XXXVI. a violent dog
As the holiday break started coming to an end, Devore kept thinking about how she wasn't excited to go back to Hogwarts, a feeling she hadn't felt since her dad died. She wanted to stay at Grimmauld Place forever with her family and friends, not having to worry about Umbridge or the D.A. getting caught. She felt safe where she was. She didn't feel safe at Hogwarts. But she still wasn't able to confess to her mother about Umbridge's punishments, neither her nor Harry. In fact, for a little while, Devore was able to forget about it and focus on what was in front of her. But now it was all she could think about.
She was glad to have received bracelets from her mother for Christmas because now she could cover the scars on her wrists. Every time she wanted to come clean to her mom, she just couldn't, because Devore wanted to believe she could handle the situation on her own.
The night before they would be returning to Hogwarts, Devore went to the library to return the books she'd read while staying at Grimmauld Place, and she found Sirius sitting alone with a book in his hands. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley. Apart from Hermione and Olivia, Devore didn't know anyone who shared a love for books they way she did.
When Sirius saw her, he put the book down. "Devore."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb—"
"Oh, nonsense," he waved his hand, dismissing her apology, "I just realized how long it's been since I serially sat in here." He told her.
Devore looked around the large library. "It's beautiful in here. You're lucky to have it."
"Yes," Sirius whispered sentimentally. "This was actually my escape room a lot of the time. My father built it for my mother, but, neither of them really put it to use. And my brother wasn't really a reader unless it was for research."
She saw the sadness in his face as he talked and thought about his family. "I've heard stories about your family," Devore started and sat at the table across from him. She put the pile of books down. "Before I met you third year. Draco grew up with them from his mother and he would tell me."
"Ahh, yes, Draco Malfoy," Sirius hummed and he titled his head. "I never would've thought you'd be interested in someone like him."
"Well, at the time, I figured it was my only option," Devore mumbled and her eyes flickered to the dusty table. "Dark times."
He nodded. "Of course. I can only imagine. . . I didn't know your father as well as other people, but, I knew he was a good person. He was honorable."
She grew a small smile. For a minute, Devore was silent and so was he, Sirius waiting for her to respond. "How long have you had feelings for my mother?" She asked the question she'd been dying to know.
Sirius looked shocked. "I-I. . ."
"I hated the idea at first, I won't lie," Devore continued when he couldn't speak. "My dad was the greatest man you see,"
The man silently nodded, still not knowing what to say.
"But it's not my life. I know that now. My mother will always choose me and Bennet over her own happiness because that's who she is. And I would be a selfish person to try and stop her from being with somebody who truly makes her happy." The two of them stared at each other for a second before she continued, "so if this is what you both want then have at it."
Finally, Sirius found his voice. "Devore, it's. . .its more complicated than that—"
She laughed. "No it's not," she silenced him, "I was stuck in a relationship where I constantly thought that I was never going to be happy again. I stayed because I knew without him, I would have nothing. But I was wrong. I have Fred, I have my friends, and I have my family. Life's too short not to go after what we deserve."
There was another moment of silence, and Devore hoped she didn't say too much. But then Sirius smiled at her. "Wise girl, you are. Just like your mother."
She half smiled. Devore stood up and placed the stack of books back onto the shelf. Before she left, she looked at him again. "Don't hurt her, Sirius." She said before leaving the room.
All Sirius could think was, I would never.
She spent the majority of the last night packing, lost in her own thoughts of not wanting to leave her mother, and desperately not wanting to go back and face the dreadful woman who'd taken over their school. Harry and Ron were in the girl's room while she and Hermione packed their things. Devore turned and looked over her shoulder. "Wait, why does Dumbledore want Snape to teach you Occlumency if you're not being possessed?" She asked Harry.
"All Snape said was, 'he thinks it's a good idea'," Harry recited Snape's words.
"It's obvious that Dumbledore wants Harry to stop having these dreams about Voldemort all together," Hermione spoke logically while folding another sweater into her trunk.
"Yeah, but extra lessons with Snape? That's torture within itself." Said Ron, sounding aghast.
"Exactly!" Devore agreed. She turned around and faced Harry. "Y'know, if things start to go South, I have no issue popping in there myself."
Harry hinted a smile. "Thanks, Dev," he muttered, "you should've seen Sirius. Angriest I've ever seen him."
"Well, can you blame him? It's Snivellus." Devore laughed. "I'm shocked he didn't blow him through the wall."
"Well, he probably would've if Mr. and Mrs. Weasley didn't walk in."
"Dammit, mum and dad," muttered Ron.
As she packed, from the corner of her eye, Hermione saw the multiple bracelets on Devore's wrist. "You still haven't told your mum?" She asked her quietly while Ron and Harry talked amongst themselves
"I don't know how I can," Devore whispered and folded another sweater, "mum'll kill the woman if I tell her."
"Well good riddance, let her!" Said Hermione hushly.
"I'm hoping the witch will drop dead before the year ends."
Hogwarts was exactly the same as where they left it, Umbridge infested and everybody dragging their feet, none of them apparently happy to be back either. Harry's unfortunate Occlumency lesson with Snape hindered their first D.A. meeting since arriving back at school. Devore was starting to feel the pressure of facing her O.W.L exams, seeing as all of her professors kept reminding her and her classmates, while Fred and George endeared the stress of taking their N.E.W.Ts, even though Devore had a feeling neither of them cared very much.
She was seated in the library with Olivia and the twins, textbooks and papers surrounding them. "It's too bad we couldn't have the meeting tonight," said Olivia with a half frown while studying Ancient Runes.
"Yeah, poor Harry. Bloke's got the worst luck." George agreed with her.
"Any more time spent with Snape is a world I wouldn't want to live in," said Devore while jotting down notes for Charms, "I'm still considering popping in there."
"No," Olivia warned, giving her the eye, "no trouble, Dev. We just got back."
She smiled at her. "Oh my sweet Liv. You should know trouble comes naturally for me."
Fred chuckled. "Yeah. She's Devore Trouble Taylor after all."
"But why does Dumbledore feel the need to make Harry take Occlumency anyway?" Questioned Olivia.
"Snape says Dumbledore feels that Harry needs to get rid of the nightmares," she explained, "even though he literally saved Mr. Weasley's life."
"Yeah, but imagine going around everyday feeling like you're stuck in nightmare. That's bound to drive you nuts," said Fred, balancing his quill between his fingers. "And Harry's already a little bit of a nutter."
Devore whacked him on the arm. "Shut up, he is not." She defended her friend.
Her boyfriend laughed and caught her hand. "I'm only joking, lovely."
"Alright, moving along the conversation," said George and he sat up in the chair. "There's something we need to discuss."
The twins smirked at one another and Devore looked at Olivia, her shrugging in response. "Discuss what?"
"The upcoming Hogsmeade trip in February—"
"—On a very special day," said Fred, sending Devore a flirtatious smirk.
Catching on, the girls slowly looked at each other again, this time smiling.
"And Freddie and I can't spend that day alone." George dramatically continued.
"Sooo, we need the company of two very beautiful ladies—"
"What do ya say?" They finished together.
Devore began to clap. "Wonderful delivery," she grinned.
"That was quite beautiful." Said Olivia, clapping as well.
Fred bowed. "Thank you. Thank you."
"So, what do you pretty ladies say? Double date?" George asked them, leaning back and stretching his arm across Olivia's chair.
"Hmmmm," she hummed and faced Devore again, pretending to think, "can we invite Atlas and Legend and make it a triple date?"
"The more the merrier," Fred agreed and looked at his girlfriend, his eyebrows raised.
"Oh, how can I resist that face?" Devore replied and pinched his cheek, a cheeky smile spreading on his lips, satisfied with her answer.
Seeing Draco again caused Devore to freeze. It was a petrified feeling, especially after everything that happened to Mr. Weasley. When he saw her, he froze as well, everyone that was in the common room leaving to go to breakfast. Morgan came walking down the stairs and when she saw her frozen, she saw Draco, and she put her hand on Devore's shoulder. "Do you want me to stay?" She asked her.
For a second, Devore contemplated saying yes. But she shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'll meet you in the Great Hall."
Nodding silently, Morgan slipped past her and scurried out of the common room.
When it was just the two of them, Devore opened her mouth to speak, but she felt her throat become dry. Speaking to Draco had become the hardest thing when it used to be the easiest. "How was your Christmas?" She managed to ask.
"Oh, it was great," Draco responded sarcastically, stiffly standing by the couch, "yeah, mother, father, and I gathered around the tree opening presents. Then we had a nice dinner. Real quality family time."
Devore rolled her eyes. "I'm being genuine."
"How kind of you." He sneered.
"Draco, seriously," she said and walked up to him, still keeping her distance. Her dark eyes settled on his tie, finding it hard to look him in the eyes, but she tried. "Did he, y'know. . .make an appearance?"
"No," Draco answered, less snappy, "he was too busy getting in the mind of your little friend."
"Look, Draco, what you said to me at the end of fourth year. What did you mean?"
He scoffed and look away from her. "Come on, Dev, you're not stupid—"
"You said You-Know-Who was creating an army," she interrupted him, taking another step closer in his space, "and then you said that my family would be involved. Tell me what his plan is."
The two of them stood there staring at one another, Draco's jaw tight while her eyes begged for answers. Even being around her drove him to insanity, but Draco put on a face, a mask, the same mask he'd worn his whole life. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to," his voice became dark and its scared her, "there's a war coming, Devore. He's coming. His followers are coming. And we—" Draco paused. "My father's not exactly giving me a choice in anything. A luxury you have," he sneered.
Devore paid no attention to his bitterness. "What does my family have to do with any of this?"
Again, Draco paused, his cold eyes scanning her face. A feeling bubbled in his chest, and he felt like he was being set on fire. Something inside of him wanted to snap, to snarl like the dog he was raised to be. "I have to go." He muttered and walked away from her.
"Draco, please." She begged but he continued to walk away, not giving her anymore answers. Devore sighed.
Devore walked into the Great Hall and she caught Hermione's eyes. She waved her over and as she headed to the Gryffindor table, Devore looked over and saw Morgan looking at her already, talking with Theo. She held up a finger and told her to hold on. She sat in the empty spot by Harry. "Good morning."
"Why do you look so flustered?" Asked Ron, eyeing her red and distressed face.
Devore pushed her hair off her shoulder. "Rough morning. Y'know, the life of Devore Taylor." She dismissed with a joke. She saw the newspaper on the table and pointed to it. "What's that?"
Hermione gingerly slid it toward her. On the cover, Devore saw a photo of nine wizards and one witch, each photo having their name printed and she saw that they were prisoners in Azkaban, and their crimes were printed.
Antonin Dolohov was the first name she read, his face long and pale and twisted into a sneer, and she read his crime. Convicted of the brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewett. Devore felt a painful feeling in her heart and she made a mental note to not bring it up around the twins. Then there was Augustus Rookwood, a man with greasy hair, and he was convicted of leaking Ministry of Magic Secrets to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. As she read through the names and crimes, Devore's eyes landed on the last one, the witch, and she recognized her name and face.
Bellatrix Lestrange, her wild black hair and crazed eyes nearly jumped off the page and it terrified her. An evil, disdainful smile twisted on her thin, lips. Devore knew of her through Draco and Sirius, and she could see the resemblance between the cousins. She read the crime, Bellatrix Lestrange, convicted of the torture and permanent incapacitation of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Devore found herself looking up at the end of the table and she saw Neville staring at the newspaper with a look of horror.
"Great. Like we don't already have enough to deal with," Devore spoke with an aggravated sigh. She slid the newspaper away from her, not having the strength to keep reading.
Harry took it and started reading the article out loud:
"The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban.
Speaking to reporters in his private office, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, confirmed that ten high-security prisoners escaped in the early hours yesterday evening, and that he had already informed the Muggle Prime Minister of the dangerous nature of those individuals.
"We find ourselves, most unfortunately, in the same position we were two and a half years ago when the murderer Sirius Black escaped," said Fudge last night. "Nor do we think the two breakouts are unrelated."
"Oh yeah, I'm sure." Devore muttered sarcastically and chewed on her tongue.
"An escape of this magnitude suggests outside help, and we must remember that Black, as the first person to break out of Azkaban, would be ideally placed to help others follow in his footsteps."
"So what, they think Sirius is the new You-Know-Who?"
"Devore," Hermione warned at her comments.
Devore simply raised her hands.
"We think it likely that these individuals, who includes Black's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, have rallied around Black as their leader. We are, however, doing all we can to round up the criminals and beg the magical community to remain alert and cautious. On no account should any of these individuals be approached."
"No shit, Fudge." Devore slipped out another comment and Hermione didn't bother to say anything.
"There you are, Harry," said Ron, looking awestruck. "That's why he was happy last night. . ."
"I don't believe this," snarled Harry, "Fudge is blaming the break out on Sirius?"
"Only cause he won't admit that Voldemort's involved," said Devore, matter-of-fact.
"What other options does he have?" Said Hermione bitterly. "He can hardly say 'Sorry everyone, Dumbledore warned me this might happen, the Azkaban guards have joined Voldemort' — stop whimpering, Ron — 'and now Voldemort's worst supporters have broken out too.' I mean, he's spent a good six months telling everyone that you and Dumbledore are liars, hasn't he?"
"So Fudge doesn't want to admit he's wrong and instead will keep letting people believe that Sirius's is apart of it," Devore spoke again and nodded. "That bastard."
Hermione snatched the newspaper and started reading it and Devore looked over her shoulder at the Slytherin table. She spotted Draco, all of this friends talking around him but his cold eyes were settled on the newspaper. Slowly, he lifted his head, his pale face paling even more, and he caught her gaze. He knew something, Devore was certain, and she wondered how hard she could push him to tell her the truth.
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