Lips moving slowly against Taehyung's, Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and held him while his thumb would caress his cheek. Tilting his head the other way once he had Taehyung kissing him back. The feeling... those lips, it felt nice to feel something he yearned for. It was crazy wasn't it? Jungkook found it crazy. Even after three years Taehyung was the same boy he met back then. Just... better now? Taehyung became the better version of himself and Jungkook was happy for Taehyung. Jealousy may have been present too.
Only because Jungkook had all that time to become a better him. Not to throw a pity party for himself but he knew he went downhill after Taehyung. Yet Taehyung took his pain and ran with it to better himself. Now Taehyung lives in Ilsan, has a really good friend... and has a boyfriend. Boyfriend- shit, fuck. Deep into the kiss- Jungkook realized what he was doing and this was not how he wanted to reconnect with Taehyung- if he didn't already fuck it up but honestly in their situation? Jungkook felt like he was going down the same road they went down before.
Pulling away, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was just as much in shock as Jungkook was. Jungkook having slightly messy hair from Taehyung and Taehyung having puffy red lips from Jungkook. The guilt suddenly swarmed Taehyung when he started to remember Sungjae. Taehyung didn't actually mean he would sleep with Jungkook- he was angry! but now... Jungkook was in front of him after kissing him! and he kissed back! What did that mean?!
"I've had a lot to drink." Jungkook looked forward towards the coffee table. "Yeah." Taehyung responded as his finger tips touched his lips just for a second. "You have a boyfriend." Jungkook whispered out but it was loud enough for Taehyung to hear. "... We broke up." Taehyung came out and said it although he didn't want to. Though he also didn't want Jungkook to think he just cheated. Looking back at Taehyung, Jungkook looked at him for some while. All those thoughts in Jungkook's head were swarming him and he didn't like that he could feel those feelings.
"I should go." Jungkook said slowly before he got up and packed up his things. Taehyung sat there though, watching Jungkook pack up his things. Not bothering to stop Jungkook because well... their night has been eventful enough and he too had to reflect on his own actions. That was not like him. He wasn't the type to go to someone after a break up. At least- he thought he wouldn't be that person. Hearing the door shut, Taehyung looked back at the door then sighed as he was in the room alone.
There goes Jungkook, again. Rubbing his temples, Taehyung sighed out loud before grabbing the soju bottle he didn't finish. Taehyung quickly finished the bottle just to lay in bed all night thinking about what the fuck was going on. How everything felt like a dream mushed with a nightmare at the same time. Oh fuck this, Taehyung needed to sleep. So with that Taehyung shut the lights and plopped onto the bed. A little dizzy from the soju but he got a good sleep.
The next morning came along quite fast for Jungkook who passed out on his bed once he was able to get into his room that Namjoon and Seokjin were not in? He swore they were in there earlier but anyway, after sulking in his thoughts and drinks, Jungkook fell asleep without knowing. Hugging a pillow close before he woke up from the slam of the door. Startling Jungkook, he got up in a sitting position right away while half asleep. Seokjin's laugh being heard as he walked over to Jungkook. "Wakey wakey. We have plans today."
"Mm." Jungkook looked at Seokjin with his morning stare down before he fell back onto the bed and tried to go right back to bed but Seokjin grabbed the pillow Jungkook was hugging and tossed it onto his own bed. "That's what you get for drinking. Come on. I invited Namjoon so we can't be late." The mention of Namjoon made Jungkook think back to Taehyung and- oh fuck. Groaning out, Jungkook grabbed his other pillow and put it over his face. What the fuck did he do? He kissed Taehyung. Way to go Jungkook, way to go.
"Up." Seokjin grabbed the pillow off Jungkook's face. With a huff, Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair as he sat up and looked at Seokjin who smiled and walked away. "Ten minutes Kook." He warned Jungkook who snarled. Getting up, Jungkook slipped off his shirt as he opened up his bag and looked for clothing he wanted to wear. While doing that though, he could hear yelling coming from the hall. Not full on yelling but every now and then a male would raise his voice which was honestly very disrespectful. Who would be yelling in the halls this early?!
Anyway, as Jungkook went take a quick shower, Taehyung was currently listening to his 'ex' in the hallway. "You broke up with me!" Taehyung scoffed at Sungjae. "Over text!" He added on. A grunt came from Sungjae who nodded. "I know! Okay, I know but... I was mad! You were mad, we were both mad." Sungjae made it clear like Taehyung didn't know. "So because you were mad you got a right to break up with me? Ah yes, typical Sungjae. Nothing is ever wrong when you do it right?" Taehyung tried to shut the door but Sungjae nudged his foot between the door.
"Taehyung. I'm not here to fight with you. Let's talk, come on." Sungjae held the door open as Taehyung looked at Sungjae. They looked at each other for some while before Taehyung gave in and opened the door for Sungjae. "I love you." Sungjae started once he was in front of Taehyung and in the hotel. "You know I love you." Sungjae stated and Taehyung nodded while looking elsewhere. "But I deserved to know you were with Jungkook. Yes, we were- are! We're on a break but come on Taehyung. If I was with my ex I would tell you because I want you to trust me." Sungjae explained.
"So you don't trust me?" Taehyung asked Sungjae who sighed. "I trust you-" He started off but Taehyung stopped him from finishing. "Clearly you don't if you think I was gonna go off and screw Jungkook because I with him." Okay- alright, he technically went off and kissed Jungkook but it was a simple... sweet... kind of long kiss but it was nothing! He treated it like nothing at least. "Because he stole you from me back then." Sungjae came out with it. "We were so close to being together Taehyung. Then Jungkook came out of no where and you chose him."
"Now we're on a break after being together three years and he shows up. Let alone you were alone with Jungkook. You can't just expect me to let that slide?" Okay. Alright... Sungjae was making good points and that left Taehyung speechless as he stood in front of Sungjae. "I wasn't alone." Taehyung cleared his throat. "I was with Namjoon and his date. His date is friends with Jungkook. We got left so I gave Jungkook a ride back here." He explained to Sungjae. With a light sigh, Sungjae approached Taehyung and cupped his face.
Looking up at Sungjae, Taehyung started to feel very guilty. "That's all I wanted to know." Sungjae tucked Taehyung's hair behind his ear. "Now... can we please pretend that break up never happened?" Sungjae pouted out his lip which made Taehyung smile. "... Yeah." Taehyung responded with a small smile as Sungjae pulled Taehyung in for a kiss. "So wheres your friend?" Seokjin looked around the lobby with Namjoon who stood next to him. Jungkook not too far away from the two with his damp hair after Seokjin rushed him out of the room.
"Ah... sorry about him. He was arguing with his boyfriend when I left the room." Namjoon scratched the back of his head while pulling out his phone to call Taehyung. Hearing that, Jungkook assumed what he heard in the hall was Sungjae yelling. That bastard shouldn't even be yelling in the hallways let alone Taehyung- "Sorry! Sorry, I- we had to deal with something." Taehyung came into the circle hand in hand with Sungjae who had his eyes on Jungkook. Jungkook looked at their hands for a mere second but when he was met eye to eye with Sungjae, he saw the boy smirk and move closer to Taehyung.
Tongue poking at his inner cheek, Jungkook looked away as he glided his tongue over his teeth. "S... Sungjae hey." Namjoon put on a fake smile. "He's tagging along until lunch." Taehyung butt in which Namjoon had to give Taehyung a certain look before he agreed. "Great. Yeah, okay we we're off to the Museum. Not too boring for you, right Jae?" Namjoon asked but didn't let Sungjae respond as he started walking. "He's happy to see me." Sungjae looked at Taehyung who laughed a bit. "Yeah, totally." He rolled his eyes and started to walk with Sungjae.
They're broken up huh? Sure didn't look like it. Rolling back his shoulders, Jungkook wiped the side of his mouth with his thumb and walked behind the four guys. What was this? fifth wheeling? Was that a thing? Well... it was now.
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