Brigid glided about the room, taking one of the spare blankets and pillows, throwing them at you. "Y/N, I'm sorry there isn't a bed for you, but you understand."
"Yes Brigid." You answered dutifully, even though you could feel her hold on you continue to slip. Instead of the utter conviction and love you had once felt for her, you were beginning to feel hatred. You wanted her away from Dean, and dead so she could no longer order anyone else around.
"Oh, and Y/N. I'm hungry. Go to the upscale restaurant around the corner, pick us all something out. And it better not be chicken. I can't stand chicken." She ordered you, as Dean glanced between the two of you with wide eyes. You could see he didn't want you to leave him alone with her, but you had no choice. You had to continue playing the game until you gained the upper hand.
After she handed you the money, you left the room, wondering if you could contact Sam again. Maybe at the restaurant far away from her prying eye. Racing down the stairs, you stepped out on to the sidewalk, heading straight for the restaurant. It was crowded and you were grateful. Placing your order, you asked for the phone, giving a stupid excuse that they seemed to by. Dialing Sam's number, you waited nervously for him to answer.
"Hello?" He asked, the sound of a horn honking echoing on his side.
"Sam, it's me!" You exclaimed. "Where are you?"
"Almost there." He answered, laying on the horn once again. "What's going on? I didn't think I'd hear from you again."
"She has Dean up in the room. She ordered me to get food. But I don't think we'll be here very long. She has plans, a lot of them, and they all wrap around Dean. I'm afraid she's going to shove me to the side, and I won't be able to help him then."
"I did some quick research, and I've figured out how to kill her. I've got a golden knife dipped in the blood of a lamb. Stab it three times into her heart, and she won't be able to come back." He told you, just as the hostess gestured angrily at you.
"Sam, I've got to go." You muttered. "Please hurry up."
Hanging up, you took the bags of food from the angry hostess, heading back out into the cool night air. Walking back down the sidewalk, you wished for the sight of a shiny black car pulling up, but when you made it to the revolving doors it still wasn't there.
"Please hurry Sam." You whispered, before making your way up the stairs, hoping that Dean hadn't gotten himself into too much trouble while you were gone.
As you rounded the corner, a hand reached out grasping you by the upper arm, pulling you into the shaded alcove. "What are you...Sam?"
"Shh," He warned, glancing around warily. "I'm glad I caught you."
"You got here faster than I expected." You answered, balancing the food in your arms.
"I was pretty much behind you the entire way. But Y/N, you're going to have to kill her. I can't get close to her like you can." He insisted, handing you the blade that was still freshly red.
"But Sam..." You argued. "She's using me to control Dean, and vice versa. If I even attempt this, she might kill him!"
Running his hands through his hair, he grimaced down at you. "It's our only chance at killing her. I know you can figure out a way. Now go before she gets concerned."
Hiding the knife in the back of your pants, you made your way back to the room, peeking inside as you opened the door. Brigid was sprawled across the bed, wearing a luminescent robe that fancier than anything you had ever seen. Dean was laying next to her, looking extremely displeased. He wasn't bound, at least by physical objects, but he wasn't making any attempt to move.
"I was beginning to worry." Brigid murmured, sitting up and settling the robe around her.
"I'm so sorry. They were very busy." You explained as you placed the food on the table. Pulling out the containers, your mind was abuzz, completely centered on the knife hiding in your pants, and if you were going to have a chance to use it.
"Y/N..." She purred, standing so much closer to you than you had expected. Running her hand down your cheek, you gazed up into her crystal blue eyes, having no choice. She was pushing her power, and you could feel your self-control slowly fade away.
"Brigid please." You whispered, as her hand slid down, wrapping around your neck.
"I thought we wouldn't have this issue. You seemed easy to control. I thought you would be the perfect hand maiden. But I can sense the fight in you, and I can also smell that other man. What have you been doing?" She whispered near your ear, loud enough though that Dean could hear them as well.
With huge eyes, he struggled to climb off the bed, her hold on him forgotten as she dealt with you. Trying to keep your eyes trained on her, you feigned ignorance. "Brigid, please. I don't know what you're talking about. I just aim to please you."
"If you want to please me," She purred, glancing back at Dean who froze instantly. "Then take that blade out of your pocket."
Unable to control your shaky hand, you watched as it reached into your back pocket, following her commands, not yours. "Brigid, no!" Dean yelled, moving to race forward, but with a swish of her hand, he went flying, his head connecting with the corner of the nightstand.
"Why do people have to ruin everything?" She screamed, as the knife wielding hand came up to your chest, the tip only an inch away from your skin. "We would have been happy!"
"Brigid, you can't control people, it's not right!" You argued, watching as her eyes widened.
"How are you even able to fight it? No one's ever been able to slip from my control!" She screamed, as the knife continued to press in, no matter how hard you tried to stop it.
Fighting as hard as you could, you were shocked when the blade stopped moving, and you were able to turn your hand.
"How are you..." She muttered, before you had enough strength to slam the knife into her chest. Again, and again, the blade sunk into her chest, until you had stabbed her three times.
"No..." She muttered, as her body collapsed onto the floor. Her once beautiful skin shriveled up, turning into a pile of dust.
Breathing heavily, you dropped the knife, before dropping to your knees beside Dean. He was just coming to, rubbing his head where a large goose egg had formed. "Y/N?" He asked groggily, and you smiled down at him.
"She's gone. We're free!" You exclaimed, making sure he was okay before racing over to the hotel's phone and dialing Sam's number. After quickly giving your room number, you unlocked the door before helping a wobbly Dean to his feet.
"How did you do it?" He asked, wincing as he stood to full height.
"Later. First let's get out of here before anything happens." You muttered, guiding Dean out of the room just as Sam showed up.
"Is it done?" He asked, and you glanced over your shoulder.
"It's finished. Brigid can't bully anyone again." You assured him before the three of you headed towards the back stairs, away from Brigid's pile of dust.
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