MHN 3 || Nothing More
Follow me here FastAndDeep for regular updates!
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•~Nadia and Xylan~•
Nadia slowly regained consciousness, her senses awakening one by one. The weight upon her head pressed down as if an invisible force sought to crush her skull. She struggled to open her eyes, but a burning sensation made it a daunting task. Every muscle in her body ached, and as she attempted to move her hands, panic set in. They were restrained, tightly bound just like her legs.
Her swollen lips felt dry, and her mouth parched. She mustered all her strength to force her eyes open, squinting against the darkness that enveloped her. A faint ray of light pierced through the gloom, emanating from a distant corner of the room where she found herself confined.
Nadia tried to shift, to find a more comfortable position, and as her eyes adjusted to the dimness, the truth struck her. She was trapped within a cage, an agonizingly small space that forced her body into contorted positions. Her arms were firmly tied to the bars forming the cage's four walls, while her knees pressed against her face, her legs compressed against the unforgiving base.
An urgent desire to speak welled up within her, but when she parted her lips, the silence was all that emerged.
Voices floated toward her, fragments of conversation that mingled with the sound of approaching footsteps. Her gaze fixed upon the slightly ajar door, anticipation gripping her as she strained to hear.
In a sudden burst, the door swung wide open, and Nadia blinked, momentarily blinded by the harsh flood of light invading her senses.
"Take her out, will you? You had no right to keep her like this when I was granted permission to have her," a disembodied voice demanded.
"Seems like you're overly concerned about this one," another voice replied.
"We may do what we do, but we don't harm innocents, Blair."
"Correction, Xylan. You don't harm innocents. As for me, I couldn't give a fuck," the voice sneered.
"Oh, so you won't mind if I were to kill your sister, then? She's done nothing but cause trouble for us from the very start."
"Don't bring family into this, Xylan. I'd rather not punch you."
"Like hell, I'll let you! She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like your sister. And you won't lay a finger on her."
Nadia strained her ears as footsteps drew nearer to her cell, the metallic clinking indicating someone was attempting to fit a key into the lock, to set her free. She surmised it must be Xylan from the conversation she overheard.
"And what about you, Xylan? What do you plan to do with her? Release her only for her to run her pretty mouth to the police? Or will you find some magical way to erase her memory?"
Her restraints were released, and her arm suddenly snatched violently, causing her to lose her balance. Only the support of her captor's chest against her back prevented her from toppling over. Strong arms enveloped her tiny waist.
"I'll figure something out. I won't take the life of an innocent," Xylan asserted.
"Oh, spare me! If you won't, then I will. Your damn principles will lead us all to our deaths someday. You're not so different from your father, are you? I won't risk everyone's life for this stupid bitch."
If Nadia possessed more strength, she would have directed a swift kick to the person's groin. But weariness consumed her, her body drained, and her legs turned to jelly, incapable of supporting her weight any longer.
Xylan clenched his fists, summoning all his restraint to resist the urge to kill that despicable creature. He needed a plan to secure her escape, refusing to bear the burden of another innocent's blood on his hands. It would haunt him for eternity.
"I'll take her to my place," Xylan rumbled, his voice reverberating against Nadia's back. In another circumstance, his hold upon her would have caused her to swoon with desire. But fear gripped her now.
"So, this is how you play, you bastard! You intend to keep her as your sex toy, despite the rule prohibiting repeated encounters. Shall I remind you of those fucking rules?"
"Blair, I couldn't give a fuck about the rules. They don't forbid engaging in physical pleasure with a woman; they forbid falling in love. So, fuck off. As you so eloquently put it, I want her as my fuck toy. That's all." Xylan's response silenced Blair, who seethed with anger, retreating into a corner.
Nadia's hope of escape dwindled, her mind mired in confusion. How had she ended up in this wretched place? In a sudden burst of strength, she pushed away from Xylan's grip, twirling within his arms with surprising agility, until she crashed into his chest.
The scent of his cologne enveloped her—a raw, masculine fragrance that pleased her senses. Under different circumstances, she might have succumbed to his embrace, but now she resolutely pulled away.
"Please..." she began, her voice faltering as he locked his gaze with her deep, gray eyes. They seemed like endless pools of gray, piercing her to her very core. She needed to snap out of it—this man planned to rape her after taking her to his place. No matter how attractive he appeared, he was a rapist.
She struggled against his hold, only to freeze when his nails dug into her wrists as a warning. "Please, let me go," she implored, her voice timid and hoarse from the strain.
Instantly, he loosened his grip, allowing her freedom of movement without releasing her entirely. She locked eyes with him, and he turned his gaze away.
"Am I interrupting a tender moment, Xylan? Has she bewitched you? Are you suddenly planning to marry her and have cute little babies?" Blair's words stiffened Xylan's posture, but what Nadia didn't anticipate was his hands leaving her wrists only to encircle her throat.
Nadia gagged as the pressure intensified, her arms flailing against his, desperate to make him release his grip. Darkness crept at the edges of her vision, her consciousness slipping away. The last words she heard before succumbing to the black void echoed through her mind, sparking a wish for death.
"She will be my whore, nothing more."
I have a feeling that Wattpad would turn some of my chapters private because of the shit that I'm writing. I'm getting way too explicit but come on, the characters demand it! So follow me if you are not doing that already right here FastAndDeep
Haha, anyway can you define disappointment?
No, whatever you thought, it was wrong.
Real disappointment is when a guy runs into a wall with a boner and he breaks his nose first. No, I'm not talking about me. I know you girls so well!
I will be back with another chapter tomorrow if you guys keep on voting and commenting like that!
With love,
FastAndDeep (Ethan Miller)
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