MHN 8 || His Worst
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•~ Nadia and Xylan ~•
Xylan entered the room, finding Nadia lying on the couch, seemingly lost in slumber. But there was an inexplicable urge within him, a desire to keep her close, to ensure her comfort. The couch was hardly an ideal resting place; he knew this well from nights spent there when Luke denied him access to his own room.
Approaching cautiously, he gazed upon her tear-streaked face, her constant state of vigilance now replaced by ethereal tranquility. It seemed absurd to witness such serenity after witnessing her anguish, her fear. Her tousled hair framed her visage, accentuating her beauty, while her rhythmic breathing caused her breasts to rise and fall with tantalizing allure.
Her beauty was captivating, her hair disheveled around her face, and her breath moving in a rhythm that stirred something deep within him.
Xylan realized he had been indulging in a rather creepy act, staring at her in silence. Shaking off the strange fascination, he resolved to move her to a more comfortable sleeping arrangement.
Carefully lifting her into his arms, a flicker of anticipation coursed through him as she instinctively curled up against his side, seeking solace in his embrace. The simple act ignited a wild surge within his heart, pumping blood through his veins like a raging storm.
What was he doing? Nadia was unraveling him in ways he never thought possible. He felt foolish for succumbing to these uncharted desires.
Navigating through the room, he finally arrived at Luke's bedroom, intending to settle Nadia onto the inviting bed. However, just as he was about to gently lay her down, she stirred in his arms, her eyes fluttering open.
Nadia's bewildered gaze darted around the room, confusion giving way to surprise, and eventually transforming into anger, her cautious nature resurfacing.
Before Xylan could even utter a word of explanation, she sprang up from the bed, confronting him in an instant. Without a moment's hesitation, her hand met his cheek with a resounding slap.
"I thought you were here to help me, but you were merely biding your time, waiting for the perfect opportunity, weren't you? Planning to violate me while I slept."
He couldn't make sense of her accusations, but the fact that she had slapped him without reason ignited a fury within him, surpassing that of an enraged bull.
As if one slap wasn't enough to fuel his anger, she delivered another blow, this time striking the opposite cheek. She prepared for a third slap, but Xylan swiftly seized her wrist in a vice-like grip, pulling her forcefully into his chest.
Nadia struggled against his hold, exerting every ounce of her strength, screaming profanities in her attempt to break free. Yet, her efforts were in vain against his unwavering grasp.
She fought against his hold with all her might, unleashing a torrent of profanities, but she was no match for his strength. "Release me, you sleep rapist! I'd sooner kill you than allow you to touch me. I'm not afraid of you! Enough of this—"
In a bid to silence her, Xylan resorted to a drastic measure, his lips crashing onto hers in an unexpected kiss. It was far from the ideal way to subdue another human being, but in that moment, it felt like the only way to halt her relentless accusations. The element of surprise became his weapon.
Deep down, he had wanted to taste her lips ever since their initial encounter, when her vulnerable eyes met his, silently pleading for help. Nadia was undeniably beautiful, though he refused to admit it to himself just yet.
Teasing her upper lip with his own, Xylan reveled in the stillness that had overtaken her body and lips. It was only when he moved to capture her succulent lower lip between his own that she finally responded, her arms encircling his neck as she dove into the kiss, seeking an even deeper connection.
Bliss enveloped him as he playfully nibbled on her lip, granting him access to her mouth. His tongue entwined with hers in a passionate dance, their bodies gravitating toward one another.
His hands trailed down from her wrists to her sides, delicately caressing the exposed skin peeking through her tattered clothes.
With every move, goosebumps erupted across their entangled forms. Nadia's moans filled the air as he suckled on her tongue, their tongues locked in a seductive tango. Meanwhile, her exploring hands traveled the terrain of his chest, further heightening his senses.
In the heat of the moment, her hand unintentionally ventured into the wrong pocket, only to encounter the pocket knife he always kept on the left side of his jeans. Before he could redirect her, a sharp pain shot through his thigh as she impaled him with the blade.
A cry of agony escaped him as he loosened his grip on her, his gaze fixated on her smirking countenance.
"Now take that, you rapist!" Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her body frozen as she awaited his response. In that moment, she did nothing but watch him, while he groaned in pain.
Her actions proved to be her first mistake. The pain coursed through him like a fiery tempest, but he had endured enough street fights to overcome it swiftly, to act in order to preserve his life. She remained unaware, and just as she began to cautiously circle around him, he unexpectedly lunged forward, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground, a groan escaping her lips.
In one swift motion, he disarmed her, snatching the knife from her hand and swiftly folding it shut. Then, using the wooden back of the knife, he struck her head with calculated force, rendering her unconscious.
As he stood there, observing her motionless form, a conclusion crystallized in his mind: she was a fighter, a tigress in action.
Despite the pain pulsating through his leg, he slowly made his way to the washroom to tend to his injuries. The sting of the cleanser on his wound served as a stark reminder that he could never lower his guard around this girl.
She had witnessed his best, and now she was about to witness his worst.
Hey love,
A late Christmas gift? Well, don't kill me for it!
Don't forget to vote and comment if you still love me the same!
By the way, did you women ever wonder why men are born between a woman's legs and spend their entire lives trying to get back between them? Well, there is no place like home after all! 🏘️
With love,
Your very naughty Ethan ;-)
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