Jungkook watched Jia put on cartoons for Jungwon before she was in the kitchen getting them something to drink. As she did that, Jungkook had time to look around the apartment. Using just his eyes, Jungkook couldn't help but be proud of Jia. Although she was alone with her son, she was doing okay. The one-bedroom apartment wasn't the best but it was the best for Jia and her son. Jungwon was a happy little fella. Even on their walk here Jungwon had nothing but smiles. It reminded him so much of Jia. She used to smile all the time. Every second of the day.
Jungwon was smart too for a two-year-old. Didn't speak as much but his actions showed Jungkook so much. "So mom." Jia gave a cup of water to Jungkook. Jungkook cleared his throat and nodded for Jia to go on. "She left dad actually." Jia bit her lip before speaking up again. "A few months after I had Jungwon she told me that she was divorcing dad. She said she couldn't forgive him for breaking up her family." Jia looked at her cup. "She said dad broke her."
"When... I found out I was pregnant with Jungwon it was a few days after you had left. After my entrance exam actually. I didn't know who to go to or what to tell mom and dad." Jia gulped as she then looked at Jungwon who was into the cartoons on the tv. "So I kept it a secret. For four months but by the time I reached five months it was hard to keep it a secret. So.. I told mom." Jia nodded by the memory. "She didn't know what to say. I was a crying mess and all she did was stare at me." She hissed at the memory. "Then dad got home." She looked at Jungkook.
The mention of his father made Jungkook angry. It was the first time he ever felt angry towards his father? There was so much to be angry about but he never actually felt anger towards his father. Jungkook always blamed himself for his father acting that way but with Jia? "Then when he found out I was called every book in the name and before he could kick me out, I walked out." Jia pursed her lips. "I... went to a woman shelter and I stayed there for a month before I told... Jungwon's father I was pregnant."
"Jungwon's dad... who is he?" Jungkook spoke up about his question he's been holding back on asking. "Akio." She said with her nose scrunching up. Jungkook let his jaw drop as he looked at Jia then at his nephew. "... That douchebag? You chose a douchebag for my nephews dad?!" Jungkook scoffed. "Okay! Alright, I didn't choose him." She pointed at Jungkook. "... It was just meant to be a one time break up hook up." She explained to Jungkook who scrunched his face. "Gross. Don't tell me that." He looked away but spoke up once more. "So where is he?"
Jia clicked her tongue. "Yeah well... he doesn't believe Jungwon is his. Considering how long I kept it a secret from him was his excuse. So... I've been raising him alone." Jia smiled at herself saying that since she never thought she would be a single parent- well, somewhat single. "That bastard." Jungkook mumbled under his breath. Jia went through this all by herself. It was sad honestly but at the same time Jungkook felt so so proud of his baby sister because when he looks at her, she smiles even through her little story telling.
"It's good he's not in your life though. You've came a far way Jia. My little Jia cakes." The nickname made Jia hit Jungkook's shoulder. "Ow!" Jungkook rubbed his arm and hissed. "Still abusive." he scoffed which made Jia smile and flip her hair. "So where has my big brother been huh?" Jia asked Jungkook. After three years it felt nice to reconnect with her big brother. They've both changed in many ways and she learned that by hearing Jungkook's words about where's he been, what he's been doing. "You lost your car?!" Jia sipped her coffee then coughed a bit.
Jungkook nodded slowly and sighed. "Not lost, got it stolen but it's replaceable." Jungkook took a sip of his water as he then pushed out his chair once he saw Jungwon heading over with his toys. "Mommy, look." Jungwon showed Jia his toy cars as he then put them on the table and started playing. Making little car noises as he did so which made Jungkook smile. "... Taehyung would love him." Jungkook suddenly mentioned but he just needed to come out and say it. Even his sister was avoiding bringing up Taehyung and he knew they had to talk about it.
Looking at Jia, Jungkook saw the saddened eyes but the shocked expression she made in a second that Jungkook brought up Taehyung. "... Yeah, he would." Jia gulped and looked away. "Jia..." Jungkook started off. Breathing in, Jia looked at Jungkook. "I messed up. When you left I was... mad I was mad at everyone, including Taehyung. I just..." Jia took a breathed to get her thoughts together. "I just got you back Jungkook." She mumbled. "And... you were messing with Taehyung huh? The whole time?" She asked Jungkook who shook his head but stopped as he shrugged. "At first it was just me being playful but along the way it just... happened."
Talking about Taehyung to his sister was the weirdest feeling but oddly he felt good clearing the air with Jia. "... and I found out after you left. I... I scavenged your room looking for anything because I didn't understand why you would apologize to Taehyung. I just... I wanted answers." Jia picked at her fingers. "Then I found the pictures of you both." She zoned out on the table. "I was an emotional wreck. I blamed Taehyung for you leaving... I blamed our parents. I blamed everyone because I was really convinced we could've been a family but it went to shit. I even lost my best friend because of what I did." Jia gulped and bit her lip to stop the tears from falling.
"I didn't mean to out him to his mom. I didn't- The anger and hurt just exploded in me and before I could realize what I was doing—" Jia sniffled and wiped away her tears. "... I was too scared and ashamed to tell him I was sorry. I knew I should've apologized but by the time I got my head out of my ass, Taehyung was gone. He left... and I watched him leave without knowing that would be the last time I saw him." Jia wiped her tears again with a little forced laugh. "I deserved that though." She huffed out and shrugged. "I haven't seen him since."
"If you had a chance to see Taehyung, would you take it?" Jungkook asked out of curiousity. Jia was quick to nod but had a questionable face. ".. I need to apologize .. I want to apologize for what I did to him. It was my fault that he ran away." Jia brushed back Jungwon's hair and smiled at her son. ".. Let's go for a walk." Jungkook got up and Jia had a questionable look as she looked at Jungkook but the boy only raised his eyebrow. "Up." He said while also going to grab the diaper? bag his sister was carrying earlier.
"Cmon Jungwon," Jungkook spun as he picked up Jungwon who was in a fit of giggles. "Again! Again!" He chanted while holding onto Jungwon. "Now he's going to bother you to keep doing that." Jia said with a sigh. Grabbing her keys and all, Jia followed Jungkook out the door. Confused on why Jungkook suddenly switched up the conversation and wanted to go for a walk now. "It's alright. Uncle kookie will grant that." Jungkook spun with Jungwon once more.
The two laughed which made Jia smile. Her son and her big brother... who would've knew this would happen? "Can't believe I'm an uncle. Kinda weird but okay." Jungkook put Jungwon down just to grab his hand and walk with Jungwon. "He's slow." Jia warned and Jungkook looked at Jia with an eyebrow raise. "Let me walk with my nephew please." He held up his hand just for Jia to slap it away. "You're too into being an uncle you know that?" She joked as Jungkook scoffed. "I have almost three years to catch up with being an uncle. Let us live, right Jungwon?" Jungwon nodded although Jungkook's sure he didn't understand, cute though.
"Menace. Both of you." She scoffed. Jungkook though kept his walking until finally they reached their destination. "Are we here? God Jungkook we should've caught a cab." Jia put her hands on her knees. "I haven't walked like that since high school. I'm out of shape." She complained to Jungkook. "I'm staying in this hotel." Jungkook turned to Jia who raised an eyebrow then nodded. "And so is Taehyung." Jungkook dropped the bomb which made Jia's eyes widen. "W-What? Are you two-" Jungkook was quick to shut that down. "No! I mean... no. I just happened to bump into him when I got here."
"Either way, this is your chance Jia. It's up to you if you want to see him or not." Jungkook bit his lip as he looked at Jia who was in shock. Looking at the building, Jia felt her heart race. Would Taehyung even want to see her? All the what ifs running through her head but she wanted to apologize. More than anything she needed to apologize to Taehyung.
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