Chapter 19
This one is a little shorter, I'm sorry.
Please comment and vote on my story. I would love to know what you think and what I could do better :)
Arent' they cute? Ziarry ;)
"No, I'll tell you, it really happened. And then the crocodile came on" Niall plumped. Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn just looked at him amused.
"A crocodile?" Harry raised an eyebrow.
"Yes and I almost missed the fireworks" Niall exhaled dramatically.
"Sure that really happened and you weren't on drugs?" Zayn questioned this strange story.
"Unlike you, I don't take drugs or I intend to" Niall was offended.
"Hey, what does that mean? I'm not taking drugs" Zayn complained.
"I'm reluctant to interrupt this vital conversation, but I have something to ask you for" Liam intervened seriously.
"And what?" Louis asked, interested.
"I need DNA samples from you, anything you can give me, hair, nails, etc. If you lost a scale while swimming, that would be of some use too" Liam revealed to them.
"And for what?" Zayn hooked with mistrust. He didn't want to distrust Liam, but lately he was behaving so strangely, and the internship with this stupid cow didn't make it any better.
"I want to investigate how the whole thing happened and how to control it, but no experiments work without a test object" Liam continued.
"Do you think it's a good idea to experiment with us? Couldn't that go wrong and make things worse?" Niall expressed concerns.
"What's going to go wrong there, it's just me. I've helped you before or not? Just trust me. I just want the best for you, you know that" Liam assured them.
"Do we know that?" Zayn asked hurt.
"What do you mean? Of course, I just want your best" Liam said clearly.
"That seemed different lately" Zayn said.
"Just because I have other friends beside you and hang out with them doesn't mean that you doesn't matter to me. Why can't you accept that?" Liam was defending.
"When did you last see Sophia and I don't mean in school?" Zayn asked a counter question.
"No idea, two weeks ago or so" Liam thought.
"Wasn't she your best friend?" Zayn questioned.
"And weren't you always jealous of her?" Liam countered.
That hit Zayn unexpectedly. How had Liam noticed that? He never noticed anything else. He was the most oblivious person in the whole world. Did he know about his true feelings? "What? Why do you think that? Of course not, why should I?"
"I don't know, you tell me" Liam shot back.
"Guys, enough now, calm down" Niall intervened. Zayn and Liam both pouted with folded arms, but stopped.
"Let's just give Liam the fucking DNA samples. What's in it? He just wants something to play with" Louis said completely indifferent. Zayn studied him inconspicuously. Louis seemed absently and thoughtfully to him, and he was far too quiet. Something was wrong.
"What if someone else sees that?" Harry expressed doubt, but Louis just shrugged.
"It will not happen. You do that at home right Liam?"
"Yeah, of course, where else?" Liam clarified.
"See. S' All right" said Louis, continuing to poke around in his pristine food
"As long as it stays in your room, I have no problem with that" Niall said on the subject.
"We'll just give it to you at the rehearsal" Harry announced somewhat confidently.
"I can't come to the rehearsal today" Liam told them.
"Let me guess, Lauren wants to go shopping?" Zayn mocked him.
"No, I have to go to the lab. Dr. T. needs my help. Lauren and the others aren't thrilled with the internship. More precisely, she finds it corrosive" Liam let them know.
"Help sweep the floor?".
"If they find it corrosive rather than seeing how important this is to you, they're not your friends" Niall said seriously.
"Not everyone likes science. They don't have to like that and weren't you against it?" defended Liam Lauren.
"No, we're happy for you. We're just scared that it's too risky, but if you're sure, we're too".
"Niall is right. We know how important this is to you and would never talk you out of that" Harry agreed.
"Anyway. I definitely can not come today. Sorry. Bring that to me tomorrow" suggested Liam. "I don't know why we should rehearse so much anyway. We all know the songs. There are no new ones. Why the effort?".
"I really can't think of anything any more" Zayn sighed and with that the topic was finished.
For the rest of the day, his thoughts made Zayn half insane. During music Zayn couldn't concentrate a bit. His eyes kept wandering to Liam, who didn't pay attention to his surprise. He wrote some things in his folder and seemed to be deep in thought. That was so untypical for Liam. If nobody was paying attention in school you could always say with certainty that Liam was the exception. School was incredibly important to him. He liked to learn new things and tested his limits. But this version of Liam was far away from that. Zayn wondered if this was due to Lauren and the others, whose names he just didn't know at all, or if this stupid internship was to blame.
Sure, they had told him they would be happy for him, which was true, but the mistrust of Dr. Teasdale and the panic that Liam carelessly said too much because she influenced him was simply bigger than the joy for his friend and his success, if you could call it that. For the most part, he just wiped the floor or tidied up in the lab. He often didn't see her and he didn't work with her at all. He was a cheap cleaner. Whereby, not even cheap, since he didn't get any money.
The rehearsal was also different than expected. The songs worked perfectly, that wasn't the problem. It was rather his friends who worried him. Niall seemed to be somewhere else with his thoughts. He was still careless at school, but now he seemed ten times more depressed. He barely smiled and didn't jump around. He was like a substitute.
Louis, on the other hand, didn't look much happier either. He looked like seven days of rainy weather and that was nicely expressed. The funny, flamboyant sassy angel he was normally, seemed introverted, reserved and listless today. As if he would imprison his true self and put on this cold shell.
The only one who was normal was Harry. He enjoyed singing and didn't seem to notice a thing. Either he really didn't get the obvious problems or it just left him cold. Zayn couldn't ignore the hanging faces of his friends. He wondered what the trigger was. With Louis, Zayn was certainly what the reason was. And that reason had four letters.
With Niall, Zayn wasn't so sure. It was uncharacteristic for him to let his problems show. Usually he hid it and was always a happy goblin, but of course they had long since seen through this facade, which is why they always made unnoticed sure that Niall was fine. But this time something seemed to be totally bad.
Worrying about his friends drove him crazy. All his thoughts were on Liam, Niall and Louis, but also on Harry's inattention and stupidity. He wasn't doing so well himself. The thing with Liam bothered him. He could hardly suppress his feelings any more than his jealousy or pain when he saw Liam with Lauren. She stole him from Zayn and he didn't like it, but the worst part was that Liam didn't notice. The played friendliness dazzled him and the internship kept him from thinking. He was afraid they would lose Liam. He couldn't be without him no matter how much he bothered Zayn at the moment or drove him crazy. He loved Liam, he certainly knew that even if he didn't want that and wished he could only see him as a friend.
At the end of the rehearsal, Zayn decided not to speak to Niall and Louis about it and just give them some time. Talking about problems and feelings was good and important, but sometimes you just needed some time for yourself. Time to get over things. Time to think. Time to cry. Time to hate the world. At some point, the point would come to spend time with his friends to distract themselves or leave it behind. Or to talk. When that time came, Zayn would be there for them both, listening to them and helping out with words and deeds, because there was nothing more important to him than his friends. Until then he will need the time alone also to forget Liam and get his insecurities under control. Then he would talk to his friends and they would help each other and cry like the girls they were inside and then start the new morning with new strength.
The city was packed. Why were so many people in town on a Thursday afternoon? Niall, Harry and Zayn had just bought an ice cream and were still waiting for Liam. He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, but he still hadn't shown up.
"Do you think he will come?" Harry asked thoughtfully.
"Of course. Liam doesn't just leave you hanging without calling" Niall answered somewhat uncertainly.
"I used to say that too" Zayn murmured sadly. He had barely seen Liam the whole week. He was always busy, with Lauren, or late to get to the lab. Zayn wasn't used to spending so much time without Liam.
"Did you notice that he only pays attention in chemistry and biology and nowhere else? That's kind of weird" Niall asked.
"It's like he suddenly doesn't care what's important to him thanks to Dr. T. or Lauren" Zayn confirmed.
"I would like to deny it, but I noticed that too" Harry confessed.
"You used to be that way. Do you know why he's behaving like that?" Zayn turned his head to Harry.
"Like what?" Harry pinched his eyebrows.
"Like Liam now. Surrounded by fake people who keep you away from what matters to you without you realizing it" Zayn went into more detail.
"Oh, um ... I can't help you either. I don't know why Liam is like that. It's hard to recognize and admit, so..." stammered Harry awkwardly. Zayn didn't want to achieve that. He hadn't expected him to unsettle Harry so much.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ... um... Well, we still have to decide when to go to the game tomorrow" Zayn cleared his throat and changed the subject.
"I would say half an hour earlier so we have plenty of time and can choose places" Niall helped him to cover the tension.
"Well, um, we should ask Liam if that suits him too" Harry reminded the two, a little embarrassed. To see Harry other than completely arrogant and confident was still unusual for Zayn. Even when they were kids, Harry was more confident than when they said something wrong now. Zayn never thought that was possible.
"Oh, yes. We'll let him know when he comes" Zayn said.
"Can I ask you two something?" Harry shifted his foot nervously across the ground.
"You don't have to ask for permission, just ask" Niall grinned at him.
"Right, um. Did you both notice something unusual about Louis?" Harry cleared his throat.
"In what way?" Niall hooked on, though he knew exactly what Harry meant, but he didn't want to say too much.
"Well, he's so quiet and withdrawn in the last few days. He seems listless and sad during the rehearsals, and during drama he doesn't say a word. He loves drama more than anything else, it's his favourite subject. Is something wrong with him?" Harry was obviously worried.
Neither of them knew what to say. Sure, they had noticed that, how could you not, and of course they knew why he behaved that way, but they couldn't just tell Harry in the middle of the city without Louis. Maybe Niall trusted him almost a hundred percent again, but Zayn didn't and Louis didn't either. That wasn't their past, it was not their right to interfere and just tell everything.
"Um, yes. I've noticed that. He probably just has a bad week, something like that should occur" Niall tried to downplay the problem.
"Just a bad week? He looks like someone has brutally murdered his dog!" exclaimed Harry in horror.
"He doesn't have a dog" deadpanned Zayn.
"Are you serious? Something's wrong and you put it on bad mood? You two aren't believable one bit. What's going on here, what .. " Harry was interrupted by a cell phone ringing.
Zayn quickly rammed his phone out, avoiding Harry's piercing gaze, and picked it up as he saw Liam's name on the screen. "Liam, where are you? You should be here half an hour ago".
"I know, that's why I'm calling. I'm not coming. I'm needed here" Liam told him.
"For what and couldn't you tell us earlier?" Zayn became angry in an uncontrollable way.
"I wasn't able to make a call earlier. My work is important to me and I don't want to lose it just to let you know".
"Oh sorry that we don't just want to stand around dumbly" Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Dr. T takes me on a dive, she has seen some of my documents and realized my potential. I will not miss that" Liam said annoyed.
"What kind of documents?" Zayn came to a point.
"Just records and notes of experiments I had with me. By the way, in the next few days, I'll check your Samples in the lab. It's much better and bigger than my stuff" Liam told him casually.
"WHAT??? You can't be serious, Liam. That's far too risky!" Exclaimed Zayn, stunned. Harry and Niall looked at him questioningly.
"No reason to lash out. I know what I'm doing. I gotta go. Bye" Liam simply ended the call. Completely puzzled, Zayn stared at his cell phone and couldn't think straight.
"Zayn, what's up? What did Liam want?" Niall asked curiously.
"He wants to test our samples in the lab and goes diving with Dr. T..... Oh,and he doesn't come" Zayn said, still shocked.
"Woah, wait a second. In Dr. T's lab?" Niall couldn't believe it.
"Exactly there".
"How can he do that? He said he only does it at home. She's a marine biologist. That could be our downfall" Niall panicked.
"We have to stop Liam from doing that. We'd better talk to him tomorrow" Harry agreed with Niall.
"Hopefully that changes something" Zayn mumbled desperately.
"We should inform Louis, it affects him too" Harry suggested, searching for his cell phone.
"I'll do it" Zayn stopped Harry. "But only after the game. We don't have to stress him even more. He has enough on his hands".
"If you say so" Harry shrugged.
"Hello, guys, what are you doing here?" they heard Eleanor ask behind them.
"Just a city stroll and you?" Niall replied.
"I'm looking for a present for my mother, but it looks like I have to order it online" she replied.
"Will you join us?" Niall offered.
"Gladly if that's alright for everyone" she said, looking at Harry.
"Sure, why not. The more the better" Harry grinned happily.
Together with Eleanor they continued to stroll around the city and talked about everything possible. Zayn really liked her and liked to have her as a friend. With her you could have a lot of fun. She and Louis were both very sarcastic and cheeky. That's why they were such good friends. In addition, you could rely on both if you had problems. That's why it was so hard to lie to her. Zayn was just afraid it might be uncomfortable between Eleanor and Harry, as the two weren't really at good terms. Like Zayn, Eleanor was very protective of Louis and she knew that Harry had hurt him a lot, even though she didn't know everything due to the mermaid thing. She had always been suspicious of Harry and trusted him zero since the thing in the cafeteria before the holidays. After all, she had punched him in the face when they were all four frozen in the spot. She was always there for the boys.
But she had also noticed Harry's changed behaviour and like Zayn she was sceptical at first but gradually she also saw that he was serious. Nevertheless Zayn was surprised to see how well the two got along. They laughed a lot and talked like old friends. Somehow Zayn was glad about it. Apparently they all had left the past behind. Finally.
"Well, Harry can be really nice. Who would have thought that?" Eleanor turned to Zayn after a while as Niall and Harry did crazy things while walking through the city, earning weird glances from strangers, but thex didn't care. This carelessness of Harry suprised Zayn and made him very happy.
"He certainly doesn't" Zayn said, watching Narry smiling fondly. The friendship of the two lads had really gotten stronger and it seemed to be doing Harry well.
"How is Louis doing with it? I saw that the two are closer than before, very close. But can he handle it, can he forget it?" Eleanor asked worriedly.
"Not at the beginning. No one could do it. We two had it the hardest, he especially. But he forgave him. Still, Trust is another problem. Louis and I are both unwilling and unable to trust him. Time may change that" Zayn told her his thoughts.
"I understand. He hurt you all deeply and misused your trust more than once. He'll understand it takes time, but you seem to have fun" Eleanor said understandingly.
"Yeah we does have some fun. He's really making a change. I just don't want to expect too much and have my hopes up. He'll always be Harry" Zayn mused.
"And that's a good thing. He's not supposed to be a completely different person, just getting the best out of himself" Eleanor patted him on the shoulder.
"You're right. Wow, so many wise and profound words in the middle of the street" Zayn chuckled.
"You're an idiot. I'll go home then" she shook her head laughing.
"Okay, get home safely" he said goodbye to her with a hug.
"Guys, I'm going home. See you tomorrow" Eleanor called at Niall and Harry.
"Okay, see you tomorrow" Niall called back.
"Bye El" Harry waved goodbye, smiling.
"Bye Harry" she waved back and then walked her way.
Yes, Zayn could see it. It got better. They were on the right track, but he had a bad feeling in his guts. Something was about to happen and no one could say what it was.
Everyone was nervous right before the football game. Zayn, Niall and Harry were already sitting in the front row of the grandstand, watching the warm-up. Niall and Zayn were worried about Louis. The last few days he wasn't himself, which was understandable after what happened, but they didn't know how to help him. Louis always forced a fake smile and pretended to be fine, but his eyes betrayed him. Even Harry noticed that.
Now the two were easily afraid that he was too distracted to get through the game well. While warming up, he was repeatedly asked by his teammates, Michael and Luke, if everything was good, which he always answered with a grumpy yes. Zayn could see from afar how much Louis was annoyed by this question. Also a sign that something was wrong.
Harry next to Zayn watched the team. His eyes were fixed mainly on Louis and each of his movements. How his biceps tensed with the push ups. How his ass moved while running. How his beautiful blue eyes didn't shine with happiness when the game started. Instead he looked scared like a baby deer taking his first steps. What was wrong with him?
For the first few minutes of the game, Louis was super nervous and was scared to ruin everything because he was a total failure and only did damage to the team. He couldn't prevent himself from feeling worthless and useless, as in the last few days, and wandering away with his thoughts. He doubted his way of life. Kyle's words never left him. Maybe he should have just let it happen while it was still possible. Maybe Kyle was right and he really didn't deserve his friends and love. What could he really offer them or a significant other? He was a nobody with deep complexes that prevented any kind of relationship. Maybe he should become exactly what Kyle always said he was. A nasty bitch who sleeps around because he didn't deserve any further attention. Nobody could love him with all the problems. Nobody will ever love him.
When the game came closer in the first half and Louis had still done very little as to sink into self-pity, the ball was played to him. It was so sudden and unexpected that Louis simply started running with the ball without thinking. The opposing defenders wanted to stop him, but he dribbled around them and aimed at the goal. The goalkeeper didn't see that coming and missed the ball. 1:0 for their team. And that was the moment when Louis awoke from his stupor and felt his old self coming back again. Kinda. An honest, open smile spread across his face and he felt joy in himself. The crowd cheered and his teammates fell into his arms. Maybe he was good for something, even if it was only football.
Harry immediately saw the difference in Louis' eyes and felt relief and joy spreading throughout him. He cheered at him loudly. Such a reaction was new to him, but he had never felt better. Seeing Louis feeling better made Harry happy and he didn't know why Louis caused all those emotions in him.
"That was a perfect goal" Niall was excited.
"I'm so relieved he seems to be back in business" Zayn sighed, relieved.
"He looks happy to me. That's better than this morning" Eleanor stated.
"Yes, he smiles again" Sophia agreed.
"There's nothing better in the world" Harry gushed without realizing he had said it out loud.
"What?" Danielle and Zayn asked in surprise.
"Um, I mean there is nothing better than friends who support each other" Harry cleared his throat as he cursed mentally and wondered what he really meant. He couldn't have meant Louis' smile, could he?
"Um, okay, the second half starts. Where is Liam?" Eleanor changed the subject with an amused look towards Harry.
"He wanted to come with us, but he didn't show up" Niall explained.
"Again" added Zayn grumbling.
He was really disappointed with Liam and his current behaviour. He has never been so unreliable and uninterested. Zayn didn't want to admit it, but deep down he believed it was his fault. That Liam had enough of this Mermaid thing and wanted normal friends who are more popular and like to be the focus of attention, with whom he can go to the beach and full moon is not a taboo topic.
But most of all, he believed Liam knew that Zayn had a crush on him and was disgusted and appalled about it. Therefore, he avoided them as often as possible, like today when he didn't show up in school for the first time in years and gave them no reason. He had scared Liam off with his fucking feelings and now he let them all down. And that was Zayn's fault alone, he was sure.
The final score was 2: 0 thanks to Louis, but instead of going partying with the team Louis persuaded them to go home and that was exactly what they did.
Hungry, they put some pizza in the oven and then went up to Louis' room. They had decided to just hang out and chill for a bit. Zayn leaned at the end of the bed while Harry sat on the floor cross-legged. Louis had just disappeared into the bathroom and Niall was still in the kitchen. He didn't want to leave the pizza alone.
"Do you think you could live on Mars someday?" Harry asked.
"Mh, I don't know. It might be possible, assuming the aliens don't kill us" Zayn thought.
"Just because movies make aliens look evil, they're not" protested Harry.
"Probably not green either. Do you think the NASA knows more?".
"I'm pretty sure Zayn" Harry said firmly. He played with his cell phone that he dropped when Zayn and he started to laugh.
"Maybe we should offer the aliens pizza, then they would certainly spare us" laughed Zayn.
"Probably they'll idolize us and make us their kings" joked Harry.
"This is my new goal in life: King of the Aliens" cackled Zayn.
Harry couldn't stop laughing, but still groped for his cell phone. But instead of his cell phone, his hand bumped into a crumpled piece of paper lying in the corner. He glanced briefly at the paper, and badly recognized Louis' name on it. Sceptical, he picked it up and unfolded it so that he could read what was written on it. When he read the few sentences, all laughter died down and he didn't know what to feel. That was absolutely cruel. That somebody wrote such words horrified Harry until he realized he had said such things himself. Now he felt even worse.
Enjoy it for as long as you can. They'll leave you someday because you're a weird freak, you nasty bitch. He'll realize you're worthless sooner or later, fuck you half dead and then just go when you have done your good. More you aren't worth, you little miserable pussy. Remember my words, you fag. Better end yourself right away, bitch.
"Zayn, you should check that out" Harry said softly.
Confused, Zayn stopped laughing and leaned toward Harry. He took the note and read the writing. Immediately his face hardened and worry filled his eyes. "Where did you get that?".
"It was on the floor, crumpled in the corner. I was just looking for my cell phone. I didn't want to ...".
"Harry, keep calm. You don't have to justify yourself. I just wanted to know where it came from. No one's mad at you. I'm sure I know who wrote that" Zayn interrupted his rambling.
"Who? Who could be so mean?" Harry wanted to know. He saw Zayn hesitate before answering. Once again he realized that he wasn't trusted. Harry didn't understand why. Although, if he was honest with himself then he somehow understood it. To some extent. But slowly they should really trust him. It was over two weeks ago.
"Kyle" hissed Zayn shortly and immediately regretted it when he saw the Questionmarks in Harry's face.
Before Harry could ask, the door opened and Louis came in. He was in the bathroom for a long time, Zayn thought. He saw how Louis scratched his wrist and immediately panicked. Was Louis cutting himself?
"Is Niall not back yet? I'll bet you, he'll stick to the oven until the pizza is ready and ..." Louis joked until he spotted the note in Zayn's hand. Immediately he stopped and looked at the floor, ashamed.
"Louis, why didn't you say anything to me?" Zayn asked carefully.
"About what?" Louis played stupid.
"You know what I'm talking about, the note?" Zayn became clearer.
"Oh, that's nothing, just ignore that" Louis waved the matter off.
"Nothing? He insulted you very badly, Lou. That's not nothing" Harry contradicted.
"Nothing I haven't heard before. I'm getting used to it. Don't worry, it's not serious" Louis replied, and Harry couldn't help but stare at him. How could Louis just accept this? Did he believe those words?
"No word of it is true, Louis. Kyle is a heartless arsehole. He didn't deserve you, he never did" Zayn told him as Louis sat down on the bed with his head down.
"But he's not the only one who said that. They have to come up with it somehow" Louis contradicted, stroking his wrist.
"Louis" sighed Zayn.
"No, Zayn, it's all good. Don't worry about me all the time" demanded Louis desperately.
For a reason that Harry didn't understand, Zayn grabbed Louis' wrist and stroked it carefully. His eyes seemed sad as he looked at Louis, who had tears in his eyes. But Harry couldn't see anything.
"Oh Louis, tell me it's not that bad again, please?" Zayn pleaded at him.
"It's not. I stay strong, though sometimes it's hard" Louis assured him as a tear ran down his cheek.
Harry didn't understand a word, but it had to be serious if Louis cried and Zayn looked broken. Sometimes Harry wished he understood more about humans and their psyche or little hints. But he had never been interested in sentimental matters before, and that was now doomed to him. He urgently needed to allow his emotional side to come through and get rid of the fact that feelings and tears were only for girls. That was nonsense. Crying is manly and feelings don't make you weak. He understood that now.
"Pizza is ready" announced Niall joyfully when he came into the room, pizza in hand. Zayn immediately released Louis' wrist and Louis wiped the tear from his cheek.
"Did I miss something?" Niall asked, confused. Harry handed him the note and Niall had exactly the same reaction as him and Zayn.
"Niall, don't say anything. I'm tired of hearing that. Let's just eat" Louis implored.
"Of course Tommo. Niall, give me the pizza" Zayn cut him off. Niall handed him the pizza while Zayn nodded at Louis' wrist. Realization could be recognized directly in Niall's face and he sat down without another word on the bed and ate his pizza. He pushed Harry's pizza over to him.
Startled, he began to eat. How could the two just eat and ignore what this guy had written? Did they just want to pretend that nothing happened? And why did it seem like Harry was the only one who didn't understand something? As soon as Zayn had Louis' wrist in his hand he stopped to ask and Niall gave in as well. Why?
Oh, wait a second. No this can't be. He doesn't wear long sleeves or bracelets. That just couldn't be. But the harsh reality rattled on Harry. Was Louis hurting himself?
"Louis, what's that?" Niall asked in confusion, pointing to the floor.
"Oh, just my notebook" Louis shrugged.
"And why is that on the floor?" Niall checked.
"Because I threw it there" replied Louis.
"That's a lot of questions, Nialler" grinned Louis.
"Oh, you wrote something new. May I read it?" Zayn realized as he picked it up from the floor.
"What? No, I ..." stammered Louis hastily.
"Too late" Niall laughed evilly and grabbed the notebook.
"Niall" Zayn and Louis shouted in horror.
"They're great, very profound" Niall enthused as finished reading the lyrics, what was difficult because Zayn tried the whole time to snatch the notebook out of his hand.
"Um, thanks" Louis turned lightly red and nervous.
"May I read it too?" Zayn asked for permission.
"Why not. Niall knows it already" Louis shook his head defeatedly.
"Me too? You don't have to show it to me if you don't want it. I just love your lyrics" Harry rambled shyly. He was never shy. What was wrong with him?
"Don't hesitate yourself" said Louis indifferently.
"Louis, I ... I don't know what to say, this is .... did you write this the other day?" Zayn wrestled for words.
Louis took the notebook and handed it to Harry. When Harry took it, he stole a quick glance at Louis' wrist. There were three faint lines, small scars, but nothing more. Nothing fresh. This realization shocked and relieved him at the same time. He hadn't cut himself in the bathroom today, but he did it before. A while ago.
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and opened the notebook. He stumbled over the page with the single sentences again and that one sentence that made him shudder like the first time. Now the phrase got even more meaning, even though Harry thought it was about even more.
I've got scars even though they can'talways be seen. And pain gets hard...
But the reality was: Louis had been cutting himself and no one had known. It took Harry too long to understand that, unlike Niall and Zayn. Why did they understand it so fast? Then Harry remembered that they knew more about Louis than he did. Presumably, they also knew the reason. Harry thought for a second. Was this Kyle the reason? Who was he really and what did he really have to do with Louis? Was it that bad? His words were cruel, so Harry didn't want to imagine how bad he could be away from the paper.
Harry flipped on and found the two new songs. Fool's Gold and Clouds.
I know you said
That you don't like it complicated
That we should try keep it simple
But love is never ever simple
You're gonna see the things that I see
You're gonna want air that I breathe
You're gonna wish you never left me
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end
If we're never coming back down
Yeah we're looking down on the clouds
I know you said
That you don't like it complicated
That you are tired of all the changes
But love is always always changing
You're gonna see the things that I see
You're gonna want the air that I breathe
You're gonna wish you never left me
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end
If we're never coming back down
Yeah we're looking down on the clouds
And we go
And we go
And we go
And we don't stop
But we don't
No we don't
No we don't
Never go up
And we go
And we go
And we go
And we don't stop
But we don't
No we don't
No we don't
Never go up
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another nonstop will it ever end (Here we go again)
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends (Here we go again)
Another non stop will it ever end
Here we go again (Here we go again)
Another go round for all of my friends
Another non stop will it ever end (Here we go again)
The text of Clouds made him thoughtful. Especially this one sentence. You're gonna wish you never left me.
Were Kyle and Louis together? Was he his ex? That couldn't be. Kyle made his hatred of Louis, wherever that came from, and his antipathy to gays very clear. Besides, Louis had a better taste. He would never go out with such a dick. Harry was sure. Louis deserved more than that.
Then he read Fool's Gold and it made him feel terribly sad and he almost cried. The text was infinitely painful and heartbreaking. Again, the assumption of Kyle as Louis's ex came to his mind but he shook it off again. That was impossible. Louis was an angel and Kyle was the devil in person. Louis would never go out with somebody who offended and insulted him so badly.
But, Harry had done that and still he was sitting here now. Not that the two would go out. Oh god no, he was straight. But Louis had forgiven him. That took a long time but at least.
Wait, was Kyle the reason that had taken so long? Oh no, that couldn't be. He was not his ex. Suddenly he remembered that Louis had said he had regretted kissing his ex. That would fit into the theory. But Louis would never kiss that greasy guy right? The thought made him sick. No, that was completely impossible, right? Kyle was not his ex and that was it.
Like I said, it's a little short.
But what do you think so far?
Liam letting them down again?
Zayn blaming himself?
What could have been wrong with Niall that day?
Harry questioning it all but not understanding a thing? Will he get it on his own?
Please vote and comment what you think, my loves <3
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