After that little scare though Taehyung decided it was for the best he should probably stay home. Although he didn't get caught- he felt like he would get caught pretty quick if he continued sneaking out and so he waited until he was done being grounded which sucked because he still had another week but when that week was up, a new month came and Jia was already making plans with Taehyung who of course was up for whatever Jia planned to do. "You need to stop getting grounded. We have summer plans Taehyung." Jia looked at Taehyung who just entered her room. "I don't even do anything to get grounded. They just ground me."
Taehyung sat on the bed with a scoff. "But I got everything I need for a beach day." Taehyung swung his backpack in front of Jia's face before letting it fall. A wide smile shown as Jia sat up. "Good! Yay! I'm excited. A beach day with my best friend and brother." Jia said as she stood up and went to grab her own bag that was filled with what she needed as she then put her bag with Taehyung's bag. "Jungkook is coming?" Taehyung said as he became a little more excited. "How else would we get to the beach? Want me to ask my parents?" Jia raised an eyebrow.
Scrunching up his nose, Taehyung shook his head. "Jungkook please." He laid back on Jia's bed as Jia started to change into her bikini. Pulling out his phone as he opened up Instagram. "So uh... Akio messaged me when you know, you were grounded." That caught Taehyung's attention as he stopped scrolling on his feed, shut his phone and let it drop onto his chest. "And?" Taehyung questioned as he then sat up. "Okay, alright at first I you know, told him to fuck off and all but he didn't so I called him and we talked and..." Jia smiled shamelessly.
"You didn't." Taehyung said sternly. "I didn't." Jia assured Taehyung who sighed and nodded. "But we did hook up. For old time sake." Jia admitted after a while of being quiet. Taehyung looking at Jia with disgust as he sighed and shook his head. "I'm disgusted. Jia, really?" Taehyung whined at that as Jia sucked in a breath and nodded. Disappointed in herself as she sat on the bed after slipping on her shirt after putting her bikini on. "It was a one time thing. I only went because you weren't here to tell me not to... and I was horny."
Taehyung stuck out his tongue in disgust but Jia pushed Taehyung who fell back onto the bed with the same face. "It better have been a one time thing. I did not bruise up my body just for you to run back to him, Jia I swear." Taehyung looked at Jia who put her hands up and nodded. "One time thing! I swear! He wasn't even good at it either. Why did I ever sleep with him before anyway? I'm disgusted too." She admitted as Taehyung laughed at that. "Because you loved him. You're blind when it comes to love." Taehyung told Jia who rolled her eyes.
"I guess two inches feels like eight when you're in love huh?" Jia said and Taehyung was already laughing at Jia's words. Not believing what Jia just said. "Two? That's tough." Taehyung said with laughter still. Though he muffled it once Jungkook walked into the room. Jungkook wearing black shorts and a shirt that was orange and white. The buttons down halfway. The chain and sunglasses putting together his fit as he stood by the door.
"Ready?" Jungkook asked Jia who perked up and nodded as she got up from her bed. Taehyung finally calming down as he nodded too and got up with his bag hanging on one of his shoulders. "Wait- forgot my crocs." Jia said just as they left the house but ran inside and to her room, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone but they were putting the bags and shit into the vehicle. "We should get some crocs. Sounds hot." Taehyung suggested, breaking the silence.
"Jokes on you, I already have them." Jungkook teased Taehyung who scoffed. "Can't believe I was left out." The boy looked away from Jungkook and got into the vehicle. Almost getting into the front since it was a habit but he quickly opened the back and got in. Jia running out of the house within a few minutes. "Took you long enough." Jungkook started the vehicle as Jia got in. "I forgot where I put my crocs so I was looking for them."
With Taehyung connecting his phone, Jia turned up the music once Taehyung got his song playing and rested back on the seat. Looking out the window. It would be a twenty? almost thirty-minute drive to the beach they planned to go to so he got comfortable for the ride.
About an hour later, Taehyung and Jia had the spot set up and Jia was heading towards the water ready to swim away her afternoon. Taehyung as well but he wanted to sunbathe just for a little while before he got into the water. Plus he ate and he was scared he would get cramps. Not actually sure if that was true but he wasn't willing to risk it. Laying back on the towel, Taehyung huffed out and shut his eyes but was opening them once he heard Jungkook but this time Jungkook wasn't talking to him but instead another guy.
Catching Taehyung's attention, he propped himself up on his elbows and luckily for his sunglasses he was able to look at Jungkook without actually looking like he was looking at Jungkook. Noticing the other male was the lifeguard. "Yeah well come find me later and I'll probably make it worth your while." The lifeguard said with a playful smile as he then waved off Jungkook who waved and walked to Taehyung who let himself fall back onto the towel.
That was flirting, right? Make it worth his while? Make what worth Jungkook's while? Taehyung shook his head and sat up. "Who's that?" Taehyung suddenly asked since he was just itching to know. "I didn't catch his name," Jungkook said as he began to lather sunscreen on himself. ".. So a stranger wants you to find him later and 'make worth your while'" Taehyung used his fingers to exaggerate what he overheard. "I guess so?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Taehyung who scoffed and fell back down onto the towel. "Stranger danger means nothing to you does it?"
Jungkook looked towards the water and laughed a bit. "How else do I make friends Taehyung? Please, enlighten me will you?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who wasted no time in speaking up. "Get their names is a good way to start." Taehyung rolled his eyes although Jungkook couldn't see that. "Okay noted, anymore advice?" Jungkook asked as he laid back on the towel as well but it was a bit uncomfortable for Jungkook since the sand started to invade his space.
"Do you naturally flirt with everyone you meet?" Taehyung asked, dodging Jungkook's question which caught Jungkook off guard but he shrugged and put his hands under his head. "Depends," Jungkook answered as he looked at Taehyung who was still looking at the sky. "Sometimes it comes out naturally and sometimes I flirt because I'm interested in the said person," Jungkook told Taehyung who looked at Jungkook. Jungkook rolling onto his side to stare at Taehyung.
"So are you just interested in everyone now?" Taehyung said but didn't give Jungkook a chance to speak back as he got up, took his sunglasses off, and walked to the water. Leaving Jungkook scoffing at Taehyung but found himself smiling as he watched Taehyung walk off. That was weird? Jungkook only went to the lifeguard to ask if he could use the quad bike because it looked cool and the lifeguard simply told him that he could try it out later which was why the lifeguard said 'i'll make it worth your while' though Taehyung must have thought differently?
It made Jungkook feel a little... excited? since he never had anyone feel jealous over him. Sticking his tongue out at the corner of his cheek, Jungkook shrugged it off and laid back on the towel with a nose scrunch. The sand sticking to his skin made him sigh but he went with it as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the time to himself while Taehyung slowly walked into the water. "This is cold, fuck this," Taehyung said as he turned but Jia jumped onto Taehyung, bringing him down into the water in which Taehyung came popping up from the water with a gasp.
"Jeon fucking Jia!" Taehyung sucked in a breath and flipped his soaking hair back as he then looked at Jia who was laughing. "Jeon fucking Jia. Has a nice tone to it." Jia said as she then swam away. Taehyung was ready to get out but he was already wet so why not terrorize Jia since he was in the water? Yes, that sounded like his plan.
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