As the limo continued down the highway, Brigid hummed to herself, as you sat there, pale and shaking. The almost accident had shaken you enough that you could feel Brigid's hold on you slipping. Not enough to attack her, not yet. But it made you realize how much you were being manipulated. It made you want to save Dean.
Dean was still in his spot, fighting against the invisible force that Brigid was holding him with. His jaw clenched, he was staring your way, his expression unreadable.
Not sure where Brigid was taking you, it was quite a way away from where you had left Sam behind. At least a couple of hours by your guess, and the limo wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. "Y/N, why don't you come sit by me?" Brigid asked you, but it was more of an order. One you had no choice but to obey.
"I know your life has been turned upside down, but this is for the best. If you cooperate, I will reward you greatly. Maybe even transfer some of my powers over to you, find you a man of your own. It will be nice to have a friend by my side, immortally."
"Brigid, I..." You started, but she pressed her lips against yours, silencing you.
"No, you do not have to thank me. It will be nice to have another woman beside me, one who understands. One I feel incredibly close to. Sure, I know you thought you loved Dean, but he is not for you. He's perfect for me. And we will find you someone too."
As you went to speak again, she shook her head, and your voice was silenced. No matter how hard you tried, not even a squeak would sound. "There, that's better. I hope you understand, but I do need my peace and quiet."
Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes, her breathing slowly down. Glancing with wide eyes towards Dean, you wished you could speak to him. To let him know you weren't truly under her spell anymore. That you could still feel love towards him.
As you opened your mouth to try and speak once again, Dean shook his head, pointing it towards Brigid. Who knew if she was sleeping, or if she was waiting to catch you in a compromising position. With tears in your eyes, you glanced back at Dean, whispering the words I love you.
Dean's head snapped back in shock, his eyes widening. "You're okay?" He mouthed back, and you nodded. It was hard, trying to communicate with the Goddess sitting right there. She could catch you at any moment.
Sitting back, you considered your options. Wondering if you could climb through the window to the front seat, knocking the driver unconscious before she even realized. It wasn't a plausible plan, and you grew frustrated. You wanted to be the one to save Dean, to fix this mess as quickly as possible.
It wasn't until the sky started to darken that the limo finally slowed, before coming to a complete stop. Brigid opened her eyes, placing her hand on your cheek. "Y/N, procure us a room for the night please?"
Nodding at the chance, you escaped the limo quickly, trying to get your bearings. You had no idea where you were, as you stepped inside the lavish hotel lobby. Rushing up to the clerk, you glanced around, making sure no one was watching you. "Where am I?" You asked him quietly.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he quickly answered. "Salt Lake City, Utah ma'am. Can I help you?"
"I need a room, one of the best you've got." You told him. "And a phone call as well, please."
"Phone's over there, complimentary. I'll just be a minute with your request." Knowing you only had a couple of minutes before Brigid became worried, you quickly dialed Sam's number.
"Hello?" Sam asked cautiously.
"Sam, I don't have much time, but we're at the Hilton suites downtown, in Salt Lake City. Hurry, please!" You pleaded, glancing back to make sure that your keys weren't ready.
"Y/N? What the hell?" Sam asked.
"Please, just hurry! I'm trying to resist her hold, but it's hard! I've got to go." You told him, hanging up and heading back to the desk just as he glanced up.
"Room 801. The best we've got. Enjoy yours stay." He told you, just as the door opened and Brigid walked in, Dean right beside her, looking ticked off.
Handing Brigid the key, you followed behind her, as she waved at the host. "I love this place. So luxurious."
Wanting Dean to look at you, you pretended to stumble, bumping right into him. Knocking the two of you onto the floor, you quickly leaned down, whispering into his ear. "I called Sam. He knows." Clambering off him, you bowed to Brigid. "I'm so sorry Brigid. I don't know what came over me."
"We will work on your grace. If you are to be my consort, my right-hand lady, you need to know how to control your body." She insisted, as you made your way into the elevator.
Dean glanced at you, mouthing the words thank you as Brigid waited impatiently for the elevator to make it to the 8th floor. Upon opening the room's door, Brigid nodded. "This will do nicely. Dean, you can sleep with me. Y/N, you can take the floor."
Dean's eyes widened at her words, shaking his head. "Dean, you will learn or I will be forced to do something I don't want to. I'd rather have you willing, but if not I will do what needs to be done."
It went against Dean's every fiber to give in, to be told what to do. But he did it, knowing that he needed to bide his time until one of you could figure a way out of this mess. Or until Sam could make his way to Salt Lake, and find you in the hundreds of rooms in this hotel.
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