The first thing I can register vividly is the vast darkness that surrounds me. I'm not sure where I am, but I can feel the harsh winds beating my face mercilessly. Blinking hard, I frantically try to get my wings to work but it seems immobile, almost paralysed. Clutching wildly I try to grasp anything to stop the maddening free fall that I'm subjected to. I find my hands grab at thin air. I finally feel my body hit the cold. Groaning, I try sitting up, my back aching a little, cursing my wings for failing me when I needed them the most.
I touch my back, feeling the wet sticky liquid between my fingers and curse mentally. I could try healing myself. Opening my palm, I point a finger.
What, you didn't.
I was relinquished of all magic, considering I was bleeding heavily, my wings didn't work anymore and I couldn't even ignite a minute light.
My legs buckled as I tried standing up, and I fell to the floor again hard. .
Cold floor tiles. I knew there would be dirty mess here by the time I left. If I could ever get to leave that is. I wondered what Aphrodite did with Adrian; she was the reason all this madness started. I could only hope that he was safe. My vision blurred, as the day;s events replayed and a lazy smile stretched across my lips.
"Come on," I whispered. "We don't have time. I found a place for us. I don't want to waste a Friday, one of the days I can see and hear you sing."
"You're gonna get us in trouble, Cassius." Adrian looked around. I wished he'd let go a little but we both knew if we were found out, he'd be punished far more severely than I.
Golden apple orchards with saffron and aging leaves turning in the whistling air. I sighed, as I lay in Adrian's lap.
"Sing for me," I said softly. Fridays were the only day I could listen to the music of a half siren while watching him without being turned to stone.
Adrian chuckled, his eyes glinting in the bright sun. He began to sing, the notes flowing effortlessly, his voice making me go still. I could see the birds stop and turn their heads, the leaves lean toward him. Elysium bent towards him. I reached out and touched his cheek, smiling softly as his eyes flew open.
"I felt like I was in heaven," I sighed, looking into his blue eyes.
"We are in heaven," he corrected, laughing softly.
"Oh, are you now?"
Both of our heads snapped in the direction of the voice as Aphrodite narrowed her eyes at me.
"What do you think you're doing, Cassius? Do you think associating with this monster who sings like a maiden is going to bring you peace?"
I rolled my eyes, sitting up. "Why does it bother you, oh god of love?" I said mockingly. "Aren't you supposed to pair people?"
"With monsters? Do you realise he's the product of a siren and an angel? Too masculine to be underwater and too feminine to be a guardian angel, " she cackled, shaking. "Certainly not."
She pulled Adrian by the hand, as I noticed blood flow in clean strips, where she held him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he was begging. "Please."
"What are you going to do with him?" I spat, my jaw clenching.
She turned around and gave one of the vilest smiles I had even seen her grace. "You will be banished and this fellow," she scraped her finger across his cheek, drawing blood. "He will live alone; sing alone, until I rip his vocal chords out."
"What is wrong with you?" I ran, catching up to her. "Are you insane? Are you jealous that one of your minions found love before you did?"
I could see Adrian shaking his head wildly at me from the corner of my eye, as I burned my gaze into her. Within the close range, I saw her smile vanish, her veins bulge almost as if they would pop.
My eyes flew open as I felt someone call my name. I could not tell if I was imagining things as a searing pain shot up my shoulder and I clutched it. I wanted to call back, ask for help. Anything at this point of point of time would be nice.
I froze. What was he doing here? He was supposed to up there. Did he somehow escape her wrath?
My throat felt hoarse as I called out. "Adrian!"
I did not care if I couldn't speak anymore, I could feel myself losing grip on the world. The sound of his fast footsteps echoed throughout the empty space and I braced myself as I called him again. I felt spots in my vision as I struggled to get up painfully.
Blinking, I try making out his figure but before I can, I feel arms around me as I hear his gasp.
"You're bleeding!"
I chuckled lightly, as his eyes illuminated, and they shone with tears. "I'm sorry!" he cried out, shaking uncontrollably.
"We had good times, Adrian, let me cherish that. Sing for me," I echo. He shakes his head vigorously knowing full well today was a Tuesday.
"Please, if I die, let your voice be the last I may hear," I entwine my fingers in his and press a kiss to his palm.
Adrian holds me as I close my eyes. He issinging a song, one of my favourites. ParadiseHymn. I tune in to his sweet melodic voice just as I hear a chugging soundwith a squeal. My eyes widen. The train is approaching. I look up at Adrian whohasn't heard it yet and I reach one of hands back and tug at my wings to foldit across his frame. He looks down at me just as the train hits him and Ivanish with his last tune ringing in my head.
Word count: 991
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