Chapter Three, Trouble a Foot
Gwaine was humming to himself as he walked back down the market. He'd already brought the necklace and a dress to go with it. Surprisingly, the vendor offered the dress to him for less than he was selling it at as it was for Merlyn. Apparently Merlyn had tended to his son for three days and didn't give up on him and refused to leave the boy and refused to take any payment. And he wasn't the only one who held Merlyn in such high regard either. Right now though, he was just browsing the stalls taking in all that Camelot has to offer. He hated Uther and all that he stood for, but he couldn't deny that Camelot truly was beautiful, and he could stay here for his Merlyn bird. He will definitely have to look for work as he would be staying here permanently, and perhaps a place of his own as he couldn't keep taking up the sickbed, but for now he was happy to just explore the city.
Deep within the forest two unsuspecting Knights didn't know their lives were about to be brutally cut short all because of a revenge plot to kill Prince Arthur Pendragon.
"How much further would you say it is to Camelot?" The sandy haired Knight asked his companion.
"Half a day's ride. The journey is almost over." The darker haired Knight replied. The two Knights had no idea their would-be killers were in the trees on the hill watching and listening as they planned their attack.
"It is for you." The bald thug said with a wicked smirk upon his face as he ran at them.
"Oswald!" The sandy haired Knight shouted in warning. But Sir Oswald was unfortunately too slow to react and fell to the floor dead before he could draw his own sword.
The other Knight however, was not so slow, and leapt to his feet sword in hand at the death of his friend, preparing to face down this foe. Whether he was too cocky or too consumed with grief and revenge which was the reason why he didn't check his surroundings, we will never know. But it was ultimately his undoing as the other thug, Ebor, snuck up behind him and killed him with his own Stalone blade. It seemed this was their plan all along and their plan for revenge was starting to take fruition.
"Dagger!" Ebor shouted when a servant came out of the tent. Spinning around the now-named- thug gripped a throwing dagger and hurled it at the servant as he tried to run. Killing him instantly.
"The crystals!" Dagger demanded of his companion, holding out his hand expectantly.
Ebor threw his sword into the ground and pulled the box containing the crystals out of his jacket pocket. Once the box was opened Dagger took one of the crystals and wiped Sir Oswald's blood on it. As soon as the blood made contact with the crystal a ringing sound could be heard as the crystal glowed the same golden light as before showing the enchantment was now active. Smirking Dagger placed the chain around his neck so the crystal rested on his chest, a moment later Dagger's appearance changed and he was now the spitting image of Sir Oswald who was lying dead at his feet. Even his weather worn clothing had changed to match Sir Oswald's armour.
"You look good, Dagger." Ebor complimented rather gruesomely considering he was now impersonating a dead Knight.
"Sir Oswald." Dagger said firmly.
"Sorry, Sire." Ebor apologised with a bow.
"That's alright. Your turn." Dagger said as he pulled the other crystal out of the box and held it out to him. "Then we can take our rightful place in the Mele." He continued, a malicious gleam in his eyes. Once Ebor had changed into the sandy haired Knight, and the bodies had been disposed of, they stole all of the Knights belongings including the horses and set off for Camelot. Later that day when Camelot's magnificent white Castle gleamed in the distance, they shared a look, their plan falling into place exactly as they knew it would.
As soon as they entered the courtyard they were greeted by the very person they were plotting to kill.
"Sir Oswald!" Arthur called as he came hurrying down the steps, Merlyn just behind him. "Didn't think you'd be brave enough to show up." Arthur jested.
"And miss the chance of putting you on your backside?" 'Sir Oswald' asked as they hugged which only made Arthur laugh.
"You've never managed it before." Arthur said smugly.
"That was then. This is now." 'Sir Oswald' argued rather tensely though Arthur failed to pick up on it.
"Sir Ethan." 'Sir Ethan' introduced when Arthur looked at him confused.
"This is my maidservant, Merlyn." Arthur said, pointing at Merlyn who sent him a look. She just knew he was going to cause her trouble all because she was a few minutes late. "She loves hard work, so anything you need, just give her a call." Arthur said before his eyes widened at how that may be misinterpreted and rushed to correct himself. "Within reason, of course. I will not have her harmed in any way."
"Of course, and believe me, I will." 'Sir Oswald' said with a look Merlyn didn't like the look of and cursed Arthur in her mind. She knew these two Knights were going to cause her trouble and how right she was.
Later that night, when Merlyn had finally finished work after being messed about by Sirs Oswald and Ethan all day, she could finally retire to her chambers. She was exhausted, in agony, along with being thirsty and hungry and all she wanted was to have something to eat and drink and have a nice hot bath.
"Why do Knights have to be so pompous and arrogant!" Merlyn complained as she rubbed her arms as she made her way back to her chambers.
"Merlyn, I've got us some pea soup for dinner. Gwaine said he'll be back later." Gaius said with his back to Merlyn as he dished up their soups.
"Are you alright, Merlyn? You look weary to the bone." Gaius asked worriedly.
"I'm just exhausted, Gaius. Sir Oswald is worse than Arthur. I just want something to eat, drink some water, have a hot bath and then go to bed." Merlyn sighed as she sank bonelessly down into her seat at the table, gulping down a cup of water and then another.
"Slow down, Merlyn before you make yourself sick." Gaius chided as he watched his Ward eat her soup rather fast.
"I'm starving. Sir Oswald had me at his beck and call all day."
"How is he?" Gaius asked a frown marrying his forehead at what Merlyn had already revealed.
"Awful. He treats me like dirt. And the way he looks at me, Gaius, it's disgusting and I don't like it." Merlyn snapped, shivering at the reminder of those looks.
"That doesn't sound like the young man I knew." Gaius said, shocked. "He always struck me as a rather kind and thoughtful soul. And he would never treat a woman the way you just described or allow another to do it." He said frowning.
"Well, it seems Arthur's become kinder with age and he's become repulsive with age." Merlyn said sardonically. They were interrupted from their conversation when the door opened revealing Gwen.
"Hi Gwen, what's the matter?" Merlyn asked.
"Hi Merlyn, I'm fine, don't worry. But I think you better come with me, Gwaine's got a little carried away celebrating finding his Soulmate." Gwen informed her. Shaking her head bemusely Merlyn wiped her mouth and kissed Gaius' cheek before following Gwen into the Town to 'The Sun and Moon' Tavern. The pair of them talking about their day as they went.
"Merlyn bird!" Gwaine exclaimed as soon as she entered the Tavern with Gwen. "There's my beautiful Soulmate." Gwaine exclaimed causing a blush to appear on Merlyn's cheeks and a man to grab Gwaine who was swaying on his feet.
"'Ere." The owner said, thrusting the bill into Merlyn's hands. She couldn't stop her eyes widening at the content of the bill.
"You drank all this!" Merlyn exclaimed incredulously.
"With some help from my new friends!" Gwaine replied, swaying on his feet as the said 'friends' cheered.
"He says he hasn't got any money. So it looks like you'll have to pay." The odious Tavern owner snarled as he gripped Merlyn's arms tightly.
"Oi! Let go of my Merlyn!" Gwaine shouted angrily. Merlyn who could feel her magic bubbling under her skin tried to quickly regain control of the situation.
"I can't afford this, but Prince Arthur will as he said Gwaine could have anything he wants." Merlyn said quickly which caused the owner to release her revealing the start of bruises on her arms. Which did not impress Gwaine. Not at all.
"You've hurt her!" Gwaine bellowed.
"Gwaine, just leave it." Merlyn said as she put one of his arms around her shoulders and wrapped her own around his waist. "Thank you Gwen. Goodnight." She said to her friend as they left the Tavern and made their way back to their chambers.
"I'm sorry Merlyn bird." Gwaine apologised, his words slurring together. "I brought you some presents earlier."
"It's okay, Gwaine. Let's just get home and thank you." Merlyn said softly as they finally reached the chambers.
"Merlyn, I have your bath already for you. Go and relax. I've put some muscle relaxers in the water." Gaius said as soon as they entered. "I'll check on the wound." He said firmly, taking Gwaine away from Merlyn.
Later that night, after Merlyn had a nice relaxing hot bath and had changed into her nightgown and Gwaine's bandage had been changed, the pair were sitting on Merlyn's bed talking so Gaius could get some sleep in the other room.
"You're the best friend I've ever had." Gwaine declared.
"You seem to have quite a few." Merlyn teased making the pair laugh.
"Oh, I'd love to see Arthur's face when he gets that bill." Gwaine laughed.
"What is it with you and nobles?" Merlyn asked curiously.
"Oh, nothing." Gwaine said nonchalantly. "My father was a Knight in Caerleon's army. He died in battle, leaving my mother penniless. And when she went to the King for help, he turned her away." Gwaine explained with some pent-up anger.
"I'm sorry Gwaine." Merlyn apologised resting her hand over his. "You didn't know him?" She asked.
"Thank you Merlyn." Gwaine said, squeezing her hand. "No. Just some stories I've been told."
"I know how that feels." Merlyn sighed, getting a confused look from Gwaine. "I met my father just briefly before he died."
"Why did he have magic too? I know you couldn't go into everything fully earlier, and I don't expect you to straight away." Gwaine asked.
"Yes. He was a DragonLord, like I am now. In the Great Purge Uther asked him to call the Great Dragon, Kilgharrah, here to make peace with it but he lied. My father fled with the help of Gaius and took refuge in Ealdor with my mother for a while. But Uther sent Knights to kill him, so he fled. When the dragon attacked after I freed him, Arthur and I found him living in a cave. He didn't know who I was but eventually I told him. We were on our way back to Camelot when Cenred's men attacked and my father died protecting me." Merlyn explained softly. She startled when Gwaine wiped away her tears, she didn't even realise she'd been crying.
"I'm so sorry, Merlyn." Gwaine said softly, his thumb rubbing against her cheekbone.
"Arthur's not like that. He's helped me free a few of my kind." Merlyn said softly, her cheeks tinting red a little.
"Ha!" Gwaine scoffed. "Maybe. But none of them are worth dying for. Anyway, I brought you something." Gwaine said, pulling his bag towards him with one hand, the other hand now resting on top of Merlyn's hand as he pulled out two wrapped packages. "Open them." He encouraged her.
Merlyn gasped as she opened the two packages revealing the blue sapphire necklace she'd been looking at earlier and a beautiful blue dress with a bronze clasp around the waist, it was a dress that would be fit for someone of a higher station than her. But they were beautiful.
"Gwaine, they're beautiful. Thank you." Merlyn gasped. "They're fit for a Princess." She said as she stood from the bed and held the dress out before her to get a better look. She felt like she didn't deserve them but she didn't want to say so in fear of seeming ungrateful. Which she wasn't.
"They are for a Princess. You Merlyn." Gwaine stated, smiling at the woman before him. "And you'll look lovely in it." He declared, getting a beautiful smile and a blush at his declaration. He was in love. There he said it. Gwaine the wanderer, Gwaine the son of Sir Dwayne was in love with Emrys and he wouldn't change it for anything.
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