Morning Cuddles
The night sky was starting to turn pink and yellow before Dean pulled the Impala into the Bunker's garage. All of you couldn't contain your yawns, and you knew today would be spent catching up on sleep. Recovering from the fight with Brigid, not a thought towards another hunt. You couldn't wait to curl up in your bed, sleeping for the next five hours or so.
"G'Night." Sam muttered, unfolding his long legs from the Impala, making his way towards the main hallway and his bedroom. More than ready to follow him down the hallway, you took off, leaving your bag sitting in the trunk.
"Y/N, wait." Dean said softly, racing to catch up with you. With his hand on your shoulder, he turned you to face him, a nervous expression on his face. Shuffling his feet, he glanced down, not letting you know what was going on in that thick head of his.
"Dean, I'm tired. Can whatever you have to say wait a little bit?" You pleaded, a yawn making your words even more convincing.
Sighing, he dropped his hands, a frown on his face as he looked up at you. You could see how tired he was too. His eyes were red from the force of keeping them open, and taking a deep breath, you pushed him towards his room. "Sleep Dean. We all need it, then we can talk this evening. Okay?"
Nodding, he made his way into his room, leaving the door propped open slightly. Making your way past it, you went to your room, slithering out of your clothes as you went. Sliding on a pair of sleep shorts along with a tank top, you slid into your bed, ready to close your eyes and fall asleep immediately. But your mind wouldn't shut down. Tossing and turning, you lay there, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Remembering the pain in Dean's voice as he talked to his brother. The pain and guilt in his eyes before you had guided him into his room.
With a groan, you sat up, knowing you would not be getting any sleep if you stayed, alone, in your bedroom. Tiptoeing out of your room, you made the short distance to his door, a slight smile on your face when you saw it was still partially open. Maybe he had been hoping you would show up, that you wouldn't want to be apart from him. "Dean." You said softly, pushing the door open. The lights were off, and you could see him sprawled on the bed.
"Was hoping you would come." He mumbled, holding up the covers. "Didn't want to sleep by myself tonight."
"You could have always stayed with Brigid." You teased, earning a groan in response.
"Hell no. That Bitch is not my idea of a woman." He answered, grasping your hand, pulling you down on the bed next to him. Pulling you tight against his side, he repositioned the covers so you were both covered. Rolling onto your side, you began tracing your finger over his black t-shirt, feeling his muscles stiffening up under your touch.
"Dean, I just wanted to..." You started, but he placed a finger against your lips, stopping you from speaking.
"No, you were right. We're both exhausted. Whatever we need to say can wait until this evening when the sleep has cleared our heads." He insisted, and you sighed.
"Fine." You answered. Relaxing against him, your eyes fluttered closed, already closer to sleep than you had been the entire time you were in your own bed. "But I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. It's important."
Stiffening up at your words, you heard him take a deep breath. "Okay. I promise I will listen. But for now, sleep."
Nodding sleepily, you cuddled deeper into his embrace, smiling softly when you felt his lips press against the crown of your head. Languid, and all but asleep, you heard him quietly whisper into your hair, "I love you."
Feeling cozy and warm, you cuddled even farther into your bed, wanting to enjoy the comfort a couple more moments. Turning to cuddle even deeper into your bed, you stopped instantly when your elbow connected with something a lot more solid than a sheet. A groan sounded above your ear, and you peeked one eye open to see Dean's broad chest under your check.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" You asked quietly, yawning.
"No, I was already awake. Just didn't want to move and wake you." He said, his voice even deeper with sleep.
"What time is it?" You mumbled, making no move to sit up. You were too comfortable pressed against him, and his arm was securely wrapped around your shoulder. You were safe, and secure, a feeling that hadn't happened in such a long time. This was home to you. Not your room in the bunker, or even the bunker itself. Being in Dean's arms was your home. You just had to make him realize that.
"A little after noon. We slept about six hours, the most I've slept in a long time." He answered, his fingers brushing your arm.
"It felt good. Really good." You answered, knowing it was the best you had slept in a long time. Probably since before your father had died.
"I wouldn't mind waking up more often with you in my arms." He said, and you stiffened slightly in his arms, just for a moment, shocked at what he was saying. You had expected him to run away, to push all his problems away in the hopes they wouldn't get talked about. "Listen, I know I was an ass, and that I royally screwed up. But I will do anything in my power to make it up to you. To show you how much I really do care about you."
Before you could answer him, he continued on, nerves making him babble. "I know that I don't deserve a second chance. Hell, I didn't even deserve a first chance with you. I was an ass from day one, and I can understand if you never want to have anything to do with me."
"Dean." You finally got a word in. "If I didn't want to have anything to do with you, then why would I be laying her, pressed tight against you?"
That stumped him for a moment. "Because you needed the emotional comfort?" He answered.
"That was just a plus. But Dean, I care for you, and your stubborn, macho ways aren't going to push me away. Face it Dean, you're stuck with me."
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