Rescue Goes Wrong
Still reeling from the effects of the spell Crowley had placed on you, your vision was blurred, but you could still see the door opening to your small cell once again, and you curled away from it, not wanting to have to go through Dean killing you again. "Go away." You cried, waiting for the pain as Dean tortured, and then killed you.
"Shh, Y/N. We're going to get you out of here." Dean said, his voice sounding different than usual, and you were hoping the spell was starting to wear off and he would soon be gone.
"No, you're not real. None of this is real." You sobbed, but still, you felt his strong arms as they picked you up and held you to his chest. Opening your eyes, you saw him staring down at you, and slowly you reached up, touching his cheek. You could feel the stubble on his chin, the way his mouth was turned down in a frown.
"I don't know what Crowley did to you, but he's going to pay for it." Dean growled, before making his way out the door. You winced as his movements rubbed against all the cuts on your body, and you could feel Dean's body tensing underneath yours as you moaned in pain.
"You're real?" You whispered, almost getting sick at the way the spell was still tricking your vision. Everything in the darkened hall seemed to move and change shape, and you closed your eyes against it, trying to calm yourself. But that brought visions of Dean killing you over and over again, and you couldn't help it anymore. You turned your head into his chest, crying as you wished it would all go away.
"Yes, I'm real. And I'm getting you out of here." He promised, just as you heard another voice join him.
"Dean, we've got to go, now!" Sam yelled. "Crowley's on his way."
"Crowley's already here." The King of Hell said from behind you. "And he's more than a little pissed you're taking his new toy."
"Crowley, stop talking about yourself in the third person. It's just creepy." Dean sassed back, before passing you off to Sam. Pulling the Demon killing knife from his pocket, he faced Crowley again, and you tried to watch, but they kept swimming in and out of view. Instead, you closed your eyes, wondering if this whole thing was just another figment of the spell.
"You know what. You can have her. I'm done. She wasn't as much fun as I thought she would be." Crowley said, and you could hear the sound of a door opening.
Trying again, you watched as you came closer to the door, passing Crowley, everyone on high alert. As soon as you reached the door frame, Crowley snapped his fingers and you felt the effects of the spell hit you ten fold. "Oh, but have fun trying to figure out the spell." He said before vanishing.
"What spell?" Sam asked as soon as they were outside. Your head was pounding, the sun too bright for your eyes and you leaned forward, throwing up all over Sam's boots.
"Sorry." You muttered, leaning back as you saw your Dad standing next to Dean, holding a gun to Dean's head. "Dad?" You said staring at him.
Dean and Sam both followed your gaze, confusion etched on their faces as they took in the empty spot. "Y/N, there's no one else here." Dean said, just as your Dad spoke.
"Y/N, you know everyone you care for dies eventually. I'm just going to speed it along." He said, cocking the gun.
"No, don't kill him!" You screamed just as the gun went off and Dean slumped to the ground. Closing your eyes, you sobbed into Sam's chest, wondering why he hadn't made a move to save Dean.
"Y/N, it's okay. We're all okay." Dean's voice sounded next to your head, and you looked up to see him staring down at you, a worried glance to his face. You should have felt comforted, but you noticed the bullet hole in his head, and a knife in his hands.
"Dean, please don't." You sobbed, looking to Sam for help, but Sam was holding shackles, snapping them to your wrists. Throwing yourself out of his arms, you fell to the ground sobbing, your sore body stiff as you tried to run away from them.
"Y/N come back!" Dean yelled, but you were afraid if you turned around he would still have the knife, and would be coming after you. As you tried to move, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind, holding you off the ground. Kicking and screaming with all your might, you heard Dean umph as you connected with his shin. "Y/N what's wrong?" He yelled into your ear, struggling to hold you. "Sam, help!"
Sam walked in front of you, holding a wicked looking knife, pointing it straight at your chest, and you kicked forward, kicking him right in his groin, and he doubled over in pain. You struggled out of Dean's arms again, falling to the ground and crawling away, the need to get away more important than the need to breathe. Rocks dug into your skin but still you moved, sobbing frantically the entire time. As you rounded the corner of the building, more hands reached out, pulling you up with no effort. You glanced frantically behind you, seeing Cas' blue eyes as he stared down at you in concern. "She's spelled. It's a very powerful spell." He told Dean who was standing behind him.
"Damn Crowley." Dean muttered, as Cas reached his hand forward. Before you could try to get away again, Cas pressed two fingers to your skin and you knew no more.
Your head was still pounding as you woke up, your throat parched and sore. Needing to stretch your aching muscles, you went to move your arms only to find out they couldn't move. Your legs were the same way, and you opened your eyes to find yourself tied down to your bed in the bunker, unable to move.
"It was for your safety." Dean's voice said softly from the corner of the room. "Even when you were out, you were upset. Tossing and turning, scratching your arms and face as if something was after you."
"Dean?" Your voice came out scratchy and rough, as if you had spent the entire night screaming.
"Yeah, I'm here. Sammy and I've been taking turns watching you, while Cas tries to figure out a way to reverse the spell." He said, walking forward, holding a glass of water. Tilting it to your lips, you wanted nothing more than to drink it. But as you glanced down at the water, you saw it turn red, like blood, and you turned your head away, letting it splash down your neck instead. "Damn it Y/N, you need to drink. Who knows how longs it's been since you've had any water or food in your system."
Keeping your mouth tightly closed, you turned back to him, seeing him holding a bowl full of soup. He raised a spoon to your mouth, but the noodle in the soup started moving, like a snake, and you closed your eyes, shaking your head maniacally. Sighing, Dean set it down, reaching to touch your cheek, but you were afraid he would hurt you, and your body started shaking.
"Y/N, it's just the spell. You have to know I would do nothing to hurt you." He said, sounding pained. "Please. I don't know what you've seen, but it's not me. I..." He said, before stopping just as Sam came in the room.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed, holding his arms out, and in his hands you saw a variety of weapons. It had you shaking uncontrollably with fear, and soon you couldn't control it, and it became too much, knocking you unconscious.
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