Ministry Of Dark Magic
Hoseok & Jimin only accompanied Master Lee as he intended to bring Taehyun to see Soojin once more. "그는 나이에 비해 힘이 세요. 당신은 어떻게 생각하나요?" (His is powerful for age. What do you think ?) They made light hushed conversation. Jimin smiled, "태현이가 경쟁에서 앞서고 있어요. 우리조차도 그것과 경쟁할 수 없습니다." (Taehyun is ahead of the competition. Even we can't compete with that.)
They already were in their new official uniforms. Sleek black suits went a long way.
Taehyun was specially catered to. Soojin & Master Lee treated him like a son. Something he never really got to feel in general. Upon arriving, Soojin kissed Seungmin on the cheek. Master Lee was her Lee Seungmin. "Pleasure as always, Soojin."
Soojin turned her attention to Taehyun. "어떻게 적응하고 있나요? 막내 태현 씨입니다." (How are you adjusting ? Your our youngest official member, Taehyun.) Taehyun gave a smile as he tool a seat. "저는 황홀해요. 저는 ASAA에서 1년 안에 많은 발전을 했습니다." (I am ecstatic. I've progressed so much within a year at ASAA.)
Seungmin fetched Taehyun a water. They truly were holding him to a new standard. Soojin knew him well though. "I know you miss them, but don't forget you are doing this for yourself." Seungmin interjected, "Soojin is right. You should keep focus."
"Obsidian isn't joining us ?", Jimin asked seeming as everyone else of importance was present. Soojin sighed, "He is stepping back. He wants Taehyun to be the sole focus & embodiment of the society for the time being." Taehyun looked confused. "Time being ? Why does that sound so ominous."
Seungmin chuckled at the young sorcerer' behavior. "He wants you focused is all. No need to doubt your worth with us or the Ministry Of Dark Magic." Hoseok spoke next, "What should Jimin & I do in the meantime ? The ministry isn't exactly bursting with energy."
Soojin knew they were disappointed. The Ministry Of Dark Magic was nothing compared to the easiness of the Ministry Of Light Magic. "지금 당신의 일은 비밀 사회를 운영하는 것입니다. 승민이가 드디어 한 발짝 물러납니다." (For now your job is to run the secret society. Seungmin will be finally taking a step back.)
Jimin & Hoseok were shocked. "We're masters now ? Like we will continue training Taehyun ?" Seungmin smirked, "실망시키지 마세요, 두 분." (Don't let me down, you two.) Jimin smiled, "we won't."
Jimin & Hoseok went to meet with the Ministry Of Dark Magic. They were greeted by Raven 까마귀. She was the identical twin of Swan. "질문 있어요?" (Any questions ?) Raven showed them around. "다들 바쁘세요? 태현이에 대해서 아세요?" (Are you all caught up ? Do you know about Taehyun ?) It didn't matter who asked the question.
Raven smirked giving a small snicker. "태현이는 누구나 다 알아요. 그는 우리가 만난 마법사들 중 가장 힘이 세고 최연소입니다." (Everyone knows about Taehyun. He is the strongest & youngest sorcerer we've ever encountered.) She wasn't wrong. Hoseok was surprised, "Then you know that Jimin & I are Taehyun' new masters ?"
Raven gave a grin. "We are well aware. Glad you've been promoted to masters of The Obsidian Eye secret society." Jimin spoke up, "Can we see Obsidian ?" Raven lead them to a door. "He's right through this door."
They walked through & bowed upon seeing Obsidian. "아, 제가 보려고 했던 두 사람은요." (Ah, the two I've been meaning to see.) He had them sit & offered some light snacks. "What should we plan in the meantime for the ministry ?", Hoseok asked. Obsidian nodded. "여러분 중 한 명이 태현이를 계속 훈련시킬 거예요. 다른 하나는 다크 매직 부서를 개혁할 방법을 생각할 것입니다." (One of you will continue to train Taehyun. The other will think of ways to reform the Ministry Of Dark Magic.)
Jimin spoke up. "You think he will achieve it ? Knowledge beyond his 8th Year ?" Obsidian smirked wide, "I believe he can achieve it. That sorcerer is a fighter."
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