...remembering is painful...
Back at Skyhold, in Elijah's room Syllia paced back and forth as Elijah sat on his bed still confused at what the Nightmare meant back in the fade.
"Listen I'm not mad or accusing you of anything but we need to know what's going on" Syllia says slightly frustrated. Elijah also frustrated but with himself rubs his face with his hands and answers back.
"Look, if I knew what was going on I would tell you, but I don't know anything"
"Look, listen I'm worried about you we don't know what's going on and we don't want you to get hurt" Syllia says in a soft voice. "We're going to find out what's going on and we're going to fix it" Elijah smiled up to his friend before his smile fell and he just whimpers out.
"I'm scared" Cullen suddenly enters the room almost startling the two of them.
"Oh, sorry for startling you two" Syllia just waves it.
"It's okay is there something you need?"
"Oh, I just needed to talk to you"
"Okay, what is it?" Syllia asks but he shakes his head.
"No, not you" He then turns to Elijah. "You." In a purple haze a young man appears.
Syllia jumps back in shock.
"What are you?" Syllia looks to Elijah and sees that he looks horrified.
"Who are you?" Elijah asks.
"You don't recognise me?" The man asks. "Ugh, they told me you lost your memories" the man walks forward making Elijah move back against the wall against his bed. The man crouches down and takes Elijah's hand gently. "But it's going to be okay now, I'll take you back" Syllia runs forward to get the man away from Elijah. The man stands up and easily throws Syllia away slamming Syllia against the opposite wall.
"Don't" Elijah's voice shakes. "Hurt her" the man stares back.
"Wait, why do you care about a mortal? They told me they were holding you here."
The door slams open.
"I know you said I couldn't see Elijah, but I wanted...." Dorian's voice quietens down as he sees the scene in front of him. "To check on him." As the man looks at Dorian his face shifts from confusion to realisation to anger. As he looks back to Elijah.
"You've got to be kidding me. Really? A mortal?"
"Who are you?!" Dorian asks finally collecting himself. A sick grin spreads across the man's face as he walks towards Dorian. As he crosses the room his form shifts, once he reaches Dorian the man looks identical to Elijah. He continues to smile at Dorian before turning his attention towards Elijah. He then turns back to Dorian.
"You? Really? Of all the people he could bed, he chose you" At hearing this and seeing the look the man is giving Elijah, Elijah looks embarrassed at this.
"What are you talking about?" Dorian asks angrily. The man takes a step back looking between Syllia and Dorian seeming to have ignored what Dorian had said.
"But you don't really know what he is do you?"
"What are you talking about?" Elijah speaks up.
"You really don't remember? All the fun we used to have, the demons we used to torture, the nights we spent together" The man purred out making Dorian glare at the man. Elijah's face paled his eyes widened in fear as the man who still looked identical to Elijah got right into his face. "or that time you slaughtered that family" he turns back to Syllia and Dorian. "You really think he cares about you? He's the Demon Prince, ah there's so many things I could tell you. You think the Prince of Demons could ever care for a mortal?" The room was filled with deadly silence as the sound of armoured boots got closer to the room. The door that had shut behind Dorian was slammed again as several guards rushed through. As they did the man still looking at Elijah smiled once more before jumping out the window. Cullen enters the room looking out of the window.
"They're gone, what the hell happened here?" Cullen notices Syllia on the floor, he walks towards her and helps her up checking her for any injuries.
"How did you know we were in trouble?" Syllia asks.
"Cole, came and warned me something was wrong. Is Elijah okay?" They turn to see Elijah his legs curled up, his head in his hands looking very pale and shaking uncontrollably. Cole appears next to him.
"Twisted and confused, a mind fighting memories. You don't know who you are anymore." Elijah slowly looks up to look at Cole.
"I thought you couldn't read me?" Cole stands up takes a step back in fear before saying.
"It's screaming" In a puff of smoke Cole disappears. Cullen takes a step forward to check on Elijah when Syllia places her hand on his chest stopping him. Dorian instead walks forward and crouches down grabbing Elijah's hand comfortingly.
"It was lying, right?" Elijah slowly raises his head.
"I don't know"
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