Ending it
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The trees coming towards you were vibrant, their leaves swaying in the breeze. The radio was off, the sound in the cab of the car eerily quiet, even though your Dad was screaming from the holy water burning his skin. Calmly, you watched as the trees came flying towards you, okay with dying if it meant your father was gone as well.
"This isn't over!" He screamed as the sound of shredding metal and cracking wood filled the silence. With your seatbelt holding you, you were slammed to the side as the car slid slightly down the hill, before crashing into another tree, stopping your descent. With blood oozing down your face, you tried to blink away the dizziness, but soon darkness over took you.
Pain emitted from every limb in your body. Your head pounded, your eye crusted shut. You could hear shouting from above you, then screaming, and you struggled to pull yourself from the darkness that wanted to consume you. Struggling to wake up, you were able to pry your seat belt off, wincing as it rubbed against a deep cut on your shoulder. With your door crushed against the tree, you had to climb over to the driver's side, wincing as the shattered glass sliced your hands. Shoving the door open, you tumbled down to the ground, the fallen leaves cushioning your fall.
Breathing heavily, you brushed your hand across your forehead, wincing when you pressed against a huge welt there, still oozing blood. Using the car door as leverage, you stood up, wobbly at first, your headache almost unbearable as you gained your feet.
The car had slid down a little hill, far enough that you couldn't see the road. The trees you had originally crashed into were visible, scarred and broken. A branch stuck out towards the bottom, and it was there you could just make out your Father's body, grotesquely stuck to the tree, blood pouring from the large wound in his chest.
Making your way to the back of your car, you were able to pry the trunk open. Pushing through the items thrown inside, you grabbed the Angel blade that Cas had given you a couple of weeks ago, knowing it would be enough to finish the job.
Using the trees and their roots as leverage, you made your way up the steep incline, almost losing your balance and falling a couple of times. Finally, you came to the top of the hill, and what you saw disturbed you. Another car had stopped to help, a family of four. The car was pulled off to the side of the road, the doors opened as they had raced to help. The kids lay lifeless in the car, their parents dead on the side of the road.
"How dare they think they could help me." Your father spat, staring down at the lifeless bodies with hatred. "Stupid pathetic humans."
"You didn't have to kill them all." You exclaimed, staring in horror at the family who had just wanted to help. With tears in your eyes, you limped towards the man who had once been everything to you. He had been the man you had looked up to, the man who had first taught you to ride a bike. He had always been there for you, and you hated the fact that they ruined your father's memory by turning him into a demon.
"Y/N, you don't have to do this." He argued, seeing the blade in your hand, and the sad look of defeat in your eyes. "We can work something out. I'll even let you go back to those two morons." He pleaded, trying to say anything to get you to stop what he knew was coming.
"You've given me no choice." You answered him, ignoring the sound of the car roaring down the road. "You took the man I looked up to, the man who held me tight when my feelings were hurt. Who first taught me to use a gun. You took those memories and turned him into a Monster. And I can't let you hurt anyone else."
Just as the car pulled to a stop behind you, you raised the blade, struggling to hold it to your father's heart. He was doing everything in his power to stop you, but he was weakening, and you both knew it. Pushing against his hold, you pressed the knife against his skin, just as you heard your name called out. Glancing back in surprise, you saw Dean standing there, his eyes wide as Sam and Cas came to join him.
"I have to do this." You yelled out, to yourself as much to them. It was true. You needed to be the one to finish this. To end this monster masquerading as your Father. To bury him back in the ground and try to remember only the good things about him. Not this Demonic version.
With a scream, you sank the blade deep into his chest, watching as his body flashed orange. With only seconds to live, he stared down at you, his eyes once again full of the kindness and love you had always known. "Thank you Y/N. I love you baby girl." He said softly before his head lolled to the side, and your Dad was once again gone from this world.
Letting go of the blade as if it burned your hand, you took a step backwards, your legs once again wobbly and threatening not to hold you up. With a gasp, you felt yourself falling to the ground, but suddenly Dean was there, catching you and holding you tight to his chest. "Dean, I'm..." You started to apologize, but he stopped you.
"Don't. You don't need to apologize. Let's just get you out of here." He mumbled against your skin, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before carrying you to the Impala. Trying to peer around his broad shoulder, you saw Sam and Cas taking care of the family across the street.
"Cas!" You yelled out, and he turned to look your way. "Will they go to heaven?"
"They are already there." He assured you. "Together."
Feeling a little bit better, you let Dean slide into the backseat of the Impala with you, glad to once again be cradled in his arms. "How did you find me?"
"Cas." Dean answered simply. "He kept an eye out for you while Sam and I headed this way, and let us know the moment the car crashed. I just wish I could have been here sooner."
Closing your eyes, you rested your head against his chest, the headache just a dull throb. He stayed with you while his brother and friend cleaned up the signs of the wreck, grabbing the rest of your belongings from your mangled car.
About ten minutes later they were back at the Impala, storing your stuff in the trunk. Sam slid behind the wheel, turning back to peer at you and Dean. "Where to?" He asked.
"Home." Dean answered, his hold tightening slightly around you. "Let's head home."
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