"Under Madam Hwang' Wings"
Taehyun POV
I took a seat at the empty table. To say the least I wondered what Madam Hwang wanted to discuss with me. She seemed intrigued that I accepted her offer at all. To just trust the process that were are learning unsanctioned magic within reason.
Madam Hwang took a seat across from me. "Are you absolutely sure, Taehyun ?" I nodded. I appreciated the other boys, but I needed to look out for myself. "I am sure of my choice. But what is your goal with this anyway ? Why this magic in particular ?"
Madam Hwang sighed. "My magic was no different than the magic the school teaches. I was tortured by my peers for the particular magic I possess. I want to build an army of powerful sorcerers & sorceresses."
She was honest. She wanted vengeance for what she endured by her peers. "So you've actually developed a magic considered demonic ?" Madam Hwang shook her head. "다크 아칸소 마술은 어쨌든 악마적인 것은 아니다. 그것은 우리 같은 사람들이 학교에서 8학년 이상의 발전을 할 수 있게 해 줄 것입니다." (Dark arcane magics are not demonic in anyway. It simply will allow people like us to exceed beyond the eighth year development at the school.)
"How are you going to make me believe that, huh ?", I asked not fully believing her. Develop beyond our 8th Year at ASAA ? Was that truly possible ? Madam Hwang prepared a bowl full of a dark liquid. "이것이 무엇을 증명할까요?" (What will this prove ?) "Take a deep breathe. Then simply submerge yourself in the water, Taehyun."
I did as she asked. As soon as I was submerged I was put in a room with a grand table. Across from me sat a cloaked person. "Who are you ?" The cloaked figure smirked. "It does not matter who I am. What matters is you, Taehyun." I took my seat across from the cloaked figure. "You're a spirit, right ? You come from the early age of sorcery, am I right ?"
The cloaked figure nodded. "그들은 저를 옵시디언이라고 부릅니다. 초기 시대의 첫 번째 마법사입니다." (They call me Obsidian. First sorcerer of the Early Age.) Now the secret society's name made sense. They follow an ancient sorcerer. "Why is it you ? Why are you fueling dark magic ?" Obsidian gave a grim expression. "마법의 영역에는 균형이 필요했습니다. 빛과 어둠의 아칸소 마법입니다. 저는 상대와 달리 어둠의 화신으로 선택되었습니다." (The magical realm needed balance. Light & dark arcane magic. I was chosen to be the embodiment of darkness unlike my counterpart.)
"Is it true that this path of magic will open sorcerers to magical power beyond their 8th year ?" Obsidian shook his head, "All it does is open your third eye. To open your mind to the possibilities before your graduate from your 8th year." I was intrigued. "Why before the 8th year ?" Obsidian didn't tread around what he meant. He told it to me straight. "It allows you to exercise choice during your graduation ceremony."
I was finally understanding what he meant. "By learning both magics it will give me a choice to join either path my graduating year ?" Obsidian nodded. "때가 되면 당신에게 맞는 것을 고르세요. 여러분의 동료나 친구들의 의견과 상관없이요." (Just choose what is right for you when the time comes. No matter the opinions of your peers or your friends.)
Pretty soon I woke up back in Madam Hwang' place drenched in the dark liquid. She handed me a vile with a sparkling silver liquid. "What is this ?" The look on her face indicated that it was important. "This vile is has a powerful potion inside. Drink this in a tea after your dark meditations."
I bid my farewells as I made my way back to the ASAA.
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