[Temple of Anubis]
BT Ana: You're powered up. Get in there!
BT Reinhardt:*Charges and swings his hammer at the Red Team*
*In the Red Team* *Crushed against a wall* Ow...
[At the shooting range]
*Shoots the targets with her sidearm* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!*
McCree:*Whispers in amusement* Nice shot.
Thanks Jesse. *Smiles*
*From afar Graze & Hanzo are spying on them*
[Hall of Fandoms]
*Fangirls/Tourists snapping pics of deceased/popular fandoms*
Graze: I thought you don't allow tours.
Well it's the start of the December, meaning the Holidays. I'm feeling generous lately.
Graze: I see.
*The Fangirls are swooning over a portrait of Overwatch: Strike Commander Jack Morrison before the fall*
Maybe too generous.
Graze: You think?
Fan #1: Hey everyone! There's a sale on OW body pillows at the gift shop!
Wait I didn't agree with that! Dad! Papí! *Sprints for her dads*
Graze:*Looks around* Thanks for profit.
Sombra:*Appears* No problem, it's worth it. Now pay up.
Graze:*Pays the infamous hacker*
*Everybody decorating for the Holidays*
Tracer:*Using her chrono accelerator to decorate the hallways*
Mercy:*Decorating the Med Bay*
Genji:*Cutting up some snowflakes* Mada! Mada!
[(A/N): I actually cut them myself.]
Sombra:*Hacked into the Delta to sing Christmas songs* Hacking complete.
Symmetra:*Crafting some decorative lights with her hard light technology*
Zarya:*Helping to set the tree up* Tree is up and sturdy.
Reaper:*Knitting everybody sweaters*
Bastion:*Caroling to some Holiday songs* Beep beep beep beep beep! Bop boop boop boop!
D.Va:*Live streaming* Hey everyone, D.Va here. I'm showing you guys the whole base is being decorated for the Holidays...
Ana & Swift:*Working on the Christmas treats*
Oooh your chocolate mint glacier cookies are delicious.
Ana: Hehe thank you my dear.
The Beans:*Steals the cookies*
No Beans! Those are for everyone.
The Beans:*Ran out of the kitchen*
Ana:*Laughing from Swift chasing the OW Beans*
*Swift and the Beans ran outside*
*Then Swift ran into something cold and solid*
Reaper:*Now outside and in his shiver holiday skin* Oops.
Gabriel. Cold as ice. Cold. As ice. *Falls down*
Soldier: 76:*On top of the ladder decorating the building with Christmas lights* Gabe what happened?
Reaper: Swift is chilling.
Soldier: 76: Outside? Gabriel.
[2 hours later]
*Recovered in the Med bay* *Sigh* *Goes outside with her winter coat on*
*Everybody is outside*
Junkrat: Hahaha get ready for show! *Lights up some Christmas fireworks*
Roadhog:*Plugs in the lights*
*Lights were shun above everyone*
Oh wow.
Graze: Hey Swift?
Graze: Look up.
*D.Va was holding up a mistletoe*
Oh I see.
*The two kiss under the Christmas tradition*
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