Destiny ep2
Haiku:this school is so big!
A student:you must be the new student let me take you to the principal Office
Student:principal I bring the new kid
Principal:you must be haiku right?
Principal:rinne you can go to class
Rinne:bye haiku
Haiku:bye(her name is rinne so cute)
Principal:you know how to use Magic right
Haiku:how do you know?
Principal:long story,when you are born,something happen in the magic world
Haiku:wait magic world
Principal:yes, there is a magic world and that thing is they were looking at the future and they saw the world will be taking over by darkness. So they decide to spread magic power over the world
Haiku:so I am one of this people who has magic spread into me?
Principal:no not really you got magic when you born it seen like you got the power to save everyone
Haiku: by my self?
Principal:no not really I think there are two more person.
Haiku:oh,but I don't understand how could I get magic?
Principal:it seen like your mom and dad has never tell you
Principal:your mother and father both Is a really strong magician that can use strong power
Haiku:what! I never know about this !
Principal:however all the student in this school knows magic so don't be shy
--The principal is gone--
Haiku:she gone?
Rinne:hi I'm your roommate let me show you around the school
Haiku:thank, my name is haiku
Rinne:what a good name, my name is rinne my magic is to talk to animals
Rinne: thank you
--After they finish --
Haiku:I need to use the restroom
Rinne:ok , turn right then turn left
Haiku:ok need to go(running)
Haiku:finish, let's go find rinne(run)ah( bump into a boy)
Rinne:are you done?
Rinne:why are you face red?
Haiku:I accidentally bump into a boy
Haiku:don't laugh at me
Rinne:I won't 😊
Haiku's stomach:gggggouuooo
Rinne:oh your hungry, let's go eat dinner
Haiku:0//^//0 sure
--After eating--
Rinne:I got your uniform, try it
--5min later--
Rinne:are you finish?
Haiku:yes,but this weird
Rinne:your so cute
Haiku:it don't look weird ?
Rinne:no you look really cute
Rinne: is 10:00pm already! We need to sleep
Haiku:good night😊
Rinne :good night😊
Ep3 coming soon....
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