Zhan rings the bell and impatiently waits until door opens. feeling irritated he is about to slap his head, but stops noticing Cheng's situation. later one looks like he haven't slept for days, his eyes darkened and skin pale, clothes dirty and messy. he doesn't even try to smile as always, while meeting best friend. Zhan walks in without invitation and places bag on the table
"I brought healthy fruit for you. seems like I would go for some strong alcohol. what kind of silliness did you do?"
"thanks, is this only way of comfort you can offer?"
"here" Zhan opens his arms and smiles sweetly, nodding at Cheng. latter one let's out loud sob and hangs on his neck, hiding face into Zhan's chest "silly, my silly friend" Zhan whispers and keeps petting his hair, until journalist calms down and stops trembling. Cheng moves back and wipes tears, coughing awkwardly
"so embarrassing. where is Yibo?"
"why do you ask?"
"he is in danger. I don't want someone else..."
"he is safe. I left him at the hospital for the check-up. I'm here to talk about you not Yibo. what the fuck is wrong with you? why do you keep blaming yourself in everything? you made Haikuan too confused, poor guy begged to talk to you. you weren't like this before"
"life slapped me in the face for being shameless Zhan. how did I dare to dream of happiness? with what gut I dared to love Haikuan? only thing I should do is regret and repent"
"stop it for god's sake" Zhan grabs Cheng's shoulders and shakes him "I can't watch you suffering like this"
"it was never gone, all pain is back again and attacks me. watching at Lusi..." Cheng falls on the floor and starts hitting his fists "I imagined him, all alone, waiting for death. I'm seeing nightmares, I'm hearing his voice. he cries, he begs to be saved. only taking responsibility, only sacrificing myself can free me"
"Cheng, you'll end up going crazy at this rate. I'm always here for you, Haikuan adores you. we both can help, you just need to open for him too"
"maybe he is going to understand, to forgive but...I can't. the more I love him, the more I'm ashamed. if he knows my disgusting past..."
"exactly what? what I'm not supposed to know?" hearing sudden voice startles them both and Cheng stumbles, noticing Haikuan at the door. latter one walks in and grabs his arm "so you trust Zhan, but not me. didn't I prove myself enough already?"
"I'll leave you alone and wait outside. I'm not one to give wise advices, but just don't hurt each-other" Zhan pats on Haikuan's shoulder and closes door after leaving room. racer softens grip and pulls Cheng down on the sofa. his eyes shows too strong love and care, journalist can't take it anymore
"I really wanted to make it work Haikuan, I really tried my best but..."
"didn't I wait enough? you still hide things from me"
"I should remain next to her, I should take care of her"
"I'm ok with that, I'm ok with everything as long as you're next to me. did I ever get jealous of your friends? I love and respect Zhan, because you do so. I can support Lusi too...although I know she loves you as man"
"Haikuan...that is why I can't keep you next to me. because you're too perfect"
"isn't this nonsense reason for breaking relationship?"
"She needs me to live, I have to end our relationship to save her"
"How can you be this evil? Is this really Cheng I know and love? I won't, I won't break up with you" Haikuan cups his shoulders and lowers eyes, trying to stop his tears. It's first time Cheng sees him this hurt and fragile and his heart breaks too
"This is for your own good, trust me"
"Who give you right to decide for me? Who the hell are you? You think for her, but what about me? I need you to live too, I love and desire you too. You brightened my life to throw me in the darkness again? You made me feel like having family, to leave me alone again?"
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
"What about Bao? How am I going to explain?"
"I have no other choice, I don't know what future gonna bring. How can I ask you to wait?"
"Is there chance for come back?" Haikuan looks into his eyes, desperately waiting for the answer, but Cheng stays still as he is unaware too "for this moment...I really hate and despise you, I want to yell, to curse at you but.. I know tomorrow I'm going to love you more Cheng. I can't just give up easily like this, I know at the end you'll come back"
"You're never giving up right? No matter how much I hurt you?" Cheng tightly hugs his neck and sobs out "can't you understand? I don't deserve you"
"I've waited for years to meet you, without knowing it. Only you could move my heart, only you could give different happiness to me. We'll wait, just try to not take too long" Haikuan breaks hug and wipes Cheng's tears away with his lips, while his eyes is watery too. He wants to stay forever, to keep holding him, but has to accept reality "if this separation helps you to remove heavy burden from your heart, then let it be" racer stands up and pets Cheng's hair, not willing to end touch. Getting faint smile from other one, he moves back and manages to leave.
Zhan finds friend hugging his knees and looking at the wall with empty eyes. Tears nonstop slides down on his pale cheeks and hands shakes. Zhan knows no words can comfort him now, so just sits behind him and hugs Cheng's waist. Love is never without pain, but still...isn't it too much?
Yibo is listening to doctor with interest, when suddenly someone rushes in and tightly hugs his neck from behind. Doctor coughs awkwardly and tries to avoid romantic scene happening in front of him
"Gege" Yibo can't help himself, but giggle and gently slaps Zhan's hand "stop, it's ticklish"
"Seems like someone already missed his boyfriend" doctor laughs and stands up "I have patient to check on, so you two can talk freely. test results will come out after about half hour, I'll let you know Yibo"
"thank you so much doctor" Yibo smiles at him and looks up to Zhan, trying to read his expression "you're suspicious"
"what do you mean?"
"come here" Yibo moves his wheelchair back and grips Zhan's waist, pulling him down "sit on my lap"
"won't it hurt?"
"no, it's ok" Yibo leans check at Zhan's chest and deeply breaths in "feels so nice"
"Bo di...I'm very scared"
"so there is really something wrong. I knew it since you came in, you usually don't act this clingy in front of the others"
"relationships can be broken easily, even when there is too strong love. can't we just forget humanity sometimes and only hold into our happiness?"
"what happened?"
"Cheng and Haikuan, they parted ways. none of them is one to blame but still it happened. my friend is still stuck in the past, while Haikuan just gives himself for granted. I can never be this selfless, especially when it comes to you"
"I doubt it" Yibo breaks hug and cups Zhan's face "you being this hurt and concerned proves something else. it's hard right?"
"what do you mean?"
"I started feeling pain, while you started feeling emotions. I know it's hard, but we're both lucky to have each-other. together...we'll make it easy"
"what if we're going to end up like them too? what if there is something..." Zhan stops and remembers Meilin's words, he didn't mind before "by any you have secret? I know it's shameless from me to ask but"
"why so suddenly? there is something related to my parents Zhan, but I'm not still sure. when time comes I'll tell you"
"alright, I won't force you" Zhan nods and kisses Yibo's hair "let's visit your grandpa, he was asking for you"
"do you two plan something together? against Meilin"
"yes, he is big help for me. let's talk about details later" Zhan gets up and holds wheelchair "it's been long since doctor left, I'll ask for test results"
"it feels so nice, when you take care of me. maybe I gonna keep being ill?"
"I need healthy man in the bed" Zhan sticks his tongue out and laughs, noticing Yibo's frown "silly baby, no matter what happens...I'll never leave you"
Daniel opens the door without knocking, as he is always allowed there, but stops noticing Haikuan's condition. Latter one is throwing everything around and lowly groans. Young racer falls in confusion, seeing him this angry for the first time. At the end he still decides to talk out
"What is wrong laoshi? Can I be any help?"
"oh It's you Daniel" Haikuan immediately stops and his expression changes in seconds. He faintly smiles and sits down, looking around "I created such a mess right? don't mind it, everything is ok"
"Don't hold all in. You're human and it's normal to express emotions"
"I learnt controlling myself because of my son" Haikuan nods noticing Daniel's shocked face and opens his wallet "here, he is so cute right?"
"I didn't know, that you're married"
"actually I'm not. Soon or later people gonna find out anyway. I wanted to be perfect dad for him, I wanted bao to be always joyful and happy. I shouldn't show any sad or scaring face of mine. still someone could mess my life again"
"I don't think it's right way laoshi, later life gonna be harder for him"
"I know, now I know. don't get me wrong, but I want to be alone now"
"as you wish, fighting" Daniel encouragingly smiles and leaves from there. his eyes searches for someone specific and his face brightens noticing Teo, standing nearby. older one gets started on the sudden touch and clears his throat "you didn't contact me since that day. I was missing you"
"it's been only three days"
"you still have too much to learn" Daniel pouts and clings at him "Haikuan laoshi is very sad, I'm sure it's love problems. we won't have..."
"there is no love between us, so how can we have love problems?" Teo's face suddenly becomes cold and pushes Daniel back "don't come this close, it's irritating"
"what is wrong with you? why do you suddenly act like before?"
"you said we should try and I agreed"
"it won't work. anyway I have more serious problems than you. I'm going to Yibo's house"
"I still want him, I'm not into you Daniel. so just forget everything and move on"
"it can't be" Daniel tries to reach his hands, but is avoided "I'm sure you're honest with me. I saw your eyes, it was filled with love. at least you have strong sympathy for me. did I somehow make you upset?"
"you're cute and all but..." Teo eyes him with mocking face and shakes his head "you can't turn me on. I want man who makes my blood boil, someone who causes strong desire, but you're way too unattractive. I only can fuck you..." Teo comes closer and whispers at his ear "when think about him" his words makes Daniel gasp from pain and Teo knows very well how hard it was for him to forget that night. he knows everything and still decides to open his old wound, because it's only way to free himself. it's only way to protect Daniel from future suffer and disappointment "are you ok with it?"
"you bastard" Daniel pushes him back and strongly slaps his face, shaking with anger. Teo wipes blood from lips and laughs
"very rough, aren't us?"
"you played with me. I knew everything about you and still put my trust in you. is this how you pay back? go and beg him like before, seems like you don't need my love and care. you prefer to be treated as slave, such a shame" Daniel's eyes filled with hate and Teo realizes, that he lost him forever "I'll learn this lesson very well. don't try to save someone, who isn't willing to be saved"
"then...there is nothing to talk about anymore. I'm leaving my job too, so feel at ease. we're not going to meet again" Teo looks into his blue eyes for last time and forces himself to move. only when he stays alone, lets emotions out and hides face between his palms
"people like me should never gain something, because they're bound to lost it anyway. such a silly of you Teo"
Zhan moves wheelchair into dining room with happy talk and eyes people sitting at the table. noticing someone unpleasant, his smile fades away and coughs awkwardly. Meilin, who just enters the room smirks and signs them to join
"welcome back, how is your health condition Yibo?"
"getting better aunt" Yibo answers and moves his stare to Teo. latter one awkwardly smiles and greets him "I wasn't expecting meeting you here"
"we hired him, as your new bodyguard. old one left so..."
"left? wonder on his own will or was forced to" Zhan murmurs and glares at Teo "someone is always extra in this house"
"for example you?"
"you never miss chance to butt in right? aren't you tired at all?" Zhan hits fist on the table and Yibo squirms, noticing Feng's displeased face
"I don't allow this kind of cheap talk in my family. if you wanna be worth of my son, mind your words Xiao Zhan"
"dad please"
"I was worried about Yibo's future and made some investigation" Meilin makes pure face and slowly keeps talking "there is no records about you in any school or university. didn't you tell us before, that you studied in the China?"
"I just..."
"I don't wanna humiliate you somehow, but we want best for our son. although being unable to go to university like every normal student, Yibo got proper education at home. decent man having relationship with big liar like you...who knows what more do you hide from us"
"just enough" Yibo yells and tightens fists, trying to control anger "I made this choice by myself, because I know him best. He is right person for me and I don't fucking care about your opinion"
"don't talk to your mom like that. you're famous person and Zhan has very bad reputation, doesn't it bother you at all? it's because of him, that you changed this much"
"I have only one mom and I pray for her soul everyday. it's you who changed, not me dad" Yibo lowers tone and swallows his tears "you let your wife to hurt my precious one. I know how much Zhan is holding himself now and he does it because of me. my fans have to respect my decisions, if not it's their own problem"
"it's ok Yibo" Zhan holds his hand and faintly smiles "they aren't wrong tho"
"I'll excuse myself, enjoy your meal" Zhan quickly leaves and runs up on the stairs. Yibo avoids Meilin's satisfied stare and pitifully looks down on his legs. Teo moves, going to help but racer shakes head and rolls wheels by himself
"I can't even chase him, I can't even comfort him. how could you? everything was going so well, do you hate watching me happy? was this dirty show really necessary?"
"son...I'm sorry. we just care for you"
"call bodyguard for me please and ask me before hiring new one, from now on" Yibo manages to stay still and patiently waits, until he is brought at his room. Zhan is standing in front of the mirror and doesn't move at all. Yibo hesitantly holds his hand and says sweetly "I apologize on behalf of them, I know how hard it was for you"
"Yibo" Zhan shivers on his touch and looks back with confused and scared eyes "why is this here?"
"what do you mean Zhan?"
"this newspaper" Zhan takes old newspaper with shaking hands and knees in front of him "why do you have this?"
"I had it locked, how could you..."
"it wasn't me, but just tell me why?"
"this woman in the car accident is my mother and this someone I'm looking for"
"it can't, it can't be..." Zhan tightly grabs his hands and deeply breaths in "what this man has to do with your mother?"
"I suspect...he is my biological father. I think that they had relationship and were going to escape together" Yibo lowers his eyes and sighs "this is the only thing I was hiding from you. but why are you this pale Zhan? I'm sorry if..."
"I...I need to leave" Zhan quickly moves back and runs to the door. fallen in confusion Yibo can't even react, when suddenly his neck is hugged and hears words told with painful voice "maybe I shouldn't love you Bo di"
Sorry for taking long my sweeties. and I'm back with kinda sad chapter 😓 I can understand Cheng but feel very sorry for Haikuan. Daniel and Teo...maybe they're never meant to be. and our main couple, what do you think about last moment? 😉
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