It was almost eight hours before your Dad pulled off of the highway, into a small, sleepy city. You had dozed off and on, seeing Dean's frantic green eyes in your dreams as he came home to realize you were gone. Each time you woke with a start, knowing that you had probably gone around this the entirely wrong way.
Seeing your Dad alive again, after all these years had addled your brain, and you knew you weren't thinking right. Sure, things had not looked good for Sam and Dean, but you still should have given them the chance to explain.
But you couldn't now, not with your phone being thrown out the window, and hours away. You missed Dean terribly, and knew that he needed to have the chance to explain. "Y/N, let's pull over for the night. Then we can discuss our next plan of action." Your Dad had suggested, pulling in front of a run down motel. Stepping out of the car, you stretched your back, watching as your Dad made his way into the lobby. Coming back moments later, you took the key from him, heading into the room.
You were exhausted,and needed time to yourself to think.But it didn't seem like that was going to happen. Your Dad was right on your heels, giving you no time at all to yourself. "Dad, I'm hungry. Mind going and getting us some food?"
For a moment, in the darkness of the room, his eyes looked almost black before he smiled at you. "Sure thing. What sounds good?"
After giving him your order, you waited for him to leave the room. As soon as he was gone, you were dialing the phone, but the cheap motel didn't allow for outside calls. Frustrated, you prayed to Cas, hoping that wherever he was, he could hear you. "Hey Cas, please come quick. I need your help!"
It was almost instant when you heard the sound of wings and your favorite trench coated Angel was standing in front of you. "Y/N, what is wrong? Dean was worried when he returned to the Bunker and you weren't there."
"He's back? Already?" You asked, wondering what he was thinking.
"Yes. He had a feeling something wasn't right, and turned the hunt over to someone else." Cas explained. "Was he right?"
"I don't know Cas." You sighed. "But we don't have long before my Dad returns."
"Your Father?" He asked confused, making you sense that something wasn't right even more.
"Yeah. I found him in the Bunker's dungeon, and he swears that Sam and Dean were holding him hostage." You explained quickly.
"Y/N, Sam and Dean's dungeon has been empty since the Stynes." Cas explained, and you began to wonder exactly what was going on.
"But he was in there. Chained to the chair. He said they're using me to get to him." You answered just as headlights flooded your room.
"It's not true. I will go talk to Sam and Dean, but Y/N, please be careful. This seems sketchy, and I wouldn't trust your Father." Cas said, vanishing just as the door opened, and your Dad stepped inside.
"Y/N, I thought I heard another voice." Your Dad asked as he handed you the bag of food.
"I just shut the TV off." You lied, opening the bag up to see only enough food for you. "Aren't you eating?"
"I ate on the way over." He answered, settling down on the other bed, and you stared curiously at him. Knowing how gullible you had been to leave with him without doing any of the tests. You were regretting it now, because you believed Cas.
"Dad, tell me again why Sam and Dean had you in the Dungeon?" You asked carefully, watching as his eyes narrowed.
"Why? I told you they weren't to be trusted. Don't you believe your old man?" He questioned, turning on the bed to look your way.
"It's not that!" You backed up. "I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that Sam and Dean would do something like that."
"Believe it." He answered, trying to stop the conversation from going any farther. He seemed tense, and out of sorts, and he wasn't acting like the loving father you remembered. Knowing you had a small flask of holy water in your pocket, you continued on.
"But they were nothing but nice to me. Why wouldn't I have heard you before tonight?" You kept pressing ,watching as he leaned forward, his mouth in a stern line.
"I want you to leave this alone, now." He growled, and you felt like recoiling in fear.
"No." You insisted, standing up, your hand going to your pocket where the flask lay. "I need to know. I just left my friends behind, trusting a man that has been dead for ten years!"
Pulling the flask from your pocket, you threw the water at him, disheartened and scared to see your Dad's skin start smoking. "What did you do to my Dad?" You asked as he made an inhuman scream.
"I am your Dad." He answered, smiling wickedly at you as his skin still smoked. "Just improved."
With your flask empty, you raced to the door, needing to get away from your Demonic Dad. Pulling the door open, you were almost outside when he reached out, grabbing you by your hair. "I don't think so." He growled, pulling you back into the room, and throwing you onto the bed. "You're going nowhere."
"Why? Why possess my Dad?" You asked, heartbroken that your Dad's body would be used this way.
"I'm not possessing your Dad, I am your Dad." He reiterated. "I've been on the rack for so long, they twisted my soul until there's nothing but black and hate left inside."
"But why are you here?" You asked, scooting up to the top of the bed, trying to get away from him.
"Because Crowley needs your idiotic friends occupied while he works with his newest pet." Your Dad said. "So my job is to keep you just out of their reach. They will come after you, won't they?"
"No, because they have no idea why I've disappeared." You answered, which wasn't exactly true.
"I don't think that's right. I think you've already contacted them somehow while I was getting you food." He thought out loud.
Sliding off the bed, you tried to make your way around him, needing to get out of this place. Laughing at your pathetic attempts to escape, he quickly raised his hand, pressing you back against the wall. "You're going no where. So we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I do hope you pick the hard way. I'd like to use my skills I picked up while on the rack."
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