After eating more ice cream than you had in a long time, you walked with Sam back to the motel room, not surprised to see it was still dark and empty. Dean was out there, doing who knows what, leaving an empty pit in your stomach. It wasn't like he was yours, but you were starting to really wish he was. The man had gotten under your skin, and you were scared at how much you had come to care for him. The L word could even be brought to mind, but that thought had your palms sweaty and your knees weak. Because a man like Dean Winchester could ruin you, easily.
Slipping into bed, you closed your eyes, hugging your pillow tight to you as you heard Sam moving around the room, getting ready for bed himself. Soon the sound of a bed groaning, and the light once again being shut off told you Sam had climbed into the other bed. Sleep was hard to come by, and you felt yourself tossing and turning more than normal. After what seemed like forever, you climbed out of bed, walking past a slightly snoring Sam to the bathroom. Leaving the light off and the door opened, you poured yourself a glass of water, sitting down on the toilet seat to drink it. Sipping it, you thought about the future, what it would hold for you. So much of your life had changed since you met the Winchesters on a hunt that seemed so long ago. Good things had happened, like finally having people that you could trust and talk to. Then there were the bad things, like being tortured by Crowley, that you will always have the scars, mentally and physically from.
It wasn't those things that made you wonder about the future. It was the man with the green eyes that haunted your dreams. Those amazing green eyes and his plump lips that you wanted to feel against yours once again. It was hard to see him turn away from you, to pretend that you're feelings didn't exist while he went off with the girl of the week. You weren't sure how much more of that you could take, before you would have to move on. It would be hard leaving him, along with Sam and the Bunker behind, but it might be for the best.
At those thoughts your throat constricted, your eyes burning with unshed tears. Hastily wiping them away, you stilled when you heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Ready for the sound of Dean stumbling drunkingly around the room, you were on high alert when you heard quiet footsteps. When they stopped, you glanced outside the room, seeing a tall figure staring down at your crumpled up bed. It did look like you were still sleeping there, with both pillows under the blankets, the entire thing pushed together in your quest for sleep.
As your eyes adjusted to the slim moonlight shining through the window, you began to notice the bowleggedness in the person's legs, the square shoulders that you had become used to. It was Dean, but it made you wonder why he was staring down at your bed, and why he wasn't getting ready for bed himself. Setting your cup down quietly on the vanity, you stood up, ready to move inside the room, and find out exactly what Dean was doing.
With your hand on the door frame you were ready to make yourself known when you saw Dean move. Striding closer to the bed, almost as if he was in a trance, he raised his arm, holding out a tire wrench. Curious, you watched in shock as he raised it, bringing it down over and over again where you should have been laying. The commotion woke Sam, who lunged out of bed, staring at his brother in confusion.
"Dean, what the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled just as you came into the room too, wondering what had gotten into Dean.
"It must be done. She said I have to take care of loose ends before we can finally be together." Dean said, his voice monotone and flat.
"Who said? What is going on?" Sam asked, turning on the light and turning to his brother. "Y/N?" He threw the covers back, looking to make sure you hadn't been killed in your sleep.
"Over here. Thank god I needed a drink of water." You muttered, moving closer to the brothers, wondering why the hell Dean had just tried to kill you.
Dean saw you moving forward, his eyes narrowing before he raised the tire wrench, moving to come after you. Sam, thinking quickly, grabbed Dean, taking the wrench from him and tossing it across the room where he banged against the wall. "Dean!" He yelled, shaking his brother who was just staring at you.
"I have to Sam. She said I have to before we can be together!" Dean repeated, trying to get away from his brother.
"Sam, what's up with him?" You asked, taking a step back, to the bathroom, where at least there would be a door between you and Dean who seemed bent on killing you for some weird reason.
"I think he's spelled or something." Sam answered breathlessly as he held a struggling Dean in his arms. "Why don't you head out, maybe get your own room while I try to deal with him?"
Nodding, you grabbed your bag before moving around a growling Dean to the door. As you opened it Dean's voice stopped you in your tracks. "Y/N, you can't run. She promised me that once I killed you, we would be together forever. It's nothing personal, but I will find you, and I will finish the job."
With shaking hands, you slammed the door, leaning against it for a second before you made yourself move. It wasn't safe to stand there, and you were pretty sure it wasn't safe to stay in the same motel. Wrapping your arms around your body, you began your trek closer into town, hoping to find another room available this late at night.
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