Life Turned Upside Down
Thanks to Alleygirl678 for the idea of this story! Sorry it took so long!!
Your life had never been normal, but you had never thought much about it. Your Dad was gone frequently, for work, he always assured you. But often times he would return, his face and body broken and bruised. Your Mom would just look at him, shake her head sadly, then turn back to her Diet Pepsi and cigarettes that she seemed to survive on.
At first you hadn't noticed it much, too caught up in school, and when you turned old enough, boys. As the years passed by, your Dad was gone more and more, coming back even more battered and bruised than you had considered possible. When your Mom passed away from lung cancer, the two of you sold your small farm, moving into a small cabin far away from town. At first you had complained, hating the fact that you were so far away from your friends, and your life. But your Dad was adamant, and you were old enough to see the fear in his eyes. So instead of complaining, you would sneak out at night, letting your boyfriend Todd pick you up, and take you back into town to party.
One night, after a long make out session with Todd at the end of your drive, you crept up the pitted road, holding your heels in one hand as you stumbled up to your house. It was then you noticed the front door open, the lights flickering in the house. It unnerved you, but you moved forward, through the front door, calling softly for your Dad.
Your heart sped up as you saw the over turned furniture, the scattering of what seemed to be salt, and the blood. The blood had you holding a hand over your mouth, wanting to do nothing more than run out of the cabin and never look back. But you forced yourself to move forward, through the one main room, back to where Dad's room was. The door was splintered open, the room dark, but through the moonlight you could see your Dad propped against the far wall. Rushing forward, you dropped to your knees, looking at the darkness on his shirt, and all the cuts crossing his face.
"Dad!" You exclaimed, still young and unsure about what to do next. His hand was pressed tightly to his middle, his head lolling to the side. Taking your shaking hand, you pressed it against his neck, amazed to feel a light pulse.
"Y/N." You heard him mumble as he tried to lift his head up.
"Dad. I need to call 911." You said, moving to stand up, but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
"No, no hospital. I'm too far gone." He said, and you could see his mouth was stained red.
"Dad." You pleaded, but you felt him press something into your hand.
"Y/N, I wish I hadn't sheltered you so much. This key will unlock the office, show you everything. There's things out there, bad things." He said before coughing.
"Is that what got you?" You asked.
"Stupid Demons." You thought you heard him mutter, before he coughed up more blood. "I'm sorry I didn't teach you, didn't show you. Protect yourself, they'll come after you next. I love you, my baby girl." He said, before his head flopped back down.
"Dad!" You exclaimed, but he didn't move, and you knew he had passed on.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, while you sat there next to your dad, holding his limp hand, waiting for him to wake up, for this all to be a dream. But soon the room grew cold, and lightning lit up the sky around you. Hugging your arms around you, you moved stiffly around the house, shutting the windows and the broken front door, sticking a chair underneath it to keep it closed.
You knew you needed to call the police, to have them take your Dad to the morgue, and have them track down his killer. But the key he had pressed in your hand was tempting you, and you found yourself unlocking the door to a room you had never stepped foot in. A room that changed your life as soon as you stepped inside.
Ten Years Later
You sat at the edge of the bar, sipping on a glass of whiskey as you leafed through yesterday's newspaper. You skipped past the usual festival news, the football scores, and the pictures of who was marrying who. It was the small print, the obituaries and the blotters that usually garnered your interest. And there it was, just as you had suspected. Two deaths, both not as important to this town as the mayor's daughter getting married.
The two victims were both young, from foster families. Both wouldn't be missed by the community, the system relieved they didn't have to take care of them anymore. But you cared, and you wanted to get the bastard that was going after young teenage children. You already knew what it was, a sick vampire who was trying to make a family of his own, with the only means necessary to a Vampire.
As you took a sip of your whiskey, enjoying the smooth burn, you thought back to the young naive girl you were so long ago. A girl that would have laughed at the thought of Vampires, before exclaiming that if it was twilight she would be okay with getting bitten. She never would have considered the possibility that there were things out there, bad things, that her Dad hunted. All she had been interested in was that old boyfriend, and if he was going to ask her to the spring dance.
"Excuse miss, is this seat taken?" A deep voice asked, and without looking up you shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know, I don't own the bar do I? If no ones sitting there, I would say not." You smarted off, not in the mood to deal with anyone right now, especially some sleezeball trying to get in your pants. Especially today, the ten year anniversary of your father's death, the day your life had forever changed.
"Woah, sorry to bug you." He said, but he sat down next to you anyways. You ignored him, downing the rest of your whiskey, before deciding to call it a night. You figured you would head back to your motel room, get some sleep before killing yourself a vampire. Slapping a ten on the bar, you grabbed your black leather jacket, tossing it over your scarlet red, low cut tank top. Pulling the keys to your jeep from your tight black jeans, you turned to leave the now crowded bar. "Nice to meet you!" The jerk who had sat down yelled, and you rolled your eyes, before storming outside into the pouring rain.
The next morning you found yourself standing outside a small, abandoned house, the windows boarded as tightly as possible. Double checking your pockets for the dead man's blood, you patted the machete strapped to your waist, holding onto another one tightly in your other hand. Taking a deep breath, you stepped up to the door, kicking it open, before striding inside, your stance wide and ready.
There were more vampires than you had imagined, about five or six. It would be hard, but not impossible. Slicing your way through the room, you felt someone grab your hair, pulling you backwards. Holding the machete with one hand, you dug out a syringe, stabbing it into the vamp behind you. They let go of your hair, and you swung around, slicing their head clean off. Counting two down and four more to go, you continued to move forward, slicing two more heads off, leaving two left.
As you turned to face the last two, you heard the door slam open again, and in walked two men, surprising you. It was enough for the Vampire to get the upper hand, and he grabbed you tightly, making you drop your machete. Holding your head to the side, he pressed his mouth down, and you could feel his fangs digging into your neck.
Your eyes closed, you winced, waiting for him to get it over with. But before he could bite you, his teeth left your neck, and you heard a swoosh as his head was disconnected from his body. Opening your eyes, you saw the man staring at you, a huge and smug smile on his face. He was handsome, you had to give him that. He had stunning green eyes, brighter than the trees that had surrounded your cabin. His lips were plump, even so while spread in a smile. His shoulders were wide, his body lean and strong. He was the type of man you tried hard to stay away from.
Without saying a word, you bent down, grabbing your forgotten machete, turning to leave. "Hey, what about a thank you?" He yelled after you, but you continued to move away, past his startled partner who had finished off the last Vampire.
"Hey!" He yelled again, rushing to follow you out to your car. "I just saved your ass back there! The least you can do is thank me!"
Having enough, you turned to face him, your eyes blazing with fury. "You saved me ass back there? If it weren't for you storming in, I wouldn't have needed your help to begin with! So no, I'm not going to thank you for something that was your fault to begin with."
"Sorry." He muttered, turning away from you. "Guess that's why you hunt by yourself. Because you're stupid enough to take on a nest by yourself. Who's gonna bury you when you're so reckless next time?"
You had two choices. You could follow him back into the house, and give him a piece of mind. Or you could head back to the bar, forget all about that annoying hunter, and relax with a beer or two. Deciding on the second one, you climbed into your jeep, ignoring the fact that both men watched as you drove away.
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