Graze & Swift:*Practicing their shooting*
*Dummies of Yandere versions of different characters from different fandoms*
*Shoots the dummies* I. Hate. Yanderes. *Pulls her katana and slices through every dummy in her path*
Graze:*Watches his girlfriend fight*
*Pulls out Reinhardt's hammer* *Starts smashing the dummies*
Graze:*Pulls out a bucket of popcorn and eats it while watching Swift*
*Covers in pink blood* *Few steps away from a cowardly Yandere Hanzo Shimada* You're a disgrace to my clan. *Shoots the dummy*
Graze: Wow Swift.
Graze: You need a shower. You're covered in artificial blood that recks bloodlust.
It's what I get for killing Yanderes.
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