[(A/N): Guess what? Two adventures in one.]
[In the lab]
*Creating some biotic emitters*
Graze:*Peeks in* Alright. You guys ready?
The OW Beans:*Peeped cheerfully*
Graze: Okay. *Shadow steps behind Swift*
*Filling up the canisters with healing effects*
Graze: Bean attack! *Showers the Beans on Swift*
What the hell?
Graze: Hehehehe got you good.
*Picks up Reaper Bean and Bean: 76* Yes you did Graze. *Smiles*
*Leaves out of a silver portal* Hey guys I'm back from my mission... *Facing Connor from Detroit: Become Human*
Connor: Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife.
*Shook* Very funny. Did Reyes do this?
Connor:*Tilts his head to the side* Who is this Reyes you're talking about? He's not in the system of my program.
*Uses her visor to scan Connor* So..not an Omnic in disguise to prank me but since the fandom is growing, which model are you and your serial number? (Obviously on his jacket.)
Connor: I'm prototype model RK800, #313 248 317-51.
Accurate but question, how did you get here?!
Soldier: 76:*Runs into Swift*
Soldier: 76: Swift! Oh you found him.
What's going on?
Soldier: 76: Gabriel and Alex, that's what's going on.
Okay but next time report any incident to the office before I see problems with my own eyes.
Soldier: 76: Got it.
Reaper & Graze: Swift, hey...
Soldier: 76 & Swift: You guys are in big trouble.
Graze: Mianhae Yeobo.
And you know not to fool around when you're suppose to take inventory-
Detective Gavin Reed: Where the hell is that tin can?
*Sees Reed* Who let the asshole in?
Detective Reed: What did you say?
Graze: He must've followed Connor here.
Why would he? He hates androids, unless Hank forced him to watch over everyone's favorite robot.
Graze:*Shrugs* Could be.
Detective Reed: Hey, excuse me?
Yes Gavin? *Crosses her arms*
Detective Reed: May I ask where am I?
You're in Main Dimension, a program to enter different fandoms and protect fandoms from beings call Haters.
Detective Reed: What does that mean?
Graze: We're like your guardians to protect you guys.
Detective Reed: Still not getting it.
We're like the police but more advanced. Beside arresting anyone.
Detective Reed: Oooooohhhh
Mhmm...F#cking idiot.
Detective Reed: Watch it. If this place is like Detroit Police Department then I hope there's no more tin cans.
Zenyatta & Genji:*Passes by everybody*
Detective Reed: ...
Oh yeah we have friends who you refer as "robots" with actual emotions unlike you, pesky less decent human being.
Graze: Yeah, also you two need to go back before Hank gets worry sick. *Pushes Connor back in the portal room*
Detective Reed:*Furious inside*
You better not blow up to destroy this place.
Detective Reed: You're not in charge, I want to see who is.
*Glares at him* I'm actually in charge of this place. I'll be Strike Commander soon but for the time being, go back before I'll cut you up.
Detective Reed: Strike Commander?
Reaper:*Knocks Reed out*
Thanks Gabe.
Reaper: Hm...
*Carries the bastard by dragging him*
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