Flames Of Rage
I heard muffled screaming from outside the door, then I saw a brilliant orange light. The door to my prison was busted open with a loud bang!
I blinked slowly at the door and wondered what was happening. My eyes locked on a figure that was cloaked in flames as he stalked in. His flames were crackling with lightning.
The figure belonged to a boy and his eyes were glowing red. The figure turned his head sharply to the right and he lifted his arm out, palm up. Flames that were alight with yellow lightning, shot forward, and my ears barely registered a scream as his flames hit his target. Then the figure tilted his head my way and he rushed over. The figure fell to his knees beside me and I thought I heard him say something.
A name was at the back of my mind. Name...The boy's flame covered arms gently went under my back and he lifted me up. My head fell limply onto his chest and he held me close.
He must have heard something because he turned to look over his shoulder and his flames suddenly expanded.
He turned around with me in his warm arms and I could feel his chest vibrate as he growled. He brought up his hand from my back and snapped his fingers. Flames full of lightning shot toward the door's entrance and I could hear muffled shrieks of pain.
The boy began walking forward and with each step he took the building shook with his rage and power. The flames that surrounded us kept growing and growing. Until they felt like they were alive with something.
Something dark and full of anger.
They were the flames of the boy's rage.
Name...I thought tiredly.
My eyes finally closed. I was slipping into the darkness. I could feel the boy's chest vibrate again as he said something again...almost desperately. All the fight left me. Name...Name...
Natsu P.O.V
With a roar I punched the front doors open and stalked in. My flames were all over the place and they were flickering and licking up the walls surrounding me. They were wild and burning anything that they touched. People came running towards me with their Magic at the ready.
I barely paid them a glance as I sent my flames at them. I stalked past them as their burned bodies hit the ground. I rounded a corner and didn't bother trying to dodge the fire that suddenly came flying at me. I looked up and fixed my eyes on a man that was blocking my way.
His body was almost completely concealed in bloody red flames. He was wearing a cocky smile as he began to speak to me.
"So, your the boy that we
have-" I cut him off with an uppercut to the jaw and he went down. I walked around him and kept walking forward. I smelled the air and turned my head to
the right when I caught the slight smell of her.
I went down that hallway when my path was blocked by yet another annoying person.
"Move." I snarled at him as
my flames started to expand around my body.
"Can't do that, boy." The
man said to me as his arm began to have a green tint to it.
The green light grew brighter until it completely engulfed his right and left arm. I clenched
my teeth and pounded my fist into the palm of my hand.
"You took someone from me. I want her back." I said lowly as the man brought up his fists.
"Can't do that either, boy. Now,
I suggest that you come with me right now." The man said to me as he and I locked eyes.
I chuckled, "What if I say, 'Hell no, old man'?" His eyes twitched in anger as he smirked, "I love it when they say that."
He flew at me and brought up his gleaming green arm. I blocked his punch with my arm and pushed him back.
I threw a series of punches at him and some of my blows got through his sucky defenses. I leaped away from him when he brought up his leg to hit me in the stomach. I touched the ground with
the palm of my hand and pushed off the ground to come at him again. I kicked him in the chest and he staggered away from me. Before I could move back he
punched me in the face. I flew away from his hit and landed on the floor.
I rolled with the impact and hit the wall behind me. Gravel and dust rained down around me as my body made a pretty decent sized hole in the wall.
I pushed myself up with a snicker and swept a hand across my cheek to get rid of the blood there.
"I'm getting fired up."
I said with a wide grin. The old man narrowed his eyes at me in disbelief. "Your having fun aren't you?"
I shrugged my shoulders as I
stalked toward him with my flames growing bigger and bigger. "I'd have so much more fun if I turned
you into ash." I spread my hands out lazily and shrugged my shoulders.
"But that's just me."
He paused for just a second but then he came at me again. He went for a uppercut to the chest but I spun out of the way. I grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him aside. I brought my leg up
and with my foot aflame, nailed him in the back. He fell to his knees with a gagging sound.
I looked down at him as my hair started to fly away from my face. I tilted my head at him, "Where is she?"
He looked up at me with his dirty blond hair hanging in his face and a shock went through me when he smirked up at me. My eyes bulged and a strangled sound came out of me when he shot up and
decked me in the jaw. I flew back and crashed straight through the wall.
I fell onto my back as dirt and dust filled the air. I breathed out deeply as I pushed myself up on my elbows. The bastard had a hand on the destroyed wall and he was
smirking down at me. His whole body was now cloaked in green light. He didn't have scratch on him.
"Oi, old man, what kind of Magic do ya use?" I asked him as I rubbed the back of my head. He seemed taken back by my question, "Why would I tell you, brat?"
I grinned lazily at him as I sat up, "Cause its only fair, since you know what kind of Magic I use." He started to yell shit at me that I really didn't care about. I zoned out as he started ranting at me. I sighed heavily as I got up, "That hurt." I muttered as I cracked my neck.
I looked back at the man and smiled, "So, which way is Fey again?" His face turned red from anger and he started to yell at me again. I rolled my eyes as I stared at his glowing green light. I scanned his body where I knew that I had hit him and I frowned.
Healing Magic.
"Oi! Thats cheating, old
man!" I yelled at him as I pointed my finger at him. A vein popped up on his forehead as he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. "Your a pain, boy."
I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my head, "Thats what everyone says." My whole body froze and I whipped my head to the right.
A scream.
It was still ringing in my ears.
It was laced with hurt, pain, and fear. My blood boiled and I opened up my mouth and roared. I knew who that scream belonged to. I whipped around to the
man and before he took his next breath I was in his face.
"Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist!"
I yelled as I decked him in the face.
His head jerked to the side as I ducked down low.
"Fire Dragon's: Claw!"
I lit my feet on fire and brought them up in a deadly arch. My foot nailed him in the stomach and he made a choked noise as he flew away. I ran at him with my fists crackling with my fire. I
curled my hands into a claw like fashion and growled,
"Fire Dragon's: Crushing Fang!"
I swiped my both of my hands down and clawed his face. Angry red marks appeared on his skin and he screamed. The man
staggered back and he tried to heal himself while backing away from me. I bared my sharpened canines at him and snarled,
"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art!"
I yelled so loudly that the building shook when I took a powerful step forward.
"Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!"
I rushed forward with my fists lit aflame and rapidly punched the bastard. Each punch I landed made him fly back. The man stared at me with dazed eyes as he reached a hand out to try and stop me once more.
"I said," I muttered darkly
as I stood before him with my hair shadowing my eyes, "Move."
I jerked my head up as I muttered
"Lightning Flame Dragon Mode."
My flames exploding outward and then lightning was surrounding me. My flames were now blended in with my lightning. I stared the man down and brought up my hand. I narrowed my eyes until they were stilts, "Where?"
His body was shaking and he slowly brought up his shaking hand and pointed in the opposite direction. I pivoted around on my
heel and stalked forward with my lightning and flames crackling around me.
I stopped, barley looked over my shoulder at the man, and muttered. "You do not want Fairy Tail as your enemy...especially me." I turned back around and continued on. I stalked past other people and guards but when they saw me they either backed up or ran. I passed a metal wall and I caught my reflection in the metal. My scarf was flying around my neck and my hair was shadowing my face from view. My eyes were glowing red, like they always did when I was angry. I looked like a monster. Nah, I looked like a Dragon. A very pissed off Dragon.
With each step I took
the building shook and my feet sometimes went through the concrete. When I turned down the last hallway I was nearly knocked off my feet by the metallic scent of blood. I glanced over at one of the many cell doors and kicked out. My foot went cleanly through it and then I was in.
I almost fell to my damn knees.
Fey...Fey was there.
She...she wasn't moving. Blood coated her once pale skin like a second skin. There was blood all up and down the cells walls and floors. Emotions hit me like a punch to the heart.
Icy fear.
Heart pounding shock.
Crushing sorrow.
And pure, uncontrollable rage poured into me.
The anger rose up with a fury over all the other emotions. It kept hitting me in waves until rage was the only emotion I felt and had.
My eyes darted and zeroed in on a man that was also in the cell with her. He was covered in blood that I knew wasn't his own. I clenched my teeth so tightly together I thought they might shatter.
I thrusted out my hand towards the man and my flames crackling with lightning shot towards him.
I didn't even glance back at him when I heard him scream and go down. I only saw her. I rushed over to Fey and lifted her up in my arms. She was breathing shallowly, her shirt was soaked with blood, and I could make out so many deep cuts.
I lifted her up as I called out her name. She didn't respond to me and I quickly spun around to get out of here. I had to get her out of here right now.
The exit to the cell was blocked by a couple of guards who's Magic was aimed at me. I gripped Fey tighter to me and lifted my hand toward them.
They didn't.
I burned them.
I staggered towards the Guild still carrying Fey in my arms. She still hadn't moved or opened up her eyes.
"We're...we're here...Fey." I panted out as I leaned heavily against
the doors. I pushed my weight against the doors until they opened.
I stumbled in and fell. I twisted so I landed on my back and so Fey wouldn't get hurt. My family rushed over to me and then it was just all a blur of sound and blurry
images. All I remember before I blacked out was someone grabbing hold of her.
She was taken away from me the second time that day...but I knew...that I would see her again soon...Fey...I love you...
I'm so happy! This story has 103 votes and over 2k views! Natsu has kicked ass and has saved Fey...and he finally admitted to himself that he loves her! Thank u all so much for commenting, reading, and voting!
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