hand on his cheek. He slowly stroked down over it and then pulled his hand back. This touch gave goose bumps to Louis and he couldn't stop the small smile that escaped him.
Carefully, he opened his eyes as if he had just woken up. The first sight of him was Harry's bright green eyes in the morning sun. Louis could get used to that, but he wasn't allowed to.
"Morning" Harry breathed in his low morning voice. Ai, that voice will still be Louis' downfall.
"Morning" he smiled.
Louis couldn't take his eyes off Harry's eyes and Harry looked at him with a smile. Nervous, Louis bit his lower lip again and again to prevent him from ruining everything.
"Slept well? How are you?" Harry asked softly.
"I'm good" Louis replied quietly.
"Don't you have to have a monsterous headache?" Harry grinned.
"Actually yes, but I think the moon took care of it" said Louis.
"In what way?" Harry frowned.
"When we were out there shortly before ... well...the moon came out. Although I've noticed before, how the alcohol waned a bit. But when the moonlight fell on me, I was sober in less than a second. Apparently he really helps us" Louis explained, trying to suppress the memory of everything before and after.
"That's pretty handy" Harry tried to joke, but his concern was obvious.
"Is everything all right?" Harry asked nervously. Louis saw Harry's gaze fall further down and he immediately knew what he meant.
"It's okay, don't worry" Louis laid his hand unreasonably on Harry's cheek.
But instead of flinching away as expected, Harry put his hand on Louis' and squeezed it. Then he took it in his hand and pulled it to his chest, still holding it close. He pressed a light kiss on his wrist and then looked at Louis.
"How about breakfast?" he suggested.
This perfectly normal question made Louis smile. "Gladly, but first we should put on other clothes".
"Are you saying that I stink?" Harry was offended.
"That's what I just did" laughed Louis, leaning on his elbows.
At that moment a cellphone rang. Louis realized it was not his ringtone so it must be Harry's.
"Yes, oh hi Zayn" Harry answered the call. With his face drawn, Harry held his hand away from his phone and Louis could hear clearly how Zayn was worried.
"Easy Zayn, he's with me. He's fine" Harry reassured him.
"Um, well, I don't know if it's so good to discuss this over the phone" stammered Harry.
Louis nudged him slightly and nodded to him. Louis knew that they couldn't lie to Zayn to reassure him. He knew it all anyway.
"Okay, well ... it happened again, but I took care of that. Zayn, breathe" Harry got down to business.
Louis got nervous. Zayn wasn't allowed to get upset now otherwise he would get a panic attack and no one was there to help him.
"Such an ass in a club, but like I said I did it. The moon helped too. He's fine" Harry visibly tried to reassure Zayn.
"Yes, I'll do it. I'll take care. See you later" Harry finally said and hung up.
"Let me guess, he is very worried and wanted to come here immediately?" Louis guessed the topic of conversation.
"Is that really so incomprehensible? After all, he called me after receiving this message. He sure kept asking himself what had happened" Harry said.
"I know. I would have done that too" sighed Louis.
"Here. Zayn said he's flying straight to Sydney tonight after the gig. Probably an emotional evening" Harry threw him sweatpants and a shirt over while he crunched his things.
"I'm really going to miss him" Louis said as he quickly changed his pants. So fast that Harry couldn't watch him. He tried to ignore the pain in his bottom.
"He's not gone forever and you still have Liam and Niall and me" Harry said as he changed.
"You're also going away, forgot already? You all leave me alone" Louis pretended to cry.
"But I'm not long gone" Harry remarked.
"You don't know that. Maybe you'll stay forever, marry a model, and get three kids while we're sitting here bored" Louis joked and changed his shirt.
"Just come with me" blurted Harry out.
"What?" Louis turned to him in confusion.
"Come with me. It's your merit that I found out. And if I really get married there, you have to be there anyway. And I need your name ideas for three kids" Harry replied with a grin.
"I can't just leave. And your wife will help you with the names" Louis declined. Harry couldn't mean that. He can't be serious.
"Or husband" Harry remarked.
"Wait, what?" Louis was completely shocked now.
"Could be a man too. You said yourself, you might not know that until it happens" Harry reminded him of his own words.
"Okay, you really need breakfast. Our Womanizer, because of sheer hunger, already forgets that he likes women" Louis opened his door.
"I'm not a womanizer" pouted Harry as he came after him.
"If you say so" Louis said.
He limped slightly and winced while walking. The events have left their mark and pain. Harry seemed to notice that because suddenly Louis was lifted without touching his bum and was carried down the stairs. Normally, Louis would have protested. He didn't like being manhandled, but today it was okay because every step hurt like shit.
Arriving in the kitchen, Harry put him down and Louis saw his mother's face. "Good morning you two. Breakfast is almost ready. The girls should also be downstairs in a minute" she greeted the two.
Louis was surprised that she didn't say anything because Harry was there. No talk, no questions. As if it were the most normal thing in the world. Well, Harry has been here all the time in the last few months, even in the morning, but Louis still didn't understand why it was already part of her morning routine to schedule Harry.
"Can I help you?" Louis asked his mother and hugged her from behind.
"No, all good, thank you sweetheart" she kissed him on the forehead.
"You could take the drinks to the table" she remembered.
"No problem Jay" smiled Harry.
"Thank you sweetheart" she thanked him casually and kissed him on the forehead as well. Harry looked almost as surprised as Louis. It was too early for questions.
Just as they put the drinks on the table, his sisters came down to the table.
"Yeahi food" Fizzy was happy.
"Morning Louis, Harry" Lottie greeted the two casually. Again, Louis wondered why that was so normal for everyone.
"LOUIS" called Daisy and Pheebs as they ran to hug him.
"Morning my little angels" he kissed them both.
When he wanted to sit down, he looked anxiously at the chair. They were so hard and cold. He wondered how he should sit on it without his mother noticing. He couldn't tell her otherwise she would go crazy.
Lost in thought, he hardly felt how two hands grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to them. Surprised, he winced slightly, but relaxed when he realized that it was Harry. He let himself be led and found himself on Harry's lap. He sat so that it hardly hurt. Louis turned his head to Harry, who only smiled at him understandingly.
When Jay came with the breakfast, she didn't question the position of the two but started eating normally as every Saturday. While they talked, Louis wondered if his mother knew he liked Harry, or if she just loved him.
Louis had to help Harry with the food, because their position made eating difficult for him. That's why they always had to laugh. That wasn't easy. Louis felt like an elderly couple in a nursing home.
"Isn't there a game today?" Lottie asked as she looked at the clock.
"No, the holiday program starts, but this time without me. Steve does that and I'll help him from time to time, but only in the last week"Louis shook his head.
"What are you doing on vacation, Harry?" Jay wanted to know interested.
"I'm going to visit my mother. I haven't seen her forever and I have unanswered questions" Harry summed up briefly.
Jay looked at him understandingly but didn't ask further. Louis loved his mother for that. She knew when to ask and when not.
"It's just a pity that I go alone. It would never have been possible without Louis. She should get to know him because it's his merit. Well, maybe someday" Harry added.
"That's a great idea. Honey,you should go with me. Getting out of here and get to know his mother. It seems to be your merit after all. Go ahead. Could be funny" Jay suggested. Louis knew that Harry had hoped for that.
"But I can't just go, so suddenly. He wanted to leave tomorrow" Louis contradicted.
"Then you have to pack up fast. We'll be okay alone, sweetheart. If you want, you can go with Harry" she assured him.
All eyes were on him now. He swallowed hard and couldn't think clearly. "I think about it" he stammered.
"Fizzy, didn't you want to ..." Jay now turned to her daughter.
"Say yes and meet your future mother-in-law" Lottie whispered amused.
Louis was very pale. He hoped that Harry hadn't heard that. What did his sister think the two were? Wasn't it clear that they were just friends and Harry straighter than the wall?
Later, Harry and Louis walked in the park. Who had come up with the idea they had forgotten. It was warm and the sun was shining through the treetops. Louis was still very sore, but with each step, it started to get better. Harry hadn't left his side for a second as if he was scared as soon as he looked away Louis would break or a guy would appear randomly and grope him. Well, Louis had to confess that he had this irrational fear too, so he was glad that Harry was there all the time. It could be worse company.
When they came to the small bridge both stopped abruptly. There she stood in the light of the sun, blue as always. Harry and Louis looked at each other and without another word they walked over to her. Both stood on one side of her, so she was in the middle.
"It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Perfect for forgetting rough nights. The sun is just so beautiful and brightens our lives" enthused Perrie. She turned to Louis and smiled at him. Her eyes fell on the necklace and her eyes softened. Then she turned to Harry.
"It makes me happy to see our two necklaces united, to see that their new owners are so similar to us. It's nice to see that you've found your place. You remind me very much of myself" Perrie was especially proud of Harry.
"In what way?" Harry wanted to know curiously.
"I didn't know where I belonged for a long time back then. I had a lot of fake friends and I was very popular in school, my parents were rich and I could have everything I wanted. I pretty much imagined that, but I wasn't happy. That only came to my attention when I met Jesy, Leigh Anne, Andre and Jade. They changed my life, made it better without doing anything. Their friendship was my purpose in life. Before them I was always flirting with all the boys, but I wanted just no relationship because I thought that was all crap. Yeah and then I saw Jade. You often remind me of her, Louis ".
"Really? Why?" Louis asked, interested.
"Jade was a kind hearted person. She was so open minded and unprejudiced, cheerful, funny, but also had her dark times. Despite all the bad experiences, she was always there for us no matter when. You couldn't have a better friend. She was an angel without wings" Perrie recalled.
"That sounds familiar" Harry remarked.
"You never told us how you met" Louis said, suppressing that weird sense of hope in him.
"It was similar to yours. The day we got stranded on Mako. Leigh and Jesy wanted to go on a boat trip to get to know each other better for a school project, and on the way they brought Jade in. I wanted to play a joke on them so mean as I was then, but it went wrong. And in the end we all ended up on Mako Island in the Moon Pool" she told them.
"Did you know it already?" Louis inquired.
"That she would be the love of my life? Not really. At first we didn't like each other. She was annoyed by my sassiness and I was disturbed by her too-positive attitude to life with all that real love and stuff like that. She was also annoyed that I was flirting with everything that was male. But at some point we began to understand each other better, we got along pretty well but then I really screwed it up. The trust was gone. At first I didn't care, but then I realized how much I missed them all. Especially her. Out off all she could forgive me the slowest and I didn't understand why. In retrospect, I know now that she had feelings for me and I broke her heart, but I didn't know that at the time. After a while, she trusted me again. After a deep low we were inseparable. We did everything together, but I was too stupid to realize that I loved her and she loved me. We were closer than normal friends and I stared at her or thought of her all the time like she was my world. Everything about her was perfect for me and I just wanted to protect her. Much too late, I realized how much I love her and it was almost too late. There was someone else who wanted her, but I could win her for me. That's when I found out that she loved me the whole time, but thought it was hopeless because I'm strictly straight. Well, I'm not. I wish until today I would have noticed it earlier. I miss her so much. Every second was precious. We've experienced so much together" reminisced Perrie with the most beautiful smile on her lips.
"That sounds like it was unique" said Louis, trying to ignore the frightening resemblance to their own situation.
"Sometimes this one person is closer than you think" Perrie said, looking down at the water. Louis didn't dare to look over at Harry at those words.
Suddenly Perrie had to quietly start to giggle. "What's so funny?" Harry wanted to know.
"I just had to think of something" she grinned broadly.
"Of what?" Harry became curious.
"Once Jade visited my dad with me. I hadn't seen him for ages and I was pretty nervous, but she was at my side all the time making me laugh with the stupidest things. My dad loved her almost more than me. He always gave hints but I didn't understand a word. At this time I should have noticed that I was in love with her, because I already was for sure, but I didn't realize it. I was so stupid. Later, when I told my father about Jade, I was afraid to death. It was a different time back then. He just laughed and meant I finally understood it. I'll never forget that moment. Everyone around me knew it. It was clearly visible on my face, only I was oblivious. Sometimes you should take five minutes and think about everything, question your own actions and reactions and thoughts then that's not happening. I could have had her much sooner" Perrie shared her memory with Louis and Harry. Louis couldn't shake the feeling that she wanted to hint something to them, as she always did, but it didn't affect him because she hardly looked at him. Besides, Louis didn't run away from his feelings. He accepted it and now tried to live with it.
"Are your friends okay? Did Liam manage to overcome? How is Niall?" Perrie wanted to know curiously.
"We haven't talked much with them today. We'll have to go to the soundcheck soon and then we'll learn more" Harry let her know.
"Did Liam manage to overcome what?" Louis didn't understand.
"He should tell you himself. Take good care of each other. Friendship is one of the most precious gifts in the world. Be honest with each other and be there for you in dark as well as bright times. And always remember that even the most joyous person has dark shadows in the basement, locked up" she offered as advice.
Immediately Louis had to think of Niall. He was always happy and open-minded but he knew that Niall had dark times. He said he would tell them at some point. Louis hoped that would be soon, so they could help him with whatever it was.
"One more thing before I let you go. The moon is doing nothing for no reason. I know that you have stronger powers. That's just happened so soon, because you were ready for that. It took much longer for us. It was not a punishment. You are strong enough to deal with it, which means that the Moon has no more negative influence on you, but will only help. And you can resist it soon and live normal during a full moon" she told them.
"You mean never moonstruck again? No Niall who wants to lure people to death with his singing or too honest Zayns?" Louis inquired.
"That could happen again without a moon, Lou" Harry chuckled.
"Hey, shut up Harold" laughed Louis.
"Never again moonstruck. But there is still so much to discover, but it all comes with the times" she assured them. "And now you should go. You are expected".
"Oh right, thanks for everything, Perrie. See you next time" Louis said goodbye. Surprisingly, Perrie hugged Louis. This hug was incredibly reassuring. As if she would take away all the stress and every single doubt from him.
"Bye Louis, take good care of yourself. Don't give up, it'll be worth it" she whispered in his ear. Louis just nodded.
"Bye Perrie, thank you" Harry said as Perrie hugged him.
"Bye Harry. Don't doubt about yourself. And please open your eyes faster than I. Overthink the bullshit again, otherwise it might be too late" she advised him as she let go of Harry.
Harry looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. Louis would like to know what Harry was thinking and what in the freaking world Perrie wanted to say with that. But Harry seemed to have understood more than he did because he nodded to her with a smile and then walked over to Louis.
"What was that?" Louis asked, still confused.
"Oh, nothing" Harry waved it off and threw an arm around Louis' shoulders.
Louis frowned at him but didn't ask. Together, they made their way to the JuiceNet for their last performance before the holidays.
Zayn's nerves got the better of him. He was totally nervous and still worried about Louis. Ever since he received this strange message from him last night, he feared the worst. He couldn't get away because he was with Liam, so he told Harry who immediately had started searching alerted. But there was no message from him. No sign. Liam had calmed him down and said that surely means everything was fine and somehow it worked. But this morning, his first instinct was to call Harry to find out what had happened. Harry's description had shocked Zayn deeply. Immediately he wanted to run to Louis, take him and put him in a box and protect him from the world. He was so angry and sad at the moment his whole body wanted to switch off. Luckily, that went well. How could that happen again?
Backstage, he paced up and down, making Niall crazy about it. "Zayn, stop. He doesn't get here any faster like this."
"Sitting makes me nervous" said Zayn while walking in a circle.
"You're nervous one way or the other. Stop going in circles. I'll go crazy" Niall snorted.
"That's you anyway" Zayn noted.
"I'm worried, too, and I want to know how he's doing, but that's not how you're making it better" Niall told him.
"He's right, relax. He'll show up any second" Liam put his hands on Zayn's shoulders. That relaxed him instantly.
"Wow, I can talk ludicrously here and you say a word and he's calm" Niall pouted, his arms crossed.
"That's the magic of a boyfriend" Liam grinned proudly.
To hear him say that kindled an indescribable feeling in Zayn. Completely realized what had happened yesterday evening between them, he had not. Sure, they had kissed each other, but Liam had told him that emotions overwhelm him and that they're taking it slow and their friendship remains the most important thing. That's why he didn't expect him to hear that word as if it were nothing.
"Wow. Great. Now I'm feeling lonely" said Niall. He apparently knew everything. They didn't need to say anything. He had just known it. After all, yesterday he was everywhere. Presumably, he had only made right conclusions and realized that Liam had finally come to his senses. Or Zayn's permanent grin had betrayed him.
"What about Hailee? You two looked cute together" Liam mused.
"We are friends" Niall contradicted.
"We too" Liam pointed to him and Zayn. Okay, this behaviour now overwhelmed Zayn.
"Where are they?" Zayn over came the concern again. Only when he saw Louis and had inspected that everything was really good, he could calmly enjoy the gig.
"Breathe in Zayn. Deep in and out" Liam rubbed his hands up and down Zayn's shoulders.
At last he heard footsteps approaching them and the next moment Harry and Louis appeared. Instead of waiting for them to speak, Zayn fell around Louis' neck and hugged him tightly. "Oh, God Louis, there you are! Are you alright? I've been so worried".
"Easy Zayn. I'm fine, thanks to Harry" Louis replied the hug.
"Thankfully, you were there. Thank you Harry" Zayn let go of Louis and now hugged Harry.
"No problem, Zayn. I left right after your call. What was so important that you were desperate enough to call me for help?" Harry wanted to know.
"Hey, that sounds like I hate you" Zayn let go of him.
"Not long ago that was the case" said Harry amused.
"Whatever. Liam was with me. I couldn't just jump into the moon pool at that moment" he scratched his neck.
"Wait, you were on Mako Island with Liam when I sent you that?" Louis followed closely.
"Yeah the Deodorant Spray Thing went wrong and we headed for Mako. Liam came after us" Zayn reported.
"Why did I know that happened?" Harry shook his head.
"So Niall was there too?".
"No, he was back at the party because of Hailee" Zayn said.
"Liam and you were alone. On Mako. At night. Would you like to tell me something?" Louis began to grin knowingly.
"Um, we ... ah, Liam and me .. we um, we kissed" Zayn stammered embarrassed and blushed.
"I fucking knew it!!! Zayn, that's great. I'm so happy for you" grinned Louis wider than ever.
Zayn had to stop himself from squeaking and jumping around with Louis like twelve-year-old girls in love. But that's exactly how he felt. And that's exactly what Louis looked like. And that's why they did just that. Zayn didn't repress his excessive pleasure and Louis hopped into his arms and wrapped his legs around Zayn's hips.
"We are such girls" laughed Zayn.
"Who cares. This is a reason to rejoice. He finally got it. It was about time" Louis was more and more pleased.
"Sometimes people are pretty blind" Zayn clapped Louis on the bum lightly while holding him up and looked over at Harry.
In this action, Harry grimaced and Zayn remembered what had happened. But Louis didn't seem to bother that. He has never had contact fear with Zayn and that hasn't changed. Nevertheless, he wondered how bad it was when Harry looked so worried about something like that. Or was that not just worry?
"Oh Yeah. Very blind and often you realize it when it's too late. Perrie has just told us about her blindness to her feelings for Jade. So fits that you said this now" Louis grinned as he stood on the floor again.
"This woman is really special" Zayn said.
"Yeah, now I know what she meant with Liam and if he have done it. Apparently he did" Louis banged his forehead.
"Liam hinted he saw her before. Is it possible that she's trying to help us with that?" Zayn suspected.
"Very possible. She said a lot today that indicates that, right Hazza?" Louis turned to Harry.
"Oh, very much" Harry muttered.
"Okaaaay... How did it happen? I want to know everything" Louis stretched out the okay and turned back to Zayn.
"Don't worry Liam and Niall disappeared shortly after your first hug, so you can talk freely" Harry commented as he saw Zayn looking around.
"Niall knew I needed that moment but he'll attack you soon, Tommo" Zayn said.
"Good to know. Tell me now" urged Louis.
"Well as I said we were on Mako and after Niall left I actually told him that I like him ... somehow. No idea where that came from but it had to be said. To my surprise he said he likes me too, but he stays Liam. Feelings overwhelm him, he's just a scientist. That's why we're slowing down, step by step. And then we just sat by the moon pool and I just kissed him" Zayn summed up everything that had happened.
"That sounds as cheesy as a series. So cute. I can picture it. I'm glad you're trying and don't run away from it" Louis replied happily.
"Me too. It could have been different, Liam could have handled the feelings differently. Who would have thought that would happen to me" sighed Zayn.
"We all" Louis winked at him.
"That's right. We all saw it all but he didn't. Sometimes you can be pretty stupid and don't see what's in front of you" Harry agreed.
"Now I feel rather stupid. Should I have done something different?" Zayn frowned.
"No, you couldn't do anything. Liam just made a refusal in that repect, even said that he doesn't want more. What should you do if it all looks like it's impossible?" Louis smiled sympathetically.
"He's right. I didn't mean to say that. Liam just almost took too long. Could have been too late" Harry clarified what he meant.
"That would be impossible for me. I wouldn't have found someone better than him" beamed Zayn.
"It's not always the case. Sometimes distraction, other people or disappointment helps to forget feelings. Luckily, Liam survived all that" Louis grinned.
"I feel like I'm in a dream" Zayn smiled in love.
"It's nice to see you so happy" Louis rejoiced for Zayn.
"True. You haven't blasted so much the whole time. Love really seems to be the best feeling in the world" Harry hugged Zayn happily.
"Or the worst" Louis mumbled to himself.
"What?" Zayn let go of Harry.
"Nothing. I'm going to look for Niall before he attacks me like a vampire out of the shadows" joked Louis and went looking for Niall and Liam.
"Could it be that he is limping a bit?" Zayn stated in horror.
"Yes unfortunately but it got better" Harry had to agree with him.
"Harry, now that Louis isn't there, can you tell me what happened. I don't want to ask Louis so he doesn't have to talk about it again?" Zayn became serious again.
"He said he was drunk because we were arguing before, which I regret terribly. And then a guy whose name he doesn't know came in. They danced and after a while they went out the back door. When I got there, the picture was disturbing. This guy had pushed him against the wall with his face, pants down to the ankles of both and he was close to..... Shit! ... When I wanted to stop him he said Louis had sucked him off and he had his hand on his ....dick. Um Louis had tears on his face but he didn't care about that. Before I could stop him, he pushed in once. I don't think I will ever be able to forget Louis' scream. Of course, I was right there and got this guy pulled away and beautified his face. Louis was no longer responsive so I took him home where he told me everything. Also how the moon sobered him before it was too late. I'll never forget that picture of that guy's dick in Louis. I was so mad at the bastard but Louis was more important at the moment. He had to leave. I can't shake the feeling away that it's my fault. If we hadn't quarrelled ..." Harry's voice broke off. He had tears in his eyes but hold them back.
In Zayn's eyes tears of anger, sadness and compassion had formed which he tried to suppress. "It's not your fault. Everyone argues. You were there to help him, you stayed. That's what matters, Harry."
"I wish I could do more, take all this pain away. Make his life better, happier" Harry sighed sadly.
"But you're doing that Harry" Zayn put a hand on his shoulder. Harry looked at him in confusion.
"You're there. You show understanding and compassion. Just don't pity him too much when he's in. He doesn't like it at all. Just be there. You make him happy" Zayn told him.
"Really?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Really. He shines when you're with him, didn't you notice that? The same thing I noticed about you, by the way"
"Not really. I don't realize so many things, but I think a lot has become clear in the last twenty-four hours. It took me so long to see it" Harry told him.
"Louis always wanted to tell you, but he couldn't. I hope you don't blame him. I guess you know everything now" Zayn suggested. Inwardly, Zayn also suspected that Harry hadn't only meant that but there was much more behind his words.
"I understand why he couldn't tell me. I only wish I understood when the bastard Kyle was here and I was so stupid and was just standing by. Now I want nothing more than to make him feel better step by step. I want to make him realize how important he is to us and how special he is. That's why I wanted him to accompany me to my mother so he could get away and be distracted, but he's not sure".
Zayn was sure now. Louis was incredibly important to Harry. So important that he would do anything to make him feel better. Zayn knew that feeling too well.
"You are going to visit your mother?" Zayn changed the subject.
"Yes, I found her address thanks to Louis and now I want to know what happened" Harry told him.
"I think that's a good idea. Also that Louis should come with you, but only he can decide" Zayn said thoughtfully.
"Why I'm not allowed?" Zayn heard Niall grouse.
"Because you are too small" Liam laughed as they approached Harry andZayn.
"Ha, that's how it feels" Louis said triumphantly.
When Zayn looked at them he immediately started to laugh. Niall ran pouting beside Liam, who carried Louis piggyback style.
"Is our Toplinson king too lazy to walk again?" Zayn laughed amused.
"Our Majesty only gets the best service" Liam grinned in amusement.
"That's what it looks like. The Top has its advantages, right Daddy Direction?" boasted Louis and especially emphasized the daddy.
"I see" smirked Zayn.
"Why do I have to run then?" Niall asked horrified.
"Shh, that's a conversation of Tops, you unworthy!" cackled Louis.
"Hailee dares to contradict" Zayn chuckled.
"God, you are terrible" exclaimed Niall, waving his arms in the air.
"Harry, my friend. Let's start the club of oppressed Tops and topple the two. Lilo wouldn't be Top Louis, what are you saying now?!" Niall threw an arm around Harry as Liam dropped Louis off and hugged him from behind.
"Can't you hug anyone any more?" Liam protested, laughing.
"Sorry Niall, but I don't belong to that club. You have to start it alone" Harry declined.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the two think they are the Top kings. Nobody recognizes your topping here" Niall tried to stay serious.
"That sounds like something to eat" Zayn chuckled.
"Fits then" Louis winked at him.
"I didn't mean that" Harry muttered barely audible. Louis and Zayn struck Liam with laughter as Niall turned confused to Harry.
"Wait, do you want to say ...?" he started but then Will came to them with the mics in hand.
"Okay, time for the soundcheck".
"Welcome to our last show for a while. Our beloved Zayn isn't here for the holidays, and Harry here will be away for a while as well. So 5sos will take over our role here. After the holidays, we will play in solidarity in turns. For today we have five new ones Songs for you. We're kicking it off with Little White Lies" Liam announced.
They started to play the song and directly the good mood in the room was felt. Both Louis and Zayn were scared that the song wouldn't turn out well, but apparently the people loved it. Admitted, all the lies and misunderstandings of the last few months had brought them to the idea but then something quite different came out of it. Both could see their families sitting in the audience. Jay sat with the girls next to Zayn's parents and looked immensely proud.
Your hands touching me, they're touching me
And your eyes keep saying things
They say what we do
When it's only me and you
I can't concentrate
That's all I'm thinking about
All I keep thinking about
Everything else just fades away
If this room was burning
I wouldn't even notice
'Cause you've been taking up my mind
With your little white lies, little white lies
You say you're a good girl
But I know you would girl
'Cause you've been telling me all night
With your little white lies, little white lies
With your little white lies, little white lies
Alive came next, and Louis actually felt free and alive on stage at that moment. It would probably be logical if he now crawled into a dark hole and abased life. But that's exactly what he didn't do. Louis didn't know where it came from, but he didn't feel the urge to shut himself off. So far, he always had that feeling especially after Kyle turned up and made things worse. After yesterday, Louis should really be broken and that's what he was. He couldn't deny that. He still felt shitty and dirty, but not worthless. He didn't know how Harry did it, but he had inadvertently managed to make Louis feel less worthless. Maybe it was his words or his presence. Louis didn't know it, but he didn't want to question it either. He was on the bottom so there was only the way up.
To slow down a bit, they sang Change my mind. Harry had insisted that Louis opened the song. Since it was his song no one contradicted him. Still, Louis wanted to know who or what Harry had written about. He knew from personal experience that you don't just write something like that without a reason. Louis was pretty sure that Harry was developing feelings for someone who wasn't him, first of all, but a girl and, second, a good friend of theirs. At least that's what the text says. As long as it wasn't Eleanor, Louis could somehow live with it.
Beside him, Zayn couldn't suppress the urge to sing his part for Liam. The text just fit so well, even though Zayn knew that part Harry had written. When they heard the song for the first time, Zayn hoped that Liam would talk about him and that was exactly what happened. He knew that now. Surprisingly, Liam didn't let Zayn out of his sight during his part. It seemed like they had forgotten everything around them and there were only the two left. Louis watched the two and couldn't stop grinning. He felt so much joy that the two were finally together. It will certainly not be easy for the two to spend the holidays separately now and Liam and feelings are still such a difficult thing, but Louis was sure they would manage and be happy in the end.
But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay
Stay for the night
I'll change my mind
Unexpectedly, Louis felt Harry watching him as he sang. Slowly he turned in his direction and looked directly into two emerald green eyes, which looked at him with an emotion that Louis couldn't interpret. He sang the same text as Zayn, but the meaning behind it felt even more powerful in Louis' eyes, since Harry had written it.
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure
Next was Last First Kiss. When Liam started to sing, Louis had to try hard to suppress his grin. He and Niall exchanged an amused look. Louis could remember Niall's words when they heard the song for the firsttime.
"Let me guess, Liam was completely confused who Zayn might mean?".
"Absolutely haphazard".
"Typical again, but he is probably not the only one."
Maybe it wasn't good to think about this conversation while singing but Louis still didn't know what Niall wanted to imply. Whereby he could already think what he might have meant. Harry certainly had no idea that he had thought of him. No matter how happy Louis would be to be Harry's last, he knew that would never happen.
I wanna be last, yeah
Baby let me be your
Let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first, yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew
I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last
Your last first kiss
They ended the gig with Story Of My Life. They had all written that and it felt good to take something important to the people. Louis sucked in every second of the song. Looked from Ziam over to Niall and then to Harry. Then his eyes fell on his smiling mother and Zayn's mother and then back to Harry. Their support made him so happy and he wished everyone of them had it.
In the end, they bowed, said goodbye and ran backstage. There they all fell into each other's arms. Overjoyed. Enjoying their last seconds together for two whole weeks. Moments like this Louis loved. His decision was firm. He moved closer to Harry and leaned against his ear.
"I'm coming with you, Hazza."
Maybe I just gotta wait
Maybe this is a mistake
I'm a fool yeah
Baby I'm just a fool yeah
Oh, oh
Shortly before the check in Zayn stopped and turned around. To Harry, Niall and Louis, he had long and far too emotionally said goodbye after the gig, but Liam had come to the airport. It really wasn't fair that he flew away now.
"Good Liam, see you in two weeks" Zayn's mother said goodbye to him. Liam somehow belonged to the family already.
"We give you five minutes, but then we really have to go, Zayn" said his mother sighingly, leaving the two alone.
"Two weeks are not end of the world" said Liam bravely.
"I know, you've been away for longer, but it was hard to bear and everything was different. Why just now that we ..." Zayn fell silent. What exactly they were, they hadn't clarified yet.
"Are together? Say it, Zayn. I'm the feeling dyslexic, not you. I know that's all weird, but we'll get used to it. We just can't forget who we are" Liam lifted up his chin.
"You're right. We've known each other for ages. Now being overcautious would be weird. We're going to go on like before.... with a few tiny changes" Zayn agreed.
"What changes?" Liam frowned.
"If you don't have a plan, you're really cute, Liam" Zayn chuckled, taking a step closer.
"What are you talking about?" Liam swallowed hard and looked straight into Zayn's eyes.
"What can I do now that I couldn't before?" came Zayn even closer.
Before Liam could answer, Zayn pressed his lips to Liam's. That they were at an airport surrounded by strangers Zayn didn't care at all. He wanted to decently say goodbye to his boyfriend. Wow, it felt weird to really say that.
After the first shock, Liam returned the kiss. They kept it soft and slow. Often they hadn't kissed yet. Only at the Moon Pool. Just like there, the kiss was now without tongue involved. Sweet and innocent. Affectionate, but much longer. Zayn loved the feeling of Liam's lips on his own. For so long he had imagined how it would feel and now that he knew it, there was no word to describe the feeling.
When he found it hard to breathe, Zayn broke away from Liam and looked into his shiny eyes. Apparently he was not the only one who liked that.
"I could get used to that" Liam smirked.
"You should" Zayn replied, hugging him tightly.
Liam wrapped his arms tightly around Zayn's body and held him close. It felt so good to feel him so close to him. Zayn would miss that very much even if it was only for two weeks.
"You have to do without it for two weeks now" whispered Zayn nasty.
"I don't know if I survive that" Liam answered.
"Just call me every day and tell me how much you die" Zayn suggested with a grin. Still in Liam's arms.
"That's not a good substitute" Liam pouted.
"I know but you said yourself two weeks are not the end of the world" repeated Zayn Liam's words and released him.
"There you didn't kiss me like that and then just wanted to go" protested Liam.
"How did I kiss you?" Zayn hooked after a breath.
"Kinda like that" Liam leaned towards him.
This was the first time Liam started a kiss. The kiss was shorter but more intense than the one before. Zayn felt something stir inside him and demanded more. "That was a bit different" Zayn breathed breathlessly.
"Bit" Liam replied, panting.
"Zayn, are you coming?" his mother called behind him.
"I'm coming" Zayn called back.
"I have to go then. See you in two weeks" Zayn said goodbye to Liam.
With his mother and sister Zayn made, with a heavy heart, his way to the plane. He will miss Liam so much.
"Have fun, good flight" Liam called after them.
"Won't have. Miss you too much Liam" Zayn called back and waved over to him until he couldn't see him any more.
So, we're at the end of Term 2! Long Journey so far
How will Ziam's relationship work out?
Will Larry finaly get together?
What about Niall?
Is the Mermaid Drama over?
Love you all <3 Please vote and comment what you think :) :*
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