"You brought me at your home? Really Yibo?" expecting for something different Zhan asks with annoyance and follows him in with slow, heavy steps. It isn't like he is too hurt but he is way too good at overacting, the more Yibo pities him the more he is going to dislike Teo
"Then where? I don't think you're at proper condition to visit hotel with me? And anyway I did never plan taking you there" Yibo raises his one eyebrow up and Zhan tries to pout although having already swollen lips
"My heart hurts more than this wounds now"
"Drama queen"
"your tongue needs a little sweetness, what about i share it to you...from mine?"
"not sure about sweetness but your tongue really has extra length" Yibo lightly smiles and closes door "wait here for a while, until I bring necessary things to take care of your face"
"Ok" Zhan enters living room and sees Meilin who is busy changing flowers in the vase, smirk shakes his lips as he was waiting for this chance since first time they met. Zhan walks closer trapped by desire to check something and whispers quite near to her ear
"Meilin?" Hearing the name she instantly turns back and their faces almost touches, meeting Zhan eyes this close Meilin let's out terrified voice and loud glass breaking sound fills the room, Zhan looks down and shakes his head with pity
"Such a waste, this was beautiful vase. Sorry for startling you Ms Wang...again. by any chance do i resemble to someone for you too? your husband said so"
"It's just...I'm scared of the blood and your face is..." she whispers and tries to control shaking hands "anyway what are you doing here Mr Xiao? i don't think my son would love to see you..."
"trust me he does and you still remember me, I feel pleased. Beautiful, young woman like you...shame you see me in this humiliating moment"
"Seems like you love killing time in flirting with everyone, I'm not interested in kids" Meilin says sternly and Zhan laughs
"hmm I see this, you're interested in old, kind men who can be controlled easily and who will supposedly die soon, leaving pretty inheritance"
"You..." Meilin raises her hand up going to slap Zhan's face but manages to stop herself and pushes him back "you're like parasite, but I won't let you to make my son as your home Xiao Zhan"
"Think I already saw enough to make my deductions, thanks for feeding my curiosity Ms Wang" Zhan quickly sits down on the sofa and makes innocent face as Yibo comes in, he worryingly looks at Meilin and runs to help her
"What happened aunt? You ok?"
"Mn, it's fine dear. Move back don't hurt yourself, I'll call maid and we'll take care of it"
"You better host your guest"
"Ok, as you wish" Yibo turns to Zhan and holds his arm, helping to get up. Latter one wraps one hand around his neck and literally forces Yibo to trap his waist
"I feel comfier like this" he giggles at his ear and Yibo admits, the more annoying Zhan acts the more he starves for his company, is this how people become blind by love?
"Did you do something naughty to my aunt?" Yibo asks after they enter his room but Zhan stays silent as he is too busy by looking around "what are you curious about?"
"I'm just amazed, your room really shows racer spirit"
"I did everything myself" Yibo says proudly and Zhan messes his hair
"Good job" he sits down and Yibo opens the first aid kit, hesitantly bringing his hand to Zhan's face. Experiencing no pain he still knows he has to be careful to not hurt Zhan more "do you know how to dress wound?"
"yes, i'm kinda good at it"
"because...you're hurting yourself often before? do you have...many scars?" Zhan gently runs his hands on Yibo's arms and admits he won't mind touching and holding this soft boy everyday, no even every second
"stay quiet" Yibo carefully wipes blood away from the corner of his lips and leans closer "or maybe you're just faking? getting your ways to me?"
"ok, ok i'll shut up" Zhan's heart literally skips beat when Yibo cutely parts his lips and blows on the wound, he is too close Zhan can even count number of his long eyelashes and unable to stop himself quickly pecks on his lips "damn it, hurts hurts" he pitifully cries out and Yibo laughs loudly, removing hand from his face
"serves you right, next time you won't try to steal kiss from someone"
"can't believe finally i caught you and still couldn't kiss, fuck it Yibo why do you make everything so hard?"
"don't curse and have to say...i don't think you're innocent in this case Zhan, only thing i wonder about is...why is it you, who i want to protect the most? although i trust Teo more"
"when i'm sure it's me who puts himself in danger by staying next to you" having no words to answer Zhan just lowers his eyes and Yibo puts ointment, placing bandage on it. at the end he eyes him again and looks totally satisfied by result "it's all done"
"thanks, it won't leave scar no?" Zhan gets up and looks into mirror, after nodding at himself his eyes scans everything in the room and gets even more curious "you don't have pictures other than taken at tournaments?"
"i think people should only take pics when they're happy, it's better to only keep good memories" Yibo sadly smiles and Zhan sighs
"you're way too complicated, it makes me will to know more about your life Yibo. actually i'm the most curious...about your mom, no i mean aunt"
"about Meilin? come here and sit down"
"haa? ok" Zhan obeys and jumps on the bed, when suddenly Yibo tightly grabs his chest, latter one keeps touching his body all over like nothing and Zhan finds himself speechless
"i doubt you're going to fuck me right here so why?"
"i'm checking if you came here with recorder on your body, absolutely everything is expected from you" Yibo finally is done and Zhan gets on teasing mood, he catches Yibo's hand and suddenly places it on his crotch, younger one's eyes almost pops out and blush covers his face
"why won't you check here too? i'll gladly agree" he grins and tickles on Yibo's neck "why? bold racer is being shy?"
"shameless, pervert"
"isn't this reason you like me Yibo? because i'm the one who colors your life? who makes you feel and experience unknown emotions? good or bad...every thing i do is first in your life no?"
"nonsense, go and waste your hornyness somewhere else"
"by thinking about that...i live like saint nowadays thanks to you Yibo, i was and am too busy by chasing you, can't find enough time to hook up with someone" although Yibo tries so hard to hide, still Zhan is able to notice joy in his eyes
"do i have to say sorry?" Yibo pouts and quickly takes his hand back, realizing it's still peacefully land on Zhan's private part "so...what do you want to know?"
"you just changed talking subject like this? but ok i'll gladly listen"
Hearing bell sound Cheng literally flies to door thinking it's Haikuan but guest isn't the one he was expecting and Cheng feels strong anger towards himself for being worst friend ever, how he is going to explain now?
"Lusi? Come in please" he moves back and Lusi slowly enters the room, she feels something surely changed in their relationship and it isn't positive one. she places fruit basket on the table and hesitantly looks into Cheng's eyes "I'm..."
"Are you going to apologize? For what Cheng? Totally forgetting your best friend when you're having hard time? Should I find out about your situation this late? do you even know? no you can't imagine what i felt hearing you almost..."
"that is exactly why, I didn't want to make you worry...it was better for you to not see the in that condition" Cheng gently reaches her hand but Lusi takes it back right away
"Am I that kind of friend who only joins the happy moments? Why didn't give me the chance to take care of you Cheng?"
"You got it wrong, I just don't want it to change...i mean our relationship" Cheng looks into her eyes for a second and then lowers stare again
"Why should it?" Lusi becomes pale and grabs his arm "by any chance, after that night are you avoiding me? Cause of Zhan's words or...you think too..."
"Lusi please"
"Look at me" Lusi cups his face and sharp pain pierces her heart "look in your eyes, it changed. Do i make you uncomfy? Do i bother you?"
"I can't keep it like this Lusi, not anymore. Especially now when I'm sure about my feelings for someone"
"Wait...i just can't understand what are you trying to say Cheng" sudden realization makes Lusi stumble and Cheng hugs her waist "You knew all along? You knew I loved you but just stayed quiet and made fool of me?"
"How can you say this? I wished, i hoped you could realize that my feelings for you is totally different. I adore and cherish you Lusi, our friendship is too precious for me and I selfishly hold into you until the end...I'm sorry"
"Don't say it like this" Lusi hangs on his neck and loud sobs shakes her body "don't throw me away without even giving tiny chance, am I this bad? This unworthy? This ugly?"
"You're simply too beautiful, you're kind and sweet girl"
"Then why? Because of that man? I know you better than myself Cheng, you like him no? You like Haikuan and that is why"
"Mn I do" hearing Cheng's answer Lusi let goes of him and falls on the floor, feeling totally drained from energy. Cheng knees in front of her and gently wipes her tears away "i feared this day to come the most, every time I was seeing admiration in your eyes my heart was crying. You deserve better than me, someday you'll know that...you're too pure for someone like me"
"don't say silly excuses please. How come he is better than me? How come he can give more than me?"
"Love can't see, can't hear, can't think. Love doesn't have expectations just gets in your heart and rules it. It isn't like he looks better than you, or loves me more than you but...it's me the reason, it's me who fell for him"
"You can't...i won't be able to just let go like this, it was enough just staying next to you, just feeling your existence. Why everything had to be ruined like this?"
"I want to be fair Lusi, i was selfish enough already" Cheng lowly sobs out and pulls her into hug "what to do? Keeping you next to me means hurting you more but at the same time i can't lose you"
"Love me, please just love me" Lusi breaks the hug and chases his lips but Cheng turns his face away and whispers
"I can't take your first kiss Lusi, save it for someone who truly loves you. I'm sorry"
"Silly, how silly i was" Lusi gets up and slowly walks towards the door "mom was right, no one gonna love me for who i'm. Maybe it's really time to change, people like me won't take anything good from this shitty life"
"time...all i need is time"
Yibo leans back and lays down on the bed, feeling exhausted after all the emotions he went through during last days. No matter how many times he had and has to visit hospital it still always terrifies him, especially something related to Zhan. Latter one does the same and moves closer until their arms touches. Maybe first time in his life Zhan wishes to be just hold and hugged, although yibo feels the most sexy and tempting man for him. Maybe because he is beaten up and tired now?
"Did you fall asleep?" Yibo's voice startles him and Zhan cleans his throat
"at first it's weird you still call Meilin aunt"
"There is a reasons. i have no memories related to my mother, if i call Meilin mom, gonna feel like totally erasing her from my heart and mind. This word is something i cherish and treasure the most. Plus that Meilin can be really called my aunt, she is related to my mother"
"Mn, she is orphan who grew up with my mom and they're best friends. As I know my grandpa wasn't very happy about his daughter's choice and cut contact with her after marriage. It was only aunt who stood next to her until the end"
"And waited to steal her husband after her death no?"
"She helped dad to raise me, she really loves both of us"
"There is a huge difference between us yibo, you only want to see angelic side in people, while I always search for evil one. who knows which one is better" Zhan turns to him and smiles, thinking Yibo's side profile is beautiful "not everyone is...cutie like you" getting no denial Zhan lightly rubs nose on Yibo's neck and then clings into him more, placing his palm on Yibo's fluffy chest he yawns and whispers "seems like racer has heart or...love disease? I'm unable to treat first one but..."
"Sleep" Yibo commands and pulls him too close Zhan gasps "leave my heart alone and just be grateful I let you to stay here, it's just...you smell so refreshing" noticing Zhan's calm breath Yibo steals soft kiss on his cheek and closes eyes, wishing tomorrow won't made his happiness fade away
Zhan wakes up on greet mood as his sleep was too peaceful and searches for Yibo next to him. Seeing no one in the room he screeches out lazily and leaves the bed, checking bathroom too "so I'm alone here? Such a good chance to get something useful for my plan" Zhan smirks and carefully starts opening drawers one by one, it's all full by gifts, supposedly sent by fans. Zhan is going to give up when suddenly notices big white envelope under fan letters with hospital name and address on it, he finds date especially weird and quickly takes it out "as I thought there is something wrong with his health, good job Zhan"
"Yes good job..." being startled Zhan turns back and meets Yibo's eyes, full of pain and disappointment. Yibo throws envelope away and roughly grabs Zhan's shoulders saying through his teeth "i still believed, no maybe just wanted to believe in you. but now i finally know...you want and need something from me, but not me Zhan"
"bringing me here...it was your plan"
"it isn't only others who fall in your traps journalist" Yibo moves his face closer and whispers "it's done, we stand from there we start from the beginning now...just being strangers"
🥰So happy finally I'm back 🥺 Don't be upset for slow updates, I have the busiest season at the work now. Hope you loved this chapter 🥰
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