Part 3
The bell over the chimed as Harry stepped inside and looked around, he had made sure to come a good fifteen minutes before he expected Ron and Hermione to show. Outside the weather had been clear and slightly warm but the large windows inside showed their distant countryside with an overcast sky and a gentle drizzle of rain. The counter was empty except for Brynhildr who slowly opened her golden eyes to stare at him in annoyance.
"Err..." Harry stepped closer to the counter feeling a right berk as he asked the black cat, "Is Draco here?"
She blinked slowly and sat up with a yawn, turning half around and letting out a single very loud meourw at the aviary door.
"I'll be right there!" came Draco's muffled return.
Harry stared at Brynhildr.
Brynhildr stared at Harry.
He held out his hand and she politely sniffed his fingertips, then sneezed and looked annoyed at him.
"Sorry," Harry said quietly, only wondering why he'd said it after he'd pulled his hand back.
The aviary door opened revealing a harried looking Draco, his hair looked to have been thoroughly owl groomed from both shoulders. Merlin was still perched on top of his head looking pleased with himself.
"Uh...There's-" Harry pointed up at the top of his own head before Draco could close the door.
Draco started to look up, jostling Merlin so that he hooted in annoyance. He closed his eyes slowly like he was doing his utmost not to lose his temper. "Merlin," he ground out with far more patience than Harry would have had, "go inside."
The little owl hooted defiantly, gripping tighter to Draco's hair.
Draco clenched his jaw, "Now."
Merlin huddled slightly and then quickly flew back through. Draco closed the door and sagged against the wood.
"Rough day?" Harry asked rocking back on his heels.
"Mordred is molting and it makes him such an irritable wanker," Draco said rubbing his temple. He started suddenly as he realized who he was talking to, standing up and perfunctorily straightening his waistcoat, a pale blue this time, grey shirt and black trousers, as he walked over to the counter. "Have you decided to get an animal after all?" Draco asked, brushing a few stray strands of hair behind his ear. Harry couldn't help noticing the faint flush on the top of his cheeks.
"Potter?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow with a faint smirk.
Harry jumped and felt his face get warm, "I- Erm, no it's-" he licked his lips nervously and looked down at his hands gripping the edge of the counter top, "There's a cat I think would be a good fit for Ron and Hermione so they're coming by in a bit." He looked up to see Draco's reaction.
Draco stiffened, "...Is that so."
Harry nodded, "I thought I ought to warn you beforehand."
Draco took a deep slow breath in, "Right," he said to himself. He took his wand out from his sleeve and then pulled the ribbon free from his hair, cream coloured so it nearly blended in. His hair shook loose in waves, ringing around his cheeks, looking soft as anything. Draco aimed his wand at himself and murmured a string of charms that combed his hair smooth, pulled it back and then neatly retied the ribbon. He touched the sides of his hair very carefully, "How does it look?"
"Why am I asking you?" he tsked to himself, "You probably don't even own a comb much less know how to use one."
"I have eyes," Harry said irritably.
Draco hesitated for just a half a second before saying, "Well then?" He lifted his chin and turned to show Harry his profile.
Harry felt his irritation eclipsed by embarrassment. He cleared his throat, gaze flicking down to his hands again, his voice coming out a little too soft, "You look good."
Draco was flushing again when Harry dared to look at him.
Draco frowned faintly and let out a little huff, "Which cat?"
"What?" Harry blinked.
"Which cat are they coming in to look at?" he elaborated.
Harry felt disappointed somehow and wanted to shake himself, "Oh. The grey one. Garni? Grainy?"
"Grani." Draco corrected with a faint smile, "Really, Potter, it's-"
The bell over the door chimed and Harry turned to find Hermione, alone and looking surprised to see Harry. The surprise didn't last long as her natural curiosity took hold and she took in all the changes in the small shop. When she finished her initial perusal and turned back toward them she was smiling, her eyes shining with excitement and approval. "I thought I'd come early and have a look around but it seems you've already beat me to it, Harry," she touched his arm briefly as she walked past him to the two doors behind the counter, "These are for the cats and birds?" she asked, "May I take a quick look?"
Hermione hardly waited for Draco's nod before briefly opening each door and sticking her head inside. "Wonderful," She said breathlessly and she stepped back, closing the aviary door. She turned to Draco and repeated, "Wonderful." She took a bracing breath, her back going ramrod straight, and then held out her hand to Draco, fingers straight and stiff like she was closing a business deal.
Harry saw Draco glance at him, his eyes a little too wide with uncertainty as he slowly reached out his own hand and they shook hands briefly.
"I can't say I understand or deserve what just happened," Draco said carefully, "but I am grateful nonetheless. I was fairly certain I was in for a broken nose at our next meeting."
Hermione had started looking around the room again, holding her hair back as she peered through the tops of the tanks lining the walls. "If you hadn't changed then maybe," she flashed him a brief reassuring smile, "but you have. You certainly won Harry over and now I see why." She lingered over one of the puffskein tanks.
Harry felt himself flush and refused to look over.
"Really," Draco said, and Harry could hear the raised eyebrow in his tone.
"I'm primarily working on werewolf and house-elf rights now but I've drafted a few proposals that I hope to curb animal cruelty, provided I can get someone on the Wizgamot to even take a look at them."
Draco's eyes glittered with interest and soon he and Hermione were in a heated conversation about control versus protection and doing what was best for the animal rather than just what made the wizarding community happiest. Harry leaned against the counter next to Brynhildr and she tolerated him petting her.
"You should start with the mail owl breeder used by the ministry," Draco said hands braced on the counter, "There's never been competition for the job and the breeder doesn't treat their animals well, cramped cages, poor food, inbreeding, they have shorter lifespans as well."
On the other side of the counter Hermione pulled a notepad and pen from her pocket and began taking notes, "I'll look into it in my spare time," she said absently.
Harry snorted, "Spare time, sure."
Hermione elbowed him sharply.
"You had a cat back in school didn't you, Ms. Granger?" Draco asked, "A large orange cat?"
Hermione nodded as she stuffed her notebook away, "Crookshanks. He's getting older now. That's why I agreed to come look. I do worry that I'll be too busy for a younger cat though."
"Ron will have time though," Harry said.
Hermione laughed, "Ron doesn't really like cats."
"He doesn't like Crookshanks. He'll like Grani. I think they'll fit together," Harry said still petting Brynhildr. He looked up when it went quiet, "What?"
"For Ron? Really? He's never shown interest in having a pet." Hermione's brow furrowed.
Harry said, "He's never picked one out on his own either. Scabbers and Pig were both given to him."
"And you've picked out this one," Draco said pointedly.
Harry glared at him briefly, "I'm not going to do anything. If they like each other then great and if not, then that's fine too. It was just an idea I had."
The bell chimed gently as Ron stepped inside, a ragged whistle fading on his lips, "Am I late?" he asked.
"We were early," Hermione said and turned to Draco, "Shall we?"
Draco nodded and went to the blue cat door and stepped inside. He told the cats, "Best behavior please, if you can manage," as he held the door open for the three of them to file in.
Harry stepped out the way to the back corner, attracting the attention of a few of the cats from the day before.
Hermione gravitated to one of the windows filled with koi, "This is amazing! We should put a window like this for Crookshanks!"
Ron was in last and Draco closed the door behind him, leaning back against the frame silently.
"Cor this is a lot of cats," Ron said looking around.
Grani had jumped down from a high shelf zeroing in on Draco but froze in his tracks when Ron came in. His eyes fixed on Ron and when Ron looked at him, his tail and the fur along his spine puffed up. They stared at each other.
"What's with you?" Ron asked.
Grani very slowly walked closer to Ron, every move stiff until he reached his legs and began sniffing them in earnest, occasionally glancing up at Ron and slowly going from startled to interested. Ron stayed still, mostly out of confusion, until Grani stretched up, hooking his claws into Ron's jeans like he was trying to pull him down and let out a single loud meow.
Ron dropped down onto his knees, holding out a hand, "You're a strange one aren't you?"
Grani eagerly pressed against Ron's hand and then his knees, legs, winding around his back and around the other side, clumsily climbing onto Ron's lap and pressing his cheek against Ron's chest, all the time working up a purr so loud it filled the room. Ron grinned hugely, running his hand over Grani's back, all other cats forgotten.
Hermione mouth was an O of surprise that was quickly replaced with an excited smile as she went over and sat next to Ron, leaning against his arm. Together the two of them talked in quiet whispers as Grani stayed fixed to Ron's lap demanding his attention.
Draco silently crossed the room to Harry, four cats in his wake, running ahead and close enough behind to trip him up but somehow never quite managing it. He stood by Harry's shoulder, cats quickly jumping up the shelves and climbing trees to get close. Draco kept his voice quiet so it wouldn't carry, "I hate to admit it, Potter, but I am very slightly impressed."
"Very slightly?" Harry repeated, raising his eyebrows with a faint smile.
Draco said, "Very, very slightly."
"Got to be careful with all that praise. I wouldn't want to get a big head," Harry said sarcastically.
"We certainly can't have that," Draco smirked.
The little siamese meowed loudly at being ignored and was rewarded with a scratch under the chin and a fond smile from Draco that made Harry's chest feel tight. He internally chastised himself for feeling jealous over a cat. Especially, when the bloke in question wanted nothing to do with him.
"We'll take him," Hermione's voice broke through Harry revere.
Draco went over to them and soon they were all out in the main shop again, Grani hanging over Ron's shoulder as he purred so hard you could see the vibrations across the cat's skin. Draco transfigured a cat wand with feathers into a basket to carry Grani home. Ron was so keen on the idea of the cat wands he bought three others and paid for everything himself. He carried Grani's basket tight to his chest, talking into the wicker weave in a comforting, reassuring tone as Hermione held the door open for him and Harry followed them out onto the street.
Hermione stopped Harry with a touch on the arm, "We're headed to the nearest floo. You should stay."
"Stay?" Harry's brow furrowed.
"Of course," Hermione huffed, patting his arm, "You could have told us you fancied him."
"He does?" Ron looked up from his basket.
"I do?" Harry said faintly.
Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes. You're terribly obvious when you like someone, Harry."
Harry felt himself flush, "I am?"
"It's true, mate," Ron said.
Harry tugged at the bottom of his shirt, "You aren't bothered?"
Ron and Hermione looked at one another.
"It's weird," Ron shrugged.
Hermione looked thoughtful, "It makes sense in a way."
Ron added, "but he's really fit, in a victorian ponce sort of way."
Harry's eyebrows shot up.
"Do I need to be jealous?" Hermione teased with a laugh.
Ron glared at them, "No. It was just an observation. I'm going home before the transfiguration wears off." He stomped off down the street.
Hermione laughed and gave Harry's arm a quick squeeze. "Good luck! Tell us how it goes!" she said, running after Ron.
Harry made his way back into the shop still flushed with embarrassment and certain he'd need a lot more than luck.
"Did you forget something?" Draco asked. He had his ledger out and was carefully writing in Ron's purchase.
Harry hesitated, "Err, I forgot to say goodbye to Brynhildr?"
The black cat sat up with interest, sweeping her fluffy tail back and forth over the edge of the counter.
Draco gave him a curious look, "Well, go on then. She's still not for sale, no matter how fond you are of her."
"Right," Harry said faintly, walking up to the counter and carefully petting Brynhildr. He always felt he was just on the edge of getting bitten by the prim cat with her sharp eyes. He chewed his bottom lip absently, twitching his hand away when Brynhildr's ears flattened.
Draco smirked, "The great hero. The auroring must be going well." He added bitterly, "Catching dark wizards and other assorted evildoers."
Harry shrugged, "If they're going to do a raid or arrest a suspect that's a good duelist they still call me in. Not very often though."
Draco narrowed his eyes briefly, "The great Harry Potter, rescuing kneazles from trees?"
Harry frowned at the moniker, "Not very often. I mean it's only the kids that haven't learned levitation spells yet."
Draco looked mildly horrified, "I was joking."
Harry sighed and brushed his hand through his hair, "I'm not good at the big investigations or stakeouts. There's a lot of waiting, a lot of figuring things out and..." he chewed on his lip, looking down at his hands, "It reminds me too much of the war. We spent so much time waiting, hiding, trying to solve this thing and time was running out, people dying with every minute wasted... Fuck, " He tsked to himself, "Sorry, no one likes talking about the war. It boils down to this: I can do it and I'm pretty good at it, but it's not good for me."
Draco shifted his weight looking uncomfortable, "What are you doing then?"
"Oh," Harry smiled faintly, "I'm one of three officers that patrol Hogsmeade. It's nice. Everyone there knows me. I don't get treated like well," he shrugged and said sarcastically, " the great hero."
Draco raised an eyebrow, "I can't imagine there's much to do."
"Most days it's pretty quiet. It when Hogwarts has Hogsmead weekend that things get hectic," Harry said.
"Such as?" Draco said, leaning forward slightly and resting his elbows on the counter, his ledger forgotten.
Harry nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, "Fights, rowdiness with broken windows and what-have-you. The occasional miscast spell can cause some trouble. Shoplifting."
"What do you do with a student if they're caught stealing?" Draco asked.
Harry's brow furrowed, "...The first time, I give them a lecture, have them apologize to the shopkeeper. If it happens again, I talk with Headmistress. Third time, I talk with their parents. I wish that fixed everything but when it reaches a third time, the kid is either acting out or poor and the parents can't do anything to help one and might be the cause of the other. I do what I can and get Witch and Wizard Welfare involved if I have to." Harry realized he was rambling and stopped himself. When he looked up he found Draco watching him with an expression on his face Harry couldn't read.
"Still playing the hero," Draco said with what was probably intended to be a smirk but mainly looked like a smile. He tried to hide it by quickly looking back down at his ledger, returning to filling in the newest entry.
Harry felt his heart jump in his chest and suppressed the urge to curse in frustration. Despite his misgivings, Harry hazarded, "There's this nice Indian place just down the way if you-"
"I've been there I think. On the corner? Not sure I would ever go again." Draco said closing his ledger with a snap and putting it back under the counter.
Harry sighed and pushed his hands into his pockets and turned to the door, "I'll be off then."
He hoped, rather hopelessly he would admit, that Draco would call him back or even offer the same generic shopkeeper line he had last time, but Draco hardly hummed a vague goodbye as Harry left.
Harry scuffed his shoe against the dark cobbles outside and decided it would be best if he didn't come back.
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