[The Living Tombstone- No Mercy]
[Fandom: BNHA]
[On a match: last round]
Athena: Defeat!
Bakugou:*Pissed* *As Junkrat* This is worst team I have ever play within my life
When we finally get on the point, everyone dies
I understand that every now and then a team won't click
When it comes to you I don't think I can sympathize
You should've picked Mercy
You should've picked any kind of support
We ended up losing
And it's all your fault
You should learn how this game works
You should've been helping
*Music scratches*
Uraraka:*As Mei* "If you like Mercy so much why you just marry her?"
So you're the type that gets on the mic and tries to lecture me
You're the most useless person we have on our team
I've never seen anybody rage quite as you
Maybe you should go back to playing Team Fortress 2
I'm not gonna be Mercy
I'm not gonna be any kind of support
We ended up losing and you got all mad
Your tears are what I live for
(Bakugou: You should've been Mercy...)
I'm not gonna be any kind of support
(Bakugou: We ended up losing and it's all your fault)
Your tears are what I live for
[In the Chat]
[Allmight01]: What is happening?
[Pikachuboi]: A musical argument?
[Tenyatta8]: In the middle of a round?
[AlienQueen]: Ooh I wanna see this play out.
Bakugou: Maybe I'll be Tracer
Uraraka: I'm already Tracer
Bakugou: What about Widowmaker?
Uraraka: I'm already Widowmaker
Bakugou: I'll be Bastion
Uraraka: Nerf Bastion!
Bakugou: You're right. So, Winston
Uraraka: I wanna be Winston
Bakugou: I guess I'll be Genji
Uraraka: I'm already Genji
Bakugou: Then I'll Be McCree
Uraraka: I already chose McCree
Bakugou: I have an idea
Uraraka: What's your idea?
Bakugou: You should be...
Uraraka:*As Lucio boops Bakugou out of the map* I'm not gonna be Mercy
Bakugou: You should've picked Mercy
(Uraraka: I'm not gonna be any kind of support)
Bakugou: We ended up losing and it's all your fault
Uraraka: Your tears are what I live for
I'm not gonna be Mercy
(Bakugou: You should've been Mercy...)
Uraraka: We ended up losing and you got all mad
Bakugou: You should learn how this game works
[In the Chat]
[Allmight01]: We're almost at the point!
[Tenyatta8]: Right on time.
[Pikachuboi]: Next level baby!
[AlienQueen]: Woohoo!
*Someone playing as Mercy revives the Red Team* Heroes Never Die!
The Blue Team: NOOOOO!!!!
[Eliminated Allmight01 60🔥]
[Eliminated Tenyatta8 58🔥]
[Eliminated Pikachuboi 38🔥]
[Eliminated AlienQueen 49🔥]
Uraraka & Bakugou: ...Now look what you did!
[Back in UA]
Recovery Girl:*Was Mercy in the game* No regrets.
[Morning 7:20 am]
Reaper & Soldier: 76:*Being their usual salty and bitter selves*
D.Va:*Focusing on her gaming*
McCree & Hanzo:*Went out shopping for souvenirs*
Graze & Swift:*Packing up their stuff after the Day of the Dead*
*Silence* ...
Graze: You're never been this quiet. Something bothering you?
It's just that...Last night reminded someday I'll die unexpectedly.
Graze: Swift.
I know, it's depressing but true. I fight in battles no matter what the enemy is and I risk myself to protect everyone. One day I'll miss. The next thing I'll be surrounded in red. *Started tearing*
Graze: Honey. *Hugs her*
You can still live because of your wraith while I die in an accident. Like every normal being, die naturally.
Graze: Swift, babe.
*Wipes away some tears* But it's okay. Like last night you'll remember me. You can keep a promise in the future, right?
Graze:*Nods* I'll promise anything you ask for.
*Tears more* Thank you.
[Back to Main Dimension]
[Warning: This adventure contains strong language, gore, bloodshed and favorite characters dying due to an AU that's opposite from being heroes. If you're offended, please skip to the next chapter.]
Graze:*Shoots at a far range towards Villain!Tsu* Stay still fucking frog. *BANG!*
Villain!Tsu:*Drops dead* Kero...
Villain!Mina:*Spews acids at Graze*
Graze:*Wraiths and sprints at her* *Completely stabs her in the chest with two katanas*
Villain!Mina:*Coughs out blood forcefully*
*Dodges every attacks from Kaminari and Sero*
Villain!Kaminari:*Fails to electrify Swift* *Hits Sero*
Villain!Sero: Ah! Dude!
Villain!Kaminari:*Brain fried* Wheeeeeyyyyy...
*Chops Kaminari's body in transverse*
*Blood and intestines spilled out creating a pool of gore*
Villain!Sero:*Shoots his tape at Swift*
*Catches the tape and yanks him towards Swift*
Villain!Sero: AH!
*Shoots his neck to fall off*
*Blood spilled on Swift*
Graze:*Shoots at Villain!Shouji*
Villain!Shouji:*Lost a few limbs*
Villain!Orijiro:*Swings his tail at Graze*
Graze:*De-materialize and disappears*
Villain!Orijiro: Where are you?
Graze:*Rematerializes behind him* Right here. *BANG!*
*His tail was shot off*
Villain!Orijiro:*Winces in pain*
Graze: Your death wish came true... *BANG*
*Headshots Sato* Huh, sour.
Villain!Momo:*Bashes Swift with a medieval shield she created*
*Crashes against a wall and her visor breaks* Sh#t, my visor.
Villain!Momo:*Crashes Swift into a wall* Hah! What are gonna do now, commander?
Graze: Asking me? *Behinds Momo at gun point*
Villain!Momo: What?
*Throws off the shield and stabs Villain!Momo in the stomach*
Villain!Momo:*Trembles and looks down* You bitch...
No, you are. *Throws a knee at V!Momo's face* *Breaking her nose*
Villain!Momo:*Faints to slowly die*
Graze: You okay Swift?
*Sighs* Yeah. Fucking V!Creati broke my visor. Let's move.
[At the mess hall]
Graze & Swift:*Walked in with their guns out*
Graze: Stay close, I don't want you to kill yourself.
I'm fine Graze. I can still shoot, not blind yet.
*Some Villains appeared before their eyes*
I'll take Iida and Kirishima!*Shoots at her targets*
Graze:*Wraiths at the rest*
Villain!Iida:*Dodges every shot Swift makes*
*Pulls out her sidearm* *Shoots to the knees*
*Iida's legs were completely cleaned off from the shots*
Villain!Iida:*Falls and rolls from the impact* *Face down*
I hope your family's honor mends from the damage. *Impales through his back*
[Time Skip]
Graze & Swift:*Finally faces Villain!Deku*
Villain!Deku: Finally you showed yourself, Yang and Kim.
Graze: Ah, respectful I see.
Well you disrespect this organization. We killed your colleagues, your "friends".
Graze: Even your dear friend Todoroki.
Villain!Deku: ...So.
So being calm like that. You don't care about others.
Graze: Including yourself. Say goodbye to your plans. *BANG!*
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