Chapter 15
Here we go again.
This chapter is dedicated to one of the first persons that ever read my story and really makes me smile with the comments.
Dedicated to P-0050
This is a song I stumbled over yesterday. I don't know why but I thought about Harry in this story at some point...It's called Finding Me.
"That sounds awful" Niall covered his ears with a laugh, dropping his spine on Harry's bed.
"It's not that bad" Liam sulked and crossed his arms over his chest.
"We will not call ourselves Soul Groove" Louis laughed with an emerging hiccup.
"Your ideas haven't been so great either".
"Now don't sulk Li. We love you despite your terrible ideas" Niall snarled, grinning.
"Then suggest something better" Liam grumbled.
"Tommo the tease and friends" Niall said seriously.
"That sounds like a name of a stripper group" Zayn laughed, shaking his head.
"Maybe we should consider that" Niall tapped his finger against his chin.
"Why on earth am I a Tease?" Louis asked in surprise.
"Is that a serious question?" Niall looked at him stunned.
"Enlighten me".
"It's your ass baby, the whole world is falling down in front of your knees" Niall joked with a little too much seriousness behind his words.
"Sounds like a lot of choices for a BJ here and there".
"Zayn" exclaimed Louis in horror, punching him in the shoulder, but Zayn just started to laugh.
"Just Shake your ass in front of people and you see everyone fainting with happiness" Niall joined in the laughter.
"You two are impossible. How many times should I tell you that my precious ass only belongs to me? You two have lost any right to it "Louis protested, and immediately both of them stopped laughing and looked at him dumbfounded.
"You can not do that. How am I supposed to live now?" Niall whined dramatically.
"If you're such a tease to us, I don't want to know how it is with other people and during other things" Zayn grinned and Louis punched his elbow in Zayn's ribs.
"Oh, you have no idea" Harry murmured softly, but not quiet enough so that none of them heard. Somewhat surprised, the four of them looked at him and in Harry's face Niall could see clearly that he was just aware of what he had said. Wasn't planned to say that.
At the same moment there was a light knock on the door and a few seconds later a blond girl in a black uniform came in. She had a tablet in her hand with five glasses and gave her a friendly smile.
"Did I say come in?" Harry spat at her annoyed.
"I'm sorry Sir. It will not happen again" she apologized embarrassed, put down the tablet and disappeared from the room again.
Niall frowned, staring after the girl. He knew Harry had servants for everything, but can't you be nicer with them? Apparently he was not the only one that thought so, because immediately he felt the reproachful looks of his friends who wanted to say 'you see, he is still the same' and Niall just didn't want to hear that. They hadn't seen Harry when he spoke to Niall and poured his heart out to him. Somewhere deep inside Harry was a good guy and Niall was willing to help him out as good as possible, but he didn't make it easy for him.
"Well, back to the band name. Who else has an idea?" Niall cleared his throat and gave his friends an all-saying look.
"What else had Mrs. Flack said to us after the performance?" Harry asked suddenly.
"It was clear you didn't remember that" Zayn mocked.
"Why do you want to know? What does that have to do with the band name?" Liam didn't understand.
"She said something that sounded like a good name in my memory, but I don't remember what it was" Harry explained.
"Sure it was what she said after the show, or was that later?" Zayn challenged him.
"Are you suggesting anything?" Harry countered.
"Why suggest, if everyone knows. You don't even have to try to deny it. We all know you fucked Mrs. Flack" Zayn let him know.
Niall immediately looked at Harry, who was already looking at him. He probably thought he had something to do with it now. Harry had never told him that it was her that he was talking about, so how did he come to think Niall had anything to do with it.
"Don't look at me like that, you never told me that, but you didn't need to" Niall defended himself.
"What do you mean by that?".
"We've seen you. Hard to miss, in the middle of the hallway and hard to overhear" Louis told him with a peculiar expression. Niall tried to give him an encouraging smile as he remembered Louis' reaction at this evening. Even though Louis claimed he didn't have a crush any more, Niall was sure he still cared and it hurt again and again everytime.
Harry looked at Louis wide-eyed and paused for a moment before he looked blank again. "I don't have to justify myself. It's my life. I can do whatever I want" growled Harry.
"Nobody said anything else" Louis said.
"Just use your brain, then you'll remember what she said. Her voice is stored anyway" Zayn said, amused.
"Zayn. It's enough. Let it be, it's getting ridiculous" Niall admonished him.
"Oh, do you think so?".
"Yes, if you ask".
"Guys please, this doesn't have to be" Liam tried to prevent a fight.
"Say that to Zayn. He behaves like a stubborn immature child" Niall pouted annoyed.
"Me? And what about you? Since when are you mature?" Zayn shot back.
"Guys, stop it. There's no need to argue. You disagree with each other. Just accept the other's opinion and then it's over" Louis interposed. Both looked at him silently and didn't know what to say.
"One Direction" Harry called suddenly.
"What?" Liam and Niall asked simultaneously.
"Now he's completely crazy" sighed Zayn.
"Let him speak first" said Louis and Zayn grumbled insulted.
"One Direction, that's the perfect name for the band" repeated Harry.
"Sounds almost like One Erection" Zayn chuckled and nudged Louis.
"What? I don't have one. Do you?" Louis wiggled his eyebrows.
"Whenever you're around" Zayn breathed back.
"Anyway, how do you come up with that?" Liam tried to ignore the two, but couldn't hide his stupid grin.
"Caroline said there is only one direction for us and that is up to the top. We are one band, with one dream or goal and one direction only" Harry explained.
"Caroline, uh yeah" Zayn mocked him softly, and Niall and Louis chuckled softly.
"Mh, would be a possibility" Liam mused, but sounded little convinced.
"That's a pretty corny name" Louis noted.
"Sounds very tight. Is there really only one direction for us or do you mean that to yourself?" Zayn questioned the band name.
"Save your ambiguous gay jokes. They're not funny" snapped Harry.
"Niall, check it out" Louis asked him before Zayn could say something.
"And a big round of applause, this is One Direction" Niall announced in his announcer voice as if they were at a concert.
"Sounds okay to me" Liam shrugged.
"Come on guys, admit that the name sounds good. You just don't want to say that because it's from Harry" Louis rolled his eyes.
"Didn't you just say the name was corny?" smiled Zayn.
"The name is good and done. Liam doesn't care anyway and Niall agrees with me, so Zayn, you're out of tune" Louis averted the question.
"Ai, don't be so prickly, Romeo" Zayn chuckled quietly.
"Are we just singing or does anyone but Niall play an instrument?" Liam asked thoughtfully.
"I'd like to stick to the vocals, it worked well" Niall suggested.
"We could also have you as a guitarist, Louis as a pianist, and I play the Triangle" laughed Zayn.
"You play piano?" Harry asked Louis surprised.
"Um, yes, for a while" Louis cleared his throat.
"Do you play any instrument Harry?" Niall tried to solve the tension. Where did it come from?
"I'm quite handy with a kazoo" Harry grinned, making Niall laugh.
"Quite handy, yeah?" Zayn checked.
"Yeah, I'm good at that" Harry said, ignoring Zayn's resonant undertone.
"Really? On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at using your fingers?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, you have to know that" whispered Zayn.
"You can't just say things like that, shorty" Harry wailed indignantly, cheeks flushing red.
"Why? I thought it was a valid question. After all, you yourself said you were quite handy. What did you think about? I would say a ten, don't you think? Or do you think you're worse?" Louis challenged him. Harry swallowed hard and gasped. Eye contact became more intense.
"So, One Direction. We can tell Eleanor that she can change that in the videos" Niall clapped his hands to lighten the situation.
"Sounds like a plan" Liam agrees.
"I have to go to the loo" Harry grumbled and left the room.
"What was that?" Niall attacked Louis and Zayn angrily.
"What? That was just a harmless joke" Zayn shrugged.
"Did you see his face?".
"Niall, what's your problem? You suggested to me that I should turn the tables and make him feel uncomfortable, forgot it? It was your idea. What speaks against sexual innuendos? He does worse all the time" Louis asked blankly.
"Yes, but I ... you're right, it was my idea. I don't know. I just felt so sorry for him" sighed Niall.
"Why? That was just fun" Zayn wondered.
"I can't explain it" Niall said, wondering for himself where that came from. After all it was his idea and it was still a great idea. Mostly to help Louis cope with it in a funny way until it's okay for him. But also for Harry so that he maybe understands at one point how it feels to make someone feel uncomfortable.
A knock on the door tore Niall out of his thoughts. Liam mumbled a quiet come in because Harry wasn't there and revealed the same girl who brought them glasses earlier. "I was told to ask you if you want to eat something" she said shyly.
"Oh no" sighed Liam.
"Well, not for me, thank you" Niall declined thankfully, whereupon his friends stared at him in astonishment.
"Niall are you all right? Are you sick?" Zayn asked.
"Oh no, you're not Niall but a clone" Louis sighed dramatically.
"I just don't want to make her work even more" Niall explained his motivations.
"Don't worry, sir. That's no problem" she assured him.
"Please call me Niall. I'm not a sir" Niall told her.
"Okay, if you want that" she smiled at him.
"I'm Louis. What's your name?" Louis stood up and shook her hand.
Hesitantly she shook his hand. "My name is Sarah".
"Sarah, a beautiful name" smiled Louis. "These are Zayn and Liam".
"Hey Sarah" the two greeted her.
"Nice to meet you. And you are friends of Sir Harry?" she asked visibly confused.
"Well, I wouldn't call it that. No idea what we are" Louis grimaced thoughtfully.
"We're a band" Niall shouted.
"Really? I didn't know that he was musical. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. Sorry".
"You don't have to apologise. Don't worry what you say in our beingness. We will not tell Harry. Believe me, we were surprised too. So many times" calmed Louis Sarah.
"So you're his maid? Doesn't that have to be terrible? With all the pressure and compulsion" Zayn suddenly asked
"I don't understand what you mean".
"Zayn, do you want to accuse Harry he would use his power position to fuck his maid?" Niall asked in horror.
"That's not unlikely for him. We're talking about Harry here".
"That's not meant to be an insult, but it's way below its level and far beyond it at the same time. He fucks only rich girls who need it and throw themselves at his feet. He has his standards" Niall commented.
"Weren't you his new best friend?" wondered Zayn.
"That doesn't mean I approve of that" Niall clarified.
"There's something in there, but recently he lowered his standards".
"Guys, it's enough now. That's his business alone. That's none of our business" interposed Louis, who was still standing next to Sarah.
"Sorry" both mumbled at the same time.
"I have to apologize for the two of them. Just ignore what they say" Louis turned to Sarah now.
"It's all right. I have already noticed that, but I have no right to judge him. I only work here" she said.
"Is he at least nice to you?" Louis wanted to know worried.
"Most of the time he doesn't talk to me at all. I think he doesn't even know my name. So I would say it could be worse" she told him.
"Okay, I see. May I ask how old you are? You don't look much older than us either".
"I'm 20" she let him know.
"Really? I'm 17" he told her.
"Still, but not that long" Zayn grinned.
"Shut up Zayn. December is still a long time" Louis hissed at him.
"I'm sorry, we'll keep you from work" Louis apologised to Sarah.
"Not really. I should see if you need anything" she smiled at him.
"Well, maybe a boyfriend for Zayn and Louis. Scratch that, they could marry each other. A bit of fun for Liam and unlimited food for me" Niall joked with a laugh.
"I'd like to disagree with that, but unfortunately that's true" Louis confessed grinning.
"I'll see what I can do there" she winked at the boys.
"What the hell are you doing? This is still my room. Your chick can go somewhere else" they heard Harry call in disgust in the hall.
"Watch your tone, son. I pay for everything. So as long as you don't pay a cent for your belongings, you have no right to make claims. Your second room belongs to Cindy tonight, whether you like it or not. And now go and fuck somebody. Let your tension go elsewhere" Harry's father snapped furiously and in an icy voice.
"Sarah, can I ask you something? "Niall asked cautiously.
"Sure, what?".
"What is Harry's father for a human? How is he? Don't worry, that stays between us" he assured her.
"A stone cold business man. Very rude and dismissive and very condescending. He treats people very badly. But that normally excludes Harry, but otherwise Harry is just like him and gives him no reason to shout at him even more" she told them.
"More?" Louis inquired in astonishment.
"You won' find fatherly love here. They're both not really feeling people. Feelings don't bring you money just problems. That's just for poor people without a future, well that's what they say. That's the spirit of the house" she told them with a heavy sigh.
"And his mother? How on earth does a marriage work without feelings?" Niall checked.
"I don't know. I've never met her. Since I work here, there is only Harry and his father".
"Zayn, didn't you say his mother ..".
"It's been a long time since we were friends. In my time she still lived here. She probably had enough" interrupted Zayn Niall.
"Zayn, no mother just leaves her child like that" Liam said.
"Well, apparently".
"So Mr. Styles is not a nice person?" Liam checked again.
"I'm afraid not. He and his business friends are always very harsh and condescending when they are here. They have no respect for other people who are below their level, but they probably don't have to because they have achieved something in their lives and we don't" sighed Sarah.
"You can't see it like that. It's important if you're happy with your life, are you?" Louis asked her and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Yeah, I have a great family and great friends" she smiled.
"Then you've achieved everything that's important in life, don't forget that. Then their comments will not harm you" Louis told her.
"Thank you Louis" she sniffled lightly.
"Not for that, it's just the truth" he smiled encouragingly.
"Wait, son. Shawn's parents have just told me that you aren't talking to each other any more. Why?" the voice of Harry's father sounded icy cold in the hallway again.
"We have different views on things, nothing important, paths divide. Friendships are just a joke, or am I wrong?" Harry replied callously.
"That's right. Friends just hold you back, but Shawn and you were such a strong duo and together you presented our name".
"We can still do it alone. He wants other things than me" Harry cut his father off.
"Like this ridiculous band? Oh, do you think I don't know about that? Of course I know that. I get to know everything in this city. So what's it with this band crap?" he was getting louder and more demanding.
"It's no crap. We're really good, everyone sees that, even professionals. You can't be against music, after all, that's your business" Harry replied coolly.
"Good enough to hang out with losers?" he mocked Harry.
"Losers that are loved by everyone? Somehow this doesn't fit together, don'tyou think? Just watch the videos on the internet before you laugh" Harry shot back and you could hear his footsteps approaching.
Niall and the others had heard every word and held their breath. The guy sounded really heartless. But Harry wasn't much better, at least until a while ago. Niall was worried that Harry's father would destroy immediately any progress they could make, and that Harry would become as he was and his subconscious would be forever silent.
"I should go again If you need something then call me" said Sarah when Harry came in and looked at her in surprise.
"Wait, Sarah, I'll come with you. I have to go home anyway, my sisters are waiting for me" Louis held her back, searching for his belongings.
"You have sisters?" asked Sarah curiously.
"Yes, four. They're lovely. You would love them" Louis smiled dreamily.
"Actually, a good idea Tommo. I'll go too" Zayn said.
"So we got the band's name. Today's goal is achieved. We've all got to go home" Liam suggested.
"If you say so, maybe that's better" Harry shrugged.
"See you tomorrow at school and remember, we need a battle plan for the trip to the 4D Cinema on Wednesday" Liam reminded his friends.
"We can think of something" Niall tapped him on the shoulder.
"Thanks for allowing us to be here, Harry. Was nice, see you tomorrow" Niall said goodbye happily, but he just couldn't get Harry's father out of his head. That worried him.
"Of course. Always again., bring the boys to the door, preferably without my dad noticing it. He's not in the best of moods" Harry said, and Niall wondered why he suddenly seemed so undressed. Probably because of his father.
"Of course, sir" she assured him and stood waiting at the door.
"Bye Harry" Liam said goodbye, Zayn followed him wordlessly. Niall hopped behind them.
"Bye, Sarah, it was a pleasure to meet you. Maybe we will meet again" Louis intervened with a smile from Sarah.
"Was a pleasure" she smiled back as Louis left the room.
"Wait a second" Harry hold Sarah back as she also wanted to leave.
"What else do you need sir?".
"Sarah, right? Wow, why do I not know that? Whatever. What do you think of the boys? " Harry asked a little uncertainly.
"They're really nice and very accommodating especially this Louis. He is really something special, a very kind hearted person" she told him. Harry had to smile at these words. Something special.
"Okay thanks, you can go" he let her go.
His mind rattled and he wondered why every word about Louis made him feel so strange. Almost as if he was glad that everyone found him so special and noticed how great he was. Before he could think further about that, was really new to him, his father burst into his room.
"You're not so bad. I can work with that" he said firmly.
"What do you mean?" Harry didn't understand.
"I mean, I will not forbid you to be in this band, it could even be to our advantage, but you need a lead singer, best you. And this blond guy should sing less and stand still on stage. This jumping is ridiculous. And this other guy, the short one, should really shut up and sing the least" he told Harry and then left the room again.
Did he just said Niall and Louis shouldn't sing? Louis? Harry was confused. His voice was so special and so angelic. Like pure harmony and peace. Why should he shut up? His father really gave him an headache. Why was he even questioning that? A while ago he thought exactly the same. Sighing, Harry dropped onto his gigantic bed and looked out of the window. When had his life become so complicated?
Here he stood, completely nervous and sweaty. The other students around him babbled wildly with each other and looked forward to the upcoming one. Well, all but the oh-so-cool idiots. They were too cool for a 4D cinema. Zayn got more and more nervous with each step in and just wanted to run away, but it would be too noticeable if they were all missing today so they had to go now. They didn't have a real plan, but a possible precaution for possible water splashes. Actually, only the chairs will jerk or wind from the back, but there was also the possibility for small water splashes. That's what Zayn did once in Sydney two years ago.
"I'll go forward with the girls as far as we can, so they will not ask any questions and you'll sit down in the backseat, that'll only be four anyway. But you'll have to be faster than Shawn. Use the new popularity bonus for once" Liam whispered to the guys when they entered the cinema.
"Okay, but make sure the girls don't ask any questions. El is too suspicious since the last full moon" Niall whispered back before the boys made the quickest way to the rear seats.
The people they passed by let them through without comment and waited for the boys to sit down before sitting down themselfs. Zayn didn't like this behaviour, but today he was fine. He sat down against the wall and Louis sat next to him.
"Harry, you shouldn't sit outside. If something goes wrong, you can better get to where everyone is from here" Niall said, letting Harry through so he could sit next to Louis and then Niall sat on the edge.
Zayn wished he hadn't realized how Louis twitched automatically as Harry sat down next to him. That broke his heart every time. He wanted so much to do something to help him, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do. The only one who could prevent this reaction was Harry himself, but that wouldn't happen. For this, Harry would have to worry about it and be careful about the topic. Something he will never do, Zayn was almost certain.
When the light was dimmed and it was getting dark in the hall, all four brought a small towel out of their pockets as if by cue. They had packed this morning to prevent a transformation. After all, they had 15 seconds to wipe the drops of water. It was so dark, but not dark enough to hide a fishtail.
From his seat, Zayn searched for Liam, who was sitting somewhere in front with Sophia and Eleanor. After a brief search, Zayn recognized Liam's head four rows in front of them. He whispered something in Sophia's ear. Zayn felt his jealousy seething again, but he knew he had no right to. Liam and he were just friends, and he knew that now by a hundred percent.
He didn't notice how the show or movie, whatever it was, started because he was so focused on Liam. Each of Liam's reactions watched Zayn with pleasure. It was so nice to see him in a normal environment as he had fun with normal people who don't have to dodge every drop of water. Every now and then Zayn felt the jerking of the seats and felt the fake wind at the nape of his neck, but he paid no attention to all of this. He only saw Liam.
After a while, he didn't know how long it really was, he suddenly felt something wet on his hand. But he didn't pay any attention to that at first. He easily noticed the movements of his friends and then felt a hand on his arm.
"Zayn, what are you doing? You're running out of time" whispered Louis in horror.
Only then did Zayn awaken from his kind of trance and realize that he had water on his hand. On both hands. Panicking, he felt for his towel, which had fallen down, picked it up, and started wiping the drops of water, but it was already too late. Zayn already felt the familiar tingling everywhere and a few seconds later his fishtail appeared. Wide-eyed, the other three looked at Zayn, who just sighed loudly and leaned his head back. Well, bravo.
"Harry fast, do something" Niall implored him, looking nervously back and forth to see if anyone had noticed. Luckily everyone was focused on the screen.
Immediately, Harry leaned over Louis, who inhaled sharply and held his breath, over to Zayn and immediately let his clenched fist wander over his tail. It started steaming and in Zayn the panic started that someone would notice it now. The steam wasn't exactly unremarkable. After a few seconds, Zayn's legs appeared again and Harry leaned back in his seat, panting. Louis beside him breathed out in relief, causing Harry to frown.
The steam was still visible, moving through the row and row in front of them and on and on. Great, now it was remarkable. A few students infront of them waved their hands lightly to keep the steam from their faces. Others cleared their throat slightly and coughed. The film was coming to an end, which made the students restless. Remains of the steam now moved across the front rows, whereupon Liam immediately turned around in panic and looked at them. Zayn shot him a look that let him know that everything was alright. But Eleanor turned around too and the boys looked away quickly. It didn't feel right to lie to her or act like that, but they just couldn't tell her.
When the movie was finally over there were still steam left in the room, their classmates looked around in wonder until their gaze fell on the boys, who now had to improvise quickly. Shawn's nasty smile Zayn could see all the way back. No idea what he thought, but it was no good. Niall and Harry suddenly started waving the steam away and looking around confused. Louis looked at Zayn and they both understood without words and started to do the same.
"Where does that come from?" Niall asked, confused.
Their classmates began to leave the room with the teacher and seemed to forget about it. Liam joined them with Danielle, Sophia and Eleanor. Shawn and Nick were also on their way. The boys picked up their schoolbags and headed for Liam.
"There must be something wrong about the technology. That was a lot of steam" he tried to find a convincing explanation that their friends would believe.
"Yes, something seems to be out of order. Something like that can happen" Niall agreed credibly.
"Not even technique likes you. It should give you food for thought. All the other seats were alright. Well, losers are always losers and the others will notice that" laughed Shawn before leaving the hall.
"Such an idiot" hissed Sophia annoyed.
"Let's go, that was enough steam for a lifetime" Harry tried to joke, but Eleanor and Sophia just looked funny at him. Liam shook his head and Niall just stared at him. Zayn wondered how that should be funny, but apparently there was one person who found it funny. In fact, Louis had to try to suppress his laughter, which meant that he had to laugh even more and Harry also started to laugh.
"Let's just go, otherwise the two of them are laughing on the floor in a minute" Zayn smirked and pushed Louis slightly forward. Still chuckling, Louis and Harry followed Niall and Liam outside. Sophia followed, grinning.
"Why is there a towel on the floor?" Eleanor asked Zayn confused, pointing to the floor in front of his seat where he had dropped thetowel. Again.
"No idea. It was there before" Zayn lied not convincingly and pulled Eleanor outside. They had to be more cautious and Zayn had to learn not to blind out everything when Liam was in the same room.
After the maths lesson on Friday, Louis nearly sprinted to the bathroom. Maybe he shouldn't have had to drink camouflage on every question the teacher asked that he couldn't answer. Had kept the teacher from asking him, but now he had the feeling his bladder could explode any second.
After he finished, he went to the sink and was relieved that he was alone. Over the last few months, he had developed a routine for how to wash his hands and quickly dry himself without it going wrong. But that was too risky at school. This time, everything went well and he made his way to his locker after that. Niall should already be in the cafeteria and get the food. Zayn would also have to leave the classroom at the time. Louis opened the locker, put in his maths book and got out his sports gear. In his head, he already went through today's training of his kids and superimposed on what he could do on the weekend.
When he closed his locker, he suddenly felt a strong hand on his back which threw him against the locker and then on the floor. He dropped his sports gear and landed hard on his wrist, but could prevent him from falling face down. This scenario was too well known to him. Louis knew exactly what was coming. He didn't even try to get up again, because it would be pointless anyway.
He should be right, because the next moment someone kicked him in the stomach and Louis pulled his legs whimpering to his body. This reaction elicited only a nasty laugh from his bully. Louis knew that laugh. He knew it too well.
Before he could think about this realization, he felt further kicks and punches against his back, his legs and then again his stomach as he had to let go of his legs in pain. Louis tried to crawl away, but that only resulted in more kicks. He felt every single one of them all over his body and he knew he would never be able to get up without help if the guy ever stopped. A kick in his ribs made Louis moan a little, which the guy just laughed at. Louis tried to suppress the tears and whimpers. He wanted to stay strong and not give himself this nakedness, but that was damn hard. He hoped the others were okay.
Painfully, Louis curled up and his back leaned against a cool wall. He didn't dared to open his eyes. A single tear ran over his cheek and he wanted to sink into the ground. He felt the guy looking down at him. That was the last thing he noticed before he got a kick in the head and everything turned black.
When he came back to his senses, Louis felt warmth around him. His head hurt like hell, and the sooner he got more awake, the more pain started in his arms, legs and stomach. He wanted to lose consciousness again then the pain would stop. He slipped sideways and immediately felt something on his arm. But that wasn't what he expected. It was a hand that stroked his arm lightly, which gave him goose bumps.
"Louis, are you awake? Can you hear me?" asked a very familiar voice.
Carefully, he tried to open his eyes. The bright light in the room made him blink countless times, but eventually he could open his eyes completely. He glanced around carefully, noticing that he was no longer on the floor of the school corridor. He was lying on a bed in the nursery room of the school. The school nurse had to be around. How had he got here?
"Oh my God, you're awake" the same familiar voice was happy.
Louis glanced aside and to his surprise Harry sat in a chair beside him, holding his hand. Still dazed by the pain, Louis tried to understand the situation. That was all too much for him.
"Harry, what .... I ...." Louis croaked, but stopped himself when he realized that he had no control over his voice. His throat felt as dry as a desert.
"Slowly. Don't worry. The nurse said you can't over-strain when you wake up. Do you need anything, water maybe?" Harry explained to him solicitously and got up to get him a glass of water. This newly discovered care found Louis a bit strange, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. The pain was too strong to think of anything else. He certainly had bruises and scratches everywhere.
"Here, but be careful, not too fast" said Harry, holding out a glass of water.
With a grateful smile, Louis took the glass and drank it carefully. The cool water did his rough throat well and he felt his energy coming again. Harry picked up the empty glass, set it down, and sat down again next to Louis, looking worried but somehow relieved. Strange.
"What happened? Why am I here?" Louis asked in an uncertain voice.
"I'm so sorry, Louis" Harry whined suddenly, burying his face in his hands.
"I don't understand a word".
"It's all my fault. You're here because of me" Harry complained, and Louis just frowned in confusion.
"What do you mean? You didn't do that, did you?" Louis still didn't understand it. He hadn't seen his bully. He came from behind and Louis had his eyes closed in pain. Could Harry really have been that? Had he just fooled them again? Was he palpable now? Louis didn't even want to think about it for a second. Suddenly he heard the laugh in his head. This familiar laugh. That wasn't Harry. Why did he think it was his fault then?
"Oh god no. I would never do that. You have to believe me. Do you really think I could do that to you?" Harry panicked.
"I know you wouldn't do that and I know it wasn't you. Why do you say it was your fault? You can't help it" Louis reassured him.
"But it was my former friends who did that and it wouldn't have happened without me" Harry explained, and now Louis realized why this laugh was so familiar to him.
"Just because you've been friends it is far from your fault".
"Yes it is. Aidan said that's their revenge for you ruining me or something like that. He said that was just the beginning. I told him how cocky that is and that he should leave you alone. I hope so much that he falls down a flight of stairs. Unbelievable that I thought we were friends or something like that" Harry told him in doubt.
"Harry, you can't help it. They're idiots" Louis said, but it didn't help.
"Idiots I belonged to. I'm not any better than that. It's just because of me that happened to you. Shawn has always offended people and destroyed their lives, but that's new even for him. Just because I left him for your friendship, well we're not even friends. Oh God, you must ignore me from now on, we must never become friends, not that that would ever happen, but it's too dangerous. He could ... ".
"Harry, now listen to me. Stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault. Just because Shawn decided to be vindictive and to blame us for anything. That could have happened without you. It's not your fault, you understand?" Louis cut him off and looked deep into his eyes so he really understood.
"I... okay. I got it, but if that happens again you should just marginalize me. Are you feeling better?" Harry sighed and gave in.
"We will not do that, never. And yes, a little better, but it hurts like hell" Louis grimaced. He had no idea where this security came from, or why he didn't take the chance to finally get rid of Harry. Seeing him so dissolved and hearing those words triggered something in Louis and he wanted everything, but getting rid of Harry wasn't any f it. No way.
"I don't want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't found you" Harry mused.
"Wait, what?" exclaimed Louis, astonished.
"I found you when Aidan started kicking you in the head and um beating you. I stopped him and shouted at him. Seeing you lying there unconscious was terrible. Something inside of me snapped. Aidan didn't expected that. Then I brought you here and wanted to wait until you wake up. Well, no one else was there except me ... " Harry trailed off embarrassed.
"Thanks, Haz" Louis smiled at him. He didn't even question where the nickname came from or why the thought of Harry carrying him here made him smile. Louis could live with this nice side of Harry. Let's see how many times he got to see these.
Suddenly the door opened and Ashton and Luke stumbled in. Luke had an arm around Niall and Ashton an arm around Zayn. Both were bleeding in the face and looked awful, but were conscious.
"What happened?" asked the nurse and ran around the room to make room for both.
"They were beaten for no reason" Ashton said sourly and breathlessly.
"Oh the poor boys. Drop them off here" the nurse pitied the two.
Harry got up and walked over to them. To Louis' astonishment, Ashton and Luke welcomed Harry instead of grimacing in disgust.
"Hey H. What are you doing here?" Ashton asked.
"Hey Ash. I brought Louis here" Harry replied, pointing to Louis.
"Oh no, you too? Good that you've found him" Ashton sighed and smiled encouragingly at Louis.
"You two, tell me who that was" ordered the nurse.
Ashton and Luke looked uncertain, but then sighed. "Shawn and Nick" confessed the two and Harry's face changed directly.
"I'll report that to the Headmaster right away. We don't tolerate such a behaviour at this school" the nurse announced.
"No, please, no. It just makes it worse" Luke tried to stop her.
"But we just can't do anything, they can't get away with it". Suddenly her eyes fell on Harry and her eyes darkened. "You. Harry. Aren't you friends with them? Did you help?".
"No, no. I didn't do anything. I was friends with them, but not any more" Harry defended himself.
"Can you maybe talk to them then?" she asked him.
"I can try" Harry lowered his head. The answer was enough for her, because she started to look after Niall and Zayn's wounds again.
"You're not really going to talk to Shawn? You know that's pointless" Ashton raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe I can do something. I don't know" Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"Does one of you know where Liam is? Why isn't he here?" Luke asked confused.
Louis immediately fumbled for his cell phone and saw that he had a message. From Liam.
From Big Payno:
"Where are you? Gradually, I'm starving. I'm going over to the girls".
"Did Liam write?" Harry asked as he sat down next to him again.
"Yeah, he wanted to know where we are. He seems to be fine" Louis answered absently.
"Probably it wasn't so bad that I told half the school that he is boxing, probably saved him".
"You could be right with that and then this betrayal even had something good" Louis agreed, not thinking about his words.
"Louis, I want to apologize again for that and for everything that happened to you before and after. I'm so sorry" Harry said, avoiding any eye contact.
"I know Harry. Forgive and forget" Louis said.
Harry looked at him in surprise. "For real?".
Louis paused and looked at Harry. Could he really forgive him? Forget everything and leave it behind? At least try it? Something in him wanted that, but part of him just couldn't. Forgetting and forgiving didn't mean trust and best friends, but it was a start.
"Yes, Harry, really." A broad grin spread across Harry's face, bringing out his dimples. His eyes were beaming and he really looked like he had just won the lottery. Louis hadn't known his forgiveness was so important to him.
From the far corner of the room, Louis felt the gaze of Niall, Ashton, Luke and Zayn on him. Apparently, everyone had watched along. Louis didn't dare look at Zayn. He could already imagine his face.
"Can you bring the three home? They can't go to physical education like this. They should rest for a while, then it's all good again" the nurse turned to Ash, Luke, and Harry. Ashton helped up Zayn, who surprisingly smiled at Louis while Luke helped Niall up.
"I'm fine. Really, you don't need to take me home. My mum ... ".
"It's okay Niall. I got you" Luke interrupted quietly. Louis realized immediately that Luke wanted to say that he knows exactly where Niall lives and that it makes no difference. Apparently, Niall understood that too, because he let Luke help.
"Louis, before you go take these painkillers with you. You gotten the worst, take good care of your head" said the nurse goodbye.
Louis took the pills and sat up. The pain immediately shot into his stomach and legs. His head felt heavy and his arms were like lead.
"Slowly, let me help you" Harry held out a hand that Louis gratefully accepted.
He winced slightly as he got up, but tried to walk normally, which didn't work. Immediately, Harry was on hand and put an arm around him to support him. Slightly limping, the two left the room and made their way to Louis' home.
Halfway, Harry decided that Louis couldn't go any further and carried him home from then on against Louis' protest. Louis tried to stare so hard at the floor and not look at Harry. Their faces were just too close for his liking and he tried to suppress that soothing feeling. At his front door, Harry put him down and Louis went inside. He heard noises from the kitchen and sighed. Ironically, his mother was there when he came home today. That could be funny. He quietly tried to close the door and didn't ask why Harry was still there.
"Louis is that you?" his mother's voice came from the kitchen.
"Yes mum" he called back.
"Why are you so early? Did something hap ... Oh my god, Louis, what happened? Who was that?" his mother started when she came out of the kitchen and saw his condition.
"It's all right, just a misunderstanding. No need to worry" he tried to reassure her.
"Louis William Tomlinson, you'll tell me now who that was" she ordered sternly. He winced at the rumble of his second name. That's what she did only when she was dead serious.
"Just such idiots from school, really, it's all right" he wanted to finish the topic.
"It's not all right, look at your head" she said, running her hand over his wound.
"That heals again".
"Boobear, not again. We have to do something about that" she sighed sadly.
"Mum, please, don't call me that. I'm not three any more" Louis moaned, trying to cover that she had mentioned that this wasn't the first time he had come home like this. After all, Harry was still standing next to him.
"Okay. Fine. What am I going to do with you? Rest and call if you need anything. Oh hi Harry" Jay now greeted Harry too.
"Hello Jay. I'll make him rest" Harry assured her.
"Thank you, Harry" she said thank you and let the two go upstairs. Once in his room, Louis lay down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow.
"William, yeah?" Harry smirked and sat down on the bed.
"Shut up" laughed Louis.
"Could be worse, my second name is Edward" Harry told him.
Now Louis turned to face him and looked at him. "Like in Twilight?".
"Hey, I had this name before him" Harry pouted and it was so cute.
"But you don't start to sparkle in the sun, right?" grinned Louis.
"I'm not a part-time vampire" Harry clarified.
"Maybe a wizard?".
"Not that either. I think Mermaid is quite enough" laughed Harry.
"Yeah, that's weird enough. You don't need to sparkle too" Louis mocked him and Harry hit him with a pillow.
"Tell me, what did your mother mean by again? Did it happen before?" Harry wanted to know.
In his mind, Louis cursed his mother and sought a suitable excuse, but he couldn't think of anything credible. "You know, not every school likes to see new people" he played it cool down.
"Who beat you up? When? Why? I could.."
"Harry, It's all right. This is the past. Let's just not talk about it" Louis stopped his rambling, hoping Harry would understand he didn't want to talk about it.
"Okay, alright. You should rest and get some sleep" Harry advised him.
"But I must not fall asleep or I'll sleep up training" Louis said.
"You want to go to the training like that? You can't, you just hurt yourself more" Harry was scared.
"But I have to go and besides I only have to yell after children what they should do" joked Louis.
"Well you stubborn, but then I'll come with you to help. Try not to talk me out of it. I'm also very stubborn" Harry told him.
"Fine" Louis gave in and lay on his side. Harry did the same.
"Try to get some sleep. I'll wake you up in time. I promise" Harry smiled and stroked a strand of hair from his face.
Louis closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch a little too much. "But woe, you don't wake me, then God save you" Louis threatened jokingly and lay down comfortably.
"Let God out of it, but don't worry. I'll be right here when you wake up and you'll be back on time for training" Harry assured him in a calm voice and a short time later Louis fell asleep.
After Zayn has told his boss that he can work normally today, he made his way to the dolphin pool. As always, he fed the dolphins, chatted with them for a moment, and then made his way to the ice cream stall. Today it was very cloudy which meant that there were hardly any people in the marine park and Zayn had hardly anything to do. For the first two hours, Zayn just stood around staring into the void. He tried to suppress his thoughts and forget the day's events, but his aching head had other plans. A split lip, a still slightly red cheek and a large scratch on the forehead now adorned his face. He had scrawny ribs and a scraped elbow. That was not easy to forget. Nick had simply taken him by surprise on the way to the cafeteria. He hardly had a chance to defend himself. Luckily, Luke and Ashton just came by, wondering where Zayn was because they wanted to discuss something during the break. The two stopped Nick and helped Zayn. He was very grateful to them. Just one question left him no peace: where was Liam at the time and why hadn't he noticed? Or did he and he just didn't care?
Just when he asked himself, he saw Liam's face a few feet away from him. A dark-haired girl was with him and they seemed to have fun. Zayn had to remember again that he had no right to be jealous, because he felt again how much he would like to strangle her. Slowly, the two came up to him and Zayn put on his best smile.
"Hi Zayn, how's it going?" Liam asked in greeting without really looking at him.
"All pretty extinct today so very boring" Zayn shrugged.
"That's stupid, but at least you're off soon. Oh Zayn, this is Lauren" Liam introduced his friend.
"Hi Zayn, I'm glad" she smiled at him. Mentally he rolled his eyes, then turned completely to them and greeted them as well.
"What happened to your face?" Liam drew in a sharp breath.
"Wow, thanks, now I feel really great" Zayn said sarcastically.
"How did this happen?" Liam asked unimpressed.
"Oh, you know, I like to run against walls and fall down stairs - the usual" joked Zayn.
"Zayn" Liam admonished him.
"You sound like my mother. What do you think how this happened? Do I really have to go into that?" Zayn replied annoyed.
"Why do I not know about it? When was that, was that why you weren't in physical education? Oh god, are the others okay?".
"Yes Liam all right. We're still alive. Don't worry. And what are you two doing here?" Zayn waved it off.
"My mother is the Deputy CEO, I had to bring her something over. Now we want to go to my house and later to a party" Lauren told him.
"I know" Zayn muttered, referring to the post of Lauren's mother.
"Do you want to come later?" Liam asked casually.
"I had enough action for a day" Zayn declined.
"Maybe that's better" Lauren said to Liam, who only nodded in agreement.
"We have to go then" Liam told him.
"Then don't let it stop you" Zayn muttered.
Liam looked at him once more and then left the marine park with Lauren. Zayn looked after them for a while and wondered how that happened. A Tapping on his shoulder tore him out of his thoughts. He turned around and looked into a friendly and very familiar face.
"Hello Perrie, what are you doing here?" he asked her in surprise.
"I wanted to know how you're doing" she answered, realizing by the sound of her voice that she was alluding to the full moon.
"I'm okay. I'm a bit confused and hurt, but it could be worse" he told her.
"Why are you confused, my dear?" she asked worriedly.
"I just don't understand the moon. Why does he do that? What's the purpose of it? Is he trying to torture us?" Zayn whined in despair.
"The moon does it all with a purpose, but we may not always understand it right away, there's a reason behind it all. It will make sense over time" she let him know.
"But I don't understand, how can all that make sense? Louis and Harry's full moon, mine. That was just cruel and messy" Zayn frowned.
"You're connected to the Moon, so he knows your hidden feelings and fears that you may not even know about. The Moon only wants to help you in the end. Sometimes in a strange way. At some point you'll understand it better and interpret the signs of the moon. With each new moon, the impact is stronger, but don't be afraid. He is your friend" she told him in the secrets.
She smiled at him briefly and Zayn knew that was her sign to leave. Knowing he nods to her before she leaves and tried to understand it all. Would it get worse?
"You made me loose" Harry sulkily asserted beside Louis.
"It's not my fault you can't hit a ball" laughed Louis.
"You've conspired against me, admit it" Harry said.
"You caught me, that's what we did. I got together with little kids to annoy you" Louis said.
"I knew it" Harry grinned.
The laughter of the two could still be heard as they entered Louis' house and took off their shoes. "Louis Louis Louis" called Daisy as she came down the stairs before she jumped into his arms.
"Hello, Princess, how is my favourite sister?" he grinned at her.
"Hey, I heard that" protested Phoebe.
"Did I say favourite sister? I meant favourite twins" he said before taking her on the other arm. Both girls were each sitting on one of his hips. He gave both a kiss on the cheek and both giggled.
"Where is mom, you sweet ones?" Louis asked the two.
"In the kitchen".
"She wants to make pizza herself today" Phoebe said happily.
"You get hungry right there" Louis said as he walked into the kitchen, followed by Harry.
"Louis darling, how was the training? Did everything go well or was it too much?" his mother asked.
"Everything went well, it was fun and Harry was trying to help, even if that wasn't the best idea" chuckled Louis.
"Hey, I did my best. A little more appreciation, please" snorted Harry.
"Oh I am sorry"..
"Louis, be nice. Thank you for being with him, Harry, will you stay for dinner?" she offered to him.
"I don't want to bother you".
"Don't be silly. I would be glad. You can help Louis make his pizza, maybe he'll even get something to eat today".
"I feel deeply offended" Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"Shall I remind you of your last pizza?" Jay raised an eyebrow.
"That was funny" chuckled Daisy.
"Come down you two, Louis is hurt. You are too heavy" Jay said, and immediately Daisy and Phoebe let go of Louis and he dropped them off.
"That was alright. The two fairies aren't that heavy" Louis clarified.
"Maybe, but you must not strain yourself. I know you, it wouldn't be the first time that you ignore that and make it worse" she reminded him.
"I know and that will never happen again" he assured her.
"Well, now I'll take you two upstairs to the bathroom. You need to take a shower before you eat. Can you put the finished pizza in the oven and then make yours and Harry's?" she asked him.
"Yeah, no problem" Louis smiled at her and pushed the pizza into the oven. As he leaned down, he felt a slight tug in his stomach, but tried to ignore it.
As his mother walked upstairs with the twins, Louis stared helplessly at the ingredients for the pizza. The dough was ready so he just had to put topping on it. Almost. That couldn't go wrong.
"Let me guess, vegetables aren't on your pizza?" Harry suddenly stood next to him.
"Why do I think you want vegetables?" countered Louis.
"Unfortunately, you're right" Harry confessed.
"Then everyone takes a half. Deal?" Louis suggested.
"Deal, I'll take right" Harry claimed the right-hand side.
"Very grown up" Louis grinned and started to spread the tomato sauce on the pizza. Even that looked funny to him.
He heard Harry laugh softly next to him. "Hey, don't laugh. Not all of us are masters in the kitchen" Louis complained.
"You don't have to be a master of that Louis. It's just sauce" Harry laughed amused.
"That's why I only buy ready-made food".
"Another way to say you can't do it".
"I can do other things for that".
"For example?".
"I know my way around with balls, unlike you" Louis told him with a nasty smile. Louis was aware how dirty that sounded and judging Harry's face he understood it exactly as he should.
"Oh yes, that's true, but it doesn't help you if you're hungry" Harry asserted.
"Sure about that? You can eat something else too" Louis demanded. He didn't know where that came from but he didn't want to know that either.
"Do you want to eat something else?" Harry countered and looked at him. Louis hadn't expected that answer. He was almost impressed.
"Neh, the pizza probably tastes better" Louis said as he began to finish his pizza.
"I'm not so sure about that, but pizza is enough for now" said Harry, taking his half as well.
Louis didn't want to admit it, but he enjoyed Harry's company a lot today. Maybe a bit too much and he unfortunately hoped that Harry would stay after the meal and that maybe the two of them could watch a movie or just talk. Louis tried to suppress this desire with all his might. He wasn't allowed to think like that. What was different today, that he suddenly wanted it and wasn't angry any more?
A few minutes later, Harry's cell phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and read the message. Louis couldn't interpret his expression.
"All good?" asked he.
"Yeah, that was just Lauren. She asks if I'm going to the party later" Harry told him. And there goes Louis' hope for an evening with Harry. Bad enough that he had to admit that he wanted it so much.
"You can go. I'll tell my mother" Louis tried to sound indifferent.
"You don't have to. I won't go" Harry said, turning back to the pizza.
"What? Why not?" Louis asked way too fast.
"I've got something better to do" Harry replied, concentrating on the pizza.
These words warmed Louis' heart, whether he wanted it or not. "You know, the pizza isn't going away. That shouldn't stop you."
"Do you want to get rid of me?" Harry questioned Louis' behaviour.
"You're right. Actually, I wanted to get rid of you because I want to do some naked yoga afterwards" joked Louis.
"You can do that even when I'm there. Someone has to take care of you. You could pull a finger" Harry ignored Louis' joke.
"Maybe something could happen to you if you stay" Louis warned him with a mischievous smirk.
Before Harry had time to understand the words, Louis smeared sauce on his nose and tried to suppress his laughter. Harry gasped in surprise. "You did not do that".
"Oh, but I did. What do you want to do about it?" Louis challenged him, smearing more sauce on Harry's cheek.
"You'll regret it" Harry glared at him playfully and the next moment Louis had flour in his face. He coughed slightly as he almost inhaled the flour and felt with his eyes closed for the sauce.
"Oh, it's on, Styles". And that was the beginning of the war. Louis took more sauce and handed it over Harry's entire face while Harry dropped flour over Louis' head. Both laughed loudly and tried to run away. Harry grabbed Louis by the waist and pulled him back. They turned in a semicircle laughing and the flour flew through the air.
"What are you doing in here?" Jay's voice came from behind them. Immediately, Harry let go of Louis and he missed his touch. It felt cold.
"We make pizza" laughed Louis.
"I can see that. Maybe it would be better to make the pizza on the plate instead of you" Jay tried not to laugh and left the kitchen again.
"I think she thinks we're crazy now" Harry grinned.
"She's my mother. She already knew that" Louis said, picking Harry into one of his dimples.
"Hey" Harry exclaimed, picking Louis in the side whereupon Louis jumped to the side.
"Is someone a bit ticklish?" Harry smirked.
"Ticklish? Me? Certainly not" Louis asserted.
But the next moment Harry started tickling Louis. Louis bent and curled in Harry's arms with laughter, gasping for air. "Harry, please stop. I can't breathe" he gasped between laughter.
"Come on, we have to finish a pizza" Harry laughed as he let go of him.
"First we should clean ourselfes maybe" grinned Louis and Harry nodded.
With a dry napkin Harry cleaned his entire face while Louis shook his head and ruffled his hair to get the flour out of it.
"Am I clean now?" asked Harry unsure causing Louis to smile. He still had a little bit sauce left on his bottom lip. Louis wiped the rest off Harry's lip with his thump without thinking about it.
"Now" he cleared his throat as he realised what he has done and turned back to his pizza.
As Louis put his topping on the pizza, his cell phone vibrated. Quickly he took it out and saw a message from Zayn.
From Zaynie:
"Perrie was here today, she said the moon would only help us in its own way, she said something about hidden fears and feelings. Liam was also here with Lauren, he's going to a party with her, he just started asking what happened today but totally uninterested. What happened to him and since when is he partying?".
Louis frowned. These were really good questions he couldn't answer them.
"Everything OK?" Harry asked.
"It was just Zayn. Perrie was with him today and said the moon was just helping us and said something about hidden fears and feelings. I don't know" Louis summarized, pushing the tin into the oven and taking the other out.
"What kind of hidden feelings? That makes no sense" Harry didn't understand.
"No idea. Zayn also said Liam was there with Lauren. He's going to party with her today" Louis told him.
"Really? I thought he was with Zayn after what happened" Harry wondered.
"I thought so too, but apparently he prefers to party with strange girls. Sounds totally like him" said Louis sarcastically.
"What is it Louis?" Harry wanted to know.
"I just don't get Liam at the moment. He is behaving so strangely. In the last days he is uninterested and always hanging around other people he never knew. Since when does he go partying and since when is he friends with Lauren and her girls? He is acting so strange since the Full Moon Thing" sighed Louis desperately and wondered what was going on inside Liam's head.
"What happened at the full moon anyway? I was kind of distracted and have no idea what happened".
Louis had completely forgotten that. Harry didn't know anything about it. Should he tell him? After what Harry said at the party, it could mess up the evening or hurt Zayn. Maybe it was better that he didn't know it. Maybe that's how it should be. But when Louis looked at Harry and he realized that Harry had noticed his hesitation, Louis felt terrible. Harry looked hurt and Louis wanted to change that. At some point you had to start small and now was the moment.
"Zayn kissed Liam. Liam was frozen and just disappeared in the morning, he ignored his phone calls but I thought the two clarified that. Zayn said he talked to him and Liam said it was all right between them because it was just the moon, and he knows that, he overreacted. No idea what his problem is now" Louis told him honestly. He looked at Harry and saw that he hadn't expected to get an honest answer. These baby steps on each other made Louis somehow happy. He thought that was an anachronism but didn't question it.
"He kissed him? Can it be that the moon is lonely? Just forget it, but Liam just disappeared? In which way?" Harry asked.
"Well, when I woke up, Liam was gone, but he didn't wake us up. The school key with a note was lying by the door. I don't know why he left, or how he opened the doors. That wasn't his handwriting" Louis told him more closely.
Now Harry looked down and played with his ribbons on his arm. "That was me. I thought, if I let you down so selfishly, I can take advantage of it and get the key for you at least" Harry confessed. Louis didn't know what to say. He never thought Harry would do that.
"And just fucking Mrs. Flack was no use enough?" questioned Louis, but once again regretted the question. No idea why this incident was such a thorn in the eye for him and he had to keep talking about it.
"Sorry, that was stupid of me. Thank you Harry, you helped us a lot. I didn't expect that" Louis apologized when Harry didn't say anything.
"No problem. I had to do something" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe I should talk to Liam and find out what's going on. After all, he said it would be all right. Why is he suddenly partying? We're talking about Liam. That's not normal for him otherwise that wouldn't be a problem" Louis changed the topic.
"Maybe he just enjoys the new attention he gets from the band. It looks like it for me. Liam believes too fast what you tell him and doesn't ask why they want to hang out with him, not everybody means well" Harry pointed out.
To hear such a statement from him totally surprised Louis. He sounded seriously thoughtful and worried about Liam's well-being. Throughout the day, Harry surprised Louis with statements or things he did that were atypical of what they knew about Harry. He behaved so differently. He was so open, happy and almost nice. Louis just wanted to accept and enjoy it, but the broken part of him found it all suspicious and had problems to trust the peace.
"You could be right" Louis agreed.
"I smell pizza" called Fizzy as she came into the kitchen.
Together, they set the table and then sat down to dinner together. The pizza had gotten really good and Louis really enjoyed eating next to Harry. Only a question from his little sister almost killed him.
"Are you Louis' boyfriend?" Daisy asked innocently.
When Louis heard these words, he choked on his food until he almost cried. He coughed and got ready for the worst.
"No. Unfortunately, I'm not. Louis and I are just friends" Harry answered sweetly. Louis felt like he was in the wrong movie. Did Harry really just say that?
"That's Zayn anyway" laughed Lottie.
"Very funny" Louis rolled his eyes.
After that there were no further incidents. Everyone ate and helped to clear away. Even Harry, who insisted, though Jay said he was a guest. When they were done, Louis and Harry went upstairs to Louis' room and sat down on the bed.
"That was a fun evening" Harry said with a smile.
"Yeah, my sisters seem to like you, whatever" Louis grinned and Harry pushed him aside.
"Your mother loves me" exaggerated Harry.
"Oh, sure. She would love to adopt you and replace me" joked Louis.
"She would never do that, she loves you too much" Harry suddenly said deadly serious. Louis wondered if there was more behind it.
"And what do you want to do now?" Louis changed the subject.
"We could watch a movie" Harry suggested.
"Good idea. What do you want to watch and remember, we're not at Liam's so there's no reason to watch Toy Story" laughed Louis.
"What have you got here?" Harry asked, scrambling to the DVD shelf.
"Anything, would you like something scary?".
"I'm not the biggest fan of scary" Harry admitted ashamed.
"No problem, neither am I" Louis said.
Finally, they decided on a romantic comedy because Harry wanted to see that. Louis pictured in his head how Harry had always watched those alone in his room, if he has. Pretty sad. Did he always like those movies and never told anyone or was this one of the new things?
They started the film and sat down in the middle of the bed very close to each other. Louis enjoyed every second of the evening. It was like they were friends forever. They laughed and talked and just enjoyed each others comapny. He so hoped his past and its consequences wouldn't ruin that or his crush wouldn't come back now that Harry was so adorable.
With that in mind, Louis fell asleep just before the end of the movie, followed by Harry. There was a smile on his face, because he had exactly the evening he had hoped for. A movie with Harry.
And the end again. What do you think?
Please vote and comment on my story so I can make it better :) Means a lot to me :)
What is wrong with Liam?
Is Harry slowly changing for good this time?
Love you all <3 :*
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