Walking into his father's house, Taehyung made his way to the living room but stopped when his father was standing in front of him. "The couch is not a bed. Bedrest means you need to be in bed Kim Taehyung." Taeho gave off his father tone which made Taehyung look at Taeho weirdly. Being told what to do by his dad while being a full on adult made him forget how controlling they used to be but that was before, Taeho was just simply being a dad now which Taehyung understood as he turned his foot and huffed while going up the stairs.
Jungkook followed in shortly after since he had to grab the bags and all while Taeho unlocked the door. "How are you only half way up the stairs?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who stopped in his tracks to see Jungkook setting down the luggage. "My dad banned me from the couch so I'm pouting now. Let my inner child live." Taehyung said as he slowly stepped onto the other step. A roll of his eyes came from Taeho. "I'll make you two some supper. Go help my child please." Taeho looked at Jungkook with a sigh. "Will do." Jungkook chuckled and followed up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's waist. "You're such a big baby." Jungkook kissed Taehyung's shoulder once he was on the same level at Taehyung. "Okay and? After three years I deserve to be a babied." Taehyung turned to Jungkook who agreed with a small nod. "Does baby taetae need a nap?" Jungkook said in a baby tone which made Taehyung walk off. "You said you needed to be babied!" Jungkook held back his laughter while following Taehyung into his room which made them both stop walking as they saw everything was the same.
Although Taehyung did sleep over with his father, he slept on the couch and didn't once come near his room. Not sure why he didn't go into his room but now that he was seeing it... it amazed him how they left it the same. Although it was a lot cleaner than how he left it. "... Wow, deja vu." Jungkook scratched his head and Taehyung walked into the room to look around. "He left everything the same. It looks like I never left, or the old me never left." Taehyung grabbed out a few things he forgot about and took a look at them.
Then as he was looking through a box, Taehyung found one picture that made him still for a moment as the rush of memories came into mind. It was the picture Jungkook took of them in the back of Jungkook's vehicle. They were eating subway and just overall having a good time. Although Taehyung barely made it in the photo, you could see the smiles they had. They really did have nothing but smiles when they were together huh? "What's that?" Jungkook asked while walking over.
Taehyung showed Jungkook the picture and that made Jungkook stop and grab the photo. A small smile making its way onto Jungkook's lips. "We looked happy." Jungkook mumbled as he kept his eyes on the photo. Meanwhile Taehyung looked through the box and eventually he started pulling out old photos of them together. "We- correction, you took a lot of photos." Taehyung sat on the bed with the box he set in front of him along with the photos. "Could you blame me? I had to catch Kim Taehyung in his prime." Jungkook sat on the bed.
"In my prime? Are you calling me old?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook with an offended expression. "Kind of." Jungkook teased which made Taehyung raise an eyebrow. "Okay grandpa." He rolled his eyes and grabbed the pictures but Jungkook grabbed them from Taehyung, set them aside and got Taehyung to lay down slowly and carefully since he had to watch his arm. Hovering above Taehyung, Jungkook locked eyes with the boy below him.
Humming, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's good hand and intertwined their fingers. Holding one of his hands, Jungkook lowered his body and was now basically laying on top of Taehyung but in a comfortable position. His free hand hugging Taehyung as his head rested on Taehyung's chest. "My big baby gukkie." Taehyung chuckled and gave Jungkook's hand a squeeze. Not phased by Taehyung's wording, Jungkook closed his eyes and enjoyed being 'a big baby' to Taehyung.
Breathing out, Jungkook looked up at Taehyung who was looking back at him with a small smile. "I've missed you." Jungkook came out with it and carried on even after Taehyung looked like he was about to speak, "More than anything I missed you." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung. "I don't care where we go or where we end up. As long as I'm with you I'll be happy." Jungkook told Taehyung who cooed at how cute Jungkook was being.
They've come a long way huh? Three years ago they never would have seen this coming. Never did they think they'd be this important to each other. Especially Jungkook... Jungkook didn't think he could be this comfortable around one person. A person that made him feel like himself. He couldn't help but just be totally and completely in love with Taehyung. It's been three long years and now he was finally back in Taehyung's arms. Feeling all the love in the world.
"Thank you for being my home Taehyung." Jungkook mumbled to Taehyung once he had his eyes closed and his head laying on Taehyung's chest. The whole thing was heartwarming. Having Jungkook safe and on his chest. "...and thank you for running to me instead of running away." Taehyung caressed Jungkook's hand that gave him a squeeze. "I'll never run from you. Not ever again." Jungkook spoke back again with a whisper that made Taehyung smile.
That day they didn't bother leaving the room in which Taeho, Taehyung's father had to take supper upstairs for his son and what he likes to say, son in law. Jungkook was glued to Taehyung's side but Taehyung was also glued to Jungkook's side. Never wanting to lose sight of each other but it was all so new and exciting. The old spark never died between them and that's what they loved the most. It was like they picked up from where they left it. Just... more open to each other and this time they didn't have to worry about their families.
Speaking about families though... Jungkook's didn't give up. Even after he told them to give up on him which he meant. Jungkook heard the apology but what kind of apology was that? Saying sorry was one thing but he had years of trauma because of his parents. He'd already accepted what happened but his parents just couldn't let him be. Reason why Jungkook was standing outside Taehyung's house. Standing on the deck while he parents were on the path coming into the yard.
Jia had just walked in with Jungwon to visit Taehyung for a few hours but again, he didn't expect his parents to suddenly pull up but they did and so he was forced to stay outside with the two who didn't say anything to him nor did Jungkook say anything to them. "What?" Jungkook finally spoke up though. "What more do you want from me?" Jungkook asked as he took a step down and approached the two. "Jungkook." Jungkook's father spoke up and walked towards Jungkook who took a step back just to be safe.
"I could never understand you and what we've put you through. What I put you through. I honestly... I thought I was helping you. Guiding you through the right path and... All I wanted to do was help you which I get it now, that wasn't the right way. Sending you to the camp- I had no knowledge of until just a few years ago. When I realized what it really was, the purpose, the torture behind it... I couldn't look at myself and I still can't." The man looked at Jungkook in the eyes as he was saying what he was saying.
"Still... I didn't go look for you. I didn't accept you and I wasn't the father you needed. I wasn't there to comfort you or love you and I get why you hate me. I hate me for doing what I did to you. You're my one and only son Jungkook, and I pushed you away for... coming out as the true you." The man gulped and looked at his wife. "I didn't realize my mistakes until Jia started standing up for you... even then I kicked your sister out. I'm not father of the year, I know that. I'm barely even considered a father now but I need you to know, I love you Jungkook."
Those words... those words made everything stop for Jungkook as they slipped of his fathers tongue. How many years has he waited for that? How many years has he wasted wanting to hear those words? "And you're right Jungkook." Suddenly Jungkook's mom spoke up. "I should have went look for you. If I really wanted to I would have right? So why didn't I? That's the same question I ask myself everyday. I didn't I go look for you? But the truth is... I know you'd hate us. You'd hate me for allowing your father to send you away like that. I should have went look for you." Jungkook's mother sniffled and approached Jungkook.
"I lost my way of being a parent along the way. I was disgusted by myself that I projected all that hate onto you and I should have never did that! As a parent I should have never projected anything onto you because you are my baby boy Jungkook. I'm sorry it took us this long to realize it but we get it now. We're so deeply sorry son." She placed her palm on Jungkook's cheek. Though Jungkook didn't know what to think... didn't know what to feel. How was he suppose to feel? Cause he didn't know. All he felt was numb. Then again... all he ever did was feel numb whenever his parents were around.
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