Chapter 22
Isn't he cute?!
I was listening to that song while writing a certain part of the chappter...
In short, Monday was awful. Not only because everyone hated mondays and the weekend was over but also because Liam acted as if the others had betrayed their country and ruined his life forever. When Zayn came to class with Louis in the morning, Liam sat laughing happily on the other side of the room with Lauren, Dinah, and the others. He had actually swopped seats. The two tried to ignore him and behave normally as if they didn't care, but that wasn't so easy. Shortly before the lesson began, Niall and Harry came in, who immediately noticed it.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Niall whispered as he sat down next to Louis.
"I have no idea" Louis sighed helplessly.
"Harry, sit here" Zayn offered Harry the seat next to him. Slightly surprised, Harry sat next to Zayn as the lesson began.
Over and over again, the boys glanced over at Liam. Lauren was almost sitting on his lap while the others didn't really pay attention to what their teacher said. They were like the female ineligible counterpart to Shawn, Nick, and Aidan. Except that they only were dealing with girls like Taylor, Camille or Kendall. Actually, they would have to join together in a large group and then drown in the sea. It was a mystery to them why this hadn't happened yet.
At lunch he didn't sit with them, which did not surprise them, but hurt all of them even if no one wanted to admit it. It hurt to see how quickly you could be replaced and how much a good friend could betray and disappoint you.
"Hey guys, why is Liam here? I thought he was gone" Sophia asked as she sat down at the table with Danielle and Eleanor.
"She has changed her mind otherwise he would have disappeared without a word" complained Zayn.
"One second, how do you know that?" wondered Niall.
"Everyone knows. Half of the school is talking about the offer, but everyone's wondering why he's here even though he should be gone" Danielle explained.
"But how do they know that?" Harry asked, confused.
"There is a lot of talk and apparently there was someone who knew about it and has probably told everyone" said Eleanor.
"Probably someone who is popular and has enough range, but what is in it for them?" Niall mused.
"Gossip is always interesting, you know how they are" Sophia sighed.
"That's unfortunately true" Louis agreed.
"Oh man, so the whole school will puzzle over what happened" Harry said horrified.
"Probably yes, but unplanned problems can happen, there's no reason for all the buzz" Danielle mumbled.
"They will exploit that until something more interesting happens" Eleanor said.
"And we can pay his bad temper" Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Why you?" Eleanor checked.
"The Lord believes it is our fault" Zayn mumbled.
"Why?" she didn't understand.
"He can't think straight at the moment. He probably accuses anyone except himself or her. I would be interested in who told this around" Niall quickly changed the subject.
"I bet you it was Lauren" hissed Zayn.
"Could be. After all, her mother works in the marine park where Dr. Teasdale was" Harry thought.
"Wasn't she against the internship?" wondered Louis.
"Yeah until it helped her" Niall shook his head.
"What good is that to her when he's gone?" Louis didn't understand a word.
"It's all about attention. They used it anyway because of the band and hate you because you don't fall for it" Eleanor began to explain.
"They hate us?" Harry looked at her crookedly.
"I thought you knew that".
"We had suspected something like that" said Niall.
"Anyway, what's better than to tell everyone about your friend who works with the famous marine biologist. He doesn't even have to be there" El continued.
"But he's here. Why is she still talking to him?" Louis inquired.
"No idea. Hopefully the band will do it otherwise Liam will soon have a rude awakening" Eleanor suggested.
"We warned him about that before. Self guilt" Zayn snorted. Questioningly, the girls looked at Zayn.
"Marriage crisis?" Danielle whispered.
"Would be nice if that's just it" Louis replied softly.
"Marriage crisis? Did I miss something?" Harry wondered.
"Oh, Harry" Eleanor shook his head, grinning.
"Hello guys" Micheal cheerfully greeted them.
"Hey guys" Sophia greeted back.
"The whispers about Liam are beginning to get annoying. They are in desperate need of a hobby" Astonh complained as Luke leaned against him and took his hand.
"Blasphemy is a hobby in this world" noted Danielle.
"But we don't need that" Luke snuggled closer to his boyfriend.
"Niall stop staring" Ashton laughed as Niall stared at the two as if in a trance.
"Sorry, but you are so cute. Nice that one of my ships is alive" Niall gushed like a girl.
"Which others are dead?" Ashton wanted to know.
"Not dead. Rather problematic" grinned Niall devilly.
"Now I'm curious. Who are you talking about?" Luke wanted to know.
"Ziam and Larry" Niall revealed shamelessly.
"Ziam was never a thing" Zayn grumbled.
"In my world it was" smiled Niall.
"You picked two great ships Captain Niall. Stay with us. We're at least real and not so unrealistic" Ashton grinned in amusement.
"Hey, what's so unrealistic about Larry?" Harry protested fakely offended.
"You said Larry is a loads of bullshit" Luke reminded him.
"Thanks for the Reminder" Louis mumbled and looked to Zayn for help. Harry looked guiltily at him.
"Well, Harry, some of that is unrealistic. But, when I think about it. The way you look at each other, how you talk about each other, how close you are, how much time you spend together, how you rave about and stare at him. That's all pretty cute and not so unrealistic, don't you think?" Zayn enumerated strange observations demandingly. Harry had turned pale and had no eye contact with anyone.
"Oh wait, the boy is straight as the wall, completely forgotten. He says so often enough" Zayn slapped his hand dramatically against his forehead.
"Yes, I am" pouted Harry.
"If you think so" Zayn stopped.
"You have great ships" chuckled Ashton.
"They just need some love and affection and time" Niall claimed snapped.
"Sure you're not talking about a plant?" mocked Luke him.
"Both take some time" Niall clarified.
"What did you want by the way?" Louis cleared his throat as he sunk down in his seat, not looking at Harry.
"Actually, we wanted to ask if we can attend the rehearsal today" Callum told them.
"If you even rehearse, well because of Liam" Michael hastily added.
"We will not let him destroy the band. After all, that's all he has left to get attention" Zayn said pissed off.
"Just come by past five" Niall suggested.
"Okay, see you later, thanks" the boys said goodbye.
Shortly thereafter, the others got up and went back to class, all with their thoughts elsewhere. Zayn against his will thought about Liam. Louis thought of a way to hide and forget his feelings. Harry didn't get Zayn's words out of his mind, but pushed them aside to solve the mystery of Louis' secret. And Niall worried about his mother, who worked double shifts and was hardly home.
Niall and Louis were clearing away a few boxes as Michael, Callum, Luke and Ashton came into the room. Liam had actually come by but didn't say a word to them.
"The room has style" Michael marveled as he looked around.
"I'm in it" winked Harry at them, standing by the door.
"Still has something of old garage bands, nicely home made" added Callum.
"That sounds more like food" Zayn said, grinning.
"Did anyone say food?" Niall suddenly appeared behind him.
"Zayn, how can you just say that word? You know what happens then" Harry exclaimed.
"It's not my fault if he .... Well, sorry" Zayn rolled amused his eyes.
"What are we starting with?" Louis asked expectantly.
"How about something new? Rehearsing the old songs is unnecessary" Liam said bored.
"Oh, you think so? What do you think about how other bands get better?" Zayn shot back.
"Has anyone written anything?" Liam simply ignored him.
Immediately the tension was felt. Zayn annoyed Liam's behaviour, and the others also had to hold back from kicking him in the guts. Louis nervously played with his sleeve, avoiding eye contact. He was a bad liar.
"No, nobody" said Harry. Niall and Zayn nodded their thanks and Louis stared at the ground.
"No one? Really?" wondered Liam.
"You know, you weren't the only one who had other things in mind. Songs don't write themselves. You need inspiration for that. It's not always there when you want it" Niall grumbled.
"I had important things to do" Liam boasted.
"We too, Mister important" Niall grumbled annoyed.
Liam's cell phone rang at that moment. Bringing it out of his pocket, he picked it up and went outside.
"We'll just start with Better Than Words or something" Zayn said absently.
"We c-co-uld als-so si-ing C-c-louds" stuttered Louis. To say he was ashamed that he was holding back two songs from Liam was still nicely expressed.
"We don't have to" Zayn said sympathetically.
"Exactly. Lou, you didn't even want to show them to us. We don't have to sing them, not yet. Only when it feels right" Harry assured him. Louis just nodded in agreement.
Behind them came the sound of a drum kit. Apparently Ashton had sneaked past them. "Sorry, it was so tempting" he grinned sheepishly.
"Go ahead. We'll wait for Liam anyway" Zayn let him play.
Ashton kept playing and it sounded really good. Suddenly Luke got up and picked up the guitar. At the same time Michael took the other guitar and Callum went to the bass. It was like a movie. One by one, they got into the song and sounded perfect together. Like a real band.
"Guys, that was awesome" Niall praised them.
"Thanks, but that was just so played" Luke blushed.
"That sounded great" Zayn said.
"Ever thought about starting a band?" Harry asked the boys.
"We, um, I mean, we're friends, but..." stammered Ashton.
"I think that's a great idea" said Louis.
"Really?" Michael wondered.
"Really. You have the vibe and a connection. Something like that doesn't happen for no reason" Harry was sure.
"Who would have thought you would ever say that kind of thing" Callum grinned.
"Not me" laughed Harry. "But it's true. We're the best example of that.".
"He's right" Louis agreed with him.
"Just play it again" Niall told them.
And that's what they did. They played the same again, with Luke standing right next to Ashton. They both just looked at each other with a fond smile. Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry watched them.
"They're really cute" Niall chuckled.
"Yes, they are. It's great that it's going so well between them" Zayn said happily.
"I can not imagine them without each other" Louis confessed.
"Can anyone look at me like that?" whined Niall.
"Now you sound desperate" laughed Louis.
"I'm desperate. Where do you find that? That's where I'm going right away" Niall exclaimed.
"You'll have to change the team for that" Zayn giggled.
"Why that?" Harry didn't understand.
"I've noticed that it's more likely someone will stay together if they are the same-sex. Preceded you find someone. That's hard enough" Zayn replied thoughtfully.
"I actually noticed that too. It also makes sense" Niall agreed.
"In which way?" Harry asked curiously.
"Men and women often just don't get along. They don't understand each other. They talk past each other because the brains work very differently. That doesn't happen to the two of them" Niall explained, gesturing to Luke and Ashton, who were just whispering by the drums.
"But unfortunately that's generally hard to find, almost impossible. Whether boy or girl" Louis doubted softly and looked at the two longingly.
"Whom do you say that?" sighed Zayn.
"Well, looks like I would then have to marry you" Niall stated and put an arm around Louis.
"Why me? Why not Harry or Zayn?" Louis protested.
"Zayn belongs to Liam and Harry is straight" Niall replied calmly.
"But you too" countered Louis, ignoring Zayn's face.
"I'm flexible. I want to be happy, with whom doesn't matter" Niall announced.
"Wait, are you saying ... ".
"Okay, see you tomorrow then" Liam came back in and Louis fell silent, later he could talk to Niall about it.
"Are we rehearsing now?" Liam asked impatiently.
"We were just waiting for you" Niall mumbled. Micheal, Callum Luke and Asthon made room and Liam went straight to the microphone.
"And only for the record, I'm marrying Louis" Zayn whispered to Niall as he walked past him.
"Can you believe that? Liam should quickly get his man or we'll soon have a fraternal Zouis wedding" Niall joked but Harry didn't laugh.
"Oh no. That will not happen".
"Maybe. But Liam should still do something and Louis needs a boyfriend. He deserves it. Are you helping me?" Niall resolutely asks.
"Um, I don't know if he wants that" Harry cleared his throat nervously.
"Sure he doesn't want that?" Niall looked at him crookedly.
"Fine, I'll help you" Harry grumbled defeated.
"Great. I wonder if Steve maybe ... oh or this guy from music .... or Luke, the other Luke from the basketball team. That would be perfect. He is never straight. Maybe we should go to training and then improvise a little bit" Niall said, merging into his Louis dating plans. He totally missed Harry's changing mood.
No idea what happened to Liam since yesterday, but today he almost behaved like himself. In Chemistry, he didn't dubiously exchange his partner like he did last time. Zayn didn't know what he should think about it. On the one hand he was happy to work with Liam again as he used to, but on the other hand he was still angry and disappointed and very sceptical. He didn't understand what that all meant. In English, he didn't sit down next to Lauren but also not next to Zayn, there was sitting Harry again. No, he sat down alone at Harry's old place from when he had just left Shawn before sitting diagonally next to Niall and Louis. The four looked confused, but no one could relate to the behaviour.
During the break on the way to the cafeteria, Liam was the main topic of conversation. "What is he up to?" Niall wondered.
"Someone like him doesn't make plans. Presumably Lauren dumped him" Zayn concluded.
"Dumped him? Wouldn't they have been together for that?" Harry wondered.
"You can also dump friends or play pieces in your plan" Zayn enlightened Harry.
"Doesn't exclude a little smooching" Niall said.
"Shu tup" Louis nudged him in the ribs as they sat down at the table.
"What?" Niall rubbed the hit spot. Louis gave him a warning look and Niall was already quiet.
"Do you think he's coming to the rehearsal today?" Harry mused.
"He wasn't there yesterday. Why should he suddenly change his mind today? You heard it, as long as we have nothing new, which of course we have to write, rehearsals are superfluous" repeated Zayn Liam's words from the previous day.
Behind them, someone cleared their throat. They didn't need to turn around to know who that was. Nevertheless, Louis turned around slightly and saw a nervous-looking Liam.
"What do you want?" he asked coolly.
"May I sit?" Liam asked for permission to sit down at the table.
"Don't force yourself" Louis replied uninterestedly. Reluctantly, Liam sat next to Louis, opposite Niall and Zayn.
"Before anyone comes up with the clever idea to start small talk to release the obvious tension, forget it immediately. We can get right to the point" Niall clarified from the outset.
"I guess then I should start" stammered Liam.
"Good idea" said Niall.
"Well, I want to apologize, just for everything. I haven't been very fair or nice lately" Liam started his apology.
"That's all?" Zayn said disappointedly.
"I should never have treated you like this. You're my friends, not Lauren and the others" Liam continued.
"Where did the sudden change of heart come from? Did she have enough of you?" Niall checked.
"Yesterday, Sophia talked to me and showed me how wrong I was and how blind I was. Believing every word and neglecting you was silly of me. She doesn't like me, just the fame around it" Liam said sheepishly.
"That's what we told you, but you didn't want to believe us" Niall reminded him angrily.
"I know. I was stupid. I can see that now".
"It's nice that Sophia has finally enlightened you, but do you really think a simple apology makes you all right?" Zayn snapped angrily at him.
"I had hoped...".
"What? That we just pretend nothing happened?" Zayn cut Liam the word off.
"I know you're mad and rightly so..." Liam said.
"We aren't mad, not only ... Most of the time we are disappointed. You were our best friend Liam, you are the only one who knows everything, the one we trusted blindly and you left us behind. Not only have you dumped us since the beginning of the second term for Lauren and replaced us, no, you reproached us we wouldn't begrudge you anything and be jealous of you. Jealous of the attention, the interest. Jealous of your internship and the success, the offer. And the worst of all was that you played ruthlessly with our lives, right in front of this woman and you didn't even notice at all. We could be in the circus without Harry and you have nothing better to do than tell us we ruined everything. She just wanted more information. She never wanted you, but you believed her everything. You chose her over us, you trusted her more than your best friends. You insulted Harry unnecessarily, even though he was the only one who tried to support you when everyone was against you. And you didn't care about certain things. It didn't interest you at all. So I'm sorry that we're disappointed" Zayn told him all the reasons why they were angry and disappointed and nodded at Louis at the last point. Liam let him down completely when he needed him the most.
"I didn't see all of this. I was blind, but now I realised I made a horrible mistake. I'm ashamed of myself for that and I assure you...".
"Please, spare me this crap" cut Niall Liam off.
"If that aren't the losers. Liam, back to the scum now that Dr. Teasdale didn't want you any more? Must have been something to do with them. They're pulling you down a bit" Shawn popped up at their table.
"It was just postponed. There were complications .." Liam stammered helplessly.
"Complications? Didn't you wipe the floor fast enough? And was there any complication with Lauren or why are you back with that? Liam, once a loser, always a loser" Shawn mocked him.
"Just shut up, leave him alone. Not everyone is as low level as you" Zayn hissed at him pissed off.
"How sweet. Still, the protector, he Zen? He left you and you still love him. That's pathetic" Shawn derided Zayn disparagingly.
"Just leave Shawn" Louis was fed up.
"Your sayings were also better, dwarf. Did your little boyfriend shag your brain out or why are you such a joke?" countered Shawn disgustingly.
"Leave him alone or I forget myself" Harry stood up angrily and stood in front of Shawn.
"Don't tell me you're the new boyfriend of this dwarf? I thought it was this weird, way too cool guy from the JuiceNet. He has to be awesome to shag, if you suddenly fancy little fat ass guys" smirked Shawn darkly at.
Louis looked around in shock. How did Shawn know about Kyle? His eyes fell on Liam, who immediately looked ashamed to the ground. That could not be ...
"Now listen to me. You can't confuse me Shawn. I know your scam, remember? I was just like you. I wouldn't mess with me if I were you. Bother my friends again and you'll regret it" Harry stood up to Shawn.
"I knew that would happen. Now you're just as much a failure as that. Feelings and loyalty and friendship, bah, disgusting. Why are you defending that? You had everything and you gave it up? For what?" Shawn just couldn't understand him.
"For something better, something more genuine. For true friends who take you as you are and have your back no matter what time of day" said Harry proudly, making the others smile. That was their friend.
"I think I have to puke right now. Since when do you have feelings? That's disgusting. You prefer them over us? Look at him, Harry. He's an ugly, tiny, gay loser who gets fucked by anyone. And what are you protecting?" Shawn roughly shook Louis' arm, causing Louis to flinch.
"Don't fucking touch him. Don't even look at him or I swear to you..." grabbed Harry Shawn by the collar.
"What will you do then? Beat me like Aidan? Just do it Harry. The Headmaster is on my side, as you know. I'm not giving away all the prairies for a bunch of failures" Shawn challenged him.
"You" Harry glared at him angrily.
He clenched his fist and Shawn winced knowingly. But the fist was stopped. Louis had jumped up and stood between them, holding his fist. "That's not worth it. Haz. Don't get provoked or you'll get in trouble" Louis reassured him.
Slowly, Harry dropped his fist. That could have gone wrong. If Louis was just a little weaker, Harry would have beaten him without wanting it. He would never have forgiven himself.
"Yeah, listen to your little Shakira ass. One could really make an exception for that. Is it fun to push your cock in his ass and see him suffer?" Shawn didn't stop. At this words, Louis closed his eyes desperately. Again and again. Everybody had to say something like that.
"Shut up. I will not spare you" Harry wanted to strike again, but Louis stopped him. He was stronger than Harry had assumed.
Suddenly Louis felt something wet on his back and felt Shawn fall forward against his back. Someone had jostled him.
"Shawn go now and don't make yourself any more ridiculous" Niall intervened now to distract Shawn.
"You know all about it" Shawn hissed as Louis disappeared from the cafeteria with Harry.
He quickly ran to the well-known broom closet and rumbled into it. Shortly after, he fell to the ground with his tail. "I almost forgot" Louis shook his head at the sight.
"I'll do it fast" Harry knelt in front of him and let his hand wander over the tail.
"Thanks Haz" brought Louis out while he endured the heat.
"No problem, not the first time" said Harry without looking at him.
"I mean for the thing with Shawn" Louis told him.
"Oh" Harry looked at him now. Incomprehensibly, he found it difficult to look Louis in the eyes in this small and tight room when he was lying on the floor shirtless. The muscles everywhere explained the unexpected strength. Harry forgot that. So often he didn't see Louis that bared. He quickly looked again in these fascinating eyes.
"He just annoyed me" added Harry while staring into Louis' eyes.
"You just showed us loyalty out there, especially to me. Thank you" Louis thanked him.
"You helped me not to get in trouble" Harry smiled at Louis.
"Beating up Shawn is no solution, even if I would like to do it myself" Louis replied as his legs reappeared.
"It just made me angry to hear how Shawn or other people keep coming back to how great it has to be to fuck you as if that's your only purpose. As if you were just an object of lust for assholes. How can people be like that? People aren't just amusement mattresses that you use until they're exploited and worn out and then they move on to the next one. They have feelings, it's not all about sex. Not everybody wants to shove their cock in your ass, some people want more. Shawn is so disgusting" Harry stirred. He clenched his fists and let steam emerge.
"Harry, calm down. He's a jerk, he's not worth it" Louis tried to reassure him and at the same time release that depressing feeling. Whenever someone said something, he felt it on his bum and saw it in front of him like a movie. Sure, Harry didn't want to trigger that, but unfortunately that was exactly what happened. Louis thought it was amazing what Harry had just said. Ironically he was upset about something that he himself had done. That was a big step.
"Oops sorry. Are you alright?". The steam disappeared again and Harry sat down on the floor. Louis just nodded.
Suddenly the door jumped open and Liam came in. "Oh God, is everything all right with you, did everything work?".
"No need to worry. We're used to it. The storeroom and I are like old friends" joked Louis to ease the mood.
"That's my fault alone" Liam closed the door and sat down to them.
"Nonsense. Shawn's always doing that, you know that" Louis waved the matter off.
"Zayn and Niall have already gone to the music room. They really don't want to talk to me. I'll leave you two alone now" Liam said defeatedly.
"Wait, don't go" Harry stopped him. Liam looked at him in confusion.
"I forgive you, you should know that. I know what it's like to be in your place, that's why I give you a vote of confidence. Now I know kind of how you felt about me, but I also know, everybody makes mistakes. You realised yours, I don't want anything more than that "Harry let him know.
"Really? But I was especially mean to you" Liam wondered.
"And I to you until a while ago, forgive and forget" retorted Harry.
"Thank you" Liam fell into his arms with relief.
"I don't want to be vindictive either. Everybody makes mistakes, so do I. I forgave Harry, sorry Haz, so why not you. Sure, that's different, but I don't feel like drama any more. Besides, I miss you Leeyum" confessed Louis sentimental.
"I miss you too Louis. I'm so sorry. I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I'll never forgive myself" Liam whined in Louis' neck as he hugged him.
"Zayn was there. I'm fine" Louis patted him on the back.
"No, you're not. I can see that. I'll never let you down like this again" Liam promised him.
"This room is too small for emotionalism. Let's make love confessions later" Louis joked and kissed Liam on the cheek.
"Haha let's go, you crazy chicken" laughed Liam and also gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Get a room" Harry choked playfully disgusted.
"Later" Louis winked at him.
"Zayn will not like that. Cheating before marriage is the worst thing" Harry replied.
"Zayn or you? You can still dramatically storm the wedding" Louis grinned on the way to music class.
"Now you have ruined my plan" pouted Harry insulted.
"Then I'm probably doomed to marry Zayn. Well, it could be worse" Louis hopped through the hallway.
"Niall has other plans" Harry muttered.
"What did you say?" Louis inquired.
"Not so important" Harry said when they arrived in the room.
"Everything okay Harry?" Liam whispered as they both sat down.
"Sure, what should be? I never felt better."
For the next few days, Liam would toss countless books, downloaded foreign software and explored ways to better protect the boys so that nothing would go wrong on that full moon. The events of the last were still in his memory. Every free minute he was looking for a solution and further improvements. When Sunday arrived, Liam waited for his friends in the afternoon. His parents weren't there again so they had the house to themselves. It was perfect.
When the boys all arrived at the same time, which could only mean that they had met before, it was very tense. Liam was surprised that Niall and Zayn had even come. The two still barely talked to him, only when needed. Luckily, Harry and Louis were there to release the tension. That the two of them agreed was new to Liam, but he had missed a lot lately. He noticed that in the last few days. The four were very close as if nothing had ever happened. That made Liam happy, but also made him sad because he was outside the group.
Apparently Zayn and Louis had solved all problems with Harry and had forgiven him. Harry was changed. The last time he talked to him, he had just insulted Luke and Ashton. After that, Liam had been incredibly angry and disappointed, but apparently they had clarified that. Liam himself was no longer resentful because he had no right to. He also saw how different Harry was now. He was open, happy, nice and helpful. All things Liam had barely trusted him to do. He wondered how that happened. That Niall and Harry got along well, Liam knew, but their friendship had changed as well. It seemed much more honest and carefree.
Zayn also seemed to have no grudge against Harry any more. The two laughed a lot, talked well, and even seemed to have common interests. Liam really didn't see that coming. Since he knew Zayn he hated Harry deeply. For good reasons. Harry had not made their life easy all these years. But now all this seemed forgotten and the two had an inexplicable connection that no one could deny.
What or who surprised Liam the most was Louis. He knew how much Harry had hurt him and how hard it was for Louis to let someone near him and trust him. His past had burned him. He also knew of the big problems Louis had to forgive Harry, so for Liam it was all the more miraculous how close the two were. They called themselves Haz and Lou. Did almost everything together. They laughed, teased each other and even cuddled together. He didn't get serious talk with them but it was only a few days and almost only school and band. From the outside, and without the knowledge that Harry was straight and Louis could never like someone he didn't trust, one might think the two of them are totally in love with each other. And not just superficial liking but deep real feelings. But Liam knew the two and knew better. Although he had to admit that he was beginning to doubt.
While the others sat on the couch and talked, Liam sat down at the table in front of his laptop and installed the Chinese moon software. It was used to calculate the exact time of the moonrise and moonset. Thus, they would always be on the safe side and nothing could go wrong. Everything was darkened and prepared above. Now Liam just had to calculate exactly when the dangerous time was.
Niall went to the kitchen to get a drink and Liam wanted to say something to him, but he didn't what to say so he said nothing.
"What are you doing there?" Niall asked. That Niall approached him caught him off guard.
"Um, I'll calculate the exact time of the moonrise so you know for sure when it's going um to start" Liam said shortly.
"Wow that's great. I reckon on what you're doing here for us today, though you have no reason to help Zayn and me" Niall said.
"You need help one day a month. That's reason enough, the other things don't matter for a moment" Liam clarified.
"So...I realise that you're trying and I see your despair. And the two forgave you and um I do too. Yes, you have disappointed me and hurt me, but you are trying to make it right again. Just don't let me down again, okay?" Niall let him know.
"Never again Niall. Thank you, you will not regret it" Liam was pleased.
Then his laptop beeped and showed him the result. "Exactly at 9:23 the moon is rising" Liam told him.
"Great, then we have another hour. Hey, will you come with me to buy burger?" Niall shouted to the others.
"Why not" Harry shrugged and the four of them left the house.
Liam stayed behind and worked on this program. He typed in a few more things and read through the clues. One stood out like no one else. Time zones. Quickly he changed the time zone in the program to Australia and re-calculated everything.
"Oh, an hour earlier, that means ... oh shit, the moon has already risen" Liam stated horrified.
"Guys?" he cried out, no one answered.
Then he remembered that Niall wanted to go buy burger. Quickly he jumped up and ran to the front door. It stood wide open and the moonlight fell in, but no trace of his friends. He closed the door and ran into the living room, the bathroom and back to the kitchen, but nowhere a sign from his friends. Suddenly he realized that the back door was slightly open. Immediately he got panic. He ran out and his eyes fell instantly on Mako Island. From here you could see the island directly. The moon was almost exactly above it. He sprinted down to the harbour, where his boat stood, jumped in, started the engine and drove as fast as possible to the island in the middle of the darkness. When did it get so dark? It wasn't that late.
Arriving at the island, he pulled the boat to the shore and immediately ran into the forest. Panic, he dug out his flashlight and turned it on. He shed light on the way through the darkness of the island. He crossed the thicket and arrived relatively quickly at the rock near the waterhole. Carefully he padded to the cave entrance and slid down. Luckily the guys showed him the way. Under water at full moon, he reluctantly wanted to be in the moon pool. Liam had often wondered if he would become a mermaid too in this case and if he would want that. He would then be just like his friends and not just the normal friend.
He tapped his knees clean and went into the tunnel that led to the Moon Pool. The moonlight was already falling slightly on the water surface. Four heads now emerged from the water. "There you are. You have to get out of there right away and come home with me" Liam babbled on.
"We're home Liam" Niall countered in a deep voice.
"Of course you are" Liam played along. Inwardly he tried to find out what was going on here. The four seemed like in a trance. As if the island magically attracts them and they protect it in return. Liam had to be careful with what he did.
So far only one of them has been moonstruck per full moon, or just Harry and Louis together but the evening was different than any other. This time it was all four and it was Liam's fault alone. He wanted to protect them even better and has thereby only endangered them more. Now they were all here in the Moon Pool under the influence of the moon although they could safely lie in bed at home if Liam had not exaggerated. Once again he was a disappointment.
"You have to go now" Harry said seriously.
"I will not leave without you" Liam said thoughtlessly. That was probably the wrong answer.
The faces of the others darkened and they swam back a bit. Zayn raised his hand and moved it slightly. The next moment suddenly it became freezing in the crater. Liam already shuddered after a few seconds. A strong wind was felt next. He strained against it with all his strength so as not to fall over. Did the Moon project the events of the past weeks into this night and now punished Liam? His friends didn't recognize him as a helper but as an enemy.
Shortly the wind and the cold stopped and Liam thought it was over. But then all four focused on him and he felt a mix of cold, hardness, electricity and wind. All this lifted him in the air.
"Hey, let me down" Liam pleaded.
But he was only getting higher and further into the air towards the volcano crater. He was thrown from one side to the other, up and down. He saw the opening of the volcano approaching. He closed his eyes anxiously as he was catapulted out of the volcano. He just hoped it would be over quickly.
The sun was shining in his face and he frowned his nose. Blinking, he opened his eyes. When he got used to the light, he looked around in confusion. Beside him, Zayn was slightly snoring. Niall sat up and saw Louis and Harry lying on the bed, both sleeping and cuddled together. If Niall weren't so confused, he would enjoy the sight longer.
He shook Zayn until he woke up. Zayn looked at him sleepily. "Do you have any idea what happened last night and how we got here?" Niall asked him perplexed.
"I just know that I have a headache" Zayn grumbled.
"Sorry sleeping beauty but we have a puzzle to solve and we have to go to school" Niall reminded him.
Slowly he got up and went to the bed. Louis had Harry in his arms and Harry was snuggled up to Louis. They looked so peaceful. A pity that Niall had to wake them up.
He gently shook Louis' shoulder until he looked at him. "Sorry but we have to get up" Niall apologized.
Louis looked sleepily at Harry and was visibly startled. Carefully, he tried to pull his arm back, but Harry held him tight.
"No, warm" he mumbled sleepily.
"Hazza, we have to get up" whispered Louis softly.
Slightly, Harry turned in Louis' arms. When he opened his eyes and noticed their position his facial expression changed directly. "Sorry Lou, I um...".
"All right, Haz. Warm is just fine with me, but we should get up before Liam pulls us out of bed" chuckled Louis.
"Oh yeah, yes" stammered Harry, pulling himself out of Louis' arms.
Both got up and noticed at the same time as Niall that they were wearing their clothes from the day before
"Zayn, get up" Niall kicked him in the back.
"Does one of you know what happened? Why are we dressed and where is Liam?" Louis began to panic.
"I can't remember anything. Not how we got here, nor anything up to after our departure to buy burger" Harry tried to remember.
"This typical full moon emptiness can only mean one thing" Niall said.
"Moonstruck" Zayn gasped, still half asleep.
"How could that happen? We have to find Liam, it's his house. He has to be here somewhere" Louis decided and left the room. Niall and Harry followed him directly while Zayn stood up slowly.
They searched in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bathrooms, even in the guest room, but nowhere was Liam.
"I'll call him now" Niall dialled his number. Shortly after, a mobile phone rang from the living room. Liam's phone was next to the open laptop. No matter where he was he didn't have the phone with him.
"I don't like that at all" Louis noted timidly. Niall agreed. He didn't like it either. They had no memories and Liam was gone. He had a bad feeling about it.
"You should check this out. This are the news of this morning. Yesterday there was an unusual storm at Mako Island and in the footage it is clear to see Liam's boat" Zayn came to them with his cell phone in his hand.
"If Liam was out there in the storm, something bad might have happened to him - he probably wanted to find us whatever we did" Louis worried about Liam.
"We have to find him" Niall said firmly.
"And the school?" Zayn asked.
"Since when are you interested in school? Liam is gone, so it's not hard for me to decide what's more important" Niall bitched at Zayn.
"It's alright, let's go" Zayn gave in.
"I'm writing El on the way that we're not coming in. I'm figuring something out. The last time I wasn't there without saying anything, you almost knocked my house down" Louis told them amused.
"We were worried, you can't hold that against us" moaned Zayn.
The four of them walked to the harbour, which was mostly empty at this time of day. No one was here and the fishermen were gone long ago. They jumped into the water and swam as fast as they could to the island. This was actually the first time that all four of them swam after all this crap. They haven't been swimming lately. The stress had spoiled their fun.
Arriving at the island, Harry quickly dried the other ones, which almost went wrong several times in between because it was too hot and too fast and that he somehow couldn't control it.
"So we should split up, always two" Niall suggested.
"Wait, isn't that his flashlight?" Harry picked up something from the floor.
"Oh, God, what happened to it? It's almost melted down" Louis startled.
"It was near those trees, maybe we should look there" Harry mused.
"Good idea, we should ..".
A rustle from the tree silenced Niall. A shadow moved and then someone fell hard from the tree to the ground behind the bushes. A moan sounded. They knew that voice.
"Liam?" Niall listened carefully as he approached.
"Don't get close to me. Stay away" warned Liam with a trembling voice.
What did that mean? Why was Liam so scared? What had happened here last night?
Despite the warning, they came a little closer. Liam backed away frightened and fell. His hair was tangled and peeled off in all directions. His clothes were slightly torn and he had scars on his face and arms. His eyes were red and swollen as if he had been crying. What had happened to him?
"Liam, what happened?" Niall approached him.
"Please don't hurt me" Liam implored them trembling.
Shocked, Niall stopped. Zayn, Louis and Harry looked just as shocked as Niall felt. Did they hurt Liam and couldn't remember?
"We would never hurt you, you know that" Niall assured him as he found his voice again.
"You recognize me?" Liam wondered.
"Of course. What are you talking about Liam?" Niall didn't understand a word.
"Oh my god, it's over" sighed Liam relieved.
"What's over?" Niall asked
"You can't remember, can you?" Liam asked. They shook their heads.
"Last night you've been swimming to Mako. I followed you. When I arrived you barely recognized me and meant Mako would be your home. When I wanted to take you along, you became angry and threw me out of the volcano with your powers, which were much stronger. I landed on this tree and probably fell asleep at some point. The thunderstorm of you was violent" Liam told them last night.
"That was us?" Niall was horrified.
"We did this to you? "Louis whined ashamed.
"You were not yourselves, I know that. Still, it was scary" Liam shuddered at the thought.
"I'm so sorry, Liam. I feel terrible" Louis apologized.
"Please don't blame yourself. You can't help it" Liam asked him.
"You said something about stronger powers? What do you mean by that?" Niall asked sceptically.
"You controlled something like wind. You couldn't do that before. That's for sure" Liam mused.
"That would explain why my powers were so funny" Harry concluded.
"Great. So now we have stronger powers on Full Moon" sighed Zayn.
"We can think about that later. First of all, we should take you home" Niall turned to Liam. He clumsily climbed out of the shrubbery and went with the others to his boat.
"And school?" Liam asked when they were in the middle of the water.
"Back to the old" Niall laughed with Louis and Harry.
So, new powers...what do you think?
Do you forgive Liam?
Still don't know what I'll do with Niall's Love Life....I'm torn.
Or if there will be Ziam smut....not sure if I can do that...They're just not Larry...Mh
Love you all <3
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