Taehyung had tears as he looked at Jungkook. Hearing Jungkook talk to him about such things hurt him but most of all it broke him because after three years, Jungkook was still as lost as ever. Jungkook cried into Taehyung's gown and honestly? It felt so good to cry it out to someone he's wanted to cry it out to all this time but as much as it felt good, he felt weak. Never had he let anyone see him break like this. He saved breakdowns like this for his bedroom where no one heard him. No one heard his cries for help from himself, cries of hurt and just loneliness.
Jungkook was broken. So broken he didn't know who he was anymore. Three years ago really fucked him up. His parents really fucked him up and he knew he had a choice to move on from it, to forget it but how could he just forget it? He's been trying with alcohol but that doesn't even work. Nothing works anymore and he's just tired. Mentally and physically he was tired of always pulling himself back up. "I'm so sorry Ta-Taehyung." Jungkook sniffled as he hugged Taehyung's waist. "I'm so sorry." Jungkook apologized over and over as he held Taehyung tightly.
Wiping his tears with his good hand, Taehyung bit his lip and brought his hand down to brush back Jungkook's hair. "Sorry for what? Saving me from Sungjae? Or meeting me three years ago?" Taehyung asked calmly. "Because with or without you, Sungjae would have done something to hurt me. Either it would be choking me half to death or shooting me in the arm. If you weren't there, it could have been way worse than getting shot in the arm." Taehyung brushed Jungkook's hair back once more as he heard Jungkook choke on the cries that he was trying to contain. "As for three years ago, I'm not sorry."
This time Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with red puffy eyes. "Before you, I was stuck with trying to please my parents. Being the perfect boy in their perfect world but after you I realized I wasn't their perfect little boy. You made me realize I want to control my own life. You made me want to come out to my parents and even though it happened differently, it changed my life. For the better? No but... it gave me a push. In that time frame, you made me so unbelievably happy. Eating in the back of your car, listening to music until we couldn't hear ourselves sing."
Taehyung noticed Jungkook had calmed down and that made him smile while talking to Jungkook who did nothing but listen to Taehyung. "And that's why it hurt so much when you left. You were the reason I wanted to be... me. The true me and I wanted to be with you. This whole time, all I've ever wanted was you Jungkook. So if you can't keep fighting for yourself, I'll fight for you. I'll help you find yourself. I'll be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. I'll be the one to listen to every word you need and want to say. So don't run. Stop running from me and run towards me. If you can't find anywhere to call home, I'll be your home."
Taehyung smiled whole-heartedly at Jungkook who looked back at Taehyung with all the love in the world. Just like three years ago Taehyung always had the right things to say but this time the words that came from Taehyung's mouth shocked him more than anything. 'Stop running from me and run towards me' hit way too hard for Jungkook and then his beautiful mouth added in 'I'll be your home' which made Jungkook want to cry more from what Taehyung told him. Jungkook honestly just felt like a baby to Taehyung at this moment but maybe that was what Jungkook needed. To be babied just for a moment.
"I don't like seeing you like this," Taehyung spoke up and wiped away the dried tears from Jungkook's cheeks. "We'll find you again, the happy you, okay?" Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheek and that's when Jungkook fell for Taehyung all over again. "... Being with you makes me happy." Jungkook managed to speak out although his voice broke mid-sentence. "Yeah?" Taehyung smiled down at Jungkook and wiped away his own tears before laying his head on the pillow. "Then let's never leave each other again. Because being with you makes me happy too Jungkook." Taehyung said with a smile, his finger playing with a strand of Jungkook's hair.
Nodding, Jungkook agreed to that as he hugged Taehyung once more and this time he didn't plan to let go anytime soon.
An hour or so later, Jungkook was sitting next to Taehyung since the doctor came in to examine him. Asking Jungkook to step out and he was willing to do so but Taehyung insisted on Jungkook stay by his side so he had no choice but to stay put on the chair and watch the doctor check on Taehyung and his arm. "Luckily the bullet was a through and through but the bad news is that the bullet did rip through some important tendons you need for full function of your arm." The doctor looked at the film in front of him known as a X-ray. "You will have full function of your arm with physical therapy. I'm not sure how long it'll take but within a few months for sure."
Gulping, Taehyung nodded at that and let his head fall back onto the pillow. Earlier they were telling Taehyung to try squeeze this and that but honestly he thought he did pretty good? Then again they didn't let him look. But why did they say he did great? "So... I can't fully close my hand?" Taehyung asked, trying to make a fist that didn't work. His fingers curled and all but he couldn't forcefully make his hand close. "...Yes but again, physical therapy will help a lot. As soon as you're healed we can book an appointment for you here in the hospital."
Taehyung didn't know how to feel about his arm and him not having full function but hey... at least he wasn't dead right? Or well, that's what he told himself so he'd feel better about not having full function of his arm. "...Yeah, okay yeah I'll do that." Taehyung bit his lip and listened to the doctors go into more detail while his father walked in after being on the phone with his lawyer. Just in time too as the doctors stepped out. "Good news. I've got a restraining order against him and also he will be getting charged."
Taehyung looked at his father who pulled out his own papers from being on the phone all morning. "He claimed to 'accidentally' shoot you but it didn't matter because he was aiming for Jungkook which doesn't make his case any better. Plus the gun he had, he bought it illegally so that's another charge." Taeho looked at his papers then at his son who looked like he was about to cry. "But I got it all handled son. I... I'm not gonna let him get away with this okay? I'll never let anyone hurt you again." Taeho put the papers down as he talked and approached Taehyung.
"... He's gone?" Taehyung asked Taeho who was confused by the question but he nodded to answer Taehyung's question. "He'll be gone for a long time Taehyung." Taeho comforted his son who nodded. And just like that Taehyung felt less scared? Like the tenseness he felt all day finally went away and just like that, he broke into tears because what the fuck? What the fuck was this day? Truly? What the fuck. How'd he let Sungjae control him like that? God Taehyung didn't even like him that much, it was more of Taehyung being afraid of Sungjae than being in love. Which fucked him up because why would he ever put himself in that situation?
But more importantly, why did he depend on Sungjae to get him through his hard times? Why the hell did Taehyung even stay with Sungjae through all of that? Three fucking years and for the first time, Taehyung felt free but more importantly, he felt safe. Having his dad hold him and telling him it was going to be okay made him feel safe. Then having Jungkook hold his hand and caress it too made him feel loved. What did he love the most about this situation though? Was that he had his dad and Jungkook in the same room. Nothing weird about it but acceptance.
Taehyung had his father with him who he loved and cared for so much along with Jungkook who he loved to death. No hatred, no discouraging words, no being uncomfortable. Just love and that was all Taehyung needed to feel okay. To be loved by his two favorite people in the world.
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