MHN 6 || Deal, No Deal
Follow me here FastAndDeep for regular updates!
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•~Rhyna and kidnapper~•
"Aren't you just full of shit?" His voice dripped with contempt as he stared at her, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and frustration. He couldn't stand her lies any longer, not at this moment.
With a defiant look, she met his gaze head-on, her words laced with a hint of defiance. "Look, I've told you everything I know. This is all anyone knows. It's designed that way, meant to keep people in the dark, including me." Her voice had a distant quality to it as if she were speaking from a place of deep secrets.
"It? Why do you refer to it as 'it'? Are there more people involved? Is it some sort of criminal organization?" He struck her across the head with the base of his gun, not hard enough to render her unconscious but enough to rattle her senses.
He needed answers, and he needed them now. But what infuriated him, even more, was her laughter.
Inside his locked car, they were trapped together. The doors seemed impenetrable, ensuring that escape was impossible without his key in the ignition. Yet, here she was, testing his patience with her insolence.
"Aren't you desperate?" Her words were laced with a touch of amusement. "I've given you more than you bargained for. We had a deal, remember? I followed you to this damn car, I provided answers, and you promised to let me go. That was the deal." Her eyes bore into his as if daring him to challenge her. But little did she know, he wasn't one to be intimidated.
"Listen here, you piece of trash. There was never a deal between us. If I feel like it, I'll end you right here, right now. But I'm giving you a chance, a glimmer of hope that you might cooperate and save your own sorry life. However, let me make one thing clear, I'm not a patient man. So start talking before I change my mind." He grabbed the delicate fabric of her dress, tugging at it dangerously close to tearing.
If circumstances were different indeed, she thought, gritting her teeth against the pain. If he wasn't holding her captive, if danger didn't hang in the air like an intoxicating scent, she might have been attracted to him. There was an undeniable chemistry, a dangerous magnetism that defied reason.
"Well, well, well," she retorted, her voice laced with a mixture of defiance and underlying desire. "You sure have a knack for ruining a designer dress you couldn't afford in a million lifetimes. I suggest you keep your hands off before you cause any more damage." She struggled against his grip, but his strength proved overpowering.
She attempted to push him away, her frustration evident. But physically, she was no match for him, and in an instant, the butt of his gun connected with the side of her head once again.
Damn, this woman! If circumstances were different, he might have been attracted to her. Fierce and fearless, she possessed a captivating allure. But that allure was working against him now.
"Arghh!" Her pain-filled groan filled the confined space of the car as she instinctively reached for her throbbing jaw.
She berated herself for even engaging in conversation with him. She knew better than to let a man worm his way under her skin. But deep down, she understood that he desired something beyond mere seduction.
"You better start talking, now. Or it won't just be your face that's left looking like a mess."
"I've left all that behind, it's been a while. I genuinely don't remember much." Her words dripped with falsehood, each syllable a carefully crafted lie. She knew all too well that the memories couldn't be erased, not even a fraction.
"How long is a while,' huh? And do you honestly expect me to believe that you don't remember a damn thing?"
"I don't. That's all there is to it. You can kill me if you want. I've told you everything." He hesitated, unsure if he should trust her words. She wasn't the type to be trusted, and he knew extracting information from her would be no easy feat.
But damn it! She was stubborn, and he was willing to play her game if that's what it took to extract the truth.
"Rhyna, I warned you. But you had to be this stubborn, didn't you? It seems I'll have to kill you after all." He raised his gun, disengaged the safety, and began to squeeze the trigger. She sat there, unblinking, with no trace of fear in her eyes.
Internally, he groaned at the turn of events. He couldn't allow her to think he was soft, even for a moment. With a quick motion, he aimed and fired, the bullet piercing her right arm. The immediate scream that escaped her lips attracted attention, and he saw people approaching, drawn by the commotion. Reacting swiftly, he reversed his small green truck out of the parking area and onto the open highway.
"You son of a bitch, you're dead!" she groaned in pain, cradling her injured arm.
"Yes, unless you bleed out from that wound. Trust me, we have a long journey ahead. By the way, did I mention I'm a doctor? Bet you didn't know that. But I can help you, you know." A smirk played at the corner of his lips as if the excruciating pain she experienced was of little consequence to him.
"Fucking hell, it hurts!" she cursed, and internally, he winced at the juxtaposition of her beauty in the midst of a bloodied mess.
He was torn between the prettiness of her anguish and the urgent need to aid her before it was too late. In another life, he might have devoured her, pleasure before pain, but now he had a different proposition.
"I can help. I keep telling you. But not until you help me first."
Whimpering, she assessed her wound, realizing that the bullet was still lodged in her arm. Survival depended on its extraction; otherwise, infection would take hold, leading to a slow and painful demise. She needed his assistance, and thus, she made a choice.
"Treat me first. Remove it. The pain is unbearable."
"What? Do I look that stupid to you? You won't be getting any help from me until I get the answers I seek."
"Listen, I give you my word that I'll pass out long before we reach our destination. It'll be harder for me to recover then. It's in both our best interests for you to help me now. I can't run anywhere, and I don't even know where we are. Please!" Her eyes pleaded with him, desperation mingling with the agony she endured.
He studied her face intently, searching for any sign of deception, but to his surprise, he found none. Just raw pain.
He made his decision.
"There's a place I know, not too far from here. Hold on a little longer, can you manage?"
"But—" Before she could protest any further, he silenced her with a powerful blow from his gun, knocking her into unconsciousness.
Hey guys, sorry for getting a little late but here is the update.
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(For the next chapter)
With love,
Ethan (FastAndDeep)
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