Signing his name on the piece of paper, Hoseok watched closely and guided Jungkook through the paper work before they both stood up. "Well I don't have much time left but I look forward to working with you Jungkook. I'll get one of my workers to get you a schedule and I'll get you your keys in a few days for the studio." Hoseok walked to the door with Jungkook following with a huge smile. "Yes, alright that works great. Thank you again- this means so much to me you don't even know." Jungkook told Hoseok who smiled at Jungkook.
"It worked out for the both of us huh? Have a nice day Jungkook." Hoseok waved off Jungkook who was starting his walk out of the building. The smile never leaving his lips as he kept walking. Did... Jungkook just land a job with Jung Hoseok? Just like that? From just speaking out what he wanted? That had to be a dream right? Stopping himself from walking out of the building, Jungkook grabbed his arm and pinched himself. "Ow! Fuck!" Jungkook harshly rubbed the place he pinched. Only to smile a bit more widely. Was he actually this happy?
Wanting to get back to Taehyung to tell him the good news, Jungkook hurried out of the building and was already trying to wave down a cab which didn't take long. As for Taehyung, he was still fast asleep but it wasn't long before he was waking up from the nurse coming in to check on him. "Sorry darling, just checking up on you." The nurse said quietly while looking at the vitals. A small lazy nod came from Taehyung who rubbed the side of his nose. "How's the pain?" The nurse checked Taehyung's arm.
"I can't feel much." Taehyung told the nurse who hummed, pursing her lips together. "Alright, let's see." She pulled out her pen and started to lightly poke at Taehyung's arm. "Can you feel this?" She repeated with every part she put the pen on. Some parts Taehyung could feel but as they got lower, he barely felt the pokes which made him gulp. "Don't worry. This is normal for your condition. Once you start the physical therapy it should help." She reassured Taehyung who nodded. "But... what if it doesn't? Would that mean I lose control of my hand?"
The nurse opened her mouth to speak but stopped for a moment to recollect her thoughts. "Well, yes but it could also just take a longer time to gain back that control. You went through something traumatizing hun. Don't push your limits right now, your arm will heal eventually, it just needs time." She talked to Taehyung who felt a little better from hearing the nurse's words. "I'll be back in an hour okay? Just press the button there if you need me." She reassured Taehyung once more before leaving the room which was on time as Jungkook just about bumped into her while walking in.
"Visiting hours are-" She stopped Jungkook who walked right by her. Looking back at her patient, she opened her mouth but stopped herself when she saw the smile on Taehyung's face. With a light smile, the nurse shut the door on her way out and let it be as she walked off. Jungkook seating himself next to Taehyung. "You were fast." Taehyung scoffed at Jungkook who smiled and nodded. "Told you I would be quick." He grabbed Taehyung's hand lightly and kissed it. "You okay? The nurse say anything?" Jungkook asked first to make sure Taehyung was okay.
Nodding, Taehyung didn't want to worry Jungkook so he went along with it being all okay in which he was... aside from not being able to feel the lower part of his hand. "Okay good because... I wanted to talk to you about America." Jungkook got comfortable on his seat while caressing Taehyung's hand. "Is that why you left?" Taehyung asked in which Jungkook nodded, "Yeah... but it's not because I'm leaving to America." Jungkook watched Taehyung's facial expression change to a confused one. "But... you like what you do Jungkook what? Why are you not going now? This better not be because of me Jungkook I will drag you back th-"
Taehyung stopped when Jungkook started laughing a bit. "No no no. I mean, I'm not going but Hoseok- the one who was sending me and Yoongi to America offered me a job under him. Same thing but he's my boss and Yoongi would just be my partner, instead of boss slash partner." Jungkook informed Taehyung with a smile on his face. "I'll get to use a studio, equipment so I could work on my own stuff. I'll still get to do what I love... while being with the person I love."
Jungkook bit his lip after saying his words as Taehyung looked at Jungkook with such a loving smile. More calm knowing that Jungkook didn't quit and was instead staying in Seoul with a job he really loved. "Really?? So.. you're still going to do what you were going to do in America, just in Seoul? Like... you can stay here?" Taehyung asked Jungkook once more just to be sure and it made Jungkook laugh a bit but he nodded and kept his smile. "So now you can stay with your dad and I can help you with your physical therapy. I... I don't know where I will stay but I'll figure it all out. Once I start getting paid I'll look for an apartment, save up for a vehicle."
Jungkook started talking in depth of what he was going to do. His plan for the next year which included a lot of saving up and a lot of time being with Taehyung. "You look happy." Taehyung reached his good hand out to caress Jungkook's cheek. Looking a little dull that moment, Jungkook started to hum and lean into Taehyung's touch. "There's just something about you that makes me feel like the happiest person in the world. I never felt so happy like how I am right now Taehyung. I never... I never thought I could be this happy and I know I'm going to have my bad days still but right now? I'm going to remember it for as long as I live."
Taehyung couldn't help but smile at Jungkook and how happy he looked. How he spoke about being happy. Just hours ago he was crying in Taehyung's arms but look at him now! "You realize you made this all happen right? You left for what? A meeting maybe? Whatever you did, you fought for it because you knew it would make you happy right? Jungkook... you're the source of your own happiness right now without even knowing it." Taehyung told Jungkook who thought it over and shrugged. "I only fought for what I wanted because it's you. America is a dream but... you... you're my dream. I ran away from us three years ago Tae... this time I'm staying."
"This time... we're going to get that happy ending I always wanted for us." Jungkook told Taehyung who felt his heart melt. "You're such a sap." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who chuckled. "Yeah? I can't help it. Taetae is just so cute." The sudden nickname made Taehyung's eyes go wide. "You didn't just-" Taehyung stopped to laugh it off and look the other way. "There is no way you still get shy from Taetae, come on. You're a big boy Taetae-" Jungkook kept repeating the nickname which only made Taehyung blush deeper.
"Well it doesn't help when you're constantly saying it! Shut up Jungkook." Taehyung pushed Jungkook away only for Jungkook to laugh. "You are so cute. My pretty boy." Jungkook pushed back Taehyung's hair and kissed his forehead. Notice how they haven't kissed yet? Well... Jungkook was waiting for the perfect moment. Although he was already calling Taehyung his love and planning out things for the future for them- he figured he should also give Taehyung some physical space due to well, the Sungjae problem.
Also not wanting to rush into the whole relationship right away. "Pretty boy?" Taehyung questioned as he looked at Jungkook who nodded. "... See that's better than taetae." Taehyung mumbled to Jungkook who pretended he couldn't hear what Taehyung said. "Sorry what? You like... My pretty boy taetae better?" Jungkook asked but laughed when Taehyung tried to turn away only to hiss from the sudden pain in his arm. Though that was because he moved onto his arm a bit. "Okay okay I'm done teasing, don't hurt yourself clumsy." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung to still his movements. "Better yet, push over since you're trying to roll over."
While Jungkook got ready to get on the bed, Taehyung stayed in the same place and just looked at Jungkook. "You're a dick." Taehyung told Jungkook who hummed. "I don't think you should be saying such words to me, pretty boy." Jungkook looked at Taehyung seriously which made Taehyung scoot over for Jungkook to get into his bed. "You're still a dick." Taehyung told Jungkook who was getting comfortable on the bed. "I know." Jungkook hugged Taehyung and kissed his temple. "You get to go home tomorrow, right?" Jungkook asked after a while of it being quiet.
Nodding, Taehyung traced his finger against Jungkook's skin. "Good. Then I can spoil you with all the cuddles in the world." Jungkook hummed at that. "You can be my personal butler." Taehyung retorted back to Jungkook who raised his head to look at Taehyung. "... Fair enough." Jungkook left it at that but he continued on moments later just talking to Taehyung about anything and everything he could think about. It didn't last long though since they were both tired. Although Jungkook couldn't stay the night, he decided to get at least a few minutes or hours in with Taehyung napping.
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