Looking at himself in the mirror, Taehyung fixed his tux and rolled his shoulders back. The way his hair was too? Horrid. It was basic and a lot of hair gel. Not something Taehyung wanted but his mother put a lot of effort into it as she says. "Tae baby, you ready?" Soyoung, Taehyung's mother came into the room in awe looking at her son who hummed and grabbed his jacket. "Yeah. Let's get this over with." Taehyung scratched the back of his head which made his mother sigh and grab Taehyung who stood still so his mother could fix his hair. Oh my god, he hated this day already and he was supposed to feel joyful right?
Hopefully, his cap would be able to hide his horrid hair. It wasn't that bad honestly but to Taehyung it just didn't suit him and the way he wanted to look though he had to go with it as he walked out to the car and got in. Jia already spamming Taehyung with texts but Taehyung was already in a bad mood. It's not that he blamed his parents but if his parents just listened to what he wanted then maybe he would be a little bit happier right now. So with the whole car ride, Taehyung listened to his parent's blabber about the universities Taehyung would love.
The moment Taehyung reached the school, he got dropped off in the front and didn't waste a minute as he rushed into the school just to get away from his parents. Stopping the moment he made it to the bathroom. Maybe he could fix up his hair a little bit. So walking to the mirror, Taehyung looked at the hardened hair from the gel and started to laugh although he wanted to cry. "Thought I heard someone." Taehyung heard as he saw from the mirror the stall opened and Jungkook came out zipping up his pants which made Taehyung look away.
"Sorry-" Taehyung then looked at himself and sighed at the way he looked. "Just having a crisis about this mess." Taehyung knocked on his hair and although it wasn't that hard, it was still hard for Taehyung. "Oh wow." Jungkook held back his laugh as he bit on his lip but it came out. "I'm sorry- uhm." Jungkook sucked in a breath and chuckled. "Bad hair day?" Jungkook asked while walking to the sink to wash his hands. Taehyung nodding at that as he tried to fix it as he wet his hands. Jungkook watching from the mirror but it just got hard to watch.
"Okay, no, come here." Jungkook flicked the remaining water off his fingers and walked over to Taehyung who stood still since he was confused. Jungkook having to grab Taehyung's shoulders and make him face Jungkook. "With a cap, you don't have to worry much." Jungkook mumbled while brushing his fingers through Taehyung's hair. Trying his best not to laugh at the feeling of Taehyung's hair. "You love gel don't you?" Jungkook said while fixing up Taehyung's hair. "God no." Taehyung scoffed but gasped at his own wording since he always got scolded for saying god which was understandable but it wasn't that deep, was it?
"I mean... my mom did it and I love her but this hairstyle makes me feel silly," Taehyung admitted as Jungkook nodded and turned Taehyung towards the mirror. "There." Jungkook looked at Taehyung from the mirror as Taehyung checked himself out. It wasn't bad and Taehyung actually liked the slick back look on himself. "You don't look silly now." Jungkook nudged Taehyung as he then dried his hands. "So you agree that I looked silly." Taehyung looked at Jungkook and all he saw Jungkook do was smile as he then looked down.
Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook who looked up and shook his head. "Just a tad." He teased and Taehyung thought maybe he would have got a compliment but as Jungkook spoke, he shouldn't have expected anything as he chuckled. "Whatever." Taehyung pushed Jungkook who laughed and followed Taehyung out of the bathroom. Honestly... that was an okay talk with Jungkook who saved him from looking like a fool. He really didn't get why his parents wanted him to stay away from Jungkook and so he just stayed with Jungkook since he knew where Jia was.
"Why aren't you in your gown?" Jia asked Taehyung who stole Taehyung from Jungkook. Didn't really steal- but that's how Taehyung felt happened as he followed Jia who walked him to their classroom where everyone was getting ready and all. Half of everybody at least. "Okay! Simmer down! Alphabetical order line up, come on young adults!" The teacher clapped her hands together just to get the attention of everyone. Taehyung quick to put on his gown and cap with the help of Jia. "Why am I rushing? I'm close to the end." Taehyung scoffed while looking at Jia who was up ahead and giving Taehyung a thumbs up.
Eventually, the graduation did get started and it was slow at first with all the talks and stories, then the multiple names that would come and go until Jia was called and Taehyung could literally hear Jungkook cheering on Jia which made Taehyung laugh at how loud Jungkook was being but he hid his laugh by covering his hand over his mouth. "That's my Jia cakes!" was heard once it was quiet. This time Taehyung couldn't hide his laughter as he slid down on his chair a bit as Jia blushed out of embarrassment while also looking towards the crowd. "Oh my god, Jungkook." She hid her face with her diploma while walking back to her seat. A few other students laughing along with Taehyung.
And again, it went slow for a while as Taehyung's row stood up, and eventually Taehyung's name was called and his walk towards the stage was a little emotional. All the years in school and he was going to grab his diploma. He was freaking done high school! Thinking he would only hear claps as he grabbed his diploma but instead, "Go Taetae! Yes!" Came from the crowd and that made Taehyung blush as he looked towards the crowd. The cheering coming from Jungkook. Did it make Taehyung feel happy? Beyond fucking happy.
Getting a quick picture with his diploma before he hurried off the stage and to his seat in which Jia looked back and mouthed a 'sorry' but Taehyung was all smiles as he shook his head. Taehyung knew his parents must've been questioning why Jungkook was yelling for Taehyung but it made him feel noticed that's for sure and it was a nice feeling. Then when it came to them throwing their caps up, Taehyung hid his head but was forced to hug Jia who came running up to Taehyung. "Ahhh! we graduated!" Jia yelled and jumped around Taehyung.
"I lost my cap!" Was the only thing Taehyung said as he looked around. Jia stopping her little party as she looked at Taehyung who was turning in circles. "... I hate you for ruining this happy moment just for your cap," Jia told Taehyung who stopped and looked at Jia before he hopped around three times cheering before went back to finding his cap. "Here." A voice was heard and Taehyung looked up to see his former classmate, Sungjae holding out his cap. "I picked it up for you." Sungjae smiled as he then put the cap on Taehyung's head and smiled.
"Oh and you're coming tonight right?" Sungjae asked as the line to leave the gymnasium was forming. "I- uh, yeah! I'll be there!" Taehyung called out since Sungjae was walking back to the line but he was still looking at Taehyung. Giving a thumbs-up before he turned and went back to the line. "Oh my goddd!" Jia squealed for Taehyung who acted to faint but got himself back together as he wrapped his arm around Jia and smiled. "Perhaps this day isn't bad at all."
Taehyung laughed while walking with Jia. Although they were supposed to be in a line, he didn't care as he talked with Jia all the way until they reached their families. "My grown baby!" Soyoung reached for Taehyung and brought him into a hug but on Jia's side, she stood still while Jungkook leaned against the wall and listened to his father scold the living daylights out of Jungkook. "You can't just be screaming like a mad man. For your sister yes, understandable but for Taehyung? Not acceptable Jungkook. Can't you just be normal for once?!" He whisper shouted and although Jungkook was being scolded, he looked like he didn't care.
"Jia, how you feeling holding that diploma?" Jungkook brushed off his father's words with a smile as he saw Jia standing by looking a little sad but she smiled as soon as Jungkook spoke up and walked over to her. "Like I'm about to take on the world." She responded which had Jungkook smiling proudly, "The world has a lot in store for you. Maybe a garbage picker? Or-" Before he could continue, Jia shut him up as she nudged Jungkook who laughed and held onto his baby sister but as he did so, he looked over at Taehyung who was laughing and smiling with his parents but not before they both caught each other's attention. The two smiling at each other before Taehyung looked away. At least Taehyung had a happy family huh?
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