Jungkook sat there in silence for a bit. Jia... gave those pictures to Taehyung's mom? "She knew you're..." Jungkook didn't even get to finish his sentence as Taehyung nodded. "She knew and she still gave those pictures to my mom." He dragged out a sigh. "I wasn't even mad about that. They were going to find out sooner than later but it's the fact that she didn't give me time to explain myself. She didn't come to me, she went to my mom. Even after that, she ignored me."
Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair. So his sister was not in contact with either of them. Jungkook only kept away from contacting Jia due to him thinking she had Taehyung. Although he wasn't there, at least she would have Taehyung but... Taehyung wasn't with her. Hasn't been with her for three years so what the hell was she doing now? "And your parents?" Jungkook asked since he just got more curious to what happened. "My mom freaked. Kicked me out the moment she saw me. My dad was... he was okay with it I think. I don't know actually. The memory is blurry now."
Jungkook gulped and nodded as he sat back on the seat but as he did so, Taehyung got comfortable in his seat. "So what about you?" Taehyung tapped his foot against the floor. "That morning you..." Taehyung looked elsewhere and tried to find a way to say it without the whole 'hook up' thing being involved but there was no way around it. "That morning after you left my house. What happened?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook was left thinking about what to say. If he could make up a lie what could he say?
After leaving Taehyung's house everything went to hell. Jungkook didn't exactly want to tell Taehyung how his dad said he should be dead, how he punched him around. Yelled in his face about being a disgrace. "They found out I was at your house. Apparently one of your parents saw me climbing down the ladder and... well, yeah." Jungkook gulped. "Everything went to shit after that." He finished and that made Taehyung nod slowly to himself.
They both sat in silence. Who knew they would see each other again? Taehyung thought he would never see Jeon Jungkook again but here the boy sat in front of him. They were both different from when they both last saw each other and just looking at one another made them reminisce the old times but that was quickly discarded as Taehyung's phone started going off because of the caller phoning his phone.
Who was it? Sungjae of course and what did Taehyung do? He declined the call as soon as he saw Jungkook looking at his screen. Knowing he'd be in shit with Sungjae later on, Taehyung sighed. "... Did that say Sungjae?" Jungkook asked although his expression was blank. "And with a heart?" Jungkook said quietly to himself but clearly Taehyung heard that. "Uh.. yeah. He's uhm.." Taehyung pursed his lips as he thought about what to say.
Thinking about a lie he could say, Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but why was he lying? Jungkook was nothing but a past lover, if you could even call him that. "He's my boyfriend." Taehyung finally came out with it. "Or.. well. We're on a break right now so I don't really know what to call it." Taehyung scratched his neck out of being nervous as Jungkook felt his heart sink but he found himself smiling.
"So you did end up with him one way or another." Jungkook sat back now and got comfortable. "Yeah. I guess so." Taehyung bit the inner side of his cheek but he noticed that Jungkook was doing the same thing so he stopped and looked back at his phone that started ringing. "Go ahead. Attend to your boyfriend." Jungkook looked at the phone then at Taehyung who looked at Jungkook. Then again, just like that, Taehyung declined the call.
"We're on a break for a reason." Taehyung said while shutting off his phone completely and shoving it in his pocket. "You on the other hand have been gone for three years so." Taehyung didn't know where he was going with that but he didn't want to just let Jungkook go with just that. "So how did it happen?" Jungkook traced his finger along the table edge as he kept his eyes on Taehyung.
"We met on the bus when I left Seoul and i've been with him since then. Romantically been with him for two years." Something about the way Taehyung spoke about their relationship made Jungkook feel Taehyung was embarrassed? It was just to feel of it honestly but his own emotions made him sad. So Taehyung left with Sungjae. Started a new life with Sungjae. Well... at least he wasn't completely alone.
"And you're on a break now huh? Didn't stick up for you in a fight I assume?" The memory made Jungkook smirk just a bit as Taehyung scoffed but found himself smiling after a while. "Recorded me and everything." Taehyung played along with Jungkook who smiled a bit more. "But on a serious note. No. We're just going through some things. We've been together three years, we need space now." Taehyung came out with what was on his mind.
"Hey Tae?" Jungkook spoke up and Taehyung hummed in response to hearing Jungkook. "You haven't changed. Personality wise." He brought up which made Taehyung confused. "Is that bad?" Taehyung asked with an eyebrow raised. "No." Is all Jungkook said. Taehyung was still talkative as ever. Even opened up about his relationship within just a few minutes of talking.
"And you're still as quiet as ever." Taehyung brought up which made Jungkook look at Taehyung with a slight smirk. "Is that bad?" He asked Taehyung who shook his head. "We should probably call it a night." Taehyung spoke since he knew Sungjae was probably losing his shit right now and so ending this... whatever this is was what he planned to do. Jungkook agreed since well- he had no choice but to agree. "... Do you need a ride back? Apparently we're in the same hotel so." Taehyung shrugged.
Taking that offer, Jungkook nodded. It would save him not only money but sore feet from walking. So as Taehyung went pay for the food with Namjoon's money, Jungkook packed up the food they didn't finish. This was going a little too smoothly. Then again they were brushing through the deep talk right? They didn't bring anything up about their feelings from back then. If they missed each other. Maybe those were just questions Jungkook wanted to know but Taehyung has a boyfriend now so it wasn't appropriate.
Waiting by the vehicle, Jungkook took a look around before Taehyung came out while on his phone. "I'm sorry. I was busy with having a life Jae. Can I not have my own life?" Taehyung asked as he then unlocked his vehicle. "No- okay no I didn't mean that. Don't start this please." Taehyung rubbed his forehead and stopped himself from getting in. Jungkook already all ready to go with his seatbelt. "Okay, whatever. Goodnight." Taehyung hung up with a dragged sigh.
Another fight about another stupid thing. Him not answering was valid, he got that and he apologized but then Sungjae wanted to go over in which Taehyung said no to because he needed time apart from Sungjae. They've been apart a few days now and honestly? Taehyung felt great being alone. Maybe he missed the cuddles and all that a lot but overall when he wasn't missing that, he was totally okay with being alone.
"Everything okay?" Jungkook asked once Taehyung had got in. "Great." Taehyung responded with a mumble as he turned on the car and started driving in no time. "Do I gotta beat him up? I'm sure he'll remember me." Jungkook nodded with his words. A little laugh coming from Taehyung who then shook his head. "No, no. We're fine." Taehyung breathed out and quickly changed the conversation. "So, what happened to your trusty old vehicle huh?" Taehyung brought up.
"Oh wow.." Jungkook looked a bit surprised by the topic but that was only because- "Well... I can't remember what happened. I was drunk... and the next morning I woke up with no car. Luckily I had moved in with Seokjin for a bit so nothing special was lost but uh, yeah." Jungkook said it casually but it's not the worst thing that happened to him. When things like this happened Jungkook just brushed it off and waited for something more problematic to come along which usually he wasn't wrong. "... And you're fine with that? Getting drunk and losing your car?!" Taehyung asked in shock.
Shrugging, Jungkook kept his gaze ahead. "All good things come to an end. Getting that car was a good thing but good things never last so it was bound to happen." Jungkook said quiet and slowly. "Who told you good things never last?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who scoffed but laughed in between his scoff. "I've experienced it my whole life." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who came to a stop. "Okay... fair." Taehyung sucked in a breath as he looked at the hotel.
With that the two got out of the vehicle and walked side by side. Not close together but a good distance was between them and it stayed like that until Taehyung entered the hotel to find Sungjae waiting for him.
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