Struggling against your Dad's hold on you, you knew this was all your fault. If you had only waited, given Sam and Dean a chance to explain, you wouldn't be in this predicament. "I really thought you would turn into a better hunter. It's pathetic, seeing how easy I was able to turn you against those friends of yours. You could have at least tested me."
Ignoring his goading, you closed your eyes, praying to Cas, letting him know how wrong you had been. Telling him that you were in lots of trouble. "No way. No praying to that Angel friend of yours anymore. You understand me?" Your Dad growled next to your ear, and you felt the tip of a knife against your skin. "This little mark should do the trick."
"I thought you wanted them to come after me!" You yelled, trying to get away as the knife ripped the bottom of your shirt.
"Not that quick, girl." He answered, before pressing the knife into your skin, turning and digging it. Screaming out in pain, you dared not move too much, otherwise the knife would slide deeper into your skin. "Shut up!" He yelled, cupping his hand over your mouth, and you bit down on his hand.
Slamming your head into the wall, he squeezed your neck with his hand, cutting off your screams. With a creepy smile, he continued to carve into your skin. "This will stop you from contacting them anymore. They'll be on their way to find you, but this way it's not as easy."
"You'll pay for this." You muttered once his hand slipped away, and you could finally breathe once again. "Sam and Dean will end your pitiful existence on this Earth if I don't first. You're not the Dad I knew and loved. Whatever was left of him is gone."
"I'm glad that version of me is gone. This version is so much better. No feelings to get in the way." He answered as he stepped back, letting you sink to the ground. Glancing down at your belly, you could barely see the markings through all the blood soaking your skin.
Growling, you stood up, racing towards him, your hands outstretched, but he just laughed, tossing you into the wall. "Much more spit and vinegar than I remembered. Good. That will make things much more fun."
To say the next couple of hours were horrifying would be an understatement. Your Dad knew a lot about torture, all the unusual ways to make a person cry out in pain, and he had fun trying them all out on you. Before you knew it, you were covered in blood and gashes, the sheets stained below you.
Never giving up, you had fought him every step of the way, getting a couple of scratches on him before he would start over once again. The mental assault was much more powerful than any of the cuts or bruises. During the entire time, he kept talking about your childhood, ruining facts and memories that had always been your go to when you were feeling down. He sneered about your Mom, calling her every name under the sun, and there were times you were close to crying.
After three hours of the constant assault, you finally slipped away from him, locking yourself away in the bathroom. Knowing that you would never make it out the door before he caught you, but needing to get away before you went mad. Clutching your knees tight to your chest, you groaned as the movement pulled at all your barely closing cuts. With tears pouring down your cheeks, the salty liquid stinging your cuts, you tried to calm down. To figure out a way to get out of this alive, while making sure Sam and Dean didn't fall for his tricks.
Standing up, you went to the sink, splashing water on your face, frowning at the mess of a person staring back at you. Trying to calm down your fast beating heart, you heard your Dad moving around the room behind you, and you knew it wouldn't be long before the two of you were back on the road, moving farther away from the Bunker.
"That's enough!" Your Dad yelled, slamming the door open, splintering it in the process. "We need to go, now. We've wasted too much time here, and I bet the owners have heard complaints about the sound."
Grabbing your arm, he forced you out of the room, heading straight for the door. Thinking twice, he reached over, grabbing the blanket, wrapping it around you, before pulling you through the door. As he fumbled for the keys, you glanced around frantically, looking for any sort of help. An older woman peered out of her window, her eyes wide as she took in your bedraggled appearance. "Help." You mouthed to her, and her eyes widened even more before she nodded. You saw her disappear for a moment, but just as you were shoved into the passenger seat, you saw her peeking out of the window once again, her phone in her hands.
Pleading with your eyes, you slammed back into the seat when your Dad took off, heading down the road, away from the bunker and the slim chance that Dean would have found you by now. With tears of fury in your eyes, you wanted to punch something. To do anything you could think of to stop this. You had never wanted to be the damsel in distress.
"Why did you come back?" You asked him, as you thought quickly.
"I was a quick learner. Got off the rack, started torturing people. Was given a special task, with even my old body to make it more realistic." He explained, his gaze on the road. Turning to gaze out the window for a moment, you quickly got an idea as the trees flew by.
Taking a deep breath, you reached over, surprising your Dad as much as you surprised yourself. Grabbing the wheel, you yanked it as hard as you could, and your Dad fought to regain control. "What are you doing?" He screamed at you, as the car headed straight for the trees. As he fumbled to hit the brakes, you knew it was too late. You were going to smash into the trees before he could stop the car.
Reaching into the glove box, you pulled out the tiny vial of holy water, slamming it into his eyes just as the car smashed into the trees.
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