Fight With The Ice Stripper
My smirk turned down right evil, "Are you hard of hearing from hearing yourself talk so much? Or have your ears frozen off from your ice cold personality?"
Gray was clearly taken off guard. His teeth were clenched together tight and he was staring daggers at me. Huh, I think I was pretty good at playing Natsu.
"You wanna go, Flame Head?" I sighed tiredly, "I can see that your nicknames for me have not improved at all, Stripper Queen." Now Gray was beyond pissed.
He slammed his fist into the palm of his hand and yelled, "Ice Make: Eagle!" Little razor sharp ice eagles flew at me. I simply dodged out of the way. "Ice Make: Lance!" His new attack came right at me and I raised Natsu's hand. When the ice was only a few inches away from hitting me, I brought Natsu's hand down, and using his body heat, melted Gray's ice with a clean slice.
You know? I could get used to this. I chuckled as I straightened and I smiled lazily at Gray. "Come now, Gray. Why are you hiding behind your silly little attacks? Why don't you come and face me head on?"
That enraged him. He rushed at me. I was ready. I danced out of the way when his fist came toward me. I went up behind him and tapped his shoulder, which caused him to spin, and bring his knee up.
I was already moving.
I came up from his side and I did a spinning kick that caught him in the side. My kicks were stronger now that I had Natsu's muscles and power. Gray stumbled back but he came at me again. This time his hand was covered in ice to deliver a harder punch.
I chuckled and Natsu's chest vibrated with the action. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. His fist came at Natsu's face in a deadly blow. I made Natsu's hand shoot out and grab Gray's wrist before it could connect. I twisted his wrist and he grunted with the movement.
I blinked slowly at him and then clenched my fist around his ice covered fist harder. With a crack the ice splintered and fell away. With a shocked look, Gray jumped back. I cracked Natsu's neck and rolled his shoulders. "Are we finished here, Ice Cube?"
Gray was rotating his wrist and glaring at me with such anger in his eyes. Damn, I screwed up. This could hurt what little friendship they had.
But I sure as hell wasn't about to let Gray here, win.
Not by a long shot.
With a growl Gray came at me again. This time he went low, I saw the attack coming a mile away. Once he was close enough I brought up Natsu's knee and kneed him square in the jaw. Gray fell onto his back with a loud thud and he didn't get back up.
His eyes were open and he was blinking them rapidly. I bent down beside his head and said in a bored tone, "Gray, if you know you can't beat me, then don't challenge me."
I stood up and I was turning around, when I stopped. I looked over my shoulder at him.
"Oh, and, Gray? Put some damn clothes on."
The whole Guild was watching me with big eyes. They had never seen Natsu like this before. I crossed Natsu's arms. Maybe I wasn't that good at playing Natsu.
With a loud bang the Guild's doors busted open. Oh, no, I thought. I turned slowly toward the double doors and my heart stilled. Then picked up till it was pounding in my chest.
Anger and sheer embarrassment coursed through me. Because, there, standing in the middle of the open doors, was me. Except, I was wearing one of Natsu's vests and no bra.
I. Was. Going. To. Kill. Him!
"Natsu!" I roared. Natsu who was in control of my body, cocked my head, put a hand on my hip, and cocked a brow at me. "Yes, Natsu?"
My/his jaw dropped open. "What do you mean, 'Yes, Natsu?' I don't want that shit! I want to know what the hell you did!" I gave myself an innocent smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Natsu."
I flew at her and stopped so we were almost nose to nose. I was taller than her/me and I had to bend my/ Natu's neck to see me. "You be lying!" I yelled.
"What's wrong, Natsu?" She/I gave myself a worried look. "Are you feeling alright?"
I sucked in a breath. "Natsu, you have two seconds before I really loose my temper." He put my hands behind the back of my head and smirked.
I gasped when his vest moved to the side, exposing more of my chest. I could hear cat calls and wolf whistles in the background. I let out a screech and grabbed the two ends of his vest and pulled the two ends together.
"Natsu! Don't do that! Put your arms down!" I ordered. He/she puffed out a breath and did as I told him. "Your no fun!" Then using my lips, pouted.
I shook Natsu's head and glared at myself. This was so weird. Then a thought struck me that nearly knocked me down. "Natsu...d-did y-you see m-me..." I couldn't even finish my sentence.
I was stuttering too hard. He blinked lazily at me, "No, I was still half asleep when I got dressed." But even though he seemed like he didn't care, I saw my/his cheeks start to get red. I let out a small breath.
"What did you do, Natsu?" I accused him while rubbing his temples. When he didn't answer right away, I looked up. He was playing with my hair! "How do you stand all this hair?" He asked while grabbing fistfuls of my long black hair.
My shoulders slumped and I ran my/his hands down his face. "Natsu..." I groaned in annoyance. I opened my eyes and almost choked on life itself when I saw he wasn't there. I spun and looked for me.
I spotted myself at the bar talking to Lucy and Levy. I narrowed my eyes and I stalked over there. I was raising my hands to choke the life out of me/him when Gajeel and Loke appeared in front of me.
"Oi, what's wrong with you today, Natsu?" Loke said, pushing up his glasses, with a smirk. "Yay, Salamander, you're more, well, you more than usually." I hissed at them and skirted around them. I could feel Natsu's skin getting hot from anger.
"Natsu, quick playing around, we have to fix this!" I said as I got closer to the bar. Lucy and Levy looked at me, then laughed. What?! I put my/his hand on my shoulder and turned myself around in the stool. "What are you laughing at?" I asked hotly.
Lucy, Levy, and I looked at me and giggled. "Nothing." They all said in sync. I didn't like this. Not one bit. I narrowed my eyes on Natsu/me and muttered darkly. "What are you telling them?" Natsu made me smile, "Oh, you know, just, bath time." He said in my sweet voice.
Natsu's/my cheeks turned bright red. I raised Natsu's hand and pointed a shaky finger at him/me. "Y-you didn't!" Natsu rose from my/his siting position on the stool.
"Oh, but I did." Then he made my lips tip up in a smirk. Natsu's/my mouth dropped open and I blinked when I felt something hot run down my throat.
The hell?
I glanced down and let out a surprised screech when I saw fire coming out of my mouth. I was drooling fire!
"Natsu! Do something!" I screamed out and tried to stop the fire. Natsu started to laugh like crazy using my mouth and laugh. I snapped Natsu's mouth closed and slammed his hand over his mouth.
"How do I make it stop?" I mumbled from behind Natsu's hand. Natsu wouldn't stop laughing, he was making my body shake from all his laughing. "Its not funny!" I yelled, accidently removing his hand.
Fire immediately poured from my/his mouth. Lucy and Levy were cracking up so bad that they almost tumbled off their stools. So much for friends...Natsu shifted my body and his vest moved to the side dangerously. I lunged for the vest I grabbed it and wretched it closed. Then before I could think better of it, I reached for my black shirt, and took it off. I shoved the shirt at myself and before Natsu could stop me, I put the shirt over my/his head.
The shirt was big for my small frame but it covered everything. I smirked, "There, now I feel a lot better." Somewhere in the Guild someone shouted, "Natsu took a tip from Gray!" The whole guild started to crack up and Natsu who was in my body, my cheeks turned red.
Natsu didn't like being compared to Gray. I smiled an evil smile and turned to Gray. "Oi, Gray, we can be stripper buddies now!" I shouted to him with a smile. "Ack!" I heard myself say and I turned to see my face white from dread.
"Stop! Don't say that!" Natsu yelled. I narrowed my eyes at him/me, "Then you shouldn't have told them about what happened!" I growled which showed off my new sharpened teeth.
Natsu, who was in complete control over my actions, smiled at me suddenly. "So...what would you do if I...did this?" Then he jumped on the bar and started to dance.
I covered Natsu's face with his hands and let out a small scream. I rushed over there and tried to get him down. "Natsu! Get down from there!" I said while trying to grab my arm. Then to my horror he laughed and started to dance like Plue!
Now it was my turn for my face to turn white from dread. The Guild was clapping and laughing. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists. To my surprise flames engulfed my fists. I brought up my hands and stared at the dancing flames.
I looked at Natsu still making my body dance and smirked. "I'm getting fired up." I said under my breath.
Just then the three Strauss siblings walked into the Guild.
I smiled, quite evilly, I would think, as my eyes landed on Lisanna.
I cupped my hands around me mouth and shouted at Lisanna.
"Lisanna! Remember how you always wanted to marry me?" I shouted loud enough for everyone in the Guild to hear me. Natsu stopped dancing on top of the bar and looked down at me. Lisanna looked over at me and gave me a confused looking look, "Yay...?"
I smiled evilly and dropped down to my knees. "Then marry me!" There was another, 'ack' from behind me. The whole Guild was now staring at me and then they all started to roar with laughter. Lisanna was still staring at me like I was crazy. Which, I suppose, I kinda was.
As I was cracking up small arms wrapped around me from behind. "Okay! Okay! Stop!"
Elfman was staring at me now as Mira was cocking her head to the side in confusion. Then Elfman suddenly fist bumped the air and shouted, "Marrying my sister is man!"
I tilted Natsu's head to the side, "Did he just approve?" I whispered to Natsu who was sweat dropping. "I hope not..." I said to myself when Natsu didn't answer me.
I looked over my/Natsu's shoulder and cracked up when I saw myself on the floor. Natsu had passed out from the embarrassment of it all. "Serves ya right!" I cackled as I pointed at him.
"What is going on here?!" A powerful voice rang out.
Author's Note: I will be updating another chapter later today. So stay tuned for that! Oh, Natsu...I love you so much. XD seems like he's having fun, Eh? See ya all soon!
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