The moment Taehyung saw his mother, his heart dropped only because of the situation he was in. Jungkook was just inches away from him, hand right beside his head since Jungkook was holding onto the painting. "Kim Taehyung." She whispered but it was more like an aggressive whisper? Anyway, it made Taehyung move away from Jungkook who grabbed the painting and put it back onto the wall as he then turned to the woman who grabbed Taehyung and pulled him aside. "What did your father say?! What in God's name were you two just doing?!"
Taehyung never felt so scared as he opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Excuse me, I'm sorry." Jungkook saw how scared Taehyung looked so he included himself into the conversation as he pushed his hands into his joggers. "I scared Taehyung and he bumped into the painting. I only caught the painting before it fell onto the floor which explains what you just saw." Jungkook explained to Sooyoung who was looking at Jungkook with a little bit of disgust but Jungkook didn't look phased by it as Sooyoung shook her head and dragged Taehyung back downstairs. "You leave that boy alone Kim Taehyung, you hear me?"
Taehyung gulped as he nodded. Walking into the room where he quickly seated himself and looked at the floor to avoid the stares his mother was giving him. Why the hell did she react that way anyway? And... Jungkook lied? For what? Well- Taehyung was grateful Jungkook lied but Jungkook didn't have to say anything. Either way, Taehyung felt like he was in deep shit once he looked towards his parents and his mom was whispering to his father. Just freaking great. Now his father would make a whole thing into this as soon as the whole thing was over and was he right? yes.
The moment they left the house, Taehyung's father pulled Taehyung aside with his mother. "What were you doing up there alone with that boy?" The father asked calmly at first which made Taehyung feel a bit safer now. "Nothing. I went to the bathroom, came out and..." Taehyung wasn't sure if he should lie but he would be in deeper shit if he did so he went with Jungkook's lie. "And Jungkook-" Taehyung tried to finish but his mother scoffed. "That boy was inches! away from our boy. It's sickening!" She told her husband.
Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at his mother. Was she... she was grossed out by how Jungkook was close to Taehyung?! If anything that was sickening. "... his name is Jungkook." Taehyung suddenly said but his mother was having none of it as she walked off and started her walk home. Taehyung's father looking around the area until his eyes reached Jungkook's parents. "Go with your mother. You're grounded until further notice." The male spoke and walked away from Taehyung and towards the Jeon's which worried Taehyung.
Taehyung didn't even care that he was grounded but why did his father feel the need to go talk to Jungkook's parents? Jungkook was a grown man- and so was Taehyung! technically, eighteen was considered an adult but his Korean age was twenty so why the hell was he still getting grounded?! "Taehyung, go!" Taehyung suddenly heard his father who was with the Jeon's. Wanting to literally fight his dad, Taehyung clenched his fists but he did what his father said and started his walk behind his mother who was way ahead of Taehyung.
When Taehyung reached home he knew the drill and so he put his things away, did the dishes quickly, and went to his room where he remained for the rest of the day. His father not even coming to his room when he got home but at that point, Taehyung didn't care what was going on. Being alone though made Taehyung's thoughts run wild. Why was his mother so disgusted? And his father... what was the problem with Jungkook? Being close to another boy made them disgusted and that hurt honestly because... Taehyung is very well attracted to the same gender but his parents are sickened by him having another male around him?
It made Taehyung overthink that's for sure but when night came and Taehyung was about to force himself to sleep, he heard a knock at his window which scared the living hell out of him since it was so unexpected. Figuring it was Jia though, Taehyung put on a sweater and went to open the window but Jungkook's face came into view as he sat outside the window. "Miss me?" Jungkook smiled at Taehyung who looked towards his door and then sat near the window. "... My dad talked to your dad." Taehyung brought up. Jungkook pursing his lips.
It was quiet as Jungkook then nodded, "Not allowed to see me I assume?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung scoffed at that. "I'm grown enough to see who I want." Taehyung rolled his eyes which made Jungkook smile and let out a small chuckle. "Don't disobey your parents Tae. You'll learn the hard way if you do." Jungkook told Taehyung who was confused by that but then again he was always confused with Jungkook's words so he decided to get it over with. "... Why did you run away?" Taehyung suddenly asked knowing he was stepping over a line but if Jungkook didn't want to answer that then he wouldn't force Jungkook to talk about it.
"... Is that what they're saying? I ran away?" Jungkook said with a dull expression although a small forced smile was seen soon after. Rubbing his jaw, Jungkook looked at the trees swaying from the wind as he then looked at Taehyung. "I guess they're kind of right but it's their fault I ran," Jungkook told Taehyung who still had his eyebrows furrowed which made Jungkook genuinely smile. "... Jia doesn't know about this. So don't tell her, okay?" Jungkook gulped back the lump in his throat and Taehyung nodded. Though before Jungkook could carry on, Taehyung got Jungkook to come into his room.
Locking his door by putting a chair in front of it, Taehyung sat with Jungkook on his bed. While Taehyung did that Jungkook was trying to figure out what he was going to say or how to start off since it's been a while since he had to talk about this but Taehyung looked trustworthy and so he thought, why not? He's been needing someone to talk to lately anyway. "Ever hear about a conversion camp?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who hugged his knees and shook his head although Taehyung felt like the words were familiar. "It's a camp to change an individual's sexual orientation or in simple terms, to get the gay out of me."
Jungkook bit his lip as he stopped talking just for a moment as Taehyung's eyes widened. "... Don't tell me they sent you there," Taehyung said with disbelief and Jungkook smiled as he nodded. "I came out to them. They were the first people I told and I was fourteen so they thought I was brainwashed or it was a phase or just... every excuse in the book they used but I told them I like boys." Jungkook gulped at his confession. "And they thought I was crazy. They treated me like I was crazy and so they sent me off and a day after, I ran away."
It must have been really tough coming out and then having your own parents treat you like that and it made Taehyung sad. Like... he could cry for Jungkook right now if he wasn't forcing himself to suck it up. "I didn't really run away. I ran away from the camp but they never bothered coming to find me. So I stayed with my grandmother in Busan. I waited for them to come to find me and give me hell but they never came and so I never came home." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a small smile. "They never came to find me," Jungkook said with a little laugh.
"I'm their only son... oldest son and they didn't give two craps where I could have been. Then again I lost that title of being their son the moment I came out to them I think. It's funny though... I thought they would be supportive because before I came out, they loved me. Our family was happy and I was happy so I thought there was no way they could not support me." Jungkook scratched at his nape. "But the moment I told them, everything changed. They didn't look at me the same after that. They still can't look at me... and it hurts, not going to lie."
"I tried to change." Jungkook looked at his hands and rubbed at one of his fingers. "When I ran away... I tried to convince myself that maybe I was crazy. Maybe I was... in a phase? That liking the same gender was crazy but that wasn't crazy. I tried everything to convince myself I was normal just so my parents could love and accept me but I realized... they never did love the real me. The real me.." Jungkook sucked in a breath. "The real me likes boys but since I came out to my parents who rejected me without hesitation, I kept it to myself." Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "So I guess you could say you're the third person to officially hear that I am into boys." Jungkook said with a deep breath.
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