(I know you're waiting for happy chapter, but...maybe we gonna cry)
"Your mom is simply amazing. she is sweet talker, cooks very well and doesn't ask much when feels it isn't needed" they get back to the room after having dinner and Yibo stops at the shelf, viewing Zhan's pictures. there are only him and his mom and Yibo wonders why Zhan looks overly sad in all of them "thought we're totally different in everything but this is what makes us similar"
"having no happy memories?" Zhan stands next to him and sighs "I should smile, at least because of mom. you're right, she is way too great for having ungrateful son like me"
"this is something new, Xiao Zhan talking bad about himself, more like truth?" Yibo side eyes him and smirks "I'm surprised" Zhan stays quiet but Yibo feels his gaze all this time and can't help himself but blush. he wants to turn towards him but knows it's impossible to not hug, to not hold Zhan tightly "what are you looking at?"
"just...I wonder"
"About what?"
"How could I live whole month without your adorableness?"
"Cheng once told me, that being single is enjoyable until you experience having someone next to you. I ask myself, how could I start day without your morning call or go to sleep without watching your face on the phone screen? your kisses, your warm hugs, laughter of happiness. even your possessiveness and jealousy, I missed everything related to you. Your love made me regret every choices in my life Yibo, your love made me hate myself more. I keep asking do you dare loving someone precious like him? You know? sometimes I envy you Yibo, your purity, your innocence, your clear eyes. I stole every chance from myself to be decent human being like you"
"I destroyed my life to punish someone but was it worth? Going back is already impossible"
"Why talking this seriously? You're scaring me" Yibo awkwardly laughs and Zhan's teary eyes breaks his heart "stop acting please"
"You know I'm being honest, don't you?" Zhan holds Yibo's hands and they sit down on the bed. He sadly smiles and lowers eyes, having hard time to start talking "Cheng told me to open for you and I'm going to do it. My reason is silly, my whole life is silly but..."
"It's still important" Yibo cuts him and nods "because you're very important person for me"
"I was very happy and carefree kid father died when I was about five years front of me. I was very little, but still can clearly remember his bleeding face and hands, willing to hold me. car wrapped in fire and last breath he took. at that time I couldn't realize what really happened, I thought it was some silly joke or just nightmare of mine. he was most precious, best supporter, best friend of mine. scolded by mom, I was always finding safe place in his arms, I still..." Zhan tightens his tiny fists and tears falls on them "I still can feel his lips on my hair"
"I kept asking for him, I kept waiting for him but he never came. mom hid all her tears and sorrows from me, she was always smiling but I could see sadness in her eyes. later, when I finally accepted the truth and saved precious memories in my heart, someone "kind" told me that dad was going to abandon his family. he was leaving with his mistress that night. I felt like whole world crashed on me, I felt like breaking into pieces. I refused to believe, I tried everything to prove opposite but there was solid evidence. that was the day, when I learned how to hate Yibo. people kept saying, that I had to be decent and loving man like him, that dad dreamed about my successful and clear future. since then...I started changing myself, I wanted to take revenge on him, I wanted to be worst human being, thinking he could see me from the sky. after every immoral act of mine, I was looking up and smiling with satisfaction. there was moments I wanted to stop it, when I hated seeing disappointment in mom's eyes but years have passed and I got used to myself. it was easier and painless, no love, no fear of loss. the way you're looking at was so same, if he could be this fake maybe..."
"you feared about my sincerity?"
"won't you get tired of me? won't you leave me for someone else? I hated how people kept talking about love, I hated seeing happy faces, I believed it never last forever made me feel Bo ge"
"I don't know about others but I love once Zhan ge"
"still meeting me, was worst event of your life right?" Zhan lowers eyes and Yibo sighs, moving closer to him
"let me tell you something. keeping hate in our heart, destroys us the most Zhan. I know, the more you love, the more you hate. you endured it for so long, while I couldn't even last one month. although our harsh reality, I could only remember beautiful memories with you. I was still missing and adoring you, my heart was still calling you"
"Yibo, my Bo ge"
"forgive him, this is only way to free yourself. your dad was wrong, but that doesn't mean he didn't love you. spare him and yourself too, just live like real Xiao Zhan, just listen to your heart"
"real Xiao Zhan..."
"the one, I fell in love with" Yibo avoids his shining eyes and lies down, turning back to him "so exhausted. dad is back and I'm happy but missing you...still makes my nights sleepless. think finally I can rest well" Yibo feels older one's closeness as their bodies almost touches and can hear Zhan's heavy breath behind him "thanks" he whispers and Zhan gasps, when Yibo reaches his hand and pulls it forward. Zhan's chest crushes into his back and sigh of happiness escapes from his lips "for trying to change for me, for letting me in your heart. for giving me time and place"
"don't please" Zhan sobs out and his lips caresses tiny moles on Yibo's nape. his grip tightens and buries face into his neck "you have only right to scold me, don't say thanks I don't deserve it"
"I promise that I will never stop loving you, but you have to make promise too"
"Anything, just tell me"
"I'll try to fight, I'll try to survive for you, I'll make you my reason..."
"Yibo, you're scaring me. is there something..."
"Don't leave my side anymore, even it's for only short time, even it isn't forever. Next to me, be next to me" Yibo places Zhan's hand on his chest and closes eyes, feeling sleep winning over him. Still he can hear lovely voice whispering behind his year
"I promise, I bet with my own life Bo ge"
Sun rays peeks into window and Zhan stretches out, lazy to open eyes. not believing that last night was real, his arms finds Yibo and cuddles at him "it feels like centuries, since we last woke up together, gege is going to spoil you, maybe serving breakfast in the bed. what do you say?" receiving no reaction, Zhan caresses his hand and gasps feeling weird coldness "Yibo?" he sits up and turns Yibo's body towards himself "wake up, what is wrong Bo di? please wake up" racer's face too pale and covered with sweat, he doesn't move or react at all and Zhan screams with terrify
"mom, please help mom" woman immediately runs in and Zhan takes Yibo's unconscious body into his arms "call the ambulance, quickly call the ambulance. he is leaving mom, I'm scared he will leave forever" Zhan sobs out and hides face into Yibo's neck, holding him tightly. for this moment he can't think or act anymore, only listens to very low, almost unhearable heart beating sound "what if it stops? Yibo open eyes and scold your gege, say that this was evil joke and you're just punishing me. please don't be quiet damn it. why, why angel like you has to suffer this much? we'll end this pain and create beautiful memories together, you just need to wake up"
"gege" faint whisper reaches him and Zhan moves face closer to Yibo's lips
"I'm here my love. it's ok, everything is going to be ok"
"I'm scared and happy at the same time gege. seeing your beautiful face before leaving...I forgave you, I love you gege" Yibo's hand, which is willing to touch Zhan's cheek falls down and lonely tear drops from his eye "death...cold and dark"
"Yibo don't, Yibo please don't" Zhan cups his face and starts kissing any inch of it, trying to keep him warm. he let goes instinctively, when ambulance doctors rush in and take Yibo from his arms, he follows back and gets in the car instinctively too, because only word what rings into his mind is promise now. no matter what happens, Yibo won't feel lonely, Zhan will make sure about it.
"what is your relationship with him?" doctor taps on his shoulder and Zhan looks up with empty eyes "I mean, are you his relative?"
"we're more than that. he is my hope" Zhan whispers and takes Yibo's hand between his palms "my only hope. I can't even dare to ask, even it's a lie...please tell me he won't leave"
"I'm sorry"
Yibo is taken into ER and Zhan falls down at the closed door, trying to keep closeness. mom says something to comfort but he can hear nothing, only wishes this turn into nightmare. all hopes and happiness that last night brought, all silly plans of future dates and naughty nights, all movie names he wanted to watch together. how could everything disappear like this? after experiencing heaven, how could they wake up in the hell?
"mom, my dear mom" Zhan holds her hands and begs with shaking voice "please pray for him, I don't have right to talk to god. I'm sinful"
"you silly boy. god don't judge, he listens to everyone as long as they're sincere. pray with your heart and he'll hear"
"I love him mom, I can't let god take Yibo from me. I'll fight until last breath"
"he won't, everything is going to be ok my baby" she carefully side hugs Zhan and helps to sit on the chair "I'll take coffee for you from the cafeteria, you're too cold" she leaves and Zhan keeps looking at the door until his view gets blocked. he looks up and meets sparkling eyes of the woman, who grins with excitement. Meilin eyes Zhan and knees in front of him, faking worry
"oh my, what happened to our sweet boy? did you do something wrong to him? again?"
"you, you evil witch. having fun?" Zhan hisses out and roughly grabs her shoulders "sure it was you and maybe that bastard too. you got him all alone and ruined, best chance for final attack right? now thinking about it...Yibo knew something bad was happening to him, that is why he was talking weird"
"maybe yes, maybe not but..." Meilin laughs and whispers at his ear "whose fault it was? poor boy didn't even try to save himself, he preferred to die. why? because you took everything from him"
"shut up or I'll kill you" Zhan groans like some wild animal and Meilin gasps when she is pushed against a wall. Zhan grabs her neck and tightens grip while his eyes becomes bloody from anger "he loves and respect you, he believes you more than me. he is so kind and innocent, why everyone keeps betraying his trust? even me...Bo di, my poor Bo di"
"you're always there to help him, you're always getting on my way. but this time it won't work anymore. just leave Xiao Zhan and forget your foolish love, trust me I can destroy your life too" Meilin hardly talks out and tries to free herself "soon we gonna his grave"
"you fucking..." Zhan yells and moves his hand up, but suddenly he is dragged back and strong punch throws him down. he wipes blood away and hysterically starts laughing, which turns into cry soon "good show Meilin, so familiar too"
"who the hell are you?" Feng helps Meilin and turns to Zhan again with angered face "I welcomed you with opened arms, because my son loved you but since you came in our life only bad things happens to him. why, why he is in this condition again? why is it always you next to him?"
"uncle Feng please listen"
"from now on, I'm Mr Wang for you. my poor son is fighting for his life now and you're molesting my wife here, don't you have shame at all? from the beginning, you planned to destroy our family, my son"
"I know it's hard to believe but..." Zhan crawls forward and grabs his legs "closest people, are usually the one who betrays us the most. she is pure evil, please trust me"
"get out from here and stay away from Yibo. you're worst curse of his life, you're the reason of his every misfortunes. my son will survive and finds someone, who really loves him. you aren't worth for him" Zhan keeps listening with lowered eyes and nods on his every words.
"you're right, maybe everything what you said is right but...I refuse to leave"
"Xiao Zhan..."
"Mr Wang" Zhan drags himself up and glares at him "I respect you as father of my loved one and as simply good person. I can obey to everything but not leaving Yibo. I made promise and gonna keep it, no matter what it takes from me. he loves and needs me, so do I"
"I can protect my son as before"
"until there are poisonous snakes next to you, it won't work Mr Wang. one day you gonna regret and I hope it won't be too late. anyway, hospital belongs to everyone, you don't have right to throw me out"
"He is dangerous dear, I'm scared" Meilin says with shaking voice and side hugs Feng "he is obsessed with Yibo and wants to take him away from us. Look, he is trying to put blame on me"
"Don't worry, no one is going to believe him" Feng faintly smiles and runs to doctor as he leaves ER, latter one sighs and avoids his desperate eyes "Yibo woke up right? We can take him at home right?"
"Mr Wang...we need to talk" he walks forward and Zhan is going to follow too but Feng raises his hand and says through his teeth
"Don't you even dare, my son's condition has nothing to do with you"
"But...but I wanna know" Zhan pouts with teary eyes and looks around, like trying to find help from someone "why are you all this merciless? It hurts, it hurts like hell"
Feng sits down in front of the doctor and nervously rubs his hands, waiting for him to start talking
"At first, Yibo was fine during last check up Mr Wang. I remember that he came with Zhan and looked too happy and healthy. there was no chance for this drastic changes"
"Then why..."
"We found drug in his blood and very strong one. With condition like Yibo, it's totally fatal Mr Wang"
"But there is a no way, my son was never interested in drugs. Although stressful situation he would never do that"
"that is why I'm this surprised too. anyway..." doctor stops and hands some document to Feng "Yibo grew up in my hands, I see him as my son too. it's so hard to say but..."
"but what doctor? don't scare me please"
"that brain surgery, we talked about only chance for him now. the trauma he got as fetus, we need to remove it"
"but you said it had about 50/50 chance doctor, you said that surgery could kill him. why now..."
"think I wasn't clear enough Mr Wang. if you won't sign this document and let us do surgery, after few hours we'll have to declare Yibo as brain dead"
I know you're angry 😓 but we're slowly going towards the final and real game needs to start already. I won't disappoint you, promise 😊
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