Chapter 12
Sorry that it took me so long. I had my best friend back in town and spend most of my time with her.
This chapter is dedicated to definegirlfriends11
James will be back in this chapter. As I wrote it he reminded me of God, because he kind of tries to help Harry understand but in a very unhelpful way, If you know what I mean.
When you think about it. James and Ed are kinda Gods in the Larry World so maybe it's not that weird.
"Sometimes I wonder if I'm not in a movie" smiled Louis as he watched Liam from the kitchen counter as he helped his mother prepare breakfast.
"In the movie, I wouldn't starve" Niall yelped next to him impatiently with a growling stomach.
"Niall, you'll never change" Louis grinned, shaking his head and pushing Niall's shoulder so that he fell to the floor.
"Hey" he exclaimed shocked but amused.
"What are you doing? Can you at least behave like civilized people in the morning?" Liam asked.
"Can you eat that?" Niall replied hungrily, still lying on the floor.
"Unbelievable" Liam mumbled, shaking his head.
"Morning" Harry mumbled sleepily greeting as he came into the kitchen.
"Good morning, darling. You look tired. Didn't anyone wake you?" Jay greeted him kindly. Much too friendly if it were up to Louis.
Harry shook his head and sat at the edge of the kitchen counter.
"Before you say anything. We wanted to wake him up, but then we had to think about how it was to wake Zayn for the first time, totally traumatizing. So we decided to let him sleep for a while" Louis justified himself before his mother could even ask .
"Nobody except Liam should even think about waking Zayn if you want to live a little longer" Niall added with a laugh.
"Where is Zayn anyway?" Jay asked.
"In the bathroom" Niall and Louis answered at the same time.
"It's Zayn".
"Now I understand why you let Harry sleep" Jay grinned.
"Maybe because a certain someone thought he looked so peaceful" Niall whispered quietly, but Louis had heard him and thrust his elbow into his ribs.
"Zayn isn't that bad" Liam defended him. Niall and Louis cooed at him and flattered their eyelashes.
"Good morning" Lottie greeted the boys as she happily hopped down the stairs.
"Good morning darling, slept well?" Jay asked.
"Fantastic ,and for a change, it was quiet once" she answered, winking at Louis knowingly.
Without a comment, Louis got up and took the plates and set the table. Liam and Jay brought breakfast to the table and everyone sat down. Zayn finally came downstairs.
"See who finally appears" Niall said dramatically.
"Took you long enough, Snow White" Louis mocked him.
"Hey, it's a lot of work to look like this" Zayn snorted, pointing to his head as he sat down next to Liam.
"Oh, excuse me beauty queen".
Louis' response made Niall laugh aloud and Lottie also joined in. Jay watched the action happily while Liam tried to suppress his smile and stay serious. Louis dodged the glare that Zayn threw at him, causing his eyes to fall on Harry. He was also laughing softly.
For a brief moment, the fact that he made Harry laugh made Louis smile. But then he remembered who Harry was and the smile disappeared. Seeing Harry in the morning before he got ready was an unfamiliar picture for Louis. Still slightly sleepy and with bed hair, he didn't look so arrogant and self-loving any more, but damn sexy and adorable at the same time. Was that the sight all his fuck girls had when he got up in the morning? Did he stay that long or did he left straight after the act?
When Harry's eyes caught on Louis' he quickly looked at Zayn and joined in his conversation. Just because he no longer liked Harry didn't mean that he wasn't embarrassed to get caught staring. And no, he hadn't stared at him because he still had feelings for him, but because he just looked so damned good early in the morning. You can admit it without liking anyone or should Louis deny that Shawn didn't look like shit just because he's an arrogant fucker?
After breakfast, Louis cleared the table with his mother while Lottie and the boys went upstairs to get their school supplies.
"I could get used to that" Jay said smilingly to her son.
"Me too" Louis agreed.
"I'll be gone then, see you later" Lottie shouted as she left the house.
"Louis, I wanted to tell you something before you leave. It's about my job" Jay said, walking up to him.
He knew that tone. The same thing happened every time they moved, when she told him how sorry she was.
"Yesterday, my boss told us he had an important job to give out in a hospital in Sydney and wanted to know who was interested in it" she told him.
"Okay, when are we leaving?" Louis came straight to the point. Talking around the matter didn't make it any better.
Jay put two fingers under his chin and lifted it so she could look him inthe eye. "Darling, who said that I want the job?"
"You don't want it? But this is a great opportunity" Louis wondered.
"Maybe, but I also have a great opportunity to be happy with my children".
"You shouldn't miss this opportunity because of us. We'll be fine" Louis assured her with a forced smile.
"And that's why you're the best son a mother could wish for. But I can't ask you to give up everything because of me and leave your friends behind. That happened too often".
"I didn't have to leave a lot of friends behind" Louis murmured tohimself.
"And that's all my fault. You could never really make friends due to constantly moving. I've already destroyed so much. I will not do that again. Your friends here are unique, the boys are special and I will not take you away from them" Jay clarified.
"Mom, you didn't destroy everything. It was your career, that's more important" he contradicted her.
"Not more important than your happiness" Jay said.
"Mom" sighed Louis.
"Don't even think about it. I gratefully rejected the offer" she let him know.
"What? But that would be ...".
"I've promised us something: no moving any more that we don't all want to do. First and foremost, it's about you. You should be able to live normally again, with friends and relationships. Just not too many" Jay laughed.
"Five times in three years is really enough. Just look at you. It has changed you, made you quieter and more reserved. We will stay here and put the family and friends back in focus. No job is more important than you. I also like my Job here and the people" she clarified once and for a all and hugged Louis.
"Thanks Mom" he whispered.
"But that I closed myself up had another reason. I never told you that because you shouldn't worry, but ....".
"Louis, Harry, come on. We have to go or we'll be late" Liam's shout interrupted him and Louis winced slightly.
"What did you want to say honey?" Jay wanted to know.
"Not so important. I'll tell you another time" he waved the matter off and ran to the door.
He almost knocked Harry over, who stood rooted in the corridor, facing the kitchen. Louis frowned. Had Harry been standing there all the time? And if so, then why? Did he hear everything? Juging by his face it was hard to tell. Why would he look so pale hearing them talk about his mother's job? Probably he just remembered something super important and froze in the spot. Maybe he realised he got someone pregnant....okay, not even funny to think about that possibility.
As Louis bumped into Harry he got shaken off his stare and left the house without a comment or another word. Louis just watched him leave and went over to Niall, who was waiting for ihm with Louis' school supplies in his hands.
On the way to school, Harry chatted with Liam while Niall walked alongside. Zayn and Louis walked a few steps behind them, watching the situation sceptically.
"He really wrapped the two around his little finger" Zayn grimaced in disbelief.
"I'm not so sure about that" Louis contradicted.
"You see what I see or not?" Zayn asked him in surprise.
"I do, but just because they're talking doesn't mean that they're friends. Or are you friends with everyone you talk to?" questioned Louis.
"Not really, but that ....".
"That's not different. I talked to Niall last night and he said he'll act normal with Harry, but that doesn't make them friends. And he's right about that. We can just tolerate him if he's there. He may behave like a little child but we don't have to do that. Being friendly and being friends are two completely different things" Louis interrupted Zayn, realizing how much it annoyed him to talk about Harry every day. He'll just try to deal with him if he has to. No more and no less.
"You two are just too good for the world" sighed Zayn, but agreed with him.
Shortly before they arrived at school the five met Shawn on the way. He looked at them pejoratively and approached them.
"How deep you can sink. Harry, you used to be on top and now you're at the bottom and for what? For that. Was it really worth it?"
"Yes, it was. And who says bottom? Just because I left you, and fat and stupid, behind doesn't mean I'm not popular any more. You're not the only king here. The girls are still queuing" countered Harry arrogant.
"As arrogant as ever. I see your goodness hasn't rubbed off yet. Obliquely, that you're taking him into your midst. Do you really need it so much to be popular, that you're desperate enough to deal with a whore?" Shawn mocked the boys.
"Says the biggest of all whores" Harry shot back.
"I stand by it. Are you still doing that?" Shawn raised an eyebrow.
"Proud as always" Harry clarified.
"Let's see what that looks like in a couple of weeks. Just watch out. Their prudishness will rub off on you and you'll suddenly feel sentimental and no one wants to suck your cock anymore. Ask your 'friends' " Shawn warned him, then headed for the school building.
"Well, that's it, Harry. You can still just drop us. Listen to little Shawnie. Do it for your beloved cock and all those desperat and needy bitches" spat Zayn, patted him on the shoulder and went into the school building.
"Zayn" shouted Liam after him and followed Zayn, sighing.
"Sorry for that" said Niall and gave Harry a short smile while following Liam.
That was exactly why Louis found it hard to believe Harry anything. He just hadn't changed a bit.
When Louis also wanted to go in school, Harry grabbed his arm and held him back. "Aren't you waiting?".
Immediately, Louis tore his arm out of Harry's firm grip. "For what?" he asked flatly.
"For me" Harry answered.
"Why should I?" Louis returned and stroke his other hand over the now sore spot on his wrist. Harry really had a damn tight grip.
"I thought friends are waiting for each other".
"They do, but we'd have to be friends for that and we're not. Nothing has changed" Louis clarified blankly.
"But things have changed" Harry insisted offended.
"Oh, and what?" Louis inquired annoyed.
"I'm not insulting you any more. I don't see you as worthless any more".
"Wow, that's ....... wow, I'm missing the words. A round of applause for Harry, the saint" Louis snorted, clapping his hands lightly.
"Lesson one: worthless is from scratch nobody. Good luck trying to deceive us, so far that doesn't quite work, Mister Harold" added Louis and then disappeared, shaking his head, in school.
One day rest. One day without Harry or any wisdom or life lessons. Was that too much to ask?
After school, Liam and Harry sat on Louis' bed and went through the lyrics again, while Niall and Zayn finished everything else. At least Zayn should do that. But he was completely lost in thoughts. He watched Liam and Harry, wondering how they deserved this. Zayn thought about how Louis said being friendly and friends would be two different things, but unfortunately that didn't help him at all. Niall could do it well, but he was always friendly and cocky no matter who it was. Liam was just a good guy. That he forgave Harry already didn't surprise anyone. Louis tried his best, but Harry and his demanding behaviour towards them, which he didn't really notice, made it difficult for him and Harry really got on his nerves.
Zayn simply couldn't forgive Harry and he didn't want to. He had fooled them all over and made fun of them. It was only the second day of school and should they forgive him everything? Just because? Just because it was Harry?
Let's imagine it would be someone else. Someone who was not Harry. Would you just forgive him after he insulted you and then fooled you and deceived you for weeks? Misused your trust and broke your friends? Would you forgive him just because he demands it for no good reason and blindly trusted him?
Zayn can not and will not. Someone has to remain suspicious and keep an eye on Harry. Well, Louis was there too, but Zayn would do anything to stop Harry from hurting him like that again. So it was probably on him.
Niall seemed to notice his stare and nudged him slightly. "Just be friendly, just be nice, nobody asks for more" he whispered encouragingly. Zayn just nodded and hoped Harry wouldn't screw it up again.
"Sorry, my sister stopped me" Louis apologized when he finally came to them.
"No problem" Liam smiled.
"What did she want?" Niall wanted to know.
"She wanted some advice about such a guy" Louis frowned.
"And she asks you? She should go to me for something like that" Harry puffed up.
"So you can take away the belief in love of a twelve-year-old and tell her it's all about sex any ways?" Louis shot back annoyed.
"Better now before it's too late" Harry shrugged.
"Remindme that I'll never leave him alone with my sisters" Louis rolled his eyes and sat down next to Zayn.
"Why should you lie to her?".
"You just don't get it. Firstly, she is only twelve. And second, just because you think sex is the only thing that matters in life doesn't mean you're right. There are people who look for more in a person then just having fun. But who am I telling this? It's a waste of time. Just stay away from my sisters. And now let's work on the songs" protected Louis his sisters and then turned to the lyrics, that were lying all over the bed.
Zayn couldn't agree with Louis more. Harry should stop imposing his standards on everyone else. They didn't want to change him convulsively, even if it might sometimes seem that way. They just wanted to make clear why they didn't like Harry and why that won't change. Their attitude of life just didn't fit together. They were two total extremes. Team only sex and team true love. Zayn didn't want to leave his team, especially not just to please Harry. He could stay as he was as long as he didn't expect deep friendship.
For a while they worked on the setlist for the gig, but they just couldn't decide which song to be first and they still needed at least one song. Best Song Ever would be the end, that was clear from the beginning.
"If this keeps up, we will be sitting here until midnight" Zayn sighed wearily. "Well, nothing would be new, so let's add some more midnight memories".
As soon as Zayn said those words, Louis looked up and sat straight. "Zayn, that's fantastic".
"What did I say?" Zayn didn't understand a word.
"Midnight Memories" repeated Louis Zayn's words. Still no one understood a word.
"Over the past few months, so many important things have happened at midnight, and we've made our best memories, which is the perfect base for the last song" Louis explained.
"And that's why you're the lyrical genius. I never would have come up with that" Zayn stated.
"Oh, that would have occurred to you, too" murmured Louis quietly.
"Just accept the praise once" Niall told him.
"So, what do you associate with it?" Louis cleared his throat.
"I just think about having fun and not caring about what other people think" Niall replied.
"Yeah, that's what I would say too. Going your own way even if you don't know where to go" Zayn agreed.
"That's good" Louis murmured, writing something down.
"And you, Harry? What about you?" Liam asked him.
"I can't remember so many midnights, was too drunk. But when, it was always between the airport and the hotel on my dad's business trips. Then I could just let go and have fun" Harry mused.
"Wow, why isn't that surprising me now?" Zayn pushed out.
"Zayn" Liam admonished him.
"We need ideas for the text, not something like that" Zayn grumbled, crossing his arms.
"You asked and that was my answer. Live with it" pouted Harry.
"Not helpful".
"Sure Zayn?" Niall intervened now and pointed to Louis, who couldn't stop writing.
"How can you come up with anything? That's just another way to say he had sex. Super helpful" Zayn grumbled.
"Maybe, but it's not just about our point of view, but about his when he's supposed to sing it. Maybe his answer isn't your thing, but that doesn't make it any less important" intervened Louis.
"Don't tell me you could do something useful with it?" Zayn asked incredulously.
"No idea, see for yourself" said Louis, holding out his previous text.
Straight off the plane to a new hotel
Just touched down, you could never tell
A big house party with a crowded kitchen
People talk shh but we don't listen
Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please
Way too many people in the Addison Lee
Now I'm at the age when I know what I need, oh, whoa
Midnight memories,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, baby you and me
Stumbling in the street
Singing, singing, singing, singing
Midnight memories,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, anywhere we go never say no
Just do it, do it, do it, do it
I don't know where I'm going but I'm finding my way
Same old shh but a different day
"Shit Louis, that's awesome. How do you do that?" Zayn was breathless.
"Wow shorty, that's really good and it fits pretty well" Harry had to admit.
"Thanks, you giant" snorted Louis and rolled his eyes.
"Give me a shot. I have an idea" Liam demanded. He quickly wrote a few words and then the others read it through.
5 foot something with the skinny jeans
Don't look back, baby follow me
"I'm not a lyrics man" mocked Niall Liam's words from a while ago.
"I'm not, but I can come up with something once".
"Don't be taken aback, Li. Niall doesn't think normally" Zayn said, putting an arm around Liam.
"Hey, I'm thinking very well ... I ... oh wait, give me the paper" Niall said suddenly and added something to the text as well.
You and me and all our friends
I don't care how much we spend
Baby, this is what the night is for,
I know nothing's making sense
For tonight let's just pretend
I don't wanna stop so give me more
Zayn clapped his hands in surprise. "Wow, the crippled brain can do something."
"Did someone steal your hairspray this morning or why are you such a lousy pecker?" Niall had had enough of Zayn's bad mood.
"Oh, I have no idea where that could come from" Zayn spat sarcastically.
"Zayn, please. You don't have to marry him, but pull yourself together a bit. Please, for me?" Louis pleaded at him wide eyes.
"Fine". Zayn crossed his arms and pouted, but didn't say a word.
"Do you have any idea how the music should sound like?" Niall asked to finish the topic.
"I was thinking of something rocky, maybe, like Why don't we go there" mused Louis.
"Sounds good. The song is great" Harry said.
"Um, thanks" Louis cleared his throat.
The next hour they worked on the tune for the song until Niall's stomach growled.
"This is probably our sign to eat something" smiled Zayn.
Together, they went down to the kitchen and thought about what they could eat. As previously agreed, Harry was cooking again today and Liam helped him. Zayn didn't take his eyes off the two. He didn't like how well they understood each other after such a short time. Constantly he found the two talking or laughing. That was a thorn in Zayn's eyes.
Zayn had to remember how Liam had mistrusted them, that he had confused feelings when he saw Liam and Harry laughing again. An uneasy feeling crept into Zayn's mind. The two seemed too close after such a short time. He should make Liam laugh. He should talk to him about everything. He should be with him now. Frowning, he rested his head on his hands, watching Harry and Liam cook.
"Niall, what's that?" he heard Louis ask next to him.
"Nothing. Just something I wrote down during Biology" Niall replied, trying to regain his block.
"You wrote a complete song in Biology and didn't mention that when we asked for a song?".
"This isn't a real song, just thoughts that I had after an incident in front of the bathroom" Niall said.
"What kind of incident?" Louis inquired confusedly.
"Nothing important. Just a couple of girls who talked about their oh-so-great boyfriends and then compared who got the better presents, which strangely made me angry and then this came out of it" Niall described the incident.
"Huh, I can understand that. I suppose I would have been mad too" Louis let him know.
"That's so typical of you again. Just because the girls like nice things that's not bad" Harry grunted uncomprehendingly.
"You once again interpreted this completely wrong, but that doesn't surprise anyone" responded Louis.
"Then enlighten me, shorty" Harry challenged him and put the text back.
"It's about something completely different" Niall began.
"I wanted to express that love is about more than just material things. You don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend just to be gifted. You can't buy love, but those two girls didn't understand it any better than you did" Niall told him.
"How sweet. In which world do you live?" laughed Harry amused.
"Unfortunately in this one. In a world where everything becomes more important than people's feelings. People are always demanding something and expecting something for the smallest things in return. Nothing is done without ulterior motives and all have their own benefit in mind. It's all about power and money and doing everything for it, no matter how insidious or cold you have to be.
But love doesn't work that way. Love is priceless. It's the most precious thing in the world but unfortunately also the rarest. More and more people aren't even trying to develop more feelings, because everyone says it doesn't help anyway, no one fights for it any more and gives up on the smallest problem. Yes, love is work, but once you've found that one person, then it is worth every bit of work, then there is nothing more important. No cars, rings, clothes or houses, no job. Just this one person. Unfortunately there are fewer and fewer people who are still holding on to this in our always cooler getting world. It's all about money, power and sex, maybe not for all but many. You're the perfect example for that" Louis told Harry, and then he was completely out of breath. So much had accumulated over the last few years and Harry's stupid question had gotten it all out - he hadn't planned to say it all - a good way to be ridiculous
"Amen Louis" Zayn said impressed.
"Why should you sacrifice everything just to find that one person? What is so special about it? Instead, you can just take everything you can get" Harry still didn't understand.
"Sacrifice? Just unbelievable. You don't sacrifice anything. You're just waiting for the best that's ever going to happen to you" Louis was kinda fed up with Harry.
"That's so cheesy. Things are different in the real world, shorty" Harry contradicted.
"Yes, because of people like you. Not everyone likes meaningless sex. Some people want more than that. They want that one person who is always by your side no matter what" replied Niall.
"That person doesn't exist. Either the sex is good or not".
"So you just try all the way through until you find the person that makes you come the best?" Zayn hissed disgusted.
"And there lies your error of reason" snorted Zayn.
"What do you know? You certainly never had sex. Clearly you're looking for good excuses for that" Harry snapped at him.
"Then let ME tell you that you're just blind to the basics" Louis started
"Oh and in which way, shorty?"
"You can try forever, but you'll never experience what sex feels like when it's not meaningless. Of course, a lot of sex is great for you and you'll eventually find someone who is probably the best, but that's not worth anything compared to what you missed" said Louis.
"And you know that why?" smirked Harry at him.
"God, sex in a relationship is always better then without feelings. You decide not on ability, but on the feeling that it triggers in you. Without it, it's just fucking, that's what you do. But if it's love, you make love, and that's the big difference you'll never understand, but nobody wants that either. Just accept that we don't see it the way you do and don't always blame us for not fucking around" Niall moaned annoyed and summed it all up again.
"I see it like Niall, Harry. Just let the topic rest. Food is ready" Liam intervened now.
"Are you saying you would never sleep with someone you don't love?" Harry tried to understand Niall's words.
"That's what I mean by that".
"I would never have sex either with someone I don't like" Louis mumbled more to himself.
Now Harry looked wide-eyed at him and starred at Louis, the realization of what he had just said slipping into Louis' mind and he was getting very pale.
"If I'm in my right mind" Louis hastily added and blushed sligthely.
"Can we just eat now?" Liam asked pleadingly.
Without another word they sat down at the table and began to eat, Zayn sitting next to Louis and smiling encouragingly at him.
He knew how grim the subject was for him and leading a whole discussion, and then even with Harry, wasn't really easy for him, Zayn knew that this full moon night was still bothering Louis and he was constantly reminded of it in the worst ways. Harry didn't make it better. The moon had really done something terrible.
"Guys, can you help me?" Louis called from the direction of the stairs.
"Did you lock yourself under the stairs again?" Zayn called back questioningly.
"That was one time and no, I just need a helping hand" moaned Louis.
"Too much information" Niall chuckled.
"Niall" exclaimed Louis.
"I didn't say anything".
Liam got up and came to help Louis. "Thanks" Louis thanked, glaring at Niall and Zayn.
"What are you even doing over there?" Zayn asked amused.
"I was looking for something for the twins" Louis explained.
At that moment, the two came down the stairs. "Have you found it?" Phoebe asked excitedly.
"Of course" Louis grinned proudly.
"Thanks, Lou Lou" Phoebe was pleased.
"Can I get some ice cream?" Daisy asked him with big puppy eyes and a pout.
"How can I say no to that?" laughed Louis, taking Daisy in his arms.
He carried her into the kitchen and had her look for an ice cream. Zayn smiled at the sight. Was there anything more adorable than Louis with a child in his arms?
"Someone else want ice cream too" Liam said and came into the kitchen with Phoebe in his arm.
Zayn took back everything he ever said. Liam with a child in his arms was the sweetest and cutest sight he has ever seen in life. Although he didn't want to, he imagined Liam as a father. He would certainly shower his children with love, but still be strict and prevail. He will be a great dad for sure.
Zayn shook himself once and tried to displace the resulting image. Looking around, he realized that he wasn't the only one looking at them in the kitchen. Harry sat next to him, his gaze fixed on the kitchen. If Zayn wasn't completely stupid, Harry looked at Louis, who lovingly engaged his sister.
"Mum will be back soon, so go upstairs, you've got everything you want now" Louis suggested to the two girls, who then disappeared smiling upstairs.
"The two are very sweet" Liam raved.
"Yes, they are" Louis smiled.
"So, back to the show. The setlist is ready and everybody knows what to sing" Niall clapped his hands to draw attention to him.
"Exactly, now we just have to rehearse until we drop" Zayn grinned over dramatically.
"There's a problem" Louis noted.
"What problem?" Liam wanted to know and everyone looked to Louis.
"I have training tomorrow and Friday for at least two hours" Louis told them.
"Then drop it" Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"Great suggestion, Harold. Why didn't I come up with that on my own? Oh yeah, because it's completely stupid" replied Louis sassily. "I'm the coach. I can't just not go".
"Well, you don't have the problem if you don't work unnecessarily" Harry said uninvolved.
"Why am I even talking to you?" Louis wondered.
"We can think of something ... Niall, why don't you work the whole week already? Were you fired during the holidays?" Liam asked sceptically.
"Should I be offended now?" Niall raised an eyebrow.
"Will gave me the first week of school off so I can get back into the rhythm" Niall explained when Liam didn't answer.
"That fits perfectly" Liam notes.
"I have a similar problem. I have to work on Friday too and can't take a day off" Zayn told them.
"Then we have to see that we rehearse after that. Oh, I got it. We'll make sure you're done on time" Liam suggested.
"And how?" Louis didn't understand.
"Tomorrow, we'll just come to the training and help you with the setup and later the tidying up, which saves time and on Friday we just split up" Liam explained his plan.
"That doesn't sound so stupid" Niall had to admit.
"You want me to help those at work? Good joke" Harry grumbled horrified.
"You're welcome to rehearse alone" said Liam and looked at him annoyed. Harry just crossed his arms and glared at him.
"Ouch, Harry. That looks almost painful" Niall exclaimed, pointing to a fresh Hickey on Harry's neck.
"I don't kiss and tell" Harry smirked.
"Since when?" Zayn grimaced in disbelief.
"That explains why you weren't at lunch" Niall giggled, and Harry's grin widened.
Louis' gaze fell from Harry's face to the Hickey and immediately images of the full moon night appeared again in his head. He tried to push them away, but he didn't succeed. He saw how he gave Harry an even bigger Hickey and how Harry shuddered underneath him. He saw how Harry enjoyed every second and felt the sensation chase through his body again. The effects of this he felt directly in his pants. The topic of Harry and sex should be avoided urgently. He didn't want to be constantly reminded. Hopefully the training tomorrow would clear his mind.
Zayn waited on the sidelines until all the kids had gathered. That he didn't know how that day and the training would be made him nervous. He wasn't good with new situations. Louis welcomed all the girls and let them warm up for a few laps. While the girls were running Louis came up to them with another guy in tow.
"Guys, this is Steve, he's my co-trainer. He mainly trains the main team and helps me with the kids" Louis introduced him to his friends.
"Hey, Louis has already told me that you are here today to help him so you can rehearse later. I would love to see your performance" he greeted them happily.
"Well, I'm sorry, but the party is only for students from our school" Harry told him with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Nobody said that exactly" Louis contradicted him.
"It's a teachers farewell. You don't have to say that, shorty" Harry retorted condescendingly.
"You must be Harry. You were here on Sunday instead of James" Steve said.
"Smart ass"hissed Harry.
"Just ignore the dickhead. This is Zayn" Louis said, pointing to Zayn. "And that's Liam and Niall".
"Hey" all three said in sync.
"Hey, I've heard a lot of you" Steve greeted the three.
"We also heard a lot about you" Liam answered and shook his hand.
"Funny, not me" Harry pointed out.
"Maybe it's because we tried to forget that you exist during the holidays" snapped Louis.
"Well, I figured two of you would come with me and the other two with Louis" Steve told them his plan.
"Good idea" Liam agreed.
"We start with a reaction warm up" Louis announced as he walked back to the girls after they had finished warming up. Liam and Zayn helped Steve while Niall and Harry assisted Louis, or rather just Niall, and Harry tried not to constantly comment on everything.
The girls made a circle with markers – one for each player. One circle with half the girls on Louis' side and one circle with the other half on Steve's side. Steve and Louis simply shouted out the instructions.
"2 left"
"3 right, 1 left"
"2 right, centre, 1 left"
First they did it with sidesteps then turn and run. After each instruction they had them sit down. This way they got to practice getting on their feet quickly or get trampled.
After that they did an exercise called 'Every step touch the ball'.
The girls had to dribble a football slowly in a defined area. Then they should try to touch the football with every step they take. On the command 'Go', they had to leave their ball and find another. After trying this a few times Louis and Steve took one and then two balls away. The players who ended up without a ball had to run a lap of the activity area.
The next exercise was Pass and Follow. One girl in the centre of the circle passed to a player standing on the outside of the circle. She followed her pass and exchanged places with the player she passed to. That player then dribbled into the centre of the circle and passed to another player on the outside. They also tried to put half the players on the outside of the circle and half on the inside. The players on the inside looked to the players on the outside for a thrown-in ball, received it and one-touched it back. They varied the service so that the ball is thrown to feet, to thigh, to chest, to head.
For their first training with him the girls were pretty good. Some of them he knew from the holiday training program like Sarah or Ruth.
"So and now we're going to play a game at the end. We'll split you up into two teams and then you show us what you've learned" Louis told them.
While Steve and Louis were dividing the teams, Liam, Zayn and Harry cleared the markers and balls away. Niall stayed there and made the referee. While they were clearing the things, the first parents or siblings of the girls came and watched at the end of the training.
"Harry, what are you doing here?" James asked as he spotted the boys.
"What does it look like?" he snapped.
"What he really wanted to say was that we help Louis today" Liam said, smiling at James.
"Definitely because of the gig right?" James suspected.
"If you already know that, why are you asking?"
"Yes because of the gig, but we wanted to come to training for a long time anyway, but maybe not all at once" Liam replied.
"Ouch" Zayn moaned, and there was a loud crash.
"I'll go help him" Liam said.
"Alright. I'll go closer to watch Ruth, see you later" James said goodbye.
Zayn rubbed his head and scrambled to his feet as Liam came into the equipment room. That was embarrassing for him.
"What happened?" Liam wanted to know, grinning.
"Uh, I lost my balance and crashed into the shelf" Zayn admitted sheepishly.
"I'll never forget that sight" laughed Harry, standing in the doorway.
"Stop laughing and help us" Liam growled at him.
They were just clearing the shelves when a girl appeared in the room. "Hey, are you from the team?" she asked, looking directly at Liam.
"I'm everything you want" Harry started flirting directly, but she only rolled her eyes.
"Just for today, we help out" clarified Liam.
"Can one of you help me then?" she asked timidly.
"I'm a good problem solver" Harry smirked.
"God Harry, don't be so intrusive and leave the poor girl alone. I'll come with you, what's the problem?" Liam offered as he saw her almost frightened expression.
"Is she really going with him? Was I not clear enough?" Harry asked confused as the two left the room.
"You know some people are not into intrusive guys" Zayn said, cleaning up the rest.
After the two were finished with the rough, they closed the door and saw how Niall run like a madman over the field and tried to keep the girls from fouling. That was a beautiful sight.
But Zayn's gaze shifted to Liam and this girl talking on the sidelines. He saw Liam laughing at her and she seemed to have fun. He wanted to know what the two were talking about. The two were too close to each other for Zayn's liking. And could she stop touching Liam's arm all the time? Can't she talk to him normally? Why was she doing that?
"Are you jealous?" Harry whispered teasingly against his ear.
"Me? Jealous? Certainly not" Zayn said, crossing his arms.
"Very convincing. If looks could kill, she'd be lying on the floor in pain, screaming" Harry laughed softly.
"What does it concern you? Even if I was jealous, I wouldn't talk to you about it. Liam can talk to whoever he wants" Zayn defended himself, but he didn't believe his own words.
"Whatever you say. I don't care" Harry shrugged and looked at the whole thing amused.
Zayn ignored Harry's words and looked over at Liam. No, he was not jealous. That just couldn't be. He has just .... Did she just touch him again? Oh, that was too much. This girl is going to die.
Without thinking about it, Zayn went over to them and interrupted the conversation. "I'm sorry I need to bother, but Louis wanted something from you Liam. Immediately" lied Zayn, because he couldn't think of anything better.
"Oh of course. Unfortunately I have to go but it was nice talking to you" Liam said goodbye to the girl and ran to Louis. Oh God, Louis ... if Liam talked to him now, Zayn's lie would fly up. He should book a flight to China directly.
"That could be funny" Harry commented, following Zayn.
"Save your comments" Zayn growled at him.
"Um, you're his friend right?" the girl cleared her throat.
"Yes why?" he asked coolly.
"Can you give him my number? He was gone so fast" she asked shyly, handing Zayn a small piece of paper. Zayn only nodded slightly and didn't understand the world any more.
"Thank you" she rejoiced and walked a few steps away from them.
Zayn looked at the piece of paper in his hand and without thinking twice he just tore it up and threw it away.
"Not jealous at all" chuckled Harry.
"Shut up" Zayn hissed, looking over at Louis and Liam. Liam had just reached him.
"Louis, you asked for me?" Liam asked.
"What?" Louis didn't understand.
"Zayn said you needed me" Liam explained shortly.
"Ohh yeah sure ... Um ...... can you pick up the colorful ribbons of the teams then Steve and I can finish the practice?" Louis quickly improvised and looked over at Zayn, who was pleading. He nodded to him and Zayn understood directly. Louis didn't exposed him. Relieved, Zayn exhaled and relaxed again.
"That was close. Your luck Louis got so fast that you screwed up" Harry remarked.
"Having you as a friend is truly a gift" Zayn replied sarcastically.
"I know".
"I can't stand it any more" Zayn moaned, just letting Harry stand there. He walked over to Liam and helped him collect everything. By now all parents were there and the training was over. Liam and Zayn quickly cleared the colourful ribbons and then went back to Louis, who was talking to a girl.
"Does one of you know who that is?" Niall asked excitedly as he ran to Liam and Zayn.
"No, I don't know. I've never seen her before" Zayn said.
"She looks nice" Liam said as he looked at her.
"Not that nice" Zayn murmured softly.
"She's just nice as long as she thinks she could get in his pants" Harry remarked, not taking his eyes off Louis and the girl.
"Not everyone is like you" Niall objected.
"Maybe, but she checks him out all the time. It's fun to watch" Harry said.
Now Zayn looked more closely. Harry was probably right. She clearly laughed too much and too fakely and played too much with her hair as she talked, but Louis didn't seem to notice or skilfully ignored it. One thing Zayn especially noticed. This girl was constantly touching Louis as well, just like this Bitch from earlier. The thought made him slightly pissed.
Liam and Niall sat on the bench to talk until they were done, but Zayn couldn't help but pay Harry back. He came closer to him and followed his gaze. He was still looking at Louis and this cow.
"Who is jealous now?" Zayn whispered amused and grinned mischievously.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I just think it's fascinating how less she gets, that he's not interested. She tries so hard, but unfortunately, in vain. Well, she just doesn't have a dick, sorry little one" Harry denied any kind of jealousy.
"Sounds like jealousy for me" Zayn didn't let up.
"You have to know" Harry shot back.
"Louis is a god. Ruth doesn't even stop talking about him" James interrupted them as he came out of the locker room with his sister.
"That's Louis for you" Zayn laughed proudly.
"If Louis is her first crush, I can live with it. No one could be better" James clarified.
"Living with what?" Louis asked when he came to them.
"I don't know how you do that, but the kids idolize you" James enthused.
"You exaggerate" said Louis, blushing.
"I would never do that" chuckled James happily.
"Hello Coach Louis" Ruth grinned at him.
"Well, did you like the training?" Louis pursued and knelt down to her.
"Yes, it was great" she nodded satisfied.
"I'm so glad you're in the team now. We had a lot of fun during the holidays or not?"
"A lot of fun" she confirmed.
"You see, she never beams at me like that" pointed James out.
"Maybe she just doesn't like your face" Harry remarked.
"A true sunshine you are Harry" Zayn snorted.
"I prefer to call myself Moon, mysterious and dangerous" joked Harry.
"Whatever you say".
"Let him be the moon, the sun is someone else anyway" James said, pointing to Louis.
"You're right about that."
"About what?" Louis wanted to know, who was still being held by Ruth.
"Not so important, sunshine" Zayn winked at him.
Harry crossed his arms and turned to look at Louis and Ruth. "Possible" he murmured barely audible.
"I have to say goodbye" said Louis sadly, whereupon Ruth looked at him sadly.
"Now don't look like that, I'll see you next week" he cheered her up and immediately she beamed again.
"Yes, a sunshine" James decided now.
"You are impossible" Louis sighed and said goodbye to get his things.
"We have to go then too. See you at school and I'm looking forward to your performance".
"Thank you, hopefully everything will be fine" Zayn doubted.
"Everything will be fine" James assured him.
"Of course. We'll do that well, you have me after all" Harry bragged.
"You can only hope your modesty will turn to him over time. Doesn't matter, I'll go" James sighed, and Zayn nodded his approval and went to Liam and Niall.
James turned back to Harry one more time. "I don't know how you did it, but I hope you know how lucky you are".
"What do you mean?" Harry asked uninterestedly.
"If I were in their place, I would never forgive you, or at least not so fast and without proof that you are serious. These guys are really special, I hope you know that" he enlightened Harry.
"But you weren't in their place" Harry merely answered.
"Unbelievable. I hope you learn to appreciate the boys and don't disappoint them. They are my friends and I defend my friends remember that. I have nothing against you, but don't screw it up" James warned him.
"I don't plan on doing that, but thanks for the warning" Harry didn't take him seriously.
"You just don't deserve it" James sighed and turned away from him.
"Is he a friend of Coach Louis?" Ruth wanted to know curiously.
"Something like that. Maybe they will become friends" he answered.
"Don't pretend you're perfect" Harry grumbled annoyed.
"It's not about me Harry, it's about you and the boys. Even little kids doubt your friendship, that should make you think, because they see things we don't notice" James snapped at him almost angrily.
"Was that all?" Harry asked bored.
"No, one more thing".
"And that would be?".
"What about him?".
"He is very special. An angel without wings could be said. You don't deserve him the way you behave, but I'll tell you anyway, even if you don't understand it anyway and maybe never will. The one who's leaving him must be really stupid or crazy. He is a keeper for life" gave James him on the way.
"What do you mean by that?" called Harry after him as he left.
"You have to find out yourself" he shouted back and then disappeared.
Harry stood there and didn't understand one word. Why did everybody tell him he doesn't deserve these boys? There not that special. Everyday in school someone told him that.
What did James mean by Louis is a Keeper? Why should that matter to Harry? Why was everbody acting like it still matters what he did? He hadn't done something that bad.
"Why should I wait? If I don't eat right now I fall dead" whined Niall, staring impatiently at his food.
"Because we always wait for everyone" Zayn reminded him and tapped his forehead.
"You will survive a few more minutes".
"No, Louis, I won't!" Niall protested, pretending to die.
"You're such a drama queen" Louis said, shaking his head.
"See, there is Liam finally" Zayn pointed toward the door.
When they all looked over, they smiled joyously, but then their smiles disappeared.
"Why is Harry with him?" Zayn frowned.
"Maybe they just ran into each other?" Niall sought a justification.
"Yeah, sure" snorted Louis.
Niall looked back to Liam, who was getting his food and then saying goodbye to Harry and walking towards them.
"Sorry I'm so late" Liam apologized as he sat down at the table.
"What did you want from Harry?" Zayn came straight to the point.
"We just talked. We have maths together in case you forgot that" Liam said.
"In the past, you didn't talk to him anyway."
"Things used to be different in the old days, Zayn. It's the past" Liam replied, saying they were shocked by the answer was an understatement .
Niall was of the opinion that they shouldn't be vindictive, but that was really radical.
"I really don't understand you Liam" Zayn shook his head blankly.
"Come on, let the past rest. It happened, yes, but it won't happen again, that's over".
"You don't know that, Liam. He has pulled that stunt off before, have you forgotten that?" Niall reminded him.
"No I don't, but I want to give him a new chance and I think you should do that too" Liam explained.
"I really can't think of anything to say any more".
"Let it be" Zayn cut him off and started eating.
"I think we should bring him to our table" blurted Liam out.
"What?" Zayn and Louis asked shocked at the same time.
"Just listen to me for a moment" Liam asked them.
"Forget it".
"You can't be so naive."
"Liam, I have to agree with both of them. You just want too much on one occasion" Niall had to admit.
"But why? He's with us every day anyway" Liam didn't understand.
"But because he has to and not because we want to" Niall reminded him of the circumstances.
"The reason doesn't matter. He's always everywhere anyway and besides, he's otherwise all alone".
"Oh really? That looks different" Zayn said pointing to Harry'stable.
He wasn't sitting alone at his table. There were countless girls around him, all of whom worshipped him. And instead of being annoyed, he seemed to enjoy it.
"Well, you were worried for nothing. He's in good company."
"But he looks pretty annoyed. We should rescue him from the situation" Liam said, and was about to get up.
"Woah, calm down. Where does he look annoyed please?" Zayn held him back.
"Look at his face" Liam pointed to him.
"Just as annoying as before" Zayn shrugged.
"He probably just looks annoyed because he's used to being surrounded by damn rich girls, but since the beginning of the week he's been flirted with by all the girls, and he's probably just disgusted that even girls from a lower class are watching him flirty. When you lower your standards" Niall described the scene in front of them and rolled his eyes.
"Can we talk about something else? "Louis implored his friends and poked around in his food.
"Everything's alright?" Liam asked worriedly.
"Yes everything's alright. Only this talks about Harry get on my nerves. Especially if it's always just about... that. I'd like to think of something else" Louis answered desperately.
Guilty, Niall closed his eyes and put his hand on Louis'. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think about that".
"It's alright, Niall. I don't want you to have to constantly take that into account. It's just .... oh doesn't matter" trailed Louis off.
"No, that does matter. What is it Louis?" Niall checked.
Louis dropped his fork and sighed heavily, rubbing his hands over his face. "Whenever we keep talking about this, I always have to think about it again. This crappy full moon night just doesn't go out of my mind. I don't want to think about it all the time. I never know what could trigger it, but it keep coming back in my thoughts no matter where I am or what I do. It's fucking everywhere. I don't want to see it in front of me again and again, hear it in my head or feel that shitty feeling again, because unfortunately I do that every time. To have him around me all the time and to have such topics of conversation only makes it worse. I want to be able to close that chapter. It's unfair that only I still feel shitty. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Harry is dead to me in that way. It should stop" Louis revealed to them.
"I'm sorry, Louis. I didn't want to achieve that".
"That's not your fault, Niall. It just came up again. I don't need pity. I just want it to stop" Louis assured him.
"Maybe you should turn the tables" Niall suggested.
"What do you mean?" Louis didn't understand.
"Well, to our dear Harry nothing is more important than his damn reputation and he loves women. We all know that, he always rubs it under our nose. But do you remember how he said he would do anything that nobody would know about it? Sorry that I mention it again" Niall began to clarify.
"What are you referring to?" Louis wanted to know curiously.
"Make him feel uncomfortable like he does it with you. It's just that you have more control over it" Niall came to the point.
"But how am I supposed to do that?" Louis wondered
"I'm just saying two words" Niall grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Sexual innuendos".
"Niall, that is genius. That'll be so uncomfortable for him, our little Mister 1000 % straight" gave Zayn Niall a high five.
"That might work" Louis mused.
"No one could do that better than you, sassy king" Zayn patted him on the shoulder.
"And you say Harry would be bad? This is cruel" Liam intervened in horror.
"Liam, this is just a means to an end to make Louis feel better and for Harry to pull himself together or even better, he understands what he's done, because he hasn't until today" Nial told him again.
"We will not exaggerate. After all, we're talking about Louis".
"You know what you just said?" Liam looked at him crookedly.
"That'll work" Zayn assured him.
"I'll bring him over now, whether you like it or not" Liam proclaimed but Zayn stopped him again.
"Don't do that to yourself. Just give him a hand signal and then he can decide for himself if he wants to come".
"Ai, Zayn. That's what I didn't want to know" Niall laughed.
"That starts off well" Liam sighed and turned to Harry, giving him a hand signal and actually Harry came over to them.
"Hey" he greeted them and sat down between Liam und Louis. "Thanks for letting me sit here" Harry said thank you.
"Sure" Liam smiled at him. The other three preferred to focus on their food.
"And was it hard without me?" Harry asked jokingly.
That was the perfect opportunity Niall thought. He hoped Louis would take advantage of that.
"Oh yes, very hard. Wasn't it Zayn?" Louis sighed dramatically and looked with big eyes at Zayn.
"Pretty damn hard, thanks Louis" Zayn played along and put his hand on Louis' arm, winking.
"But not as hard as with you" Louis turned his head back to Harry, rubbing his thigh against Harry's.
Thereupon Harry said nothing more, but shifted back and forth nervously and cleared his throat too conspicuously. Niall could barely suppress his laughter. It was a masterpiece and it had just begun. Hopefully, Harry would stop with his crap near Louis through this.
Liam then started to talk to Harry while the others were eating their food with relish. Just before the break ended, Louis' phone vibrated and he pulled it out. The others looked at him curiously.
"Don't you have your own life?" he grinned and red the message.
"Who's Sabrina?" Zayn asked curiously.
"The girl I talked to yesterday" Louis casually explains as he answers.
"She has your number?" Niall asked in shock.
"Yes, why not?" Louis shrugged.
"Because she totally checked you out, but you don't want anything from her? Or am I wrong?" Zayn wanted to know.
"Of course not, that's what she should have strapped on Sunday. Why are you even writing with her, shorty?" Harry said before Louis could answer.
"That's none of your business at all. Stop acting like we're friends, were not. You're just here because of Liam. If it was up to me, you wouldn't be here, so don't interfere. I write with whom I want" Louis snapped annoyed but immediately regretted it.
Zayn ran his hand over Louis' back while Liam tried to focus Harry's attention on something else, but it didn't work. Niall didn't know exactly what he should do. He probably would have reacted similarly. Harry behaved as if they were all friends, but that wasn't the case. He had to prove himself first, but he simply didn't understand that. And nothing will change until then. Even if he looked at Louis all the time, but Louis tried not to look at him. Harry didn't make any sense.
And that was also the end of the break. To a terrible training and a hopefully good performance.
Ai, sorry for all the homilies....wasn't planed at all. Half of this went different then I wanted it.
But what do you think? Still okay?
Liam too naiv and Zayn too hard on Harry?
Was a little bit of a filler chapter......
Please vote and comment what you think :) love you all, loves <3
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